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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. What I find spurious is the assertion that following the booklet's advice will suddenly tack on 300 yards to Stevie's seasonal performance. Why take him on his word there? If he's running and playing basketball in the offseason, I don't see how that's not considered decent cross training.
  2. The preferred term is "fierce" I believe . Like you said, it's perception. Almost anything a woman does can be marketed as female empowerment. And if men enjoy watching them be empowered, that's all the more money. I call it a mutualistic symbiosis personally.
  3. Me too. I just wonder how much is an actual manifestation of passion and how much is for show. I know a lot of passionate people and nobody is that consistently riled up.
  4. Madonna was treated like some kind of national treasure in her twenties and thirties too.
  5. For musical taste, everybody seems a lot more proud of what they hate than what they like.
  6. Animation's cool but I don't connect to the story. These people don't know each other, so why are his fruitless efforts supposed to strike a chord? And when he finds her, what significance has that got? That they finally get to go on a first date? I'm not trying to be a spoilsport, but when you compare this to "Up" and the relationship that it established in a similar time frame, "Paperman" is nothing by comparison. The love at first sight thing is overplayed and disingenuous. Give me real emotion.
  7. This thread is ridiculous. Here's a novel concept - if you've worked so hard that you're one of the Top 20 people...at your job...IN THE ENTIRE WORLD...you have the logical right to criticize. Anyone?
  8. Shoutbox incident, eh? Tell me a story. Over PM if it's necessary.
  9. Maybe there was an incentive for getting exactly 25 tackles because the front office has a weird gambling addiction.
  10. You mean to tell me that predators have been hunting prey under our noses this whole time???
  11. 2009 would actually be a great candidate if only we had done the obvious thing in taking Orakpo instead of Maybin. The next 3 picks were Wood, Byrd and Levitre.
  12. Right, but the etymology of this particular homonym is rather clear. Being gay = undesirable, so we'll describe dumb things as gay. If the metaphor suddenly and inexplicably became "____________ is so Norwegian", people would start wondering what's so bad about being Norwegian. They wouldn't just be content that Norwegian had taken on a new meaning.
  13. Some good advice - when at the grocery store, stick to the exterior and avoid the interior. Hit up the produce, butcher and fish and skip the processed foods. Also, get beer.
  14. I already know this is an issue we won't agree upon. So I'll just stick with saying that Skyler White is great!
  15. Heck, many people (most people?) still use "gay" and variations thereof as a pejorative. "Brady's such a fag." And many people will defend the use of that phrase by the merit that it's all in good fun. But I bet they wouldn't defend "Brady's such a nig." Call it dissimilar if you want, but the commonly held belief by bigots was that black athletes were physically, mentally and emotionally inferior to white athletes.
  16. By a certain percentage of the population, yes. For others, he'd be the anti-Christ. And that second group would include a LOT of the hyper-masculine guys in his own locker-room. It would be quite similar to Jackie Robinson. The first openly gay athlete needs to have rhinoceros hide for skin.
  17. Given the depth and specificity of modern game film, is there any space under the radar anymore?
  18. Buffalo (not the Bills, but the fans) **** on him first. How much crap would you take before dedicating yourself to firing back?
  19. Nostalgia isn't as pleasant or meaningful as it used to be. I used to love good nostalgia.
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