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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Girardi will manage tonight after the death of his father earlier today. EDIT: Apparently he died on Saturday.
  2. Depends on the weather. If it's one of those beautiful Autumn afternoons, nothing's gonna keep me off the hiking trails.
  3. If you were to build a franchise around one player, Buster Posey would have to be in the conversation. I'd personally pick Trout, but Posey is just a stud.
  4. What a couple days for the Bay Area, huh? How much of a shot does A's magic have against Verlander tonight?
  5. Best pinch hitting performance ever? Wow!
  6. Well, I can barely do stick figures so it looked good to me Admittedly, painting isn't an art form for which I can claim expertise.
  7. I had never heard about his baby boy being stillborn. The part of the video at 2:00 honestly made me choke up a little. That's a powerful painting.
  8. October Bay air Chills your breath like peppermint. Pound the !@#$ing rock.
  9. Disagree. The season is long enough that there's no vagueness about who the best teams are. What's absurd is the NHL and NBA system. I think the NFL does it right. 12 out of 32 teams is a good number for such a short season (ie. small sample size) and the best records are rewarded with something more than simply a nice matchup.
  10. I agree about the regular season being more meaningful, but I think the fix is to eliminate wild cards, not add more. 2 divisions per league, 1 winner from each division.
  11. I used to get more upset than I do now. Worst possible result on a Sunday is I get a little frustrated and then mow the lawn at halftime instead of after the game. Beautiful out there.
  12. With apologies to CGF, I feel much more sorry for the Braves than the Rangers. They shouldn't have blown their 13 game lead over Oakland if they didn't want an early exit.
  13. I wouldn't put you on my list of particularly vitriolic posters. The thing that gets me is that we've seen MUCH leaner times. Sure, you can say that we beat two terrible teams. But we beat them soundly, so at least that qualifies the Bills as not terrible, right? My issue is this - in the minds of Bills' fans, we have this well-earned reputation of being hardy and sticking with our team through thick and thin. But I log on here after a bad loss, and everybody has their damn tails between their legs.
  14. This is the most cynical I've ever seen TSW and the team is 2-2. The level of ire is honestly worse than two years ago when they were 0-8.
  15. . I think it's BS strictly because of the depth. From that point on the field, the shortstop doesn't have nearly enough time to intentionally drop the ball, throw to third, and then the 3B throw to 2B to complete the double play. That's the spirit of the rule - to prevent cheap double plays. The ball landed 225 feet from home plate. That's the outfield.
  16. Athletes always have and always will make baffling decisions for the sake of their already-full wallet. Situation: You're Drew Brees. An entire American city adores you. You play a game for a living. That city will continue to adore you for playing a game as long as you accept a salary of 18 MILLION DOLLARS per year. Amidst a scandal, you have the chance to shine as a leader. Choose your own adventure. Do you... a) Take the 18 MILLION DOLLARS b) Demand more, crippling your team's chances at signing other free agents and sending an already-whirlwind situation into chaos, beginning to turn die hard fans against you in the process.
  17. Not as sexy since the word "replacement" isn't involved, but that's one of the worst calls I've ever seen. I've been watching baseball for 17 years. Haven't seen an infield fly called within even 20 feet of that proximity.
  18. At least a penis knows how to fill...err "fit"... a gap properly.
  19. IMO there's not a whiff of implication in the article. Rinehart was not in attendance and Colin Brown was taking his reps.
  20. A lot of bulletin board material there. I'm glad Fitz stayed above the fray.
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