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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. OMG :):thumbdown::wallbash::thumbsup::wallbash::angry:


    I can not believe this thread is still going and is on page 8! Seriously, if this was Kurt Warner being hit exactly the same by Poz no one would be crying for a fine. I swear...I think football is too violent for some of you and you should stick to less contact sports like Olympic Curling. Maybe you should start a petition to have the league run like flag football where the you cant hit the QB and the D line has to count 7 alligators...


    It was a great hit, legal by all sense of the rules, and the exact hit these players are taught to do since pop warner football. If you have an issue with it you clearly have never played any football any rougher than flag. You act like he got up and stepped on Trent or something...geezus...give it a rest. Find another obnoxious topic that has no relevance or importance at this point to whine about for the next 6 days and let this one die already...


    FYI: If Trent doesnt get hurt, we still lose because AZ scored on almost every drive and we couldnt stop a pop warner team on 3rd down that day. The way our line blocked he would have probably been hurt eventually in this game any way. And Trent doesnt play on D which was our real achillies heal.

  2. I got to tell youguys that this post is right on. I was actually at the game along with believe it or not about 25 thousand bills faithful. We got our azzes whipped thoroughly in every aspect of the game. J.P Losman showed us why he will never be anything but a back up. Our offensive line couldn't stop a pop warner pass rush and our defense who have made adjustments at halftime and corrected their mistakes had zero answer to the dink and dunk short underneath passing game. Warner could have eaten a sandwhich with the time he had in the pocket. We did not get in his face and Fewell had his young corners playing so far off the receivers it was ridiculous. We had a rookie and a young inexperienced veteran playing corner (youboty). When thats the case you should send backers and blitzes all day (of which they did hardly at all the whole game)and Make them beat you as opposed to letting them beat you on the pass. Thats one die hards perspective straight from the stands any way.


    I agree with everything you said, except what you wrote about JP. I think JP may have just upped his interest for other teams. He made some mistakes sure, but he played pretty good and made a great play buying time in the pocket and showing off that arm on the bomb to Lee Evans. The mistakes are to be expected with a backup who has little reps with the first team offense. I think in the right system he has potential to be a good starter in this league.


    Of course, I still prefer TE who I think has the qualities of Brady and Montana which are that intelligence, calm demeanor, and pocket presence that you just cant teach. Whether he blossoms into a top caliber like them still remains to be seen, but I think he has that kind of potential IF he can stay on the field and we get the kid some protection before he gets killed back there.

  3. You definitely have a different feed if you saw several replays. I DVR'd the game and watched that play last night (my take is earlier in this thread). In live action we got one angle - not a very good one (from the side and elevated). They showed one replay, from a straight on angle (probably from the far endzone) - so a pretty good look. But, that was it. They only showed the replay once; then they switched to Jauron on the sideline looking confused; then they switched to the Cards at the LOS; snap -too late.


    So if you had several perfect shots that were showed several times, you definitely had a different feed than I did.


    Yup, they showed the replay several times and had zoomed in shots that were crystal clear of his leg not getting any closer than an inch from the ground and the ball coming out a foot or two above the ground. They were unquestionable shots. Maybe it was because it was a 60" HDTV, but it was clear as day on ours.

  4. Trent didn't jump, he followed through on his throw. If you think this topic is lame, then why continue to post on it?


    Because I find it amusing that this is a focal point and that not only was it not dirty, but you will not here one peep about it from the OBD, the front office, the NFL, etc. It was within the rules and I would encourage our players to hit people like that. Maybe if Denney would have hit hightower like that rather than his lame attempt at an arm tackle on a critical 3rd down play, we would have turned the game ourselves instead of giving up a big run on 3rd and 3.

  5. Keep in mind that the Jets scored 56 points against the Cards we scored 17. Playoff were marginal at the start of the season and I think thats were we are now.


    Also keep in mind, that the Jets offense was non existent in the 1st qtr and wasnt really impressive at all in the 3rd. They got those points on AZ because Warner turned the ball over 5 times in the second quarter in scoring position for the Jets which allowed them to put up 34 points in that quarter. So that score was heavily inflated by the Cards turnovers.

  6. Right on. It is nice to know that San Diego won't have #56 coming off the edge, but it is still def. a concern. The line NEEDS to start opening up some holes for Marshawn as well. Almost everything he is getting he has to do on his own, and that needs to change ASAP.


    Yeah, I wont miss Merriman this week...lol. Seriously though, if we cant get better O-line play, we are going to struggle to win games. Jets, NE, and Mia are not going to be push overs as people like to think. Add those tough 6 games to the Den and SD games and our schedule doesnt look like such a cake walk as many have been thinking. We must run the ball to keep pressure off of Trent, and so far, we are neither keeping pressure off or running the ball.


