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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I get that, I’m not as sold on Love or Purdy enough yet to truly define who I would take, but Love obviously makes a lot of sense given the physical abilities. Then again, 2 of the GOATS were not as physically gifted as many of their piers in Montana and Brady. I do think neither team would trade for the other QB and both teams are better having the guy they do have.
  2. This is a great year to be going after receivers, I’m pretty excited to see how this plays out. There are gonna be some studs found outside round 1 too.
  3. You are right, I do agree with you about Love. I didn’t even realize I ranked him as low as I did. Love should be in the next tier with Tua and company. I’m gonna make the edit now. Based in the rest of your comment, if I move Love to tier 3 I am assuming the only difference with your list is you probably swap Purdy with Love making Purdy tier 3 and Love tier 2. With my wife being a hard core Niners fan, I watched every game. And I think Purdy makes a lot more wow throws than people realize. His 9.8 ypa is just insane too. So for me, I just can’t bring Purdy down a tier at this time. I get he had a couple struggle games, but so did every QB on the list and Purdy is still in his first full year. His ranking for me is fluid given his sample size is still small, just can’t ignore how impressed I was with him the majority of the time and the kind of dimes he was throwing most the season. But also get it if someone isn’t ready to elevate to tier 2 yet.
  4. The problem is the only team that has a better 5 year resume is KC and is often standing in our way
  5. Agree that tiers are a good way to do it, but couple issues in your tiers. Lawrence is the most over rated player in the NFL, he just isn't that good and you have guys better than him ranked with or below him. Tua, Purdy, and Stroud all better than him. Stroud is already better than the guys you have him in tier with and he is a tier too low. Purdy is better than he gets credit for and he is 2 tiers too low. Tier 1 - Mahomes, Josh, Lamar, Burrow Tier 2 - Herbert,, Purdy, Dak, Stroud, Stafford Tier 3 - Love, Tua, Hurts, Goff, Rodgers (can't drop him too low until we actually see him fall off a cliff...he might still be Tier 1 or 2 when he plays again even) Tier 4 - Cousins, Lawrence, Baker Tier 5 - Everyone else and below. To answer the OP question: Top 10 for me is: Mahomes Allen Burrow Lamar Herbert Stafford Stroud Purdy Dak Tua Stroud and Purdy have limited sample sizes, but I am basing this on who was top 10 this season, not top 10 careers. And Purdy led the NFL in a lot of passing categories and Stroud really had a pretty sensational rookie season. To be honest, I almost moved Stafford to 8 to so I could move both Stroud and Purdy one spot higher each. A case can be made to move both Dak and Tua up based on stats, but those stats lose value for me when you weigh how much better their stats were at home when facing bad defenses and teams compared to winning teams and/or on the road. These guys just don't get it done or put the stats up unless the matchup conditions are easy, so those year end totals on stats become less impressive for me. The guys ahead of them have all shown they can beat good teams too, not just the bad ones.
  6. Sending prayers, positive thoughts, and hope that she has a full and speedy recovery.
  7. Hahaha well that’s was a good place to stop And I get what you’re trying to say, just I think the whole “cap is a myth” thing gets over used because it’s just not accurately accounting for all the turnover we have to entail and future ramifications. Yes, it’s always possible to get back under, it’s just people seem to forget that still comes with a cost of losing players and causing future cap issues to mitigate. If it was truly a myth, it wouldn’t cost us players, or keep us from resigning FA’s nor cause future cap implications.
  8. No disrespect, you are a great poster, but this is just flat out incorrect. You can't tell PART of a story to say something is a myth. You have completely left out the future ramifications of many of these moves that kick the can down the road. The cap is a now and future impact...only focusing on what you can do for ONE year doesn't tell anything close to the whole story. Secondly, you are conveniently leaving off the fact that the Bills have 23 Free Agents this year, 1 player away from half their roster. Thridly, in this cap fix situation you are releasing 2 more in your No Brainers, 2 more in your Preferred one, 2 more in your Painful, and 3 more in your Prefer not. So that means in every scenario the Bills have OVER half the roster to replace because you are cutting 2 to 9 more players depending how far they were to go in your 4 options above. And many of the FA's are starters or significant role players on defense and many of your cuts are key starters as well on both sides of the ball. So yay...you got under the cap, but your team is completely gutted, you still need money held over to pay your rookies, you pushed a bunch of cap hell down the road, and you don't really have very much money to replace nearly 30 players, about 20 of which were starters or relevant rotational players. Again no disrespect, but I hard disagree with your "cap is a myth" which is just false and unfortunately this post does nothing to prove it is a myth. The cap is VERY much impacting this team and is going to result in us losing good players we cant retain in FA and possibly making some tough cuts too. Then we need to find all those replacements in one offseason for a team that still wasn't good enough to get past KC before all that roster turnover. Reality is, this team is going to be VERY young this year as we will need a lot of our 10 draft picks to probably start as rookies or play heavy roles because of our cap. Cap is not a myth.
