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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Yeah, that's incompetence. Granted, most teams couldn't exploit that incompetence for 52 points, but I'm not feeling great about many of our tough matchups.
  2. http://i.imgur.com/ILs4P.png That put a smile on my face. For all the high profile people with awful marriages, here's a guy whose entire livelihood involved crass cynicism (genius crass cynicism, notwithstanding) and he had such a deep personal connection to his wife.
  3. Don't underestimate the power of "How come he gets a fridge and I don't ". Somebody made a Barry Bonds reference, which seems accurate. The difference was Bonds was the best player in the damn game. If Mario's not performing on the field, he certainly shouldn't be acting like he's superior off it.
  4. What's the problem? He took a bold risk and probably improved the quality of food there.
  5. For being a pretty important sports town, it seems Detroit athletics are treated with relative ambivalence.
  6. In my opinion, social intelligence is an underrated quality in truly great people. An intelligent man takes his $100 million, shoves it away (metaphorically) and blends in with the crowd. There are men on this team permanently risking their health for 1-2 seasons of $300,000 or so.
  7. But where is he making excuses? To paraphrase, Mario is saying that it hurts but he has to play better.
  8. Yeah, teams play just under half their season within the division.
  9. A big free agent signing has been disappointing over a small handful of games and the Bills are 2-2. For many, Mario Williams is a wimp and a thief. I guess that makes them feel better?
  10. People hear what they want to hear. Read what they want to read. As long as it fits the narrative they've formed in their head.
  11. The best news for the A's, Rangers, Angels and Mariners is that they get 18 games against the Astros next season.
  12. I realize how the current playoff system makes things more exciting for the casual fan. I get it. It's just that I'm a stats nerd, so it bothers me how the long marathon schedule (in which the Law of Large Numbers actually has a chance to work) does such a great job of parsing the good teams from the superior teams...and then the BEST team can be eliminated from losing 3 games in a 5 game series. In the NFL, it's entirely possible that a 10-6 team is superior to a 12-4 team. Small sample size. In baseball, an 87-75 simply isn't the same as a 100-62 team. But they're given the chance now to win a single game and stand on equal ground. I like your idea of 6 teams with byes. I wonder what all that rest would do to the team with the bye, though.
  13. After a whopping 162 games, I think the regular season alone should decide each pennant winner. MAYBE have 4 playoff teams total. 10 is ridiculous.
  14. Just busting your balls. I'm a Yankees fan personally...would be an interesting ALCS between them and the Athletics. Gun to my head, I'd put Detroit and San Fran in the WS.
  15. Bob Melvin might have something to say about that. Now if you're talking executive of the year...
  16. I bet a bunch of Hollywood reps were lurking at the stadium just in case he hit a home run.
  17. Are you new here? Only the most recent game counts. Duh.
  18. The core of this team are professionals through and through. The Moorman release will not distract them.
  19. He looked good against Jon Baldwin, until 35-3 garbage time when he caught a couple. Of course, Baldwin is a young player with discipline issues. Against Stephen Hill (who by the way, hasn't caught another pass this season) in Week 1 he was terrible. Bad TD against Travis Benjamin (who?) in Cleveland. Results have been specious to say the least. You can say there's a steep learning curve, but the youngsters he's facing are against the same curve.
  20. Thank you, OP. Many seem so willfully ignorant on the concept of discrete, independent events. It's unlikely that the Patriots will lose 3 in a row AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 3 GAME STREAK.
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