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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Well Kudos to you sir, that’s a classy move to go find this yourself and bring it to the forefront again. I honestly forgot about this great convo we had and I’m double impressed that you both remembered it and went and found it on your own. Yes, technically I won the bet, but in reality I don’t think either of us really come out of this being right or wrong. Sherfield wound up buried behind Diggs and Davis here, and with 2 TE sets, Kincaid even when not in a 2 TE set, Shakir, and our RBs the reality became that Sherfield wound up more buried here really than Miami. The biggest issue really was Davis value as a blocker on runs and screens just never took him off the field. So Trent got very few snaps, but I’m glad he made the biggest one of the season matter this weekend. So here is what I propose…I think we both had some things here that were right about, and this was about as close to a draw as you can get without being an actual draw. I’m willing to call it a draw, or if you still want to make a donation then since I’m willing to call it a draw, then it’s really your conscious decision to make a donation so it should be to a charity of your choice and in your name. Again, class act and look forward to next one
  2. I am fully convinced that Allens throwing shoulder is compromised to some degree with an injury that hasn't been able to heal as he is playing through it. 1 - He has come up short on a lot of higher degree throws he can only make or few others can make that usually flick off his wrist with ease. 2 - He is off on deep shots, either short or way too long like he is over compensating to make sure its not short. 3 - He is has fired an uncanny amount of lasers in short area throws that are harder for guys to catch which makes me think he is over compensating too much, hence the extra force. I can't say with 100% certainty of course, but I think its a pretty sure bet. We do know he has banged up his shoulder this year in multiple games now and he has been seen clinching and releasing his fist after big hits on the ground on his throwing arm because he has aggravated something in that throwing arm. We also had that guy who said it was originally hurt week 1 in the 1st quarter. So the other times during the season could be more linked to aggravating that original issue which would make sense and track. I think this is why his deeper shots have been off or led to some of the turnovers. He has had multiple ones where he just didn't get the ball all the way there or was a bit late on a tight window. He has multiple ones where he over compensated on a short throw with a laser that was on target but went off guys hands and got tipped to a defender. But 2 things are true for Josh: He is tough as nails and he doesn't make excuses. So I don't think we will hear the details of what he played through until this offseason and it wouldn't surprise me if we find out he has some minor procedure done too. And this will make what he and the team accomplished this year even more impressive if we get it confirmed he played through a throwing arm injury for part of or nearly all of the season.
  3. The mistake was bailing on the primary read of the TE to the left flat too early and rolling right away from the pressure. There was a first down there had he fired that pass but pressure came quick on that side. But the INT is 100% the correct move, Josh even said that was his thought process to at least give the offense a chance to make a play or give their defense a chance to make a MISTAKE of CATCHING the INT because Miami much better off just knocking the ball down and getting much better field position from the turnover on downs.
  4. Doesn't look as bas as it did this year...and this year it wasn't as brutal as we thought. Our issue this year was we lost to the bad teams we should have spanked early on because we had an inept OC who needed more experience for being ready to head this offense and got out coached way too easily.
  5. Josh didn't have a bad "game" but he did have a bad first half. However, its also maybe not as bad as it appears either...none the less, he has no case for MVP. Turnover 1 - To me, this feels like another miscommunication by Davis. I do find it interesting that 38% of Josh's INT's are on attempts to Davis. They are just not on the same page, and it was another situation where it is hard to tell who was right or wrong. Davis just needs to plant and turn around and easy TD. But also, he is open when he broke right too. So hard to say is that a Josh mistake or Davis mistake. Turnover 2 - The INT was not the issue, in fact, at that point the INT was RIGHT decision and Miami screwed up catch it as it was essentially a punt given that any incomplete pass or other failed conversion gave Miam the ball back with much better field position. The true mistake here was bailing to early on his flat read to the TE on the left for the easy first down and rolling right and putting himself in a spot where the best decision was heave it and either hope for a TD or hope for an INT so Miami gets worse field position. Josh even said so himself. So the INT was the correct decision at that time, but Josh did miss the opportunity for an easy first down at the start of the play to the left, so that is the real mistake here, not the INT. End of half missed points - This is 100% on James Cook, sorry that was a perfect pass in the endzone and Cook once again drops a perfect dime for a TD for the 3rd time now in like 3 or 4 games. Sure, we can blame Josh for not putting the ball in the endzone on that last attempt, but if you watch the replay it looks like if Josh hits him he can get in, so I don't hate him being aggressive there, Miami just made a great stop. Ideally, you want to see us get at least 3 there, so the option was to just throw it away, but I don't hate the aggression either given the proximity to the goal line on where the ball was delivered. But none of this should have mattered, Cook took the points off the board. Second half though, outside a strip fumble, which was a great play by a talented player, Josh had a pretty stellar 2nd half and he willed us to a win multiple times late in that game with his legs.
