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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I proposed last month and our wedding is in June. Best wishes if you're going down the same road. One day at work I simply realized that I was making money not to buy concert tickets or a new amp, but to help support a family. The transition in thought was seamless, but something shifted. The thought of comfortable permanence set in and I think I've been wearing the same smile ever since. Found the perfect ring the next day.
  2. Arizona missed last year and we went on to win in OT.
  3. Only Larry Fitzgerald has started more consecutive games. If Stevie misses one game, it does not spell the beginning of the end.
  4. And then you have the myriad abuse committed by mom and dad themselves. Scary world out there, even for the toddlers. The guy should be sentenced to 10 minutes in a cage with Peterson.
  5. After Chicago finishes trouncing the Giants, the NFC East will have a 2-12 record against other divisions.
  6. We basically need to go 8-3 (based on the AFC's trouncing the NFC so far, 9-7 won't do it) with ??? at quarterback for the remainder of the season. Not happening. Hopefully ??? is EJ in a few weeks, but who knows? It's two knee injuries in two months already.
  7. Kiko is the type of linebacker that can change a defense single handedly.
  8. I was curious about that too. At the end of the day, I don't know if it matters. Gretchen and Elliot were Walt's chip on his shoulder - his driving reason to blame everything but himself. By the way, one scene I love in retrospect is the flashback to Walt and Gretchen in a classroom talking about the elements that compose a human body. Hydrogen, Carbon, etc. But it didn't add up to 100%. Did it imply that they were forgetting the human soul? The conscience?
  9. Even if 4.5 in one game is abnormal, what pass rusher doesn't get their sacks in bunches by preying against a weak opponent? Is there a guy out there who consistently gets one every game?
  10. Two long suffering franchises that now see just a glimmer of hope. Buffalo off of a win against the world champs. Cleveland 2-0 since they appeared to tank the season. There may be 11 games left after this one, but neither team has the talent to overcome a 2-3 start (in my opinion). The Bills will win if their defense steps up again. Time to nip Brian Hoyer's magic carpet ride in the bud.
  11. I like Chandler. I cited his stats mainly to illustrate that our greatest effort by a TE in over a decade was merely above average.
  12. Scott Chandler had a decent season for a tight end last year, with 43 receptions for 571 yards. Good for 14th in the NFL. This year he's on pace for roughly the same. Want to know the sad part? That 14th place effort represented the most yardage accumulated by a Bills tight end since Jay Riemersma had 590 in 2001. A dozen years and 11 losing seasons ago. Those dozen years saw several regimes of quarterbacks, head coaches and general managers. Is it a sheer coincidence that Buffalo has never caught on to an overt trend in the NFL or does the old man himself undervalue the position? (And it ain't bad luck. In that time, the Bills have spent no higher than a 3rd round draft pick on a tight end nor have they acquired a recognized talent through free agency.) To me it's alarming. Look at the good teams around the league. Which of them doesn't have a vertical threat at tight end? Only Seattle comes to mind and they are the rare team left with a great defense. (Note: This isn't really about Chandler, who I think is a solid contributor. It's about why the hell haven't we gotten with the program?)
  13. If the Bills stop short by benching Spiller, there's a chance the coaching staff might get desperate and put him in again. I say they execute him.
  14. I wonder what the most common score is in the NFL over the past decade or so. 24-21? 13-9 isn't what I'd call absurd but it certainly doesn't give very much credit to an offense that hasn't scored fewer than 20.
  15. Super mario won the TBD game ball easily in week 2. Who deserves it this week? As much as I love the growing legends of Alonso and Woods, Aaron Williams stepped up in a gigantic way for a secondary that might be the most injury-depleted unit in the NFL.
  16. I love 'em. When the Bills game starts at 4:00, I can just enjoy the 1:00 game that I watch. When the Bills play a 1:00 game I'm either too up or too down to just relax and watch the next game.
  17. That's a big time stroke of luck - 5 weeks in and the best WR we face is Torrey Smith.
  18. I believe that would have been assessed on the kick off.
  19. This argument was used a lot when Lee Evans' career took a nose dive. Good deep threats often act as diversions, yes, to occupy a CB and a safety. But don't we want a guy that can actually catch the ball too?
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