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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. you don't see jennings and driver make one handed catches against their helmets for TDs, evans is a notch above them. reed is underrated-vet leader in locker room, well respected-just as good as driver


    Actually Driver has made tremendous catches his whole career and so has Jennings...so yes, I see them make those catches all the time. I also saw David Tyree help the Giants win the super bowl with a better catch than Evans had this weekend while getting hit by one of the hardest hitters in the NFL, but he would be the 5th WR on our team and wouldnt even make the roster in GB.


    So what exactly is your point about one catch that makes him better than Jennings?


    I mean I started literally laughing out loud (so when I write LOL it is actually literal this time) when you say reed is as good as driver. You must be 12 and are basing this on your season of Madden 09.


    If Driver was on our team, Reed would be #5 on the depth chart. Driver would be 2, Roscoe would be 3 because we wouldnt have a hands guy at #3 with Driver already there at #2, then Hardy would be #4 until he moved up with Reed there at 5.

  2. Actually, Schobel made the pro bowl because of the opposing coaches who all said he was the guy they game plan for when they face Buffalo. There was a segment on ESPN about it last year when he was selected.


    Part of the reason his stats may not be as high is probably because they are game planning for him as I seriously doubt they fear the other end of the line.


    Comparing the stats from the AZ game is also a bad example, I mean our defensive scheme was awful and we just let Warner throw quick wide open slants all day. You are not going to sack a QB, even one as slow as Warner, when you dont blitz and leave quick short throws wide open all day allowing him to dump the ball so fast.


    I forgot to add, a foot injury for a pass rushing DE is a big deal. Watch their feet, lots of pressure on plants and spins. If you dont have the pop in that leg you are going to have a hard time getting passed that O-lineman. He is a finesse rusher and that foot injury I suspect is slowing him down. Its a really hard position to play when anything on your legs isnt 100% since you need speed and leverage, both of which are hampered by foot or leg injuries.

  3. I don't think OC's are losing sleep worrying about the Schobel pass rush.


    Actually, Schobel made the pro bowl because of the opposing coaches who all said he was the guy they game plan for when they face Buffalo. There was a segment on ESPN about it last year when he was selected.


    Part of the reason his stats may not be as high is probably because they are game planning for him as I seriously doubt they fear the other end of the line.


    Comparing the stats from the AZ game is also a bad example, I mean our defensive scheme was awful and we just let Warner throw quick wide open slants all day. You are not going to sack a QB, even one as slow as Warner, when you dont blitz and leave quick short throws wide open all day allowing him to dump the ball so fast.

  4. jennings and driver? i'd rather have evans and reed


    Ok, im a huge Bills fan, but you must be joking here. The GB WR's are a better core than that of the Bills. I love Evans, but Jennings is just as good and I will take Driver any day of the week over reed. Not that I dont like reed, but come on, its not even close here. Driver is just a better football player.


    You can argue Evans vs. Jennings, but you cant compare Driver and Reed. Driver has been a true #1 and reed barely holds onto being a #2 and was beat out by Peerless Price and is keeping the seat warm for Hardy.

  5. I think its too early...he has been really good so far and I am personally very impressed and very excited. However, he has done a lot of it against low level defenses (SD is 30th in the league in pass D) and has only done it for 5 games. 5 games dont make a career and to lock a guy up based on potential can handicap a team if he doesnt continue to get better. Remember JP Losman had a great second half of the season that one year and looked like the kid was gonna keep improving...


    So, I love what I see from Trent, but for us to sign him to a monster contract I want to see him both stay healthy for a season and put together a great season, not just a string of 5 games. If we lock him up now for what he is worth, he wont be happy in a few years if he excels. If we lock him up with a huge contract based on what we all see him potentially (potentially being the key word) becoming before he gets there, then we risk crippling the franchise if he doesnt develop.


    So, I think this offseason will be the time to extend him once he has shown us a full body of work and just what he can do in the playoffs.


    All in all, I do think this kid is going to be special with my only concern being his durability.

  6. KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Tony Gonzalez practiced with the Kansas City Chiefs for what could be the last time Monday and then went home to await word on whether he's been traded.

    Several teams are thought to be interested in the nine-time Pro Bowl tight end, including Buffalo, Philadelphia and the New York Giants.

    But a Chiefs spokesman who asks not to be identified because talks were still ongoing tells The Associated Press that no deal is pending.

    The trade deadline is 4 p.m. Eastern time on Tuesday.

    Gonzalez holds tight end records for receptions, touchdowns and yards receiving. He asked the Chiefs to explore trade talks because he'd like an opportunity to make a Super Bowl run before his career is done.


