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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I said it all last year...all offseason...and screamed all season long this year...DORSEY was the problem. I understood the hiring, promoting within with a guy Josh liked. But the moment he was hired, my concern was his lack of experience and essentially learning on the job during the prime years of Diggs and Allen. It posed the risk of wasting that time while he learned on the job if he didn't excel early...and he didn't excel ever. He was terrible at use of personnel, play design, scheming guys open, utilizing his RB's as runners and receivers, creating motion with purpose, etc. The offensive numbers were misleading...the play to play, drive to drive, game to game consistency, efficiency and smoothness were all lacking. Allen, Diggs, and company can mask and overcome the OC deficiencies enough to still put up season end stats, but the offense had issues the entire Dorsey tenure. Quite honestly, even though its a small sample size, the offense is even better than it was under Daboll even. Daboll had his own issues (allergic to running the ball for starters) and often would just call the dumbest plays in key moments as if he was trying to be the star of that moment with something tricky rather than smart. If things continue, not only do I think Brady will remain as OC and could end up being the best one Josh has had so far. And I would think he would be a prime candidate to replace McD if there was a change made this year or next?
  2. So this thread actually has nothing to do with talking heads I see lol
  3. He’s been everything I thought he would be when we signed him and more. He’s the reason I said we might lead the league in sacks this year back in preseason. I thought it was one of Beanes best signings in terms of talent vs value of his tenure and he has not disappointed. He’s everything we hoped Von would be (and to be fair, Von was delivering pre-injury just at an absurdly higher price tag). I would love to see him back on a 1 or 2 year deal next season too.
  4. YouTube premium is the best thing I've paid for. So it’s clear to others, that is NOT the tv service, it’s for ad free viewing of actual YouTube. Soooo much great content on there and I watch it much more than cable or streaming platforms. One of our favorite shows on there is “The Why Files”, highly recommend it. We also watch a lot of cooking, sports, standup comedy, etc on there. If anyone loves standup comedy, this is one of the best standup specials of all time and he released it onto YouTube when he dropped it. HIGHLY recommend this, Shane Gillis is hilarious. Also, “Kill Tony” is great show if you’re into standup too.
  5. Cowboys. Miami is how you can play in good weather in a regular season game. You want to win in the playoffs, in bad weather, in the Super Bowl…then dominate the trenches and impose your will on both sides of the ball like we just did to the Cowboys.
  6. I don’t disagree with you here about these principles, you’re correct. However my counter point would be specifically on this play, he appears to me to be turning his head away from the contact. Second counter point, it’s much easier to say this than it is to execute in fractions of a second in a live action game too. Which is why I said it’s almost impossible to hit a guy in this situation without a high probability of drawing a flag.
  7. He got suspended for the rest of the year due to repeat offender, not necessarily for the severity of this one play. If you watch the play in slow-mo, it doesn't look egregious to me. I mean what is a player supposed to do there, he went low and tucked his head. Not his fault the pass was bad and Pittman had to lay out for it and it caused them to collide head to head low to the ground. In fact, this is about as textbook as you can get in terms of how you should hit the player in this situation. Im all for player safety, but the NFL has literally made tackling a player in certain situations basically impossible. If a player lays out like this for example, he is pretty much untouchable without risking a flag for contact to the head, defenseless receiver etc. The only sure solution for the defender is just let them make the catch...but what is the point of that in terms of the sport? There is no possible way to fairly remove all big hits or vulnerable hits from football without completely compromising the game. That being said...like Danny Green in the NBA, you don't get the benefit of the doubt when you are a repeat offender. So even if this play wasn't worthy of being suspended rest of year, he earned that extra scrutiny through repeat offenses.
  8. Until he dropped another TD after this post lol. All kidding aside, kid is having his breakout year like many of us expected had it not been for Dorsey not knowing how to use the players on this roster properly
  9. Fair counterpoint...But my rebuttal to that would that for everyone one that may have been light enough to not get a flag, Allen takes plenty others where no flag was thrown when it should have been including horse collars, face masks, etc. Either, totally agree Allen is smark to punish defenders and making them think about it more is never a bad thing, especially for a QB who already takes more punishment than any other QB.
  10. This notion of Josh Allen flops is stupid if you ask me. You can't flop if the player isn't hitting you after the fact and making illegal contact. Every single example they show in his flopping reel is literally a flag REGARDLESS if Allen tries to exaggerate it to make sure the ref sees it. All Josh is doing is being smart, making sure the refs throw the flag on the illegal contact. For any Bills fan to be upset with it is even more puzzling. Keep doing you Josh...
