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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Jags are not very good, they could easily lose this game. That being said, doesn't matter...Bills will know what is at take by game time because have been flexed to the night game and the other 2 will have finished before kickoff. And even if one of those other teams lose, Bills are coming for the 2 seed and divisional title, so I don't think the outcome of those games matter much to how the Bills are preparing for this game.
  2. Ha...a board famous for threads such as "Mario for Skelton straight up" I doubt makes anything less "far fetched".
  3. I guess its a good thing that never once has any of these script leaks been accurate to what actually happened. So theres that. Why do people even call these script leaks when they are clearly just some made up stuff by someone hoping to be right to cause a stir?
  4. I don't actually disagree with your assessment in this reply that the Bills have been a good, but not consistently great, team the past few years. They have consistently found ways to beat themselves, so its a fair comment you are making here. And you are not wrong about how some go to that positive extreme, but I just don't think the answer to that is to go the negative extreme either. All you get is two sides of extremes where no one is right. I try and stay realistic and as unbiased as one can when a fan of a team. But honestly, I feel like you have been quite reasonable in our dialogue here and its been an interesting convo so kudos Either way, all good here from me.
  5. Im not upset and don't at all feel compelled to mute you, everyone is entitled to their own view points. I was just responding to what you wrote. You said and I quote : "Also as for being negative, if everyone was negative I would likely be the most positive. I often take the opposing point of few in my responses. I'm not going to post in a thread and say "I agree." What's the point?" Im not accusing you of this, but that is what you said, so not sure how else that is supposed to be taken. You said if everyone was negative, you would then be positive. You didn't say you take the view point of what you believe...you said you take the "opposing" point of view to what everyone else thinks. I mean isn't that basically the definition of arguing for the sake of arguing? Truthfully, I don't even think you do this, but that is just what you said. I think its more you just have a more negative bias towards the Bills and your interest gravitates towards that.
  6. Im not a fan of a TE high in the draft either, but high in the draft for me is top 20. I don't see where we picked as "high" in the draft. And more importantly, there is nothing that is 100% accurate all the time. For example, while I am not a fan of taking a TE high in the draft, that doesn't make taking one high "always" wrong. You said QB, WR, T, DE, CB - Well we didn't need a QB, so that takes that off your list. We already discussed all WR's worthy of the pick were off the board, so that takes that off the list. We didn't really need a T either, and there wasn't one graded higher than Kincaid there either, so you can take that off the list. We didn't need a DE, so you can take that off the list nor was there one there that should have been taken over Kincaid. And we did not need a CB either, nor was there one graded higher than Kincaid there anyway. So, again...while I don't disagree about your priority list, the reality is that we either did not need a player at those positions like QB or there were not players graded higher than Kincaid that should have been chosen over Kincaid at that slot. So I fail to see where the negativity on the Kincaid pick can come from, we took the BPA and added a weapon for Allen, something the offense also did need. And no disrespect...but the real "whats the point" question you should be asking is to yourself...whats the point of just focusing on taking the opposing view of the popular opinions for the sake of doing so? All you are saying is that your responses are not written to be accurate or correct, they are simply written to be the opposite of popular opinion...which by default means you care less about accuracy in your opinions and comments, and more about disagreement and opposition. But, if I am being honest...what you said isn't really true anyway because I don't see you take the "opposite" view points in threads where everyone is negative. You asked me what is the point of agreeing on a message board...well what do you think a board like this is for? Just arguing? Its a discussion board to discuss things with other people who share the same interest in the subject matter. Sometimes you agree, sometimes you disagree...that is the point to conversation.
  7. Gotcha, and I do agree that he is not a serious MVP candidate this year. Too many losses where the offense didn't play well against bad teams (Jets, Pats, Denver, etc)...too many close calls against bad teams we did win but the offense struggled (Giants, Chargers, Pats, etc). Now had Josh had stellar games against Pats and Chargers, he would probably have a punchers chance with a huge game against Miami. But we beat Dallas with Josh only attempting 15 passes (completing 7) then offensively struggled against Chargers and especially the Patriots where Josh accumulated some TD's, but the offense as a whole was not very efficient. Pats game was one of the worst games I have seen from Josh since he was a rookie...maybe even the worst. He was just off target all game and out of sync on a day where Lamar was putting up 5 TD's against the #2 seed in the AFC in Miami. Love Josh, and I do think he is a top 5 MVP finalist, but just not the type of season with too many down games against bad teams and turnovers for him to over take Lamar at this point.
