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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Dorseys season totals are skewed from 3 games of football, I have told you this, but you choose to ignore it. The offense was atrocious in the other 7 games of football played under Dorsey this season. Week 1 and weeks 5 through his firing the offense was bad and averaged under 20 ppg. I don't care about 3 games weeks 2-4 against bad defenses and mostly bad teams. I care about the BULK of the season where the offense averaged less than 20 PPG and was 2-5 in those 7 games and had us out of the playoffs. You want to play make believe and pretend his "season total averages" are the real offense, then go ahead. But those numbers did NOT reflect at all how the team was really playing for 6 straight weeks as it played itself out of the playoffs until he was fired and the offense majorly improved to 28 PPG against harder defenses and the toughest part of our schedule. There isn't a single fact that can be presented that remotely suggests Dorsey should have kept his job over Brady.
  2. I was banging the drum on him all offseason and all season long and really since the moment he was drafted. He should have gotten more opportunities last year, but Dorsey just wasn't good at utilizing the talent on the roster. He continued to ignore him for the first part of this season too, and had he not, Shakir might be closer to 700-800 yards. He just keeps making plays, and I would like to see them still get him more involved, I think he is capable of playing a Beasley role here and could deliver that level of production if he had the target share to do so.
  3. Dorseys final 6 games and Bradys first 6 games the offense is averaging 8 points more per game. That is a massive difference in the NFL in scoring very difficult to achieve even with an entire offseason to overhaul an offense. To pretend like the offense isn't significantly better over what Dorsey's offense had become is laughable. Sure, Dorsey's offense SKEWED its season total because of 2 1/2 games of football (2nd half week 2, week 3, and week 4) against bad defenses...but then it fell off a cliff never to recover. Dorsey led offense lost to BOTH Zac Wilson and Mac Jones in the same season. Dorsey led offense was 1-2 vs the Jets (both losses to Zac Wilson) and avg 17 ppg in those 3 games while Brady's first game against the same team scored 32 and benched its starters for almost the entire 4th quarter in a blow out or we would have probably scored 48+. Dorsey over his final 6 games was 2-4 and we got lucky on final play of both wins to not be 0-6 during the weak part of our schedule because the offense only averaged a pathetic 20 ppg. Since then, we are 5-1 and should be 6-0 (not Brady's fault) becasue even when the offense has some sputters he finds ways to still get points on the board using the run game and Allens legs...something Dorsey couldn't manage to do even when 3rd and goal from the 6" line where instead of sneaking Allen he twice ran out of shotgun to lose yards in back to back games. Dorsey was a major problem, to pretend he wasn't tells me that person is just rooted in being negative about all Bills decisions. We went from 11th seed and out of playoffs to playing for the division title and #2 seed in 6 games of Brady taking over the offense in the hardest stretch of our schedule in the NFL against multiple legit defenses.
  4. This. Previous 6 games before Dorsey was fired, the offense averaged 20 PPG and went 2-4 most of which was against bad teams and weak defenses. First 6 games under Brady, offense is avg 28 PPG and is 5-1 and should be 6-0 if not for some gaffs unrelated to Brady and his job. Against NE, the offense sputtered, but honestly, it was mostly on Josh Allen and the other players. Josh had one of his least accurate games I can recall him having since his first year in throwing the football. Can't fault Brady when Allen couldn't deliver the ball accurately most of the game. It happens, some games even the best QB's just are off for whatever reason, even the great Mahomes has had games like that. And THIS is actually the massive difference between Dorsey and Brady. When the offense isn't executing on the field, Brady adjusts and gets other things going like Allen and his legs, the run game, etc to find ways to get points. Hence why a down game under Brady is still in the mid 20's compared to 14 to 17 points under Dorsey. The offenses floor under Brady is way higher than Dorsey, and that has literally been the difference in winning some of these closer games and losing them under Dorsey. Unless the offense just gets completely out coached like Dorsey did on the regular, then I highly doubt Brady's role here as OC is in any real jeopardy right now.
  5. That wasn’t the discussion…he was defending Dorsey and saying he should still be here. Which is just ludicrous
  6. So you ignored the facts I see and went on with a weird crusade for a well deserved fired coordinator. I find it funny when you few Dorsey defenders refuse to acknowledge that his season totals were skewed by 2 and a half games of football (2nd half of week 2, week 3, and Miami week 4) while the other 7 1/2 games were atrocious showings by his offense. Brady has got the offense avg 8 points more per game and is 5-1 in those 6 games compared to the 2-4 Dorsey offense against weak defenses that avg 20 PPG. Going back to last season, Dorsey faced Jets 3 times and the offense avg 17 PPG and was 1-2 vs them. Brady’s first game against Jets we put up 34 in 3 quarters and benched our starters for the 4th in the blow out. There is literally no defense of Dorsey. There isn’t a statistical defense of him, can’t use wins, can’t use any metric that shows the offense was better off in his hands. I honestly can’t fathom how you’re making this argument right now. We were in 11th place and out of playoffs under Dorsey and now we are heading into final game playing for the 2 seed and divisional crown again. It’s like you’re Dorsey in disguise or one of his relatives. Because no one else could possibly think he should still be here over Brady. It’s like not even close, debatable, or anything.
