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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Rookie seasons come with ups and downs. This was the biggest up so far and some of those throws were gorgeous. The Goodwin TD couldn't have been placed better. We'll see if EJ takes advantage of a bad defense in two weeks.
  2. Geno seems to be a very slow decision maker. He might land a couple bombs per game, but in a general sense he needs loads and loads of time to succeed.
  3. For those who say "tank it". Do you have ANY idea how uninteresting professional sports would be if every eliminated team just threw in the towel?
  4. They weren't forced to and most teams wouldn't have.
  5. Seriously? How do you define tremendously lucky? I'd use that term on something that has like a 1% chance of happening and you're applying it to what's basically our expected record?
  6. Ya never know if he'll be back, though I'm liking Carpenter's game. Never thought I'd see #8 back in Buffalo.
  7. You want to bring your 1 year old to the Ralph and meet Schopp and the Bulldog? Excuse me if I question your judgment.
  8. That was close to a low point for this board. "Hey, I've seen guys play well through injuries before, which means every injury is the same!"
  9. I wasn't impressed by Tannehill. I think the Patriots beat them going away. Cincy wins a squeaker over the Jets, and the Bills fall after a noble effort against NO.
  10. The Bills have played a very solid schedule. Among our slate, only the Browns are probably a bottom 10 team in the NFL and I'm convinced we'd have won that game sans Tuel. That said, I'd take the easy schedule and 7-0 record any day. It would take a collapse of epic proportion to miss out on the playoffs.
  11. Defense is 50% of the game. It's not a "bail out" when the defense plays great as a unit.
  12. Seems as though Kyle Williams is the most popular guy on the team. I know that wasn't the question, but whenever there's an "inside the locker room" video he's always surrounded by guys.
  13. What a precipitous drop. And TB might not be a hotbed of talent, but he still had Vincent Jackson.
  14. Definitely Tuel. I don't really know how to watch for potential, but performance-wise it was about the worst I've ever seen.
  15. Glad to have Thad instead of Freeman. Thad knows the system and there's less national attention around him to turn this into a "controversy" when EJ returns.
  16. I thought Trent Edwards was the real deal when we started 4-1 in 2008. A lot of people don't remember that he played his best game AFTER returning from the head injury (the balloon game against San Diego). After that though, it was all downhill.
  17. I have no doubt that he feels lost at times. I'm sure I did for the first 7 weeks of my job. But that doesn't mean he's doing poorly. These guys show up hungry and ready for their opponent.
  18. That would be pretty huge. Colston is a very good receiver, but I believe that Leodis can cover him. Nobody in the league really has an answer for Graham, though.
  19. The 3-4 record is pretty standard fare for Bills fans who are used to 6-10 and 7-9 records, BUT I agree with you that the culture has changed. The Bills are not anywhere close to being the clowns of the league or an embarrassment.
  20. Week 2 - mario Williams Week 4 - Aaron Williams Week 7 - ??? Personally I went with Freddie over the $100 million man, though both deserve it. Strong case for Robey too, who set the table nicely for the Bills and is everything that Justin Rogers isn't.
  21. Yes, and if you want to play on a nice course Sunday afternoon you have to book the tee time now. Now. Now.
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