  8. Sorry, you can't "easily" get a top end WR2 at the end of the first or later on. Most WR's don't bust out as rookies at a level that would be greater than the expectations Davis had as our WR2 coming into the season. And further more, far more WR's bust or flame out early in the NFL than go on to be 1000 yard WR's. So where you are coming up with the notion it can "easily" happen is a bit puzzling. And we already had a WR2 in Davis when we drafted Kincaid. It is not like Davis left in FA, the Bills had a hole at WR2 and then took a TE over a quality WR prospect in the first. And I want to upgrade from Davis too...but its a BIG difference looking to upgrade versus having to replace because someone is already gone. Bills took the best recieving option on the board in Kincaid who was widely seen as the BPA. The other worth WR's had already been drafted and the Bills didn't lose a WR2 and have a "hole" at WR2. So I really don't get the issue you have with Kincaid...there was NOT a better option when we took him, and he has already shown the kind of talent he brings to the table and is already one of our most reliable pass catchers. He was drafted to be a long term weapon here, not just what he might do as a rookie.
  9. What I think will happen: Dolphins are gonna play for the win and start everyone they can. What I think should happen: Dolphins should protect Tua. If he isn't 100% then with his injury history and having to go through the playoffs without him last year would give me pause and not want to risk Tua if he isn't a safe play. The #2 seed is pretty important, but your starting QB is MORE important. As a team, I would rather sit Tua than force him to play through an injury against an aggressive defense that has already hurt him before.
  10. Have you ever had any take in any thread on this board that wasn't coming from a negative view point? The moment I see a thread that doesn't directly have a negative tone, I know with 100% certainty 2 people are gonna use the roll eyes or laugh emoticon to it...you and @Airseven. Its as sure as the rising and setting of the sun. First...You don't draft anyone over what their ROOKIE year might yield. You know Kincaid is here at least for 4-5 years right? What he does or doesn't do as a rookie does NOT indicate whether he was a worthy first round pick as his career spans more than his rookie year. Second, why are you even attempting to mention Flowers or Nacua when neither were options when the Bills were on the clock and took Kincaid. Flowers was drafted BEFORE our pick, so couldn't have taken him. Nacua? I guarantee you had never heard of him until his week 1 game with the Rams and you put in your free agent bid in fantasy to get him. So lets not pretend Nacua had any shot for any team to take him in the first round, he was a 5th round pick. You know like Shakir...a guy I am pretty sure I have seen you dump on and be negative about because he was a "5th round pick". Bottom line is simple...Kincaid has the talent, but opportunities here are limited by his role and usage. Plug Kincaid into the Lions offense and he has the same kind of season, maybe better, than LaPorta. He will be a legit weapon for years to come and has the potential to be special or elite. For the record, I don't disagree that we need a better WR2 as Davis isn't it. But that doesn't make the Kincaid pick a bad pick either.
  11. No offense, but its hard to take anything you say seriously when you have one note...one speed...at all times and that is always the negative view on everything. There are a handful of you that I can't fathom how you are Bills fans as you seem hate everyone associated with the team and only ever "like" or approve of negative posts and themes on this board. And this take on Josh is another prime example of over the top negative outlook. If you just had some balance it would be one thing, but you and a few others just always exaggerate things to the highest level of negativity which then just ruins your point because it goes from something that might have had some relevance to over the top nonsense.
  12. This has nothing to do with the accuracy of what he is saying...but this guy is a total tool for telling everyone Josh has a shoulder injury but then saying well I won't say exactly what it is until after the season because I was told to keep it confidential. Are you serious? How is telling everyone about the injury keeping the injury confidentail? What an idiot. And then says I want to keep it confidential for "competitive integrity" reasons...but AGAIN you did NOT keep it confidential, you just told everyone he has a shoulder injury so if they want to target that shoulder they can. Doesn't matter he didn't say the specifics of the shoulder, all any opponent needed to know is that his shoulder has some sort of issue. CJ who are dumb as rocks.
