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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. This is a good point. Southern California couldn't get much different from Buffalo culturally (within the US, that is) and I think there's a "One of us" mentality. We want to imagine a guy with a snow shovel in his hands.
  2. Why the hate for the Seahawks? Seattle might be the one sports city more miserable than Buffalo.
  3. Citizens of TSW - a question. Do you believe that it's useful to assign prototypes to NFL prospects, or are the nuances of each player simply too variable? What prompts this question is Matt Barkley. From the little I've seen, he doesn't light the world on fire in any category and I don't think that I want him as the Bills' next QB. However, the logic around here is that we don't want him because he's a USC QB and the likes of Sanchez and Leinart haven't impressed. Granted, there are going to be similarities to players that were recruited by the same college coach. But other than that, does the argument "USC quarterbacks are disappointments" hold any water? Or is it hokum?
  4. Baltimore. After Lee Evans ruined things for them, I feel as if Bills fans owe them support for some odd reason.
  5. Lotsa stuff that needed lifting and putting down, eh?
  6. Chops get busted around here. No worries. As to your point, I think you're reading into it far too much. The word hopefully is pretty much a throw-away generic and could have started any multitude of statements. It doesn't have to mean "Hopefully we can hire them immediately" as you seem to be suggesting.
  7. Yeah, but you don't understand. He said the word hopefully and then paused. You're clearly not a legal man with a highly developed knowledge of statements.
  8. Daniel Day Lewis. Holy crap. What an actor. Think of some of Hollywood's best known actors. Pitt. Damon. DiCaprio. They've played some very interesting roles, but do you ever forget that you're watching an actor playing a part? I could have SWORN that I was simply watching Abraham Lincoln do his thing. We are not worthy.
  9. Every year comes with a "Welcome to the offseason" post. This is it.
  10. Nice post. This is why I have to chuckle when I see a fan-whim fancy like the "Skelton for Mario???" thread. Trades tend to have major ripple effects.
  11. As far as I'm concerned, they'd be letting the best guard in the game slip through their fingers. Sure, it's a more fungible position than most, but this would be a mistake.
  12. Again. Yet, the roster doesn't need as much of an overhaul as in the past. Just better direction and play calling.
  13. Hmm. 9 games against sub .500 teams, including 3 of the worst 5 teams in the league. Doesn't seem awful. Of course, you never really know til you get there.
  14. If I'm the Lions, Schwartz is out tomorrow. Their 4-12 was considerably more unexpected than the Bills' 6-10 and the need for a change of culture is obvious to even the layman.
  15. CJ Spiller - Behind only Calvin Johnson and Adrian Peterson, Spiller was the 3rd most electric offensive weapon in the NFL this year. He would have easily eclipsed 2,000 all purpose yards on a competent team. Stevie Johnson - 2012 came with some of the usual mental lapses and drops, but his ability to get open remains unmatched. Squeezing out a 1,000 yard season in this passing offense is like juicing a raisin. Andy Levitre - Remained the iron man on the line when others were so often injured. Consistently got to the second level. Eric Wood/Kraig Urbik/Cordy Glenn - Solid play all around. Jairus Byrd - Play maker. Hard hitter. Would be more noticeable if the DL could force an errant throw more often. Alex Carrington - Turned into something of a blocked kick specialist. Never even heard of that existing before, but he did. Better season than Dareus, as he often got penetration in rotational DT duty. Leodis McKelvin - Before his injury, he created good field position in droves. All other starters (and most of the backups) can suck a lemon.
  16. Aware of his specific intentions? Maybe not. Aware that something was amiss? You'd have to assume so.
  17. 1) And so is Ray Lewis. The 'motivation' factor is certainly second to physical achievement, but not to be ignored. 2) The number of tackles plus missed tackles doesn't represent how often a defensive player is "Around the ball". The linebacker position is all about gap assignments when you're not rushing the passer. Oftentimes, getting blocked means doing your job perfectly. Your equation also doesn't account for times he made a play easier for a teammate. 3) Fair enough. But how many GREAT NFL players came from supposedly weak conferences or small schools, with considerably weaker schedules than ND this year? We could spend all day on this.
  18. Proof, rather, that there is no standard. Stevie on the Patriots? Probably 1500 yards. Welker on the Bills? Probably struggle to get 500.
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