    And here we have #12 to ruin the lucky 11 threads already on the board...lmao

  7. As much good as TG might do for this team, losing Freddie Jackson in any trade would actually put us at a loss. Freddie does a lot of things that help make this offense go, and losing him would be a huge hit to Trent and the team. Jackson should not even be considered in a trade, and in fact, his contract should be renegotiated by the end of the season to ensure that he stays here for a long time.


    One, I think Xavier Omen could still compliment Lynch...maybe not as good as Fred, but the drop off is far less than the upside gain of going from Royal to Tony G.


    Two, Fred has upped his value and is going to want to start and there will be teams interested in him just like Turner. So, I am not optimistic he will want to sign a long term deal to stay a back up or time share guy permanently. Hes going to want to see if he can get one big payday as a free agent eventually, so I just dont see him locking up here long term. I would love to keep him, but hes shown too much to not garner serious interest from other teams when his deal is up.


    So as much as I would hate to see Fred go, I would take the trio of Tony G, Lynch and X over Royal, Lynch and Fred. Its not a land slide decision, but I would say its a favorable one for us and would like to see it happen.

  8. One can tell by his choice of screen name that Mr. Dawg likes to flex his muscles and beat his chest by pretending that he is tough. It is, alas, not uncommon among football fans. I am sure that it scares all the kids at recess.


    lol...I havent made a negative comment about anyone other than that this thread is stupid. Yet, you feel the need to make personal insults, yet I am the one someone called out to the oh so scary thread police...classic... :thumbsup:


    FYI, I played LB and played through college all 4 years as a starter (we were ranked 2 of the 4 years I was there) at a reasonable level until I blew my knee out 5 games into my senior year. Since high school you are taught to finish tackles just like that, and that play isnt even a penalty or second thought at any other level other than the NFL.


    The point is, all of you are the biggest hypocrits I have seen because not one of you would be crying about this if this was Poz or Whitner who hit Warner and you know it...


    That is why this thread is lame...not to mention, it has zero impact or relevance to the Buffalo Bills...and I promise you Wilson could care less too...


    And to you Lori, this thread went pages and pages without my input and most replies are not to my posts, so thanks for your insightful claim that my posts kept the thread going, I would love to take the credit, but its unfortunately not true.


    And to Mr. Steely Dan, I bet the only level of football you have played is touch with your beer belly friends and you cry when they push you too hard and you fall down and bump your weee lil elbow...Anyone who has played defense at a reasonable level knows you are taught to follow through and finish your tackles just like this and I promise you that our defense is being coached to do the same thing...


    Its all good though, keep the post going, it amuses me...next attack please...


    PS: I seriously did love the comment of scaring the kids at recess...it was pretty funny and I printed it out and pinned it up on the bulletin board in the office of the non profit I am on the board of directors for that works with at risk youths in our cities and turns them into leaders in their lives and communities...they always tease me for looking scary but being a big softy (I am 6'5 and 260 lbs)...they really did find it funny...so thanks for the bulletin board material...keep it coming.

  9. Thread Cop could you please, oh please just issue a ticket and a warning this time? :lol:





    Just when I thought you've posted the dumbest thing I've seen you top yourself. Good job.


    Watch how hard, legal, hits on QB's are made this weekend then you'll get it. Keeping the QB safe is extremely important to the NFL. How many people jumped off the Pets* bandwagon and won't be watching their games since Brady went down? That translates into ratings and subsequently revenue.











    thread cop...oh please...for what, not agreeing...I didnt even say a bad thing about anyone...just saying this topic is a dead topic and has no impact on our team, so who really cares. And spare me the whole business side of this...these guys know what they are signing up for when they get paid multi millions of dollars to play a GAME and know big hits come with the territory. I mean, by your logic, we should just say a QB can not be touched at all with no one rushing and must throw the ball with in 5 seconds or it counts as a sack.


    And yes, this is the most absurd topic because it has NOTHING to do with our team moving forward...damage is done, why on earth does it matter if this multi millionaire gets fined money he will never miss?


    I swear, its like your 12 years old and your mad someone doesnt agree with you. The fact remains (and dont even try and reply and say otherwise) that if this was Poz hitting Warner, you would NOT be calling for a suspension or fine and you know you would be defending it as Poz hitting him in the shoulder. You would be all mad the NFL fined Poz saying they over protect the QB...


    So take the self righteousness elsewhere because its hypocritical and not needed. The majority of us dont agree, so what, who cares, doesnt affect the Bills anyway.


    By the way, I am still waiting for you and Jerry to start a thread pleading for us to get fined for the hit that cut Warners chin open...it was worse than Wilsons, but because Warner didnt leave game it isnt under review.