    The whole leauge knows to bring the house against us to beat us as we looked terrible when Oakland, JAX and St. Louis were penetrating and came back when they stopped.


    If I am not mistaken, wasnt Dockery's specialty supposed to be run blocking? I mean, I just dont see it when he plays...

  7. I'm not sure of the reason for the sneering sarcasm. Using the NFL's own measure - personal fouls - Wilson is the league's dirtiest player this decade.


    What does a players reputation have to do with whether or not the hit was legal according to league rules? It was a great hit, simple as that. It actually didnt even look that bad, just a solid hit. The hit did nothing to Trent, what hurt his was the fact that he left his feet on his own accord, got hit in the air, causing him to land completely flat which in turn will always result in your head smacking the turf...


    If trent doesnt jump, he doesnt likely get hurt on this play...man, this topic is so lame...

  8. I think you are correct, there were other things to worry about at that time, however, it was close and it probably wouldn't have been overturned. Either way, it would have slowed down the game a little and a challenge there wouldn't have hurt, in my opinion.


    I live in CA and maybe I get a different feed or something, but they had several PERFECT shots and showed the replay several times...at no point did it ever even look close on the 60" flat screen we were watching it on. There were 11 Bills fans there and not one of them wanted a challenge, it was pretty decisive and had no shot of being overturned. Have you ever seen the end of a game where teams NEEDED a timeout? What if another player gets hurt and we have to lose a timeout because of that and end up with one or no time outs in the fourth?


    From a coaching point of view, not a fans point of view, time outs are very important at the end of games, especially when we are playing catch up 2/3 of the way through a game. If it has a shot of being overturned, even a 10% chance, then fine throw the flag, but not when there is no possible way and there are close up and very difinitive camera shots.


    Trust me, they pay the people in the booths to know more than us, if they thought they had any chance of winning it would have been challenged. Do you think DJ didnt know that was a critical moment in the game? I mean come on now...

  9. So what were they going to save that time out for? the first time that the defence can force the Cards to turn the ball over without scoring to give the offence some extra time?


    That was a critical time and one that they should have asked for a replay for, even if they didn't think it would have been overturned. It wouldn't be a wasted Time Out. If the refs saw something and overturned it, the offence is back on the field and you just may have saved the game. If it is ruled the call stands, then they let the defence rest for a little bit longer and bought some time after the turnover to prepare for trying to stop the Cards and getting the ball back


    Huh? Really? A time out is meaningless in a game like this? To win this game at that point would be a late 4th quarter lead change given the time of the game and how far behind we are. That time out is very valuable...see Oakland win...


    So by your logic, lets just challenge every non winnable call just for the heck of it. Maybe we should have challenged the Fitz TD too? I mean it was 100% a TD, just like Royal was 100% a fumble...they had about the same odds of being overturned.


    I love how people always talk about giving our team a rest as if the other teams opposite squad isnt as fatigued or doesnt get the same rest. Giving our D a rest there is a wash as it gave there Offense the same rest. So how exactly does that make wasting a timeout in a game we are behind in a good move. Not to mention, after we lose the challenge and timeout, AZ is still about to score barring a T.O. given they were in FG range already, meaning thats more points we have to overcome making the late Timeout even more important if we can get the game close again.

  10. I was responding to the post about your post being condescending and making you look like an asswipe. I was trying to say that if your post was simply condescending, that almost everyone on this board is just that, especially after a loss. I agree with almost everything you said, and was attempting to give you some support when you were being labeled a troll just because of some different opinions on the game.


    lol...no problem, thanks for the support...I will say this, the coaching staff did a great job on adjusting all season, but really dropped the ball this week. But going on the greater book of work (the previous 4 games), I am confident they will take a lot away from this game and be ready to play vs. SD as they have shown great ability to adapt all year (except this week).


    The one area though that has not looked good all year is the O-line...I am very concerned about our ability to keep TE healthy and just as concerned about our ability to run the ball. I have seen nothing that makes me feel better about the o-line other than Peters missed so much time and hope he can turn this around with the bye week in place.


    Our bye week couldnt come at a better time for us to get healthy and get Peters hopefully back up to probowl form against SD, cause we are going to need it.

  11. I give up.


    The Bills should go petition the league office for a uniform change to day-glo safety orange sun dresses, and also seat belts on the benches and "Baby On Board" helmet logos...



    hahahaha...best post yet...that was awesome!...LMAO...


    the fact this thread still has life is amusing me...I love how someone just mentioned another hit on lynch as a reference to making this one dirty when they have ZERO similarities and Lynch ripped his own helmet off...this is too much...if a fan from another team saw all these cry baby posts today they would say the fans are as soft as our O-line played yesterday...hahaha


    next topic please...I am still LMAO off though on your "baby on board" helmet logos...classic

  12. So, by that logic, 3/4 of the people on this board are asswipes. Relax, this is what happens after a tough loss. Everyone has their reasons for it, some people go way overboard or are "wrong", and that sparks the "condescending" posts. The fact is that there were a lot of good points, the Raiders fan sh-- at the end could have been left out, but are we really that sensitive? C'mon.


