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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. This, for the record, was improvised... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmerFuzRNZ4
  2. Decisions should be judged on the probability of success. NOT the final result. We can't repeat "Ralph is Cheap" time after time after time, and then criticize when he opens the wallet on proven talent. I guarantee that no fewer than 75% of the people saying "Cut Mario!" were gushing over the move a few months ago.
  3. Bye, dude. Been fun. Stop by every once in a while.
  4. I support Fitz because he's the Bills QB for this season and, as they say, Jim Kelly ain't walking through that door. Some people have themselves convinced that Thigpen or Jackson will be an upgrade. There is nothing in the career of either man to suggest that's true. In my opinion.
  5. Aaaaand another one. http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20121021/SPORTS/121029884/two-bills-drive This time, he forgot the Arizona win was a win because, hey, why not?
  6. They clearly didn't forecast the nuances of my penis' mind.
  7. So why did Sara Jean Underwood bring pre-cooked burger patties and slices of American cheese to a Memphis BBQ cook off? She got lucky that the other girl decided to combine her pulled pork with the cheeseburgers, or she would have lost by a landslide. Am I missing the point?
  8. If you eat at a place called Tempo, you might walk out with $100 million.
  9. Why are you assuming a simple direct relationship between the number of hammers and the accuracy of the bag? Surely, there's a tipping point. Too many cooks in the kitchen, too many hammers in the bag. Additionally, the nature of the bag? Are we talking paper or plastic? Perhaps a burlap sack?
  10. Many fans don't seem to understand that their are severe consequences to a 400 carry season. Spiller is looking elite. Jackson is a proven good player working his way through lower body injuries. Both will carry the ball ~200 times this season. That's a good thing, not a bad thing.
  11. Right, but is it a specialized skill that most naturally gifted athletes couldn't master? Bear in mind, I have no idea what I'm actually talking about.
  12. Always wondered this. How is long snapping not in the repertoire of most starting centers? It's not a radically different skill than snapping in the shotgun formation, is it?
  13. Which would be fine, if it was a column about Gailey's tenure. But it was a column reflecting on the results of the Arizona game, in which a TON of Bills played well. Yet, somehow, none were mentioned.
  14. I can admit when I's wrong! Curious, though, if it's after a win or loss.
  15. It's funny how great players approach the game differently. I mean, can you imagine Ray Lewis walking up to the opposing QB after a loss and saying "Great game, man. Keep at it. Congrats."? Yet, when I hear that it came from Fitzgerald, it seems completely natural. Oh, and I think Gilmore is going to be a stud.
  16. A rushed 82 game schedule without a preseason or organized training? Injuries galore is my guess. Guys playing in Europe currently will have an advantage.
  17. It doesn't matter. I hear people saying they want Metallica...if you're into Metallica, wouldn't you sort of hate the 10 minute long greatest hits medley they'd be forced to play? You can go on youtube right now and find better footage of a Metallica show than would appear on the SB.
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