  9. Im not out on McD, we could do a LOT worse. But I am also not all in on McD anymore either. My view, is if we can get a perceived upgrade then I am all for it. First of all, for those who want a change just because they want some unproven OC because they FALSELY think that means the offense would be more aggressive...well that is just wrong. McD has been one of the most aggressive HC's in football, he wants big plays, he wants potent passing attack, he goes for it on 4th down a lot, even in risky field position scenarios, he goes for the TD more than the FG and has OFTEN passed up FG attempts in Bass range to go for it on 4th and longer than 1 or 2 yards. Our offense is NOT conservative in any fashion. Our defense was NOT conservative under McD this year. So to just make a switch because you THINK the offense will be more aggressive...well odds are actually it will be less aggressive as many coaches are not nearly as aggressive as McD. So then why switch? Well there is a case to be made that sometimes even good HC and teams just plateau. Doesn't mean that HC isn't capable of getting to the SB and winning it, but sometimes, a change is just needed to rejuvenate and tweak the roster to get over the hump. But that also means you NEED to hit on that next HC, and gambling on an unproven HC is a big risk for a team like ours that is right on the cusp. What to do at HC here then? Well we saw our OC was an issue and the switch changed the whole course of the season. So you either let McD come back with the right staff around him for the full season or you find a SURE UPGRADE which would be a proven SB winning coach. For me...That would be Belichick. If BB wanted to come here, I would say lets do it. But if the option is to just go get some OC who is unproven as a HC, then forget it. Because now we need to find a great DC as well because its NOT been the offense stalling in the playoffs, its been the defense that just can't do anything against KC in the playoffs despite holding them down in the regular season. BB though is someone I feel a LOT more confident about putting a defensive gameplan out there to slow KC while our offense cooks. Otherwise...one more year of McD then hire BELICHICK next year because he sure doesn't look like he is coaching this season.
  10. THIS BELOW! Great response @Dr. K! What a stupid thread...like for real. Nobody on this board has even the faintest idea of what coaching McD is doing, or any coach, in a game. News flash...coaches are not mic'd up. You don't know what he is discussing, what he is saying to players, what adjustments he is making. You literally know nothing other than the outcome of the game and then you all make up what ever you want to make up about what you THINK happened. Most this board is so dense they don't even know that McD isn't calling the offense in the game. I am not even saying McD is perfect or must stay...I am just saying this is just a pointless thread that has no answer to where the goal is start ANOTHER smear thread on McD because the OP felt his personal smear attempt needed everyones attention.
  11. This is the post above you are responding to from me...the bolded is what I actually said which is different than what you claimed I said. Please show me where I said KC automatically was gonna win even if Bass makes the kick. So the only thing wrong here is you responding telling me I said KC was automatically going to win, which I didn't. What I said is that Bass is not the reason we lost the game. He didn't miss a game winner, he missed a kick to tie the game with plenty of time left for the other team to try and win in regulation. What Bass missed kick did was take away a chance to try and win the game later (again, game is tied if he makes the kick so we still need to get a stop and score again to win the game).
  12. I’ve been saying this…but hopefully the stats here will start making people listen Good post, and yes our #2 target is already on this team between him and Kincaid. People don’t understand the difference between WR2 and the #2 WR. WR2 is a boundary WR, but they doesn’t mean he has to be your second best or most targeted WR. Hill was #1 WR in KC but Kelce a TE was their #2.
  13. Agree, but I mean if Allen played that first season in KC his season would have looked a lot better than it did in Buffalo.
  14. Do you not remember how bad the Bills roster was, especially at the offensive skill positions? Also, 2018 was Mahomes 2nd year where he had 2 full camps, 1 full season under his belt and played in one regular season game already. Plus he had 2 HOF weapons in Hill and Kelce with one of the greatest offensive minds and QB developers in history. Allen had squat...fat KB and a mentally shot Zay Jones who couldn't get open or catch.
  15. Its one thing to bring him back, its another thing to survive cuts end of preseason.
  16. Harbaugh is still interviewing with Falcons...not so sure its a done deal with Chargers yet. Don't forget just how notoriously cheap Spanos can be, so while it seemed likely he would go to Chargers, I am in I will believe it when I see it mode because of Spanos.