    LOL...I didnt say anyone was an asswipe, that was someone else. I live in CA and have I am around a lot of Raider fans. Trust me, all they do is hate on each other...its sad, especially since most can not name 5 players on the team. My point was, JP is a Buffalo Bill, has not caused any problems in the locker room despite being upset over his benching last year, and has conducted himself in a very professional manner. Even when he plays ok, people still want to whip on him despite the loss had nothing to do with him.


    Someone said I was a newbie...well, I come to these boards every day for a long time, rarely post, and I am just tired of the one billion JP vs TE threads. TE is our QB, and I support that and think if he can stay healthy he is going to be a really good QB. So get over it, he won the competition and is our guy, no questions asked. No need to belittle our back up QB who came in and did a good job for us. I cant think of another backup QB in the league that would have done any better nor would I rather have on my team.


    He is a Bill and he should get our support until he is no longer a Bill.


    I would rather see posts about the lousy adjustments, or lack of adjustments, to all the short routes we gave up. Or the lack of defensive pressure we put on Kurt...he is probably the most dangerous QB in the league, or at least top 3, when given time to throw. He is mistake prone when under pressure (fumbles like he was Dave Krieg and throws picks like he was Jim Everett throwing on his back foot) and we put little pressure dropping back to protect against the deep ball when they were missing one of their best players in Boldin.

  13. The play of the offensive line yesterday continues to be sub par at best,,,,,Mike Gandy looked better than Jason Peters!

    Butler and Fowler did not open a hole all day for the run game, with the exception of pulling on the Evans run. The whole line failed to keep a mediocre Arizona defense from collapsing the pocket all day,,,,, and for those of you wanting to blame JP for holding the ball too long, it was'nt JP who got clobbered when an Arizona defender got a free pass directly to the qb on the third pass of the game.


    IMO this team really misses McNally,,,,this group has been together for a year and should be playing much better,,,instead the oline has regressed since last year.........Lynch and Jackson should sue for non support.


    For some reason, everyone is pinning the blame on the qb and defense and granted they got it coming,,,,but our lack of running game and non existent pass protection were also key in this loss.


    Our O-line has not been anything better than a C in any one game really and a D or F in most. I mean Lynch is avg about 3.5 yards a carry and he is getting that all on his own on busted plays by breaking tackles and running hard. If we dont fix the o-line issues, we will not be going very far in the playoffs. We look awful against the blitz, cant run block worth a darn (supposed to be Dockerys specialty) and we are going to struggle to keep TE on the field with the shots he keeps taking.


    We will not go far in the playoffs if this doesnt improve...and truth is, the O-line has been bad enough to have me concerned about even making the playoffs. Face it, whether you like it or not, NE is still dangerous, the Jets are still dangerous, and now MIA has just beaten 2 pretty good teams. Those 6 games are not going to be the cake walk everyone thinks they are. Making the playoffs is not a certainty and not going to be easy if our O-line gets abused every game. Throw in Den and SD into that mix, and our schedule isnt as fluff as everyone wants to believe.

  14. So jamming your helmet into the QB's chin while tackling him, and continuing to drive your helmet into his chin even after your on the ground is considered a legal hit?! Really!!!


    I could understand if the safety nailed Edwards and knocked him to the ground, because Edwards just released the ball, but he purposely drove Edwards to the ground with the intent to injure. I saw the replay several times. If he didn't want to injure Edwards, he would have just nailed Edwards without driving him to the ground.


    Have you ever played football? You are taught to drive through EVERY one of your tackles, PERIOD! The hit didnt even look that bad in fast motion, let alone replay. He lept into a LEAPING Trent Edwards and Trents head hit the ground as he landed flat, which is pretty much unavoidable when landing flat. A big hit doesnt make it dirty, and that hit was within 100% of all rule guidelines and there will not even be any discussion of a fine or suspension other than by fans of this board.


    And to be honest, I think 80% of the Qb's hit there get up with no problem and play the next play, except Trent is frail, always has been and was one of his knocks coming out of college. He is going to be a great QB in my opinnion, but his durability is yet to be shown.

  15. So, uhh, what does everyone think about trent 'jumping' while he's passing?


    Thank you! Exactly, meant to mention that in my post above...dude leaped up and got nailed in mid air landing on his head...ti happens, its football...the defender did not give him the concussion, the ground did. It was a good hard hit, the kind of clean hard hit that is respected not penalized for being dirty.

