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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Week 2 - Mario Williams Week 4 - Aaron Williams Week 7 - Mario Williams Week 11 - EJ Manuel Week 15 - Aaron Williams Week 16 - ??? Jackson and KW were as stalwart as ever, but Robey shined brightest today and I daresay put himself on the NFL map. FANTASTIC game for Leodis too, in what's been a surprising reclamation season.
  2. Doesn't really make a difference to me whether he wins the award or not, but it is kinda funny if you imagine Kiko playing for the Jets and Richardson playing for the Bills and both had the same season they just had. Who'd be taking home that award?
  3. I agree. It seems like everything fro within 40 yards is automatic, and even the super long ones are now 70/30 propositions instead of 50/50.
  4. I like Stafford better too, but his interception rate is a major problem for the Lions. He has 71 in 59 starts.
  5. Stafford is in the same league as Cutler. Huge arm and he's just good enough that teams wouldn't give up on him, but short of a truly great defense I don't see either guy taking home a Superbowl ring.
  6. I agree. Zero heads will roll if they don't make the playoffs next year.
  7. Robey is the latest player (out of hundreds) to prove that "Can he play football?" is a more important issue than any physical measurable. The guy sticks like flypaper in man coverage and has big-play ability.
  8. I bet Woods saw more snaps though. He definitely was before his injury.
  9. There was a designed run for a first down where EJ went off the right tackle in the first quarter. I remember him limping after diving on that play.
  10. It's funny watching Glenn play next to Legursky. Not only does he physically dwarf the man, but if you have NFL Rewind watch a few offensive plays in a row...it's like a boulder standing next to a turnstile.
  11. Pretty surprising. I just don't know how many times I've thought "WATCH OUT, HE'S RIGHT BEHIND YOU!" when watching the Bills this year. EJ's like the dumb blonde in a horror movie when pressure comes. To be fair though, if our LG situation wasn't such a hot mess then it wouldn't be as big of a deal.
  12. There's this thing called Confirmation Bias. When a person has formed an opinion (EJ will never win, Coach has to get canned) they will attach themselves to evidence that supports their opinion and ignore or excuse evidence that doesn't. So, when the Bills commit a costly fumble, it's a sign of bad coaching and a lack of preparation. When the OTHER team commits a costly fumble, it's dumb luck. Think about the third party unbiased observer - would they construe Aaron Williams' strip as anything short of a highlight reel play? Now, it goes the other way too. You'll notice plenty of posters who've pretty much forgotten the Bucs game and how EJ looked like a rank amateur.
  13. I have to admit that I'm on the EJ bandwagon because of the throws he's capable of making. How long did we wait for Fitz and Trent to hit those 20 yard outs and mid-range seams? That said, there are serious flaws in EJ's game. The absolute biggest one is that he has difficulty feeling pressure, and I think fumbles will be a bigger problem than INTs in the long run.
  14. Week 2 - Mario Williams Week 4 - Aaron Williams Week 7 - Mario Williams Week 11 - EJ Manuel Week 15 - ??? I really like what Robert Woods brought to the table today, so he gets my vote, though you'd probably have to say that AW and Gilmore saved the game.
  15. Not only that, but Kelly's numbers in this scenario are significantly better than EJ's. YPA, QB Rating and TD/INT ratio. And that was back when defenders were allowed to touch the QB and WRs too.
  16. And isn't New York going incrementally from $7.25 to $9.00?
  17. You can do this for every team. How did the Browns beat the Bengals?
  18. Exactly. I value my days off of work, and it baffles me that I threw away 3 of those waking hours when the game was pretty much decided in 3 minutes.
  19. I doubt that my facial expression changed during the game. Perhaps a raised eyebrow when Byrd got his pick...a knowing chuckle when Leodis fumbled. Then a brief existential crisis when I realized that I was watching the inevitable failure of other men when I could be climbing a mountain or learning to play chess.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRIr9MNmCwU Seriously though, what a concerted team effort on the loss. Was there a single player who can hold his head high? Carpenter, I guess? You can say the defense played ok after the 1st quarter, but hey, points in the 1st quarter count too. Sheesh.
  21. Refs don't even know what's going on. 1st and 5 after that penalty, somehow.
  22. The Bills have turned the ball over 6 times in their last 40 minutes of play.
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