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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. That was not an easy interception. He was one of the individuals last night on our team that made a huge difference in keeping us in the game. He is clearly showing signs of being a very good first round draft pick.


    I hate that answer you just wrote..."he was one of the reasons we were in the game"...


    People always justify mistakes by other plays they may have made as if the mistakes are ok...clearly my view of the pick was an easier catch then everyones view on it...but to be honest, I think that has a lot to do with the fact he returned the kick for a TD than it does with the diffculty of the catch.


    You have to make plays in the NFL...bottom line...he failed to make the play and catch a ball that hit him in the hands with no deflections...I expect a high paid first round pick to make that play. As a result of that, we lost the game on the very next play that was a long pass putting Cle in the very spot they kick the winning FG from...


    Just like Braylon dropping that last pass for a first down...difficult catch, sure...but it hit him in the hands and he dropped it. If Cle misses that FG he would be crucified this morning more than he already is...no one cares Braylon had a big game

  2. No one was talking about it because it wasn't an "easy" catch. Nice try to find another goat but you are totally wrong about it being easy. The easier catch was the Ko drop.


    funny, to me the Ko drop was way harder as he and the ball met at exactly the ground as he dove for it...again, maybe I have to watch it again as it seemed like a way easier catch to me then you guys are making it out to be. I am not afraid to say that its possible I am wrong here as my recollection of the play has that a much easier catch then you guys seem to have. So, I will watch it again and then repost my thoughts...

  3. no way dude, that was a very difficult catch to make...mclovin played his best game of the year and did very well in my books


    if you want to blame a cb, blame mcgee for his soft coverage on braylon edwards in the early parts of the game (he did make up for it later though)


    If a WR drops that pass for a first down in the exact situation we would be all over him. The fact remains that its the consistent pattern of dropped INT's by Leodis that has me concerned...and how was it his best game? Best game on special teams yes, but on D I didnt see anything special other than the pass he broke up that should have been a pick...


    I dont know, maybe I have to rewatch the play, but it looked like a very catchable ball and it hit him right in the hands. Not to mention, the constant practice they put in catching balls like that...

  4. I'm not saying Leodis has great hands, because he doesn't. But you can't blame him for not catching that ball. He made a great move to jump the route, but he laid out in front of the receiver. It's not like it hit him in the chest, he was totally horizontal.


    It hit him right in the hands...they work on that type of catch constantly in practice...hes paid to make that INT...just because you break up a pass doesnt excuse the bigger play you left on the table...I guarantee you he is hearing about it film review today...

  5. easy INT? leodis was completely horizontal, fully extended.


    I expect a first round draft pick to make that INT...not to mention the other dropped INT's he had this year...that was potentially our playoff hopes and season on the line...Top corners make that INT...you make that kind of money and are a first round pick, you need to make that catch.

  6. Maybe it was great special teams play causing people to over look the fact that Leodis DROPPED ANOTHER sure interception, except this time it cost us the game as it was on the game winning drive by Cle and it was an easy INT. Ok, so he made a great play to get us back in it on that Kickoff Return, but we drafted this guy in the first round to be a lock down corner and he keeps dropping INT's.


    This was inexcusable last night...he HAS to make that pick at that point in the game and it is that catchable. We already had 2 fantastic KO and Punt return guys, we drafted him in the first round to be a starting corner for us! And with Youbouty out for the season, Whitner banged up, and now Greer out, he has to start doing a better job when in on Defense.

  7. 1. Our O-Line gave Trent all kinds of time to throw and he still couldnt throw to anyone other than Marshawn. He has been great when he had time, but to see him play so scared with all that time has me worried. This is concerning to me...he was shell shocked last night and the whole hype on Edwards was his poise. So if that poise isnt what we thought, does he really have the potential we all thought? Im not saying he doesnt, just saying its not so clear anymore as he has been bad now in this losing streak.


    Plus, under pressure hes been making bad choices and throwing off his back foot...so, I hope he can battle back through this and regain that poise.


    2. Marshawn is such a better player when he is involved in the passing game and hits his holes with authority. The announcers were right on about him last night and the dancing he does trying to make a bigger play when getting 3 or 4 yards going straight down hill is a successful play.


    3. We are a way better team when we get Lee Evans in the game early and often. There is no excuse for this guy to have zero catches...when he is involved it gives Trent confidence...


    4. I get nervous everytime the ball is thrown to Royal...time to start giving Fine more PT


    5. Steve Johnson needs more PT as well. At this point, our vets are not making an impact at WR and TE, so give the young guys some time to see if they can give us a spark and further their development.


