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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. To me, one of the most aggravating phrases is "zero tolerance". In a way, it's actually similar to the gun issue - you can't just uninvent torment, so the worst possible solution is simply deciding that you don't accept its existence.
  2. There is no such thing as eradicating bullies. Life is a struggle for power and certain people will use cruelty to grasp it...especially at that age. I'm sorry to hear that you were a target, jboyst. I was too.
  3. Sorry...12 years old? That's just creepy. Pretty good chance the kid isn't even through puberty, which would make it pedophilia on top of wildly inappropriate.
  4. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/9078603/chris-johnson-questions-tennessee-titans-signing-shonn-greene There's being confident, then there's being a cocky ass who would probably endure an 0-16 season gladly if it meant getting his personal achievement. I'd take Spiller over 'CJ2K' any day of the week.
  5. Agree about the DH, but commie bastards will always complain about the Yankees' money (don't look now, but the Dodgers actually have a higher payroll this year).
  6. What sport and what rule? Now that the terrible tuck rule is dead and gone, what would you change? This might be cheating on my own question because it's not in the actual MLB rulebook, but I'd get rid of the unspoken "neighborhood" rule. Gotta touch second base to get that double play.
  7. Golden Tate plays with Marshawn Lynch, who played with Ryan Fitzpatrick. I'd actually be shocked if any NFL player can't be connected to any other NFL player in 3 steps or fewer, nevermind 6.
  8. We've needed this for a LONG time. Chandler is a decent player who has seemed great because our basis for comparison is Robert Royal and Tim Euhus.
  9. I met this guy 7 years ago when I went to his sister's house for a meetup between area kids who had gotten into Cornell. I don't know why I remember this, but the family were Vikings fans. In other words, screw em
  10. You can tell how dedicated he is to this strategy by the grandiose celebrations he stages when it works.
  11. Nah, most GMs are high motor, but Whaley's a physical freak with potential character issues - get your tropes straight, man.
  12. I'm on here much less frequently during the offseason, so in the course of this thread I experienced "Crap, AJ left?" to "AJ's back!" within about 5 minutes. Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back...
  13. Good. Next up should be this nonsense about the "empty hand". Either the QB's arm propels the ball forward or it doesn't.
  14. I hate the rationale that when you "have nothing to lose", suddenly everything becomes a viable move. Actions have consequences, especially when you're in a situation where both salary and roster spots are limited.
  15. Happy birthday from a former Lancaster resident!
  16. I'd be intrigued. He didn't so much lose the job in Seattle so much as it was taken by an absolute phenom. Trouble is, Flynn basically has one game of NFL experience. Albeit, an impressive one.
  17. If I were in the Bills marketing department, I'd play up the "New coach, fresh start" angle and then pray that they picked up a potential starting QB in the first round in order to double down on that strategy.
  18. I don't want any QB that's lost to the Bills by a combined 52 points in the last 2 seasons.
  19. There's not a single franchise that can afford to keep all their talented players. Little thing called the salary cap. They've done a good job in keeping Stevie Johnson and Kyle Williams, gave Fred his money and made a mistake on Fitz. Jairus Byrd will most likely receive the next big contract. For all Nix' faults, you can't say that he's been stingy in keeping the homegrown talent. I hate to see Levitre walk, but if it means getting Byrd, Spiller and one more quality player on this team for years to come, then it was worth it.
  20. This is a completely irrational reason to not want him, but this was one of the dumbest things ever... http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/11/29/sione-pouha-thinks-stevie-johnson-is-insensitive-to-911-victims/ ...and stupid should hurt.
  21. Regardless of the "time", I wonder if they still used the term (or an analogous term) to indicate the sun at its zenith.
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