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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Shawne Merriman and Pat Moran are crossing the Canadian border to get hitched at Niagara Falls. May God strike my neighbor's dog's puppies dead if I'm wrong.
  2. It'll happen some day. And people will be up in arms, wrongfully. It's dangerous work, but people die at any job where there's physical labor involved. Hell, even delivering pizzas has a pretty high mortality rate. Kevin Everett was probably the closest right?
  3. The. The bigotry against indefinite articles is pitiful.
  4. Or how about, "Qwosson" for croissant. Can you imagine the headache of accenting every word with its language of origin?
  5. Saw it two days ago. Loved it. It's great that Tarantino is making this sub-genre out of grandiose revenge fantasies...still, he's never topped Reservoir Dogs.
  6. "-gate" being used as a suffix for any scandal or controversy.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=up4LTKxe0PA ^ GBID is Burns in this case
  8. Letting both Jones and Nelson go says to me that we're either targeting a specific guy in the 1st round or in FA. The Bills are inept, but not so inept that they would just count on Graham as a #2.
  9. I don't care that it's a cliche...them legs just don't quit.
  10. I can only imagine that a girl going to a technical school has some damn high self esteem. Pretty ridiculous ratio there.
  11. I switch it up quite often. My favorite look is probably a mustache to go along with a shaved head.
  12. I'd like this to happen, if only because we'd somehow manage to go from a Harvard QB to an even nerdier school.
  13. Well, I like that Byrd is staying next year, but in all likelihood it means that Fitz will be named Quarterback For Life and given 50% ownership in the franchise, so I hate it. Seriously, how does this have bearing on Levitre's contract? We're shedding contracts left and right.
  14. The GID issue is way beyond my scope of knowledge...but the lawsuit is friggin ridiculous. Is the kid really "damaged" by using an anatomy-appropriate restroom? Sheesh. (Though as somebody who spends most of his time thinking about getting inside the body of a woman, I can identify.)
  15. "Not gonna lie..." Just say whatever the thing is!
  16. He was a constant inspiration to those who do their jobs just well enough to not get fired. Seriously though, a decent backup type player who can't be blamed for the lack of depth that made him a starter all those years.
  17. Louie is an absurdist tragedy about a comedian. CK is so funny that you can't help laughing once in a while, but I wouldn't call it a sitcom by any stretch. GREAT show.
  18. This poor kid who lived on my block got brain cancer and eventually succumbed. Rian Lindell must have visited him once a month for about 5 years. I'd see them tossing a ball around the front yard or even out bowling. There's nobody in the league I respect more.
  19. You don't like the fact that it's a football position (which I agree with), or you don't like the kickers themselves?
  20. Life as a House was terrible. I had forgotten all about it until now. What's surprising is that Kevin Kline (who earned the nickname Kevin Decline for his meticulous choosiness) would involve himself in such dreck.
  21. I recently (a few days ago in fact) acted as Stinky Holloway in a rendition of what's generally recognized as the worst play of all time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moose_Murders The playwright, Arthur, is a good friend of mine and probably the sweetest man in the world.
  22. I especially love that the coach would have put him in during a close game as well.
  23. I always wonder whether these lists are meant to reflect greatness based on modern sentiment or "great in their own time". To draw an analogy, Babe Ruth is probably the greatest hitter of all time but if you put him in the game today he'd be blown away. Things improve over time and that includes comedy, but can we really equate friggin How I Met Your Mother with M*A*S*H?
  24. Hell, if it's -40 I would park on a handicapped person.
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