  13. I get what you are saying, but honestly this is all a stretch I am seeing here in your theory. In a handful of posts now, you have essentially claimed that Diggs is hurt and hiding it, other players viciously attacked Diggs with the intent of injury, etc etc. Bottom line is all players have some degree of injury or pain management at this point in the year. Your examples of Beasley and his ribs for example, those were never a secret. That was known before, during, and after the game that he was gonna play through the injury. Watch Diggs play, there does not appear to be any indication on the field of being limited in anyway. What I have seen is Diggs get separation and beat his man just to find Josh under duress in the pocket and throwing in a forced manner and not getting the ball accurately to Diggs in many games now. Would anyone be talking about this if Allen didn't miss bad in the NE game when Diggs had several yards on his defender for a sure long bomb TD? Gabe Davis had like 3 games in 4 with 0 catches. Is he hurt too? There is just too much conspiracy theory going on here without any supporting evidence of any kind. Not to mention, Diggs has in previous seasons, including last year, started the season off with gaudy stats and cooled down the back half when the offensive passing game wasn't as efficient. Then there is the fact that Gabe Davis scares no one with the majority of his career games he has 3 catches or less and defenses can key in on Diggs doubling and even tripling him at times. There is also a significant increase in our teams rush attempts since Brady took over limiting the pass targets as a whole. We won a game this year against Dallas where Josh only attempted 15 passes, completing 7. This week against NE Josh only completed 50% of his passes, several of which were off target throws to open guys including Diggs. So no disrespect, but this pattern of production is one we have seen with Diggs during his time in Buffalo in past seasons and there are no signs of any kind of Diggs being limited out there. I mean when he catches the ball he is juking, cutting, dodging like he is Deebo Samuel out there. They even ran Diggs as a RB this week, not something they would do if he was playing an injury limiting his play outside of normal wear and tear. Many players get surgeries in the offseason for things that they were capable of playing through during the season to either speed up recovery or just recover better. So those past examples don't really imply that Diggs has something significantly wrong with him. When Josh Allen starts accurately delivering the ball to Diggs and he fails to make the plays or can't get to the ball from some limitation, then there is something to talk about. But right now, I am watching Diggs get open and Allen just not find him or not accurately connect, often because he is running for his life and throwing under duress...but sometimes, Josh has just flat out thrown poor balls.
  14. Nah, he has one more year here before they can get out of his contract. Can't see any scenario where he isn't here next year just because of the contract. The only thing would be if his off field issue progresses to where they can void his contract. I don't disagree that he, at least so far, looks done or close to done as a player. I just don't think the Bills have any recourse until after this next season if memory serves me correctly regarding his contract. Its really surprising to me that more people don't see this or acknowledge this.
  15. Im not referring to what Jets paid. Im saying people acting like he is done because it didn’t go well with the Jets is foolish to me, because it was never gonna go well there between a bad OL and Breece being healthy. Point is, Dalvin can still contribute. With him being a FA there is a strong chance he could go somewhere like Baltimore who is thin at RB and the could provide value. I could also see KC, Dallas, or Miami. This isn’t a player coming back from injury or been sitting on the couch all year looking for a team to join late. He’s in game ready shape and can still bring value to several teams contending right now. So I would have preferred he stayed with Jets rather than potentially bringing some value to someone we might face in postseason. To dismiss his value to someone like Chiefs or Ravens just because the Jets are a train wreck for example would be silly. I hope he goes to someone like Dallas or Miami rather than KC or Balt. He doesn’t change the fate for Dal or Mia, but he could be a reliable pair of hands in KC and he would at least be in the rotation at RB for Balt and could excel there.
  16. Love the commitment, but I think you should have taken the offer. Media is still way to focused on the down games and turnovers with Allen for him to get a fair shake at it at this stage.
  17. He won’t get the votes. Lamar isn’t gonna play likely this week, he’s not losing ground to the point Allen over takes him after Allen has had 2 pedestrian games against lowly injured chargers and the lowly pats. There is nothing that can happen this weekend that will leap frog Allen above Lamar without Lamar playing and having a chance to have an off game. I bet on Allen for MVP too, and if you had a chance to cash out you should have taken it cuz he won’t win it this year. Im not saying that’s how I feel per se, saying what the voters are gonna do.
  18. Josh Allen could throw 7 TD's this week and run for 2 more and he couldn't win the MVP anymore. I suggest everyone turn their focus on getting playoff Josh back from 2021 and hope he can get to the big show and win SB MVP...regular season MVP ship has sailed and its meaningless anyways outside of me winning my every year Allen MVP bet I make the past 3 seasons. Make no mistake about it, Josh's odds of winning MVP are zero. Its Lamars. BUT...this is NOT a complete picture of Allen. Its utterly absurd to talk about Allen's production and not include his legs. If you do, he is at or near the top of the league in total yards and he has most total TD's in the league. Lamar is gonna win MVP and his production of his legs is being counted in that decision too. So to not include it for Josh is absurd and like talking about McCaffrey as ONLY a RB and not taking into account his receiving production for example.
  19. People dumping on Dalvin doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Breece was healthy and always gonna be the primary ball carrier. Dalvin was there to be another piece in a Rodgers based offense that could run and catch the ball out of the backfield. But Rodgers went down and all that was left was a terrible OL, QB, and OC. Dalvin doing little in a low use scenario on a truly awful offense doesn't mean he is shot and couldn't still have some value to a contending team. Don't be surprised if KC or Balt sign him for the post season. He would have value on both teams right now.
