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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I wonder if there's any positive correlation with winning games at the beginning of the season vs. the end of the season. So, we know that teams who win in week 1 and week 2 make the playoffs 63.3% of the time. What about teams who win in week 11 and week 14?
  2. I liked Searcy's the best. He didn't hit him hard, but Searcy showed some incredible instincts on a big play.
  3. I think that Rodak generally comes off as a lazy dill weed who looks for the negative in the Bills because those are the easy stories after 14 years. This article in particular, though, is just showing a statistic without editorializing. The headline about Spikes is fair because his 15 snaps are surprisingly low, even for a guy who predominately plays the run. Why look to be slighted when there's nothing offensive?
  4. Is there a comprehensive statistic that takes game-situations into account? If there isn't, there should be. At the end of the game, the Bills were glad to give up 5-10 yard chunks in order to leverage the game clock against the Dolphins. Either way, Tannehill's final numbers look rather mediocre, but anybody who watched the game knows that we shut him down.
  5. No kidding. He's walked away from RWS limping and demoralized two years in a row.
  6. ...since 2006-2007 when we beat the Fins in 4 straight games. This might seem rather arbitrary, but to me it's just another statistical symptom of our improvement. It's been a long time since I felt like the Bills owned a division rival. Remember 2011 when the Jets blew us out and altered the course of our season? I don't see this team getting pushed around like that.
  7. Yeah, that was weird. The Dolphins have a DT Earl Mitchell who made a few tackles on running plays. Maybe that was the confusion? Either way, pretty sloppy.
  8. I like the fact that we're back to having dedicated special teams guys. Sure, I won't be thrilled if there's an injury and we have Chris Hogan playing downs at WR but I'm still happier to have him than TJ Graham overall. Same goes for Boobie Dixon. Bryce Brown is the more promising rusher, but Dixon provides so much in the oft-forgotten third phase.
  9. I heard his name twice. Once when the announcers mentioned how they hadn't said his name yet, and once when Seantrel shoved him into oblivion on Spiller's 47 yard run.
  10. 1 TD out of 7 trips to the red zone looks pretty bad. To be fair, though, the 3 trips in the 4th quarter were strategically designed to milk clock and kick field goals.
  11. They referred to Duke Williams as Jimmy Wilson a couple times. They both wear #27, but that's pretty indicative of the announcers being unfamiliar with the teams.
  12. "Trust" is the key word in your post. I never believed that EJ didn't have the intelligence or the vision to make throws downfield. He definitely doesn't have a gun slinger mentality though, and I suspect he had visions of pick sixes in his head last year. Trust is a lot easier when you have a guy like Sammy Watkins.
  13. This is our year. I don't mean we'll win the Superbowl. I'm not even going to talk about the playoffs (playoffs?!?!). Heck, with an unproven QB it wouldn't surprise me if we're looking at 2-2 in a couple weeks. But this is our year. The Bills are staying in Buffalo for decades, if not the entire lifespan of the NFL. This is our year. We've got 11 guys playing smash mouth defense, and a 12th man that will make Ralph Wilson Stadium the least friendly environment for opponents in 2014. We've got the most exciting rookie in the NFL this year. A guy who was inches away from 200 yards and 3 TD's in his home opener. We've got the most bad ass special teams units in the league. So if you're looking for a time to get excited, it's now. This isn't the 2008 team. In fact, only three guys remain from that team and they're some of our best. Jackson, Williams and McKelvin. Three veterans, two captains, who remember 2008. Who would break their backs to not feel that way again. This is our year.
  14. EJ played a better season than Eli last year, he's playing better this year, he's a decade younger and has greater potential for future success in every capacity. And you want to unload EJ AND our most dangerous weapon?
  15. I sincerely believe that the results of this game were decided when the announcement came out about Pegula. Most fired up Week 2 crowd in NFL history?
  16. Terrified? Even if we lose, we're 1-1 looking forward to an eminently winnable home game against the Chargers. Oh, and the Bills are staying in Buffalo forever.
  17. The Dolphins are walking into a buzz saw this weekend. I'd give us 50/50 odds in their house and 90/10 odds in our house given this week's events.
  18. RWS is going to be one fired up stadium after last week's win. If I'm a Miami fan, I'm thinking that Tannehill will have tough sledding against our DL and 12th man.
  19. At the very least, they can't be alone in first until Week 4. Seriously though, I really have no doubt they'll make it to double digit wins.
  20. The Bills are one of the few power running teams left in the NFL, so EJ's end of season stats won't impress many people when it comes to yards and touchdowns. What I'm looking for are efficiency and leadership. Yesterday, the Bills averaged 7.7 yards on passing plays and 73% of EJ's attempts were completions. That's efficient. The content of these articles suggests growing leadership. Before yesterday's game started, I predicted that Orton would be taking over after the bye week. EJ's still on big time probation in my mind, but the tide is turning on my opinion.
  21. A grand total of 3 players remain from that 2008 squad, and no coaches. The three players are Fred Jackson, Kyle Williams and Leodis McKelvin. I'd hardly call that season relevant to this one.
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