  7. He leads the NFL in total yards and total TDs…yeah he sucks.
  8. Not really? Push an agenda over a fired guy? Lmao c’mon dude. Dorseys last 6 games against the weakest part of our schedule our offense averaged 20 PPG and we went 2-4 with both wins getting lucky on last play not to lose. In Brady’s first 6 games offense is avg 28 PPG against the toughest part of our schedule and we are 5-1. The only one “believing what they want to push an agenda” is you. Ohhhh those pesky facts right lol
  9. And on the scoreboard and the win column.
  10. True, and that is why it’s good he’s coming back now, to get some. Games under his belt and hopefully get closer back to where he was as we start rolling in the playoffs. We also don’t need him to be who he was with Linval here now. If he can bring value as a rotational piece it’s going to be a big gain for us. If he gets back to close to where he was by 2nd round of playoffs or AFCCG, then even better. If we do make the SB, odds are it’s gonna be to face the Niners, and having him back with 5 games under his belt will be huge for that game.
  11. It makes no sense from a developmental or a team stand point...but it does make sense from the point of view of a desperate HC trying to find a way to save his job. Rivera is probably desperately hoping to show he can win with better QB play and that QB play has been the issue and not him to try and survive another season.
  12. I doubt Bills will be underdogs against Miami. Josh Allen and company have had no problems handling the Tua and Hill show with the lone loss being under extreme circumstances and Tua and Hill were still held in check. Especially after Bills smashed Miami earlier in the year with a bad OC.
  13. My predictions for this weekend, week 17. 1 - Bills clinch playoff birth. 2 - Dolphins lose to Ravens and we control our own destiny for both the division and number 2 seed. GoBills!!!!
  14. Without even checking I can tell you right now that the person giving you an eye roll is almost certainly @Airseven
  15. Who in the AFC is definitively better right now? Bills can beat anyone in the AFC. Will they, well that’s what we will find out. But to say they can’t be is just absurd and is just more about being stubborn to stick to the negative bias you already have. They just beat KC and Cowboys, who at the time they played them were both considered legit SB contenders and top 5 teams. But you act like they lost their last 5 games.
  16. Huh? Has nothing to do with the coaches exterior energy you may or may not have observed. It’s about the players having and playing with renewed energy from having a new coach. Nobody is talking about the coaches sideline demeanor but you lol.
  17. KC has one of the best defenses in the NFL. If you think an offense must score 30 every week against even the best defenses then you are delusional in your expectations. We went into KC against what was then the number 1 seed in the AFC, with the best QB and one of the best defenses in one of the toughest places to play and win a tough close game and scored 20…and somehow that’s not good enough for you? LMAO, that’s just absurd.
  18. New coach energy isn’t about a guy on the sideline being a cheer leader lol.
  19. This is an absurd take. This is a prime example of someone just whining to whine and manipulate info to confirm their bias. You are lumping in Dorsey led offense (7 of those 9 were with him) with Brady led offense and they are not the same, but you’re doing it to exaggerate your bias.
  20. Miami isn’t winning both games against Dallas and Ravens, might not win either one. But I do think Miami follows Bills blueprint and just runs all day on Dallas, so if Miami is to win one of them, I think Dallas is the one they have the best chance at. People are down on the Chargers game, and that’s dumb IMHO. They held their poise despite down early off a ST fumble and were then again late after Cook fumbled it felt like a game that could flip momentum and be in danger of losing. But they stayed composed, they didn’t abandon Cook, and they drove the field to win the game. Then the D did its thing immediately on defending the chance for a game winning FG with a big sack out the gate to seal the fate if the game to a lateral gauntlet for a miracle attempt. Coming off a huge win, into a road environment with new coach energy against a weaker team easy to overlook is a game a lot of teams can lose. And when you factor our struggles in close games, being able to hold on and make the plays to win the game was great to see. Sure we would have preferred a multi-score win, but also, Bills need to win these close games too as there are likely to be more, so this IMHO only helps build more poise and confidence inside that locker room as we move towards the playoffs. Note: I think we are about to see more of a split committee at RB between Fournette and Cook. Cook is having some fumbling issues, had also dropped 2 easy TD passes, and isn’t great in pass pro. Playoff Lenny inbound, I think they are gonna get his legs warmed for a playoff impact and Lenny is a more physical runner, better receiver, and better in pass pro. Cook will be the speed element and still mix in a lot too, but I have a feeling that if Lenny shows he still has it (he’s only 27) these next couple weeks, then he could be looking at a hefty involvement come the post season.
  21. You know the QB on the other team only had 200 yards and 1 TD (none passing) and only because of a ST fumble. You are grossly exaggerating the situation. If you want to call that lucky, then you need to call all the Bills losses by one score lucky for the other teams too. Bills didn’t lucky at all, they went out and won the game on execution not luck. There wasn’t a lucky play that won them the game. Josh and the offense made plays. And I find it even more hilarious that you said Josh sucked (3 TDs) and then praise the Chargers QB (1 TD thanks to a st fumble). Bills were on the road facing a team with new energy from a new coach. This was their SB, the coach and QB literally even said it before the game themselves as they don’t know what future they even have after this season. Bills controlled the game except three turnovers allowed the Chargers to stay in it. But they went out and handled their business on the road and made the plays to win the game when it mattered, something they have struggled with in the past. I swear, some of you piss and moan unless we blow people out, and that’s just not the reality of the NFL.
  22. We now control our own destiny and are currently the 6th seed. 2 games to go to reach playoffs…then the real season begins! LFG! GoBills!
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