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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Also, the MVP system is broken IMHO. It's too influenced by recency bias where you can steal or lose the MVP in the final weeks of the season erasing everything that happened prior to that. Lamar will win it, but his entire season isn't the most impressive over several other guys, he just had the biggest 2 weeks of his season as his last 2 games while the other candidates either had a bad week/loss (Purdy, McCaffrey, etc) or may have won but not in an impressive fashion like Allen.
  2. Not saying what I think should happen...but what I think would happen: Lets be real, our defense has been the better unit down the stretch here. Brady helped the offense, but the defense has been more impressive. And if we did get upset by Steelers, its likely our offense that sputters given Steelers are not exactly lighting up scoreboards. So unless it was a bad blow out loss, I would think McD is probably safe at this point with management and a poor showing by the offense with TJ Watt out would put Brady's return in serious doubt and he probably wouldn't be back. McD is back in a LOT of peoples good graces right now...but watch how fast they turn on him again if we lose this game. But end of the day, its about what the people who employ him think and I think they will give him one more season after the comeback to win a 4th straight AFCE Title and the 2 seed again, especially considering how well he has the defense playing during the final stretch.
  3. I agree, and it is why I do think Brady will be the OC next year. The team is now 6-1 since he was named interim OC and he hasn't really been able to install "his" offense yet. So as long as the offense just doesn't completely crap the bed in the playoffs, I think its more likely he is back as OC. But when I say he hasn't earned it yet...well for example if we are upset and lose to the Steelers because the offense struggles and costs us the game, then I think his job is definitely not safe.
  4. Brady is the better OC than Dorsey for this team, and that is pretty indisputable despite some peoples best efforts. BUT that does not mean Brady is owed the OC job full time next year either. The offense hasn't been clicking on all cylinders the last 3 games where we have squeaked out wins against teams we should have blown out. Winning is all that matters, but when it comes to removing the interim tag, how his unit performs also matters. Brady obviously has earned consideration for the job full time, but he hasn't "earned" the job yet IMHO. How he and the offense fare in the postseason I think will play a big part on whether he remains or they look to hire someone else.
  5. Cook has dropped multiple short throws for sure TD's this year. His hands are unreliable. Cooks sweet spot is dump off passes or screens. Throws where Cook runs some sort of route where he being asked to catch the ball in stride of a route is where he struggles with catching the ball. There are RB's you can ask to run a route and get him the ball...Cook isn't that guy, he can't reliably catch those passes regardless of short or medium distance throws. Screens and dump offs are where Cook is better suited.
  6. PREACH ON! Ive been preaching this for 2 seasons now...loved loved loved the pick on draft night. Heading into the draft he was talked about potentially going as high as the 2nd, but I expected more like the third. To get him in the 5th blew my mind, I had not even realized he was still there. I said this in another thread...If you insert Shakir into the Rams offense in place of Nacua this year, I think Shakir has a similar season. Not a knock on Nacua, kid can ball, I just think Shakir can too and would excel in that kind of role. If the Bills are going to win the SB this year, its going to take involvement from Shakir. He has made so many important plays for this team this year and I think we are a better offense when he is more involved.
  7. I can’t believe you’re still defending Dorsey. You are either Dorsey or related to Dorsey. There is no other explanation. Seriously.
  8. Agreed, there is no one I would rather have than Josh. But he won’t win MVP this year..:but also, who cares if he does or doesn’t. I want him to win SB MVP
  9. Bills have the second best record in the AFC thanks to help like critical injuries across the AFC landscape, especially at QB. It’s not like they dominated. We were not even assured a playoff spot until Sunday afternoon. So suddenly Bills squeak out a close win against a flailing Dolphins team to go from 7th seed to 2nd seed and now some of you want to puff up your Bills chests as if we are some beasts all year? Come on, you can be a fan and be realistic at the same time. It’s remarkable the Bills turned it around, and we can def make the SB this year. But that doesn’t change the fact that Josh had more below average to bad games than he had good games. I’m done with this discussion. Lamar will not only win, it will be a landslide win and could be near unanimous. Allen has no shot this year. You know why? Because he doesn’t need paragraphs and paragraphs of explanations of why he had a bunch of bad games and tons of turnovers because he didn’t have those issues. Josh needs those explanations to even to be considered which is why he won’t win.