  6. Lamar is, and should be, the MVP. The MVP award is not for who has the most passing stats.
  7. The issue wasn't the tush push...the issue was they didn't actually do the tush push. On the previous one, they outsmarted Miami and Josh LEAPED over the pile on a would be tush push and caught them by surprise. The mistake was going back to the same well on the next attempt on the same drive. The moment Allen jumps, thats it, no more momentum or much of a push. The real push is NOT coming from the guy pushing on Allens butt, its the power in Allens legs to drive forward where then the push adds more to it. When Allen is in the air on top of a pile against monster DL and LBs, their stength is MUCH greater than just some RB pushing on Josh's butt. So the first leap was brilliant, the second one in a row when they were now expecting it and prepared for it was stupid. They should have just done their normal tush push on the 2nd one so Allen and his legs had the potential to keep driving to get the first. Brady shouldn't have called that again and should have went back to the normal real tush push because now Miami is having to defend both the leap and the actual low push.
  8. I liked the Sherfield signing, even said that I felt he could step in and replicate Davis production if Davis got hurt. And I still think he could...HOWEVER...lets not let one sensational play over shadow one issue that has been in play throughout the season. And that is that Sherfield and Allen have had some of the "not on the same page" communication things that Davis has had. Now a big part of that could be simply Sherfield barely getting any reps to build that rapport, but I don't think that him stepping into Davis role automatically becomes a better connection in terms of those communication issues. So...do I think Sherfield "could" be a better WR2 in the playoffs if Davis misses time...sure, the potential is there, but also not sold that him and Josh have enough rapport to not lead to communication error turnovers like that has plagued the Davis Allen connection at times (38% of thrown INTs are to Davis). My next thing is Shakir...if Davis misses some time (and I kind of would like to see the offense one full game with Davis out say this week), I would much rather see Shakir get a bigger slice of a role and have more plays designed and called for him. Personally, I think Shakir could be a big producer if featured in an offense like how Nacua was for the Rams this year. When I watch Nacua here in LA this year, I kept saying I don't see him doing anything that I don't firmly believe Shakir could do if he was in his role in LA. So, nothing against Shefield, but I personally think that Shakir is the one we will see really step up more if Davis misses time, or at least I think it should be because him and Allen seem to be dialed in when Allen goes his way.
  9. So funny you posted this cuz I was over there laughing and just enjoying tasting their tears. They have soooooo much vile hatred of Bills, Josh Allen, Buffalo the city, Bills fans, etc...its crazy. I find it funny when they talk about how "low class" Buffalo and the people who live there are when the majority of their posters sound like they didn't even get a G.E.D. let alone a HS diploma and try and talk all tough and street lmao. Especially when anyone I know who has gone to Buffalo will echo the same thing we felt when we were there...the city and near areas like Niagra Falls are beautiful, the people are incredibly friendly and nice, and the food is great. Miami on the other hand is a cess pool while Buffalo is one of the fastest growing tech cities in the world and one of the fastest growing cities in the world of ages 18-35, a sign of a thriving city for youth and employment. And I am born and raised in CA, so I am not saying that as a homer as I have never lived in Buffalo.
  10. People forget the 2nd one was on 4th down, so INT is better than an Incomplete pass. Better to heave it deep where if there is a pick it’s like a punt while still giving the offense a chance to make a play or score. Josh knows this, and he’s heaved passes like this rather than throw away or take the sack on 4th before On 4th down, the QB is better off throwing an INT trying to make a play than taking sack or incomplete pass blocking because it’s a turnover no matter what if you don’t get the first.
  11. The second pick was 4th down. If he doesn’t throw it then it’s a turnover regardless, so rather he heave it for a score attempt way down field so it’s at least like a punt if picked off then give them the ball back at the LOS. In fact, an INT is better than an incomplete pass there
  12. As I was saying… 2 seed!!!!! Division Champs!!!!! Real season begins now!!!! LFG!!!! GOBILLS!!!!
  13. LFG!!!! Part 1 done! We are officially in! Let’s see if we enter as 2 seed or 6 seed, but mission accomplished on part one of getting into the playoffs! GoBills!!!
  14. We had 2 home games last year and almost lost to a 3rd string backup and then got manhandled and embarrassed by the Bengals. Im not so sure homefield is as important as you think. And don't get me wrong, I am all for playing Allen and going for the 2 seed...but our offense has struggled in bad weather games at home in the past.
