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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I'm on the same page. When we make the implication that homosexuality is alright, but only if the person had no choice, then we continue to demean the person and their actions. My personal feeling is that the vast majority of homosexual people never make a choice. Some combination of pre-natal environment, post-natal environment and genetics are at play.
  2. Most of these people don't think sexuality is a choice. They think homosexualiy is a choice (ie. straight is the default, but some people choose gay). Logical as it is, the "when did you choose hetero?" argument doesn't change many minds.
  3. I think it's logical that it was on your mind. The reason that most facilities offer separate bathrooms for men and women is to create a zone of privacy from sexual attention, so the presence of a gay person blurs that line. That said, imagine if you had to use a women's locker room because the men's was out of order or something. Would you act like a creep and stare at the women? Come onto them? No, I imagine you'd respect the vulnerable situation like other decent people.
  4. The key difference, of course, is that there are most likely dozens of gay NFL players who simply choose not to disclose that information. I respect Michael Sam chiefly because he could have chosen anonymity over the circus that's coming his way.
  5. Shouldn't matter. Still does. Shouldn't have mattered that Jackie Robinson was black.
  6. I see this a lot. Do you not care or do you not approve? It can't be both. Not caring is, by definition, an absence of opinion. It's also worth noting, I think, that not every gay man leads a gay "lifestyle". Just as you probably wouldn't primarily describe your lifestyle as a straight lifestyle.
  7. Anti-humor can be great, but it still has to entertain. This didn't entertain me. The greats at this particular type of comedy really make you itch and squirm with discomfort and your material was more of the eye-roll variety. Just one man's opinion though. I know how hard it is to get up on that stage in the first place.
  8. Well, they almost always stick a mic in a guy's face 30 seconds after these big games, and I've never seen that level of anger. Crabtree must have been pretty far under his skin for him to be more concerned with his opponent than the win.
  9. Power running is the theme of these playoffs so far.
  10. Not to be a grammar/syntax nazi, but I really don't know what you mean by that.
  11. This is a useless debate. Until we get a franchise long snapper, it doesn't matter who's back there booting it.
  12. It's not Ryan Fitzpatrick's fault that teams can't find a better QB than friggin' Ryan Fitzpatrick.
  13. It's a good point on not judging players too early, because A. Williams was a real stinker at CB. Still, I'd take an average starting QB over an above average strong safety at this point.
  14. A great offensive line can be like a great bullpen in baseball.
  15. Welcome to the offseason at TBD (and to be fair, every NFL message board). I've come to stick around for the playoffs and then duck out 'til the draft. Sadly, a handful of posters really do their homework on prospects, but you have to wade through 100 other guys who saw a QB throw a tight spiral once in the Meineke Car Care Bowl and just know he's the next big thing.
  16. How exactly is it unreal? You can play the hindsight game with every team for every draft.
  17. 73.0 QB rating (for reference, EJ had a 77.7 rating). Schaub was looking a lot like Jake Delhomme toward the end.
  18. I think if the Patriots hired Norv Turner as the guy who fetches coffee for the assistant tight ends coach, they'd somehow look mediocre. Bad juju.
  19. I disagree. Aside from Rodgers, the NFC North is a pretty soft division. The Lions and Vikings will be led by first year coaches and the Bears just can't play defense. The Dolphins look ready for a step backward. Jeff Tuel was one idiotic play away from beating the Chefs. Yeah, I see 3 or 4 pretty sure fire losses, but it doesn't look any more difficult than this year.
  20. When a middling tight end leads the team in receptions and yards, the receiving corps failed.
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