  10. You mean the same Chiefs team that lost at home 20-14 to the Raiders? Same team that also loss 24-9 to the Broncos and 4 other teams? That Chiefs team? So you’re saying Dak (no idea why you brought him up when we are talking about Lamar) has no chance of beating the Chiefs at arrowhead? Come on lol. You guys are just badly and desperately grasping at straws, and irrelevant ones now to try and make your home town boy the MVP. I would lovvvvve to see Josh win it, but it’s not his year to win it.
  11. None of that matters. You know Allen’s turnover rate is the same under Brady as it was under Dorsey right? You know Allen’s passing stats are relatively pedestrian since Eagles game right? I was the one banging the loudest drum to fire Dorsey. The offense is better since Brady took over, but not because the passing offense improved, but because we run the ball now and that’s helped bail out pass game struggles to win close games where we had been losing close games under Dorsey who didn’t run the ball.
  12. How is this a real comment? Do you even know what thread you are in or what the MVP trophy is for? Let me help you…it’s for the most recent regular season. They don’t hand it out based on career playoff records LMAO. This is the most irrelevant comment in the whole thread lol.
  13. I hate that I agree with you on most of this…but I do. I feel like I need a shower now 😂 Allen had 5 standout games (Raiders, Wash, 1st Miami, 2nd Jets, and Eagles. But we still lost one of them (Eagles) when a bad Allen INT helped start an Eagles comeback they eventually won. The rest of the games Allen and the offense underperformed, and ranged from bad to just ok
  14. Again, Allen played one more game than Lamar, so yardage is irrelevant as they are close to equal if Lamas plays final game and could have even over taken Allen. You’ve been told this multiple times, but still ignore it. And 2 wins is a TON in the NFL where teams with TIED records aren’t in the playoffs. And the fact that Bills were not even assured a playoff spot in the final weekend you would think you would know that. Not to mention, Lamar didn’t get that last loss as he didn’t play. Again, he only has the total TDs over Lamar. Lamar is better in every other metric or rating than Allen this year. So again, all you have done is cherry pick 2 “season total” stats, one of which is irrelevant cuz they are near equal. But ignored Allen’s dubious stats on INTs and total Turnovers, worse record, worse efficiency and ratings, etc etc. You can’t build an MVP campaign on just total TDs when Allen doesn’t beat Lamar in much anything else. This is the most homer conversation I have ever seen. I love Allen, I would win money if Allen got MVP and owe money if he doesn’t and I still would not vote for Allen over Lamar. Allen was robbed of the Pro Bowl though
  15. Come on, Allen literally single handedly lost us the week 1 Jets game with 3 INTs. Then Allen sat most 4th quarter of the second game against Jets in a blow out win. So to assume Lamar repeats his struggles in the second showing against them is just silly when you just watched Allen have a bad game and good game against a divisional foe. The only thing Allen has a case for is more TDs. But that’s is NOT the basis of determining the MVP. Bottom line is Ravens had a better season, Lamar was less volatile, Lamar had stellar stats himself, and Lamar had less games where he hurt the team than Allen did. And you didn’t answer my question of why does Allen deserve over Lamar outside of TD total
  16. Why is Allen more deserving? Because people want to cherry pick 2 "season total" stats that lack context week to week where he leads in total yards and total TD's? He also leads in total Interceptions and total turnovers too. MVP is not an award for most passing stats. Lamar played in one less game than Josh, but still put up 29 total TD's to just 7 INTs and 4500 total yards. Yards they are about the same as Josh has just over 300 more total yards, but he also played one more game than Lamar. So odds are they finish pretty close had they played same number of games. So literally, the ONLY case for Josh is "15 more TD's" but Josh also had 15 more turnovers than Lamar which significantly eats away at the 15 more TD's argument. And if Lamar plays one more game that 15 TD's gap shrinks a little as Lamar likely adds at least 2 or 3 more to his TD total, possibly more. Bottom line, Lamar put up 4500 yards in one less game and 29 TD's. His efficiency was better and he hurt his teams effort to win games far less than Josh did. I love Josh who is my fave player all time now...I bet on him to be MVP...I would love nothing more than him to be MVP. But he just isn't more deserving this year than Lamar.