  11. Can Allen still win it...maybe. For Allen to win it several things need to happen: Bills win out No bad turnovers or costly turnovers, preferably none at all We win division Niners lose 1 game Ravens lose 1 game I don't think Allen can win it without at least 4 of those things happening, or even all 5. Plus Allen is gonna have be a bigger part of our next 3 games than what he was against Cowboys. Ravens vs Niners next week, so one of them will lose for sure...but also the team winning that game is gonna boost up their respective MVP candidates further. Ravens still have Miami the week after and Pitt, so if they beat Niners they could still lose to one of the others. Niners have Commanders and Rams after the Ravens game. Rams are dangerous, so if they beat Ravens, its possible they could still lose to Rams week 18. But I can't see Allen winning it unless BOTH those guys each lose a game, mainly because the winner of their head to head next week is gonna really prop up the MVP candidate(s) on that team. So that winning team needs to lose to someone else after given that the top 3 right now are Purdy, Lamar, and CMC. Josh needs to handle his business, and then he needs some help. Just handling his business prob wont be enough to overtake one of the other guys ahead if they continue to handle their own business. Personally, as of right now it should be Purdy and I don't care if Allen does or doesn't win it...just win out, and hit they playoffs rolling as the scariest team in the AFC, and maybe the 2nd scariest outside of the Niners in the whole NFL.
  12. We lost in OT to Jets…how do you figure we still lose to Jets if we had a better offense? Mathematically, we would be 13-1 right now if we swapped out what Joe Brady’s offense is scoring into the games we lost…with the only loss being Philly.
  13. Frazier was the DC, not McD in those years. How about maybe enjoying the win and taking it one game at a time rather than wallow in the past even after a dominant win?
  14. The name "Brandon Staley" has 13 letters in it...so does "LOOOOOOOOOSER"...coincidence? Probably not.
  15. It would be amazing...my Dolphin fan friends keep saying they wont win another game this season and its glorious haha
  16. Sorry, but he is right and you got it wrong here as crazy as that sounds. If Bills win out, they will be 10-6 and 3-2 in the division heading into week 18 against the Fins. If Miami also loses out they will be 9-7 heading into week 18 against the Bills with a 3-2 divisional record also. So Bills could win their next 3 and Miami could lose their next 3 and Miami would still win the division with a week 18 victory over Bills because they would both finish the season 10-7 but Miami would end up 4-2 in the division with that win and Bills would end up 3-3 giving Miami the tie breaker. There is no possible path for the Bills to win the division without also beating Miami week 18.
  17. This is the same girl who boasts about how many dudes she has slept with on videos on youtube at parties prior to this one. The same girl who was going around the party telling guys they are "p***ys if you don't f*** me"? The same girl whose own friends gave statements that she was telling everyone she was 18 and in college at another local college. While I agree the civil lawyer was a scum bag, most are...I can't just say it was all his fault, I mean she is the one who sought out the attorney in the first place despite her lies to people at the party and her self proclaimed and demonstrated consensual promiscuity. And why didn't she get someone else as a lawer? Maybe she tried and they turned her down, or maybe she went with the sleezy guy cuz she had a flimsy case. But honestly, who her attorney was or wasn't turned out to be irrelevant. Police investigation cleared Matt proving he left an hour before it the encounter happened and police said the video footage of her 2nd sexual encounter showed no signs of force or assault. She could have had Tom Cruise from A Few Good Men as her attorney and it wouldn't have helped given Matt left an hour before the alleged 2nd encounter. Ha, sorry, just rewatched that movie the other day hence the reference...still such a good movie.
  18. NOPE, that is not what happened. You see, you LITERALLY continue to IGNORE the actual facts of the case...shocker (said no one ever). Never cleared of anything? LMAO, he was 100% proven to have left the property over an HOUR before the next encounter took place. He was 100% cleared of ANY involvement in the 2nd encounter through a number of factually proven pieces of evidence. Furthermore, the police determined through VIDEO FOOTAGE of the 2nd encounter that there was no signs of force or assault involved in the 2nd encounter either. You know the video footage of her banging a guy in the living room before moving upstairs and continuing with more than one guy absent force or assault. And get off your soap box about a college guy having sex with a high school girl, it's so ridiculous. I had sex with a college girl I met at a party when I was a junior in high school...I assure you I wasn't raped. News flash...high school girls (and guys) lie about their age to sleep with college students consensually every single day at every single college on earth. Their encounter is not even illegal in all states based on age. That doesn't make every one of those college students "rapists" because a girl (or guy) lies to them about their age and they consensually have sex.
  19. Agreed...this wasn't journalism of a breaking story, this was an opinion piece lacking of actual journalistic integrity with an agenda to confirm a pre-existing opinion. Dunne sets the tone with this right out the gate citing he doesn't have credentials from the Bills and establishes the type of tone he is out for. He then ONLY discusses the topic with potentially disgruntled former players or employees and tries to hide behind that fact by playing the victim of not being credentialed. Two things were clear in this full article: He started from a pre-existing position and then went out to validate that position rather than do a balanced article. The goal here was not of journalistic nature, but instead to create controversy to gain traffic. None of this means that McD is perfect or that nothing in the article was true. But it was crystal clear he was out for confirmation bias on his pre-existing position and to sell clicks and traffic to his site. His article reads more of a scorned or jealous ex girlfriend than a true journalistic piece with opposing view points.
  20. Living in LA I have several Charger fan friends, and they could not believe he kept his job after the playoff collapse. In fact, they thought the silver lining of that was going to be to get rid of him only to be disappointed.
  21. If Staley sucked any more as a HC he would be Jared from Subway. The only team he is qualified to be a HC of is any team that exists in the movie Idiocracy.
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