    Here, let me translate your post..."ohhh, im tellling....Mooooom, he doesnt like my view..." I mean I am literally sitting here laughing out loud over your "thread police" request...oh my gosh, you must be 12...

  10. Ok, so whats the next topic that has no relevance to the Buffalo Bills or no chance in actuall occuring thats going to go on for days? How about should Kitna sit or start? Or, how about Rudi Johnson or Kevin Smith? Or, how about we try and trade McCargo for Braylon Edwards and JP for Jared Allen...



  11. Thank you Lori!!!!!


    omg jerry, even the majority of the posters on here dont think it was dirty...this was a fine based on reputation, even refers to it in the article...who really cares, it has no impact on us, so who really cares...keep sucking it up there with Lori too, lol :lol: ...


    I stand here in amusement that this thread is still continuing...It would make more sense if an actual fine on this player had any impact what so ever on our team. Like someone said, they could care less in AZ, so why do we care? I care about this as much as I care about my $35 parking ticket I got yesterday...I am sure Wilson could care less too now that he is free and clear of any suspension.


    Its all good though, guess you guys need something to whine about in order to get a "moral" victory after the cards used the Buffalo D like used toilet paper last week and the O line got smacked down like Ike hitting Tina...


    So congrats on proving reputation costs you money in this league and the NFL is one more rule away from making defensive players count alligators before they can rush...

  12. If Schobel's bum foot his hampering him, maybe he should sit out a game and let Denney and Ellis get in there and show what they can do. With Stroud commanding double team, there's simply no excuse for the lack of sacks.


    It doesnt help when we abandon the blitz and just expect the 4 guys up front to do it all...either shows the staff is over confident in our d line or has a flawed def philosophy that needs to be adjusted in the bye week...


    We will not beat SD if we dont blitz and put pressure on Rivers...

  13. WTF is this?


    Exactly...why doesnt the NFL make the QB just wear the red jersey and have us count alligators before the D can rush in...they want the defender who is trained to hit and hit hard to cradle the freaking QB on the way down...wow, maybe the NFL should stand for National Fairy League because they treat the QB like they are mythical frail fairy who sprinkles fairy dust every where...

  14. WTF is this?


    He got fined on his reputation, they even make mention of it in their statement...I just watched it again, I still see nothing at all other than a big hit. If this is on any other player other than the QB this isnt fined...if this was a player with no history of being fined, there is no fine. Case in point, the lack of suspension. With a player with a history of fines any reasonable infraction would have earned him a suspension. This was QUESTIONABLE at best, so they fined him and gave him a warning, a small fine at that.


    I still stand by original statement that if you cant handle this hit then go play poweder puff.


    Bottom line here...is who the heck gives a ****...my point is this thread is 9 pages long about something that will have ZERO, yes ZERO affect on the Bills season from this point on. I mean Wilson probably doesnt even care...so why on earth is this thread the most talked about thread...geezus...


    Congrats on getting your precious fine from the NFL, now our season is saved...ridiculous.


    Can we finally kill this pathetic thread?

  15. Yeah, seen the guy play. Alot more in college than in the NFL. I live in VA and saw Maryland play alot because of the "region" I'm in. Saw him put up decent numbers last year while battling injuries too. The guy runs decent routes and not every person catches every pass. Sorry you hold a grudge because he didn't produce for your fantasy squad :lol: , but all that aside he still has the potential to be a good player for many years to come. He also has alot of God given athleticism that can't be taught. You can be taught to run more crisp routes and you can work on your hands. Gonzales is getting old quick and it's not like the guy is "the missing piece" to our Super Bowl puzzle. I still say that we should look at getting Davis if the price is right, because we all should still be thinking long-term around here. Our team is not a "power house" just yet.


    You want to say that, "if Mike Martz cant turn this guy into a producer in a pass happy offense with a great RB to keep the D honest, why do you think he will fit into our system mid season where it will take him the rest of the year to learn the offense?" Mike Martz is an overrated tool. He ruined what could've been dynasty of sorts in St. Louis with his antics and misuse of talent. Yeah, he's got Gore producing now. But last year Gore battled injury and his monster year came with Norv Turner at the helm. If you look back, Turner even made Alex Smith look like an up and coming QB. In the end, his arrogance and stupid decisions will get him run out of San Fran too.


    A lot of people look good in college...NFL is different...players are better, teams are smarter. If we can him cheap, great, but hes not worth what it will take to get him out of SF, if he is even available. There is talk about his work ethic in the tape room kind of stuff...not really promising insight when he has to learn a whole new offense mid season.