  17. No disrespect, but there seems to be some selective memory going on here because you seem to forget that the offensive struggles of Allen and the offense were a key reason the defense, which was decimated by injuries compared to our mostly healthy offense, was in that position in the first place.
  18. He isn't winning the MVP because he isn't the most deserving of it. Him not making the Prow-Bowl however was egregious.
  19. Ive got some trivia for you: POINTS PER GAME: How many points PPG did the Bills offense avg in the final 6 games under Dorsey? How many points PPG did the Bills offense avg in the first 6 games under Brady? ANSWER: 20 for Dorsey, 28 for Brady. You know how hard it is to improve offensive scoring by 8 points? COMMON OPPONENT: JETS How many PPG did offense avg vs Jets in Dorsey's tenure? Who many Points did offense score in Brady's only game vs Jets? ANSWR: 17.5 PPG in 3 games for Dorsey going 1-2 with both losses to Zack Wilson. 32 Points for Brady with the starting offense sitting the majority of the 4th quarter in a blow out win. You mention about the defense not holding in a couple of games, however, you overlook how decimated the defense was with injuries and the offense was perfectly healthy in those games. YET the ONLY reason our D had to hold on a final drive was because our offense STUNK and couldn't score against some of the worst teams in the league. Dorsey was lucky to not be 0-6 in those final 6 games as we should have lost both the Giants game and Bucs games on the last plays, but those teams screwed it up. Meanwhile, Brady led offense helped this team go 6-1 over the hardest stretch of games of our season while Dorsey was 2 plays away from being 0-6 against the SOFTEST portion of our schedule. Brady still has a lot to prove, but there is NO QUESTION that Dorsey EARNED his firing and the team has been BETTER off with Brady at OC.
  20. The only thing Tyler accomplished with that article is getting a paid subscription from @Airseven Thats it.
  21. Bahahaha I feel you, the stupidity of some of the comments on Allen by "fans" is from a contingent that doesn't seem to know much about football. I do really think Gabe made the mistake, even his break wasn't crisp or urgent, almost like he didn't know where to go. Allen clearly expected him to turn around and sit on the route or comeback. Easy TD if Gabe does and I would have won $1280 on my props parlay, so real pissed at Davis. But the most telling thing for me, and I believe @Einsteinposted it as its own thread, is that nearly 40% of Allens INT's the past 2 seasons are on throws to Davis. There is something definitely not quite right in their communication, and given it happens at a much much higher clip with Davis than any other one individual, its hard not to think its more Davis than Allen. And Allen threw that before Davis made the break...again. So clearly Allen felt he was gonna do something different again. So I am kind of hoping we get to see the offense this next week without Davis as it was a night and day difference yesterday when he left the game.
  22. No. He doesn't deserve anymore attention for his biased scorned ex gf level hit piece that dooche wrote.
  23. This also makes sense on that, and went back and rewatched the play and I can see where you are coming from with this and quite possibly this is the likely reason he came off the read. At the time it looks like Allen does come off the read, its hard to see that TE is gonna come open. And I agree, hard to fault Allen there on a 4th down to come off a read that looks like it won't be there when you must make a play. And in that case, that only further makes his INT the correct decision. What has blown my mind is that every person talking about this game on TV has not once referenced that INT was on 4th down and it was a net positive play and in fact the mistake was NOT the INT thrown, but Miami's mistake of actually catching it and taking a big net loss on field position. Instead they just say it was a god awful throw and bone head move by Allen which tells me they don't really know what they are talking about (something we always knew anyway) most the time, don't bother to even watch the post game interviews where Allen literally said that is why he heaved it too so to both give us a chance at either a TD or better field position if someone intercepts it. So good post, I think you are correct about your breakdown of the first part of that play
  24. While I agree as I am of the mindset is to be more aggressive, the rule of thumb is you can’t take points off the board. No coach wants the ball in play outside of the endzone unless the player has either a clear path to get out of bounds or a clear path to endzone. So doing so took points off the board and is gonna oiss off the coach. Me personally, the way we moved the ball, confidence in our D against Tua, and us getting ball at half made me comfortable with the risk and giving our guy a shot to score. But it’s overall the incorrect move as 3 points is better than the 0 points we got
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