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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. As many have said, likely because they are fully healthy at RB have an array of injuries we are dealing with elsewhere.
  2. I don't get what your complaint is, that was text book late hit and flag.
  3. All good, but I don't think that is the case otherwise no player diving for the pylon would actually score a TD when part of their body is out of bounds while they are diving in the air and extending an arm to get the football to the pylon. NFL Rule states: "Out Of Bounds A player is out of bounds when he touches any boundary line or touches anything — except a player, an official, or a pylon — that is on or outside a boundary line".' So based on that, the Steelers player was not yet out of bounds, he was still in the air and had not yet come down out of bounds. So whether the ball nicked his helmet or not is irrelevant because at the discussing point where the might have (but IMHO did not) touch his helmet, the player was not yet out of bounds and therefore could not make the ball out of bounds. But honestly, I think one of the other angles clearly shows it did not hit his helmet anyway.
  4. I get why you are saying this, but did you actually watch the Niners game? The Ravens crushed them because Brock threw 4 INT's - however, 3 of those INT's were on tipped passes. It was more about it just being one of those games where Ravens kept getting the ball on short fields on some bad breaks for the Niners. I guarantee if they played again tomorrow they would not come close to replicating that same game against the Niners. Doesn't mean they couldn't beat the Niners again, but the nature of that game was more on some bad breaks you can't just bank on every week like tipping 3 balls into INT's. Ravens, like any team really, are very dangerous when they are winning the turnover battle because they can run the ball so well and can control the game. But when the Ravens aren't getting those turnovers, their offense isn't something I think anyone needs to fear. And Stroud has been pretty sensational on protecting the ball this year, especially for a rookie QB. So if Houston just doesn't turn the ball over, I think their firepower on offense is going to be tough for the Ravens offense to keep up with.
  5. Ive got Houston upsetting the Ravens. Lamar has not played since week 17, they are coming in cold off a bye as a team, and Houston is playing on house money right now free and fast. Ravens offense has been mediocre more than its been good/great, and Houston has an underrated defense. Lamar and the Ravens historically have not been a dangerous playoff team either.
  6. I think you missed his question. He didn't ask why Fournette wasn't called up...he is asking why is Murray active over Fournette. Which to me honestly was a surprise to me, I really thought this was the kind of game where having a tough north and south runner like Fournette made more sense than older Murray.
  7. 2 things on that fumble: First - IMHO there is clear footage the ball did not hit his helmet from another angle. Second - Most importantly, what no one seems to notice is that even IF it had hit his helmet, that did NOT make the ball out of bounds because at the moment it is alleged to have hit the helmet the player was still in the air and had NOT YET touched down out of bounds and therefore was a player STILL in play. So his helmet could have hit it (but didn't really) and it doesn't make the ball dead because the player is not yet out of bounds. (capital words to highlight not yell). This was 100% a fumble and Bills legal inbounds recovery. Refs blew it. There were some calls Bills got away with and some calls Pitt got away with, that is the nature of the game. But this fumble was a incredibly egregious screw up by the refs and almost changed the whole complexity of the game had it not been for Elams INT.
  8. I think that is best for right now for everyone on Elam. He has flashed some big play potential late last year and now comes into the playoff game and gets a critical INT and almost had another. But he still has issues that need to be improved. Hard to evaluate him this year because we found out he was playing hurt and then hasn't gotten any opportunities until this game. I still think the kid has a lot of potential as well as a lot to work on, but we won't really know the kind of player he could be until he can get on the field and see if he can continue to develop. Yeah, that is why I said they switched it seemed to target Cam when that happened. And agree, its gonna be a long week of watching the injury situation here as not having Taron would be tough. Bernard seems like he avoided a major injury, but I doubt he plays this week. I think best case scenario for him would be AFCCG or SB. Hopefully Benford is back too.
  9. I think you are missing the point. Nobody is saying its all on Davis, the argument is that Davis and Allen just are as on the same page or as dialed in and the passing offense is more efficient and less turnover prone when Davis is not in the lineup. Its not a quest for blame, its about does the passing offense function more efficiently with Davis on the field or off it? So it doesn't matter whose fault it is, the fact remains that nearly 40% of Allens INT's are happening when he is trying to get the ball to Davis. Then there are also all the incompletions too as Davis has a bad career catch rate. I think the data plenty supports identifying that Allen is less efficient as a passer when throwing to Davis vs the other guys on this roster.