  20. This is heavily skewed for Dorsey over weeks 2, 3, and 4 against 3 bad defenses. The other 7 weeks (Jets plus the final 6 weeks before he was fired) the offense only averaged 19.5 PPG and was terrible. I keep saying this over and over...stop looking at the season totals/avg of Dorsey led offense, its a false answer and does not reflect just how poorly the offense was playing the majority of the year. 19.5 PPG for Dorsey in 7 games against the weakest opponents on our schedule. 28 PPG for Brady in 6 games against the hardest part of our schedule facing a tough defense in every game but 1. Look at like opponents: Jets - In 3 games, Dorsey led Bills offense avg 17 PPG and was 1-2 including 2 losses to Zack Wilson. Brady hung 32 in 3 quarters and our starters sat most the 4th quarter in a blow out win that would have been likely 40-48 points had we not benched our starters for the 4th. So sorry...this stat box above does not remotely illustrate the difference the offense has experienced since Brady took over. We are avg over 8 more PPG in Bradys first 6 games compared to Dorseys final 6 games. Bills were 2-4 (and got lucky to not be 0-6) during Dorseys final 6 games with an inept offense and were out of the payoffs. Under Brady, we are 5-1 and should be 6-0 if not for gaffs made that had nothing to do with Brady and are playing for the #2 seed next week. None of that makes Brady the end all be all, but it DEFINITELY makes him a much better option than Dorsey was. Even when the offense struggles, we are still scoring more points and winning close games compared to losing them because we couldn't put enough points on the board.
  21. His draft slot is irrelevant. He offers more on the boundary than Beasley did too. He needs more slot reps. But I do agree Kincaid limits his targets with how much Kincaid plays there
  22. But with the trainwreck we had at the slot last year, getting him more reps to help his development should have been a no brainer. Either way, he is more involved now, and he earned that on the field, and hope he continues to see increased targets and becomes more of a player they look to get the ball too like Beasley was.
  23. Dorseys season totals are skewed from 3 games of football, I have told you this, but you choose to ignore it. The offense was atrocious in the other 7 games of football played under Dorsey this season. Week 1 and weeks 5 through his firing the offense was bad and averaged under 20 ppg. I don't care about 3 games weeks 2-4 against bad defenses and mostly bad teams. I care about the BULK of the season where the offense averaged less than 20 PPG and was 2-5 in those 7 games and had us out of the playoffs. You want to play make believe and pretend his "season total averages" are the real offense, then go ahead. But those numbers did NOT reflect at all how the team was really playing for 6 straight weeks as it played itself out of the playoffs until he was fired and the offense majorly improved to 28 PPG against harder defenses and the toughest part of our schedule. There isn't a single fact that can be presented that remotely suggests Dorsey should have kept his job over Brady.
  24. I was banging the drum on him all offseason and all season long and really since the moment he was drafted. He should have gotten more opportunities last year, but Dorsey just wasn't good at utilizing the talent on the roster. He continued to ignore him for the first part of this season too, and had he not, Shakir might be closer to 700-800 yards. He just keeps making plays, and I would like to see them still get him more involved, I think he is capable of playing a Beasley role here and could deliver that level of production if he had the target share to do so.
  25. Dorseys final 6 games and Bradys first 6 games the offense is averaging 8 points more per game. That is a massive difference in the NFL in scoring very difficult to achieve even with an entire offseason to overhaul an offense. To pretend like the offense isn't significantly better over what Dorsey's offense had become is laughable. Sure, Dorsey's offense SKEWED its season total because of 2 1/2 games of football (2nd half week 2, week 3, and week 4) against bad defenses...but then it fell off a cliff never to recover. Dorsey led offense lost to BOTH Zac Wilson and Mac Jones in the same season. Dorsey led offense was 1-2 vs the Jets (both losses to Zac Wilson) and avg 17 ppg in those 3 games while Brady's first game against the same team scored 32 and benched its starters for almost the entire 4th quarter in a blow out or we would have probably scored 48+. Dorsey over his final 6 games was 2-4 and we got lucky on final play of both wins to not be 0-6 during the weak part of our schedule because the offense only averaged a pathetic 20 ppg. Since then, we are 5-1 and should be 6-0 (not Brady's fault) becasue even when the offense has some sputters he finds ways to still get points on the board using the run game and Allens legs...something Dorsey couldn't manage to do even when 3rd and goal from the 6" line where instead of sneaking Allen he twice ran out of shotgun to lose yards in back to back games. Dorsey was a major problem, to pretend he wasn't tells me that person is just rooted in being negative about all Bills decisions. We went from 11th seed and out of playoffs to playing for the division title and #2 seed in 6 games of Brady taking over the offense in the hardest stretch of our schedule in the NFL against multiple legit defenses.
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