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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. A few months ago, I got my first "Sorry, I'm married." She even had the ring on. It's just not something you're conditioned to look for in your early 20's these days.
  2. Juno would have been a cool 30 minute film. Of course, those simply don't exist in the mainstream. I think most would agree with me that the characters got very tiresome.
  3. Same here. I also don't think it's one of those pseudo intellectual artsy films (ya know, college art show, black and white with random topless old people) that Jauronimo's poking fun at. Pretty tight narrative about a meaningful, yet transient relationship.
  4. Good move removing the name there, bud. And best of luck to your niece. Most people will never feel the burden that (I imagine) she feels right now.
  5. My understanding is that she's impossible to work with. In an industry where there are 1,000 pretty/marketable women ready to take your place, you better be uniquely beautiful or uniquely talented for that attitude.
  6. Pretty damn good tackler on top of everything else. Really the only CB in this stretch of dismal play that could wrap up reliably.
  7. Scarlett Johansson A nice bacon cheeseburger, washed down with Guinness. Playboy channel, for when she turns me down after all the burgers and beer.
  8. See if you can make it all the way through without cringing or trying to punch the guy through your computer screen.
  9. That's the beauty of being a snob. No volume of dissent is large enough to be proven wrong.
  10. "Oh, hi Mark." Yeah, I suppose my ire is relative to the movie's reputation, not it's objective quality. To be nominated for Best Picture and ALL the acting categories, a romantic comedy (albeit with dark elements) better be one of the best of all time...and it just isn't.
  11. The soda at fast food chains (or any restaurant fountain probably) tends to be watered down. I prefer the taste too.
  12. I realized that after I posted. My apologies. In any case, yes, the naming of a football team is trivial compared to the alcoholism problem. Or the illicit drugs problem. Or the gambling problem. But we focus enough energy on trivial old football that you have to wonder whether it's trivial or not. Just something to think about.
  13. It was. And I know. But I don't think it's wise to point at the struggles of Native Americans as some sort of inherent flaw. Their ancestors were placed behind an enormous 8 ball (well, the ones who weren't slaughtered anyway).
  14. Yeah, I mean, why'd they go live on those dumb reservations in the first place?
  15. Thank you! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. The dialogue is stiff and WAAAAAAY too high on exposition. The characters are unbelievable and only Jennifer Lawrence puts in a convincing performance of mental illness (hey, I love Deniro but I could rattle off 25 better performances. Pop in Taxi Driver and tell me he's on the top of his game right now). Bradley Cooper seems like a guy who's having a good ol' time pretending to have rage issues. Secondary and tertiary characters are introduced and then forgotten, and the ones who last til the end serve no function in the plot. The set pieces aren't as cringe worthy as the poorly concealed plot devices, but it's close. And I don't get the sense that the director or writers have seen a game of NFL football in their lives. My girlfriend insists I don't get it because I'm a guy, but there are romance movies that I love. This one just out and out sucks. Why is it considered Oscar bait?
  16. 1. Rosie O'Donnell 2. Lentils and pickle juice 3. CSPAN
  17. Terribly sad. Sounds like a history of domestic abuse here. Ladies (if you're out there) if a guy lays so much as a hand on you, please get out of that house and don't look back. Gather the kids in the night if you have to. Otherwise, you risk being another headline. As for Pistorius, I have to admit that I got caught up in the inspirational story during the Olympics. Just goes to show we don't know these guys like we pretend to. And oh for the love of irony... http://www.ibelieveinadv.com/commons/nike5.jpg
  18. Saw a preview the other day for a film adaptation of the Jack and the Beanstalk story. This is on the heels of the Hansel and Gretel one. Seriously? I thought the comic book hero thing was being overdone, but I'll gladly take that over board games and "gritty reboots" of frickin fairy tales. Sheesh.
  19. I hate to use such a bad cliche, but I've never heard a halfway opinion on Always Sunny. Love it or hate it. People don't tend to be casual fans.
  20. I think Parks and Rec and 30 Rock are both funny, but the disease of network sitcoms is how every episode gets tied off neatly with a bow. I like dismal comedy with sad endings. And Modern Family has the same problem. EVERY EPISODE ends with problem resolution and a life-affirming message. Schlock. Humorous schlock, but schlock nonetheless. Gimme an episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia or Louie (go FX!) and I'm happy. Arrested Development was usually good for this too.
  21. I think stealing away the incumbent Superbowl winning QB in his prime would be a new precedent though. Baltimore simply won't allow it to happen.
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