  17. Elway got there and lost multiple times before he got there late and won back to back SB's. Manning was in his 9th year before he won one. And the 2nd one that he "won" was more the Broncos won INSPITE of Manning as he sucked all season (31st ranked QB that year) where he almost didn't get his job back from Brock Osweiler, and then had the worst QB performance for a winning team in SB history. Rodgers, Brees, and Young only reached 1 SB (and won it). Those 5 guys are in everyones top 10 all time list and several on in most peoples top 5 all time list. What pisses me off is that Allen gets crucified for not being Mahomes and having "early" SB visits and wins. But what would their careers look like if they swapped places? Guarantee you Allen has multiple Super Bowls too and Mahomes has none. Another thing that pisses me off...everyone said Allen cant be MVP this year because of turnovers and how he has sooo many. Mahomes had 21 turnovers the year he won MVP (Allen only had 1 more this year with 22) and Mahomes had the best WR in football, the best TE in maybe history, a top OL and one of the best offensive coaches in history when he had 21 turnoers and still won MVP. Alles only crime is that he doesn't play for KC and he gets crucified for it. It is so stupid and it is a shame more people can't appreciate how special he really is and just how much fun he is to watch.
  18. How is it dumb though? Who says you cant take a stud WR prospect and still do a defensive heavy draft? We have 10 picks...you listed 1 need on offense while we have many many holes on defense. Have you seen the FA list for the defense? Not to mention Hyde is gone and Poyer isn't a lock to be back either. Tre is probably a cap casualty too, Von is no longer Von, AJE could be out the door leaving us with no DE's. Our defense was by far the biggest reason we lost to KC because of some injuries. Now imagine how bad our defense will be if we strip 6 to 8 other significant contributors from it next season.
  19. Whose playing Safety then? Hyde is gone and Poyer could be a cap cut. Who do you need to replace on offense? We are set at QB, TE, and RB. Mostly set on the OL. Just need a couple WR's and at least one can come in FA. So where are you spending most of your 10 picks on offense at? Biggest need on offense is WR. Biggest need on defense is we need at least 1, possibly 2 safeites, help at DL, Edge, and CB. Its crazy to go offensive heavy this draft unless you want the worst defense in the league next year.
  20. We are definitely going to be going defensive heavy....we will still be addressing WR in the draft for sure, and probably early. Could even take 2 WR's...but overall, this will need to be a defensive heavy draft. No we actually didn't but thats a very popular myth around here.
  21. No still not correct...you take the 4 point lead, doesn't matter the down.
  22. I like 7 teams getting in, but I don't like only the 1 seed gets a bye which I feel is too strong an advantage for a single team, especially if the 2 and 1 are on path to play in the AFCCG in terms of how the bracket flows. When you consider many times the 1 and 2 seedings are separated by tie breakers, it is kind of a crazy advantage for one team who won the same amount of games to have. So to be honest I am torn...and I do think a bye should happen for the top seed or seeds, so I don't like 8 teams where no one gets a bye. So its either 6 or 7...so I would probably lean going back to 6 even though I do think 7 teams is more fun.
  23. THIS. This was my take from the video, even Davis looks stunned he is getting crap from classless fans in a game he didn't even play in. I mean dude played hard for this team regardless of what people think about his ability as a WR2. He has been a "dawg" as Beasley alluded too for this team since he got here in how he played, especially in his tenacity in blocking as a WR too. Im ready for a change at WR2 like many people are, but Gabe has been nothing but a model citizen and selfless teammate. He did not at all deserve this kind of harassment from some idiot fans. And mark my words, those fans are f-ing idiots. While I think a change at WR2 will be good for both Davis and this team, I don't know why anyone feels he deserves this kind of ridicule and hostility. I wish him well wherever he lands.
  24. And we lose if you dont convert vs taking a 4 point lead with under 2 minutes left in the game. 100% of the time you take the points and lead, especially when that lead is greater than a FG. Now the opponent has to go the length of the field and convert a TD in order to take the lead or win the game with under 2 min to go and only 2 timeouts. And KC was missing their best receiving weapon in Rice too making that harder and was having to rely on receivers who has shown to be unreliable catching the ball including dropping multiple game losing passes this season. Your odds of winning the game are substantially higher taking a 4 point lead vs remaining in a losing position with and putting yourself in a must have 4th down conversion against one of the best defenses in the NFL. I mean the math on that is not even close given the immense amount of variables involved. How many of you would be on here saying that Allen made a mistake taking the TD had Allen and Shakir actually connected? I am gonna guess nobody would be saying he should have not taken the TD and instead gambled on getting one later. The correct choice is always the choice you would make regardless of its success or failure on the play. And the mathematically the best odds of winning there are take the 4 point lead vs force a 3rd and 3 while still down 3 and still 25 yards or so away from the endzone.
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