    Also, Martz offense won St. Louis a super bowl. He may not be the best head coach, but he is still a top offensive coordinator if you want to pass. Last I checked, he was the offensive coordinator there in SF and already took the awful SF offense and made it credible by rebirthing the passing game there. So, if he cant get Vernon the ball, something is wrong. In fact, he said the player he most excited about was Vernon and they were going to put him in positions to be a factory...Vernon has not responded. He often looks lost out there...so my suggestion...watch more of him in the NFL as your admitedly said you have not...last I checked Buffalo plays in the NFL not the NCAA, so its his NFL play that I am interested in.


    And yes, the kid is a freak athletically...but that doesnt alwasy translate into NFL success. And he is more fragile than Shockey...


    Again, based on athletic talent, sure pick him up if you get him cheap...my point is he hasnt shown anything at all that would justify what it would cost to get him.

  16. Nothing.


    Not saying the Bills couldn't improve in several areas, but to make the playoffs against THIS schedule? They just need to keep playing like they have been in going 4-1. Don't overreact to one bad loss. Every team will throw up a stinker every now and then, especially if your starting QB goes down in the game.


    Besides, that was just a loss against an NFC team. If the Bills spend two weeks being grumpy and come out kicking arse against San Diego, an actual AFC playoff contender, then overall, it's not a disastrous tradeoff. The SD game is much, MUCH more important than the Ariz game.




    Nothing? Really? "Against this schedule" you say :angry:


    Ugh...you do realize, we havent played a single division game yet right? Miami just put up 2 impressive wins and no longer look like a cake walk, NE is still a pretty good team, and the Jets are just going to get better as the season goes on...so those are 6 tough rival and divisional games, plus SD and Denver. So, how is our schedule so fluff? We had to come behind against 2 of the worst teams in the NFL, so no team is a gimme. I mean KC just beat DEN...


    I love Trent, but he isnt exactly intimidating defensive coordinators right now. Marshawn is a stud, but with no holes and no blocking and an average passing game right now, he cant do his thing. A lot of this falls on the shoulders of our O-line which run blocks about as good as Rob Johnson quarterbacks and isnt much better than a C grade in pass blocking either.


    Our D had been solid until the AZ game, but the AZ game was the first real offense and test we had, so that is really concerning going up against teams like SD, DEN, Jets, and NE. What makes it worse, was the lack of adjustments and blitzing.


    Then add in that we are not healthy and have a history of not being healthy. We have a QB that has been injured in every year hes played football, and is getting killed back there, and a defensive unit that cant stay healthy either. We have a lot to be concerned about.


    Yes, I am estatic to be 4-1 and I love the grit we showed in pulling out those wins. But I would be lying if I didnt have serious concerns after 5 games about our poor O-line play, our dismal defensive play and game plan against the first real offense we played, and our lack of pass rush. The good news...we will get a true test with SD in week 6 to see where we are really at and if AZ was just one of those games or if we just got exposed...

  17. * From here on out...I see it like this:

    vs. Chargers - W

    @ Dolphins - L (Trent won't be quite ready to go, so Losman starts. JP and Lee always have big games down there.)

    vs. Jets - W (Trent comes back...big game.)

    @ Patriots - L

    vs. Browns - W (Monday night...possibly very high scoring, a great game.)

    @ Chiefs - W

    vs. 49ers - W

    vs. Dolphins - W (In Toronto...either a blowout or it will be very close, down to the wire.)

    @ Jets - L

    @ Broncos - L

    vs. Patriots - W (Potentially a VERY important game...very excited I'm going!)


    Have a good rest of the week ya'all...the weekend is almost here!




    Ok, you have us beating the chargers without Trent (who should be 4-1) and then losing to Miami because we dont have Trent? You do know, most analyst still pick the Chargers to be in the Superbowl because they are that talented.


    Then the Browns a very high scoring game? They are one of the lowest scoring teams in the league and will likely have unproven Quinn playing by that game.

  18. :thumbdown:


    Have you ever seen this guy play? I live in Cali, so I see almost all his games at the bar as some friends are Niner fans and I was actually dumb enough to draft him in Fantasy last year.


    He runs sloppy, lazy routes and he lacks focus so he drops too many passes. So, you want us to trade for a TE that cant get open and when he does has about a good chance he will drop the pass? And he hates blocking, so he sulks. I mean, if Mike Martz cant turn this guy into a producer in a pass happy offense with a great RB to keep the D honest, why do you think he will fit into our system mid season where it will take him the rest of the year to learn the offense?


    It will never happen, but the suggestion of trading for Gonzalez makes more sense as he is a smart smart player who runs great routes. He has way more chance to quickly integrate and become a factor.

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