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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. To me, it's nearly a tautology. NFL football is on Sundays because that's when NFL football is.
  2. What does it really matter, though? For those who are interested in beauty pageants, it's a big deal. For others, not.
  3. "God works in mysterious ways" - Those in denial of the above
  4. Great song. Cohen's original is probably my favorite of all the versions. But it's an odd choice (VERY dark lyrically, and presumably driven by a failed romance). Still, beautiful.
  5. Christian theology dictates that God is all loving and all powerful. Using even a modicum of logic, statements like these directly contrast with the most basic tenets of Christianity. Going by Huckabee's (and others') words, either... 1) God is omnipotent, but remains vengeful. That is, he kills children out of spite. 2) God is loving, but ultimately toothless. His power ceases to exist because we decided to "remove" him from schools.
  6. I don't think the kid was too heavy. Golden eagles pick up animals that are much heavier (I'm talking sheep and goats in some instances) and their method of predation is to carry the animal to a hundred feet and then drop it. I think what saved the kid was the material on his winter jacket. The eagle probably got confused by the balance of the weight and the feel of non-flesh. And then the people started screaming and waving. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yz7FFlFy8eM
  7. I remember being a 14 year old and seeing that movie in the theater, and thinking "Damn, this is gonna be some awesome masturbating tonight."
  8. Allow me to address Indy's point in a more civil way. You deserve better, frankly. In most versions of monotheistic religion, God is portrayed as both omniscient (that is, knowing all) and omnipotent (that is, controlling all). Logically, this doesn't jibe with the notion of a separate evil entity capable of overruling the aforementioned god's power.
  9. You have to admit that RGIII acts like a Thursday a lot of the time. Maybe even a Saturday.
  10. To imagine the type of man who would even point a gun at a 5 year old child scares me. To think of that man witnessing the terror in the child's eyes and actually managing to pull the trigger, despite whatever shred of his humanity remained...and then to shoot again and again and again...terrifying. I can picture my little nephew's classroom now. And I can barely see what I'm typing.
  11. Great. The only sensible playoff system among the 4 major sports is going to change.
  12. I almost always work Sundays at my current job. My routine this season is checking the score after work and chuckling to myself. Life ain't bad.
  13. Pelicans are birds of prey, at least. Better than Arizona Cardinals.
  14. Part of me wants to say "Patience? PATIENCE?" and yadda yadda yadda. The other part knows that yet another changing of the guard isn't just going to magically yield a SB run.
  15. I would be shocked if there's any positive correlation between getting blown out and proceeding to win the next game. Perhaps the movie industry is to blame, but many fans latch onto this false narrative of grandiose emotional swings tied to performance. (ie. embarrassment leads to resolve, which leads to success)
  16. As a less knowledgeable fan, what does a "club move" refer to? Just curious.
  17. Draft position becomes irrelevant after contracts are signed. Fodder for revisionist historians.
  18. I love how people are answering this thread with score predictions. I, for one, am encouraged to see a player with that sort of resolve. He should be upset and embarrassed. Solutions can't be found without first identifying the existence of a problem. Good for him.
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