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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I know we're better because there's no glaring weakness. There are weaknesses (our secondary might be exposed against some of the better passing offenses) but nothing that screams "that's the worst !@#$ing unit in the league!" like years past.
  2. Teams convert 2 pointers at a significantly higher than 50% rate. They should happen more often based on the expected yield, but coaches are afraid of looking dumb when they fail. (Which isn't to say there's never merit to the 1 sure point)
  3. Our best players played their best and it was just enough to overcome some dumb-assery by the lesser knowns. Who was the best of the best?
  4. A very good English professor once advised the class to never use etcetera in one's writing (and by extension, equivalent phrases like "the list goes on and on"). It conveys very effectively that you've run out of items to list.
  5. The look on Hank's face when he realized he'd been beaten....of course, we know that Walt is running scared with heavy ammunition in less than a year.
  6. Despite the perennial suckitude, there's only a 1 in 16,384 chance that the division would match up for 7 consecutive seasons.
  7. This comes up every once in a while. I agree in principle that it seems like 32 guys in the world could master both skills. But for pragmatic purposes, are you really going to value that extra LB or WR on the roster when you're losing an average of 5 yards on every punt or missing 30% of your FG's? Every roster spot is a matter of opportunity cost.
  8. "I'm a Dapper Dan man." O, Brother has perhaps the greatest sound track of any movie too.
  9. Yep, because sexual attraction amounts to the totality of emotional intimacy. Also, everybody perceives the world the same, so what the hell is he thinking?
  10. "I hope everybody could get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of, so they can see that it's not the answer." - Jim Carrey Here's hoping the big guy gets to step off this particular emotional roller coaster soon.
  11. The show died the minute that Steve Carell left (and his exit episode would have been an awesome series finale to boot). Oh well.
  12. I'm anticipating a similar record to the last few years, but a more entertaining journey to get there.
  13. There are two words in the English language, 'cwm' and 'crwth', in which the letter W is a vowel.
  14. Agreed. But I also think a bunch of young bucks experiencing disaster together can quickly galvanize into something great. If a Superbowl is completely out of reach (and it is, this year, methinks) then I'm all for baptism by fire.
  15. Sometimes malicious hatred is easier to swallow than this sort of thing...a blissful ignorance in which one simply can't or won't acknowledge that people perceive the world differently.
  16. He still might have been their pick if they couldn't find a trading partner.
  17. And FJ is a nice hybrid between the two of them...can find gaps like nobody's business, then power to the second level. Too bad he looked over the hill last year, adding onto injury.
  18. If you pay attention to John Hollinger's PER ratings, Collins' 3.01 rating last season would have been low enough to qualify for worst in the NBA...except he didn't log enough minutes. Safe to say he's washed up. Still, I really applaud the courage in coming out when one's profession involves so much machismo.
  19. http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stats/rb Among players that got between 20 and 99 carries last season, Blount ranks pretty poorly, significantly behind the Bills' own Tashard Choice. He's a big guy, but has a penchant for losing 1 or 2 yards and is a proven failure in goal line situations. He does well if he reaches the second level.
  20. Best of luck! Done 2 walking marathons (on my own, not organized) and a bunch of 10K, but I'd love to run a marathon either this summer or next.
  21. There's also the fact that Affleck suffers no delusion that $1.50 is now the nature of his life. It's like a vacation from wealth, if he even follows through on some of the most important aspects. Hunger is mental/emotional anguish too.
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