  15. How is this a troll job by the OP? Its a legit question. I would still play Josh, but its not a crazy question either though
  16. Not afraid to admit I love Allen, but I am also not delusional about him either. I just posted above that this whole season I have seen a substantially higher number of passes coming up short or late that resulted in incompletions to open guys or even INT's. Many of those when he is making those higher degree of difficulty throws he has previously made look easy. So I actually think this report about his shoulder being hurt week 1 and playing through it might have some validity to it. With an arm like his, he still has plenty of velocity, but I think he looks human this year on these throws where few or only Josh can make with ease in the past. I have also noticed a significant increase in laser fast balls on shorter easier throws where its not as necessary and that are harder to catch and have resulted in drops or tipped ball interceptions. While at first glance that seems contradictory to the shoulder may be hurt theory, but I think it actually enforces it as it feels like Josh is over compensating at times on these shorter throws because he hasn't the same juice on other more difficult throws he is used to and generally having to try and throw it harder than he has had to in the past. Allen has an MVP case statistically between his combined total yards and total TD's. But the unbiased person will say the Bills have losses against Jets, Pats, Broncos, Jags, and Bengals because Josh and the offense din't play very well. Then you add in close wins where the offense didn't play well with Giants, Chargers, Pats 2nd game and you have half the season (8 games) where Allen and the offense didn't play like Allen was an MVP. Difficult to win MVP when the offense he is leading has played below capabilities in half the season to the point where our playoff spot is still in jeopardy in the final week of the season. Not to mention the Eagles loss while a good one overall for Allen and the offense, we still had a bad Allen INT lead to the Bills losing control of a game they still could have one, but ultimately lost. Allen is my favorite player to watch play now of all time (previously that was Barry Sanders)...I will make an MVP bet on him every preseason because he will likely be in the convo every year of his career barring injury. I think he will win one at some point and I think he will win a SB at some point as well where is the SB MVP. But I am not gonna make a case for him to be MVP when he legitimately shouldn't be MVP. Even with my bet in limbo, I couldn't consciously vote for Allen even if he throws 10 TD's against Miami.
  17. But to be honest...I do think that against the Pats that was one of the worst days I have seen Josh in terms of accuracy and throwing the ball since his rookie year. I also am wondering if there is something wrong with his throwing shoulder because he is coming up short or late on a lot of throws this season that he normally isn't. I know there is twitter fool saying there is a shoulder injury since the first quarter of week 1, and hard to say if its true or not, but I do have to say his arm doesn't look as strong as it has in the past when he was scrambling and throwing on the run. He used to just flick it a mile downfield and now he just seems way short a lot. He obviously still has plenty of velocity, but I feel like something is impacting Josh's ability to make the harder throws that few can make, and many only he can make.
  18. Honestly, I think Lamar won it when the Ravens dismantled the team everyone thought was the heavy favorite for the Super Bowl winner in SF. Then smashing the #2 seed in the AFC in an encore I think was the nail in the coffin on anyone elses bid for the MVP.
  19. Oh gotcha, I thought you meant it as a defense to why Allen might win MVP, so my first thought is none of the voters are gonna look past the surface level when it comes to their vote. But I get why you posted it now
  20. Nobody who votes for the MVP is gonna watch this. All they see is Josh 50% completions, under 200 yards and a narrow win against a bad team that also already beat us earlier this year. They will see 4 turnovers that the offense only managed 13 points on. That’s the issue, no one is going to look into reasons outside of Allen for pass game struggles. So he has no chance to unseat Lamar, especially with Lamar sitting this week, because Allen and the offense is coming off 2 dud games against 2 bad teams where the last time they saw Lamar he and the Ravens destroyed the 2 seed in the AFC after destroying what everyone felt was the best team in the NFL with the Niners. So doesn’t matter if Josh throws 10 TDs this week, he isn’t going to unseat Lamar at this point in the voters eyes.
  21. Many of the best WR's in the NFL came outside of round 1...and even many outside round 2. They do not need to double dip in back to back picks to take 2 guys to fill one spot. Nacua was a 5th round pick no one had heard of until his week 1 game for example. We are losing like half our defense though, so no way they take 2 WR's back to back in first and 2nd round. This.
  22. Jags are not very good, they could easily lose this game. That being said, doesn't matter...Bills will know what is at take by game time because have been flexed to the night game and the other 2 will have finished before kickoff. And even if one of those other teams lose, Bills are coming for the 2 seed and divisional title, so I don't think the outcome of those games matter much to how the Bills are preparing for this game.
  23. Ha...a board famous for threads such as "Mario for Skelton straight up" I doubt makes anything less "far fetched".
  24. I guess its a good thing that never once has any of these script leaks been accurate to what actually happened. So theres that. Why do people even call these script leaks when they are clearly just some made up stuff by someone hoping to be right to cause a stir?
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