  10. I’d be down for Matt, but given he has no actual NFL experience, this feels like an off season type move not a playoff run move where they may want someone they know better what they will be getting and that they have experience at this level.
  11. I mean he was a small DB who got trucked by a big TE, it happens. Allen trucks LBs and DL guys as a QB for example. So I think people made a little too much out of that play. PI was bad as it’s been an issue, but the INT made up for it and then he almost had a second INT later in the game. All in all, I think the PI was the only negative play really and he had some other big plays. Plus, it felt like they stopped going at him too and started targeting Cam Lewis who was a liability.
  12. 38% of Allen’s INTs the past 2 seasons on throws to Gabe is insane. Allen threw 0 this week. That alone made our offense better. Even 1 INT could have turned this game into a close win or narrrow loss.
  13. I’m all for Araiza
  14. This post couldn’t be more wrong in every point or more dumb. GTFOH with this nonsense.
  15. @Airsevenand @newcam2012are so troll predictable you can set your watch to it lol. Bills 31 Pitt 13
  16. haha I’ve watched it like 4 times lmao, wife too (she’s a Niners fan and hates Rodgers)
  17. Nah…I’d rather erase the demons and beat the he Chiefs so when we face Hou or Balt we have better shot of Rasul being fully healthy to help defend the better offense we would face. Plus Houston has a better chance to beat Balt than Miami does who got embarrassed by Balt. And if Hou beats Balt then we have home field all playoffs
  18. I have been beating the drum for this kid since draft night and I love seeing him break out like he did this season. I was shocked he was still on the board in the 5th as I had missed part of the 3rd and all the 4th round of that draft. Absolutely loved the pick when we made it, I thought he could go as high as the 2nd and surely would be gone by the 3rd. So to see him get to us there was awesome and one of my fave draft night picks of the past few years. This offense is better when he gets involved, so I hope to see his touches keep going up to where they make an effort to get him the ball and call plays for him as a regular part of the offensive gameplan. I think Shakir could put up a big season if he got the targets
  19. Yeah thats corporate TV stuff...but it pays big so I get why he did it so long. But his "Tosh Show" he just launched has really been so good. If you haven't watched any already, definitely check out the first one where he interviews his wifes OBGYN, its great. Honestly, all of them have been great. There is a new one we haven't seen yet that just came out, but the ones before new years were all really good. Its one of our faves now for my wife and I. And she wasn't too fond of Tosh.0 either, but she loves his new format Tosh Show. You can do it as a podcast, but I recommend watching the video versions on YouTube as its fun seeing the interactions with him and his guests.
  20. The funniest part about that is they suggest Tua doesn't throw a pick later if the clock gets stopped there LMFAO. Apparently they don't know Tua very well
  21. He was epic as a standup before Tosh.0 as I followed his career and tried to see him when ever I could as he was from this area and did lots of shows within a good distance. His Tosh.0 series was what it was, but his standup was always top notch at the comedy clubs. But this new format is great. He won't interview celerbrities and only normal people. First guest on the show is his wifes OBGYN and it was hilarious. His dog walker one was amazing too. All the episodes have been great actually, I think he has 6 now and this little quick one today. Yeah I heard he is killing on his new material on his tour and we are hoping to see him soon too! Different strokes for different folks cuz I thought that was one of the lighter jokes and rest much more funny. All good, everyone likes different things.
  22. Gotcha, I posted it again with a proper title and even acknowledge it was probably my fault on the title even before you responded. And yeah meant nothing disrespectful, which is why I acknowledged your job isn't easy and you guys are good at it. So meant no disrespect was just more bummed people might not see this hilarious thing...you should watch it Simon, I think you will love it. Posted it as comedian on Bills, AFCE, and Jets or soemthing like that.
  23. Its a legendary comedian roasting Rodgers and the whole AFC East (including the Bills) with a big emphasis on Rodgers and Jets of course. Even the shots at the Bills I thought were pretty funny. Daniel Tosh is a big Dolphins fan, hence his whole connection to the AFCE. He has a new series out called the Tosh Show, which is a podcast but also does video records it. It is really funny and recommend it in general...but this one was a no guest, short, special edition he released today and it had us dying laughing! Have to admit, he even had me rolling on the Bills jokes too...
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