  16. Ok seriously, the whining on the boards today is absurd and now I am officially annoyed. Here are my issues...


    1. JP DID NOT LOSE US THIS GAME, so get over it already! I mean wow, he is a Buffalo Bill and you just want to pile on this guy who actually played ok despite not starting a game or having many reps with the first team offense. Our offensive line was awful today, not JP, who looked more like one of the top backups in the league who could possibly start for someone in this league.


    2. The Robert Royal fumble had ZERO, and I mean ZERO, chance of being overturned and calling a replay there and 100% losing a time out would have been an awful caoching decision. His knee nor his shing ever touched the ground and there were GREAT camera shots to show this. The ball was NOT forced out by the ground as Royal flat out DROPPED it on his own a good foot or two above the ground. So there is no "down by contact" or the "ground forced the fumble" here, and this was about the only thing the coaching staff got right.


    3. The hit on TE was NOT dirty. I mean seriously? What a absurd post...go play flag football or powder puff if you think a defender making a great hit on a QB is dirty. He did not lead with his helmet and it was the ground that gave TE the concusion not the defender. We hit Warner just as hard and clean to split his chin open, and that was not an illegal hit either. I mean, quit with the whining, its embarrassing.


    4. Our defensive play and offensive line play lost us this game. Out coaching staff was missing two key starters, but the lack of defensive adjustment, the over playing for the deep ball, and in ability to stop them on 3rd down are the only reasons we lost this game. If TE was in there, we would have still lost this game because last I checked, TE didnt play defense and McGee and Simpson were still out.


    In conclusion, it was one game, we were bound to lose a game and will likely lose a couple more. We are a young team who is growing, so be happy we are still in first place in our division and get ready for week 6. And, ENOUGH of the JP hating, if you cant support your team (and all its players) then go be a Raider fan...

  17. Man, one loss and then there are all these whiny topics on the board...Are you serious? Why dont you go play and watch flag football if you think this hit was dirty. It was a good clean hit, 100% legal and the players momentum landing on TE. Trent hit his head on the ground, its football, get over it, its part of the game. He did nothing to intentionally hurt TE just hit him hard, as any of us would and was no worse than our hit on Warner that split his chin open.


    Between this thread, the why didnt we challenge the royal fumble thread, the JP is garbage threads, etc. I am officially annoyed by the absurd whining over topics that are not even relevant to our loss...to top it all off, its just ONE game...did you really think we were going 16-0?

  18. This is about a dumb of topic as you can have here today. This play was without a shadow of a doubt the right call by the refs. One, his knee never came closer than an inch from the ground, and if you watch the replays they have perfect camera shots of it leaving nothing to dispute. Two, the ball was not even knocked out of Royals hand by a defender or the ground. He flat out DROPS the ball when his arm is still a good 2 FEET above the ground...


    So, if DJ throws the red flag and we 100% guarantee lose a time out that we were going to be needing playing from behind. I was even sitting there saying I will be pissed if he throws a flag out of desperation on a call that had ZERO chance of being reversed as they had many great shots of the play undeniably showing the refs had the right call.


    So let this issue go, I mean I swear, there were plenty of other issues in the game, and the no red flag by DJ was NOT one of them and about the only thing the coaching staff did do right by trusting the booth on not challenging. In a game where we are playing from behind, do you wanna risk a precious timeout on a call that has at best a 1% chance of being overturned? I only say 1% for all of you "anything is possible" people...


    And just in case it wasnt clear in my last post, the ball was NOT knocked out by the ground, he literally DROPPED the ball on HIS OWN a good foot or two ABOVE the ground, NOT EVEN CLOSE...so with NO KNEE OR SHIN touching the ground, and the ball NOT being knocked out by the ground, just where exactly do we get this call over turned? For those of you in dispute, you clearly need to upgrade to HDTV or get a bigger TV...


    What an annoying topic today after such a dismal game...I mean, its the only thing the coaching staff did right yesterday not calling for an instant replay and losing us a vital timeout and challenge.

  19. This is about a dumb of topic as you can have here today. This play was without a shadow of a doubt the right call by the refs. One, his knee never came closer than an inch from the ground, and if you watch the replays they have perfect camera shots of it leaving nothing to dispute. Two, the ball was not even knocked out of Royals hand by a defender or the ground. He flat out DROPS the ball when his arm is still a good 2 FEET above the ground...


    So, if DJ throws the red flag and we 100% guarantee lose a time out that we were going to be needing playing from behind. I was even sitting there saying I will be pissed if he throws a flag out of desperation on a call that had ZERO chance of being reversed as they had many great shots of the play undeniably showing the refs had the right call.


    So let this issue go, I mean I swear, there were plenty of other issues in the game, and the no red flag by DJ was NOT one of them and about the only thing the coaching staff did do right by trusting the booth on not challenging. In a game where we are playing from behind, do you wanna risk a precious timeout on a call that has at best a 1% chance of being overturned? I only say 1% for all of you "anything is possible" people...

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