    6. Dick Juaron is making bad decisions. The horrible challenges, the horrible non challenges, and the ultra conservative not to lose strategy is killing us. You dont settle for a 45+ yard FG to save your season when you have a first down, a weak D, a windy stadium, and plenty of time to keep moving the ball. What a joke that was...I am officially jumping on the Bill Cowher band wagon here...I was in support of DJ, but he's consistently showing me bad coaching decisions and I am now convinced we need to go another direction to advance this team.


    7. We miss Josh Reed and Schobel big time...


    Also, the front office is in a lose-lose situation at QB right now. We SHOULD have put JP in once it became clear Trent wasnt looking to throw anymore...not a permanent change, just get him out and get his head straight this game kind of thing. But, the office cant do that because of the high profile of JP and the controversy it would cause.


    Let me be clear...I am not saying pull a QB because he makes a few bad throws and is having an off night...heck, it happens to the best of them and you play through it. But this was different...Trent looked scared, lost, and hesitant out there last night for most of the game. He's still a young guy and I think this free fall from first to last is weighing on him hard.


    He reminded me of "Cougar" in the beginning of the movie Top Gun last night. He lost the edge...lets just hope its a temporary problem because I have high hopes for him.

  8. If it was anyones fault (which it isnt, it was a team loss as several facets of our game struggled blew it at times)...it was Leodis dropping a sure INT on that last drive by Cleveland that would have ended the game. I know he made a huge return for us, but come on man, you are a 1st round DB and the ball hits you right in the chest and hands with the game on the line and you drop the ball? Hes dropped several INT's this year...he needs to make that pick.

  9. People who know football like GM's, opposing coaches, etc. know this guy is a great player who they must game plan for. They can do so much more with him out.


    People who dont know football other than to look at a stat line on ESPN in the box score for number of sacks think he stinks or is over rated.


    Sacks are the most over valued stat in football. The top sack guy is in the teens for sack totals every year...so that means you are judging a players season based on say 15 plays of the 700+ plays they were involved in. Or, even worse, a player is looked at negatively becuase out of the 700+ plays he didnt have 3 or 4 more plays where he touched a quarterback...


    Its not the 1% of plays where a sack occured that matter, its the other 99% of the plays the player is on the field for and how he is contributing there. I mean, what about the tackles for a loss he puts on a RB...doesnt get registered as a sack, but usually causes as much if not more loss of yardage than a sack and occurs way more often.


    What about his overall run defense, the double teams he commands that frees up other players, the pressure he gets, the screens he disrupts...


    So, please, enough with the whole sack garbage as indicator of this guys skill. His sack totals were modest last year, but his peers insisted he be in the pro bowl as he caused them problems all year. And proof is in the pudding as our D has severly dropped off with his absence.

  10. This guy has a terrible challenge record, so I wonder if this contributed to it. Wes Welkers first quarter 40 yard catch was so 100% clearly out of bounds and they dont challenge...result NE TD a few plays later. Half of his foot was out of bounds and they had PERFECT angles on this...why on earth would he not challenge here.


    Is this him or did our guys in the booth screw up? All I know is that this was one of the dumbest no challenges I have seen, especially since the play put NE in scoring position. It needs to be someones azz this week for that bone head play!

  11. We were a complete team (minus Crowell) with no serious injuries when we started 4-0.

    Since then, we lost Trent for a game and lost...


    We have lost Schobel with an already struggling pass rush. Make no mistake, you can say what you want about Schobel, but opposing GM's game plan for him. When they chose him for the Pro Bowl they said he is someone they always have to game plan for. So with him not in there it opens a lot of stuff up for the opposing offense.


    We lost Whitner, our locker room leader and one of the biggest hearts of this team.


    We lost Reed, who has been very valuable to our offense his year.


    We have had Rosocoe out, another play maker for our offense.


    And we lost Youboty who was playing great ball before he got hurt.


    Not to mention our O-line injuries. Out O-line isnt that good to begin with, then when our best of the worst start getting hurt, we have even bigger problems. Make no mistake, Trent is young and needs time to throw until he can make his reads faster (just comes with more experience), so the struggles of the O-line and constant pounding he has been taking is causing him to rush and screw up his mechanics.


    Those are all key players at key positions we have been without in all our losses. We lack depth and have struggled with these players out. That being said, we were only dominated in one game, the AZ game in these losses with the rest being very winnable for most of the game despite all these injuries.


    When our D was healthy, we were #1 in the league in preventing 3rd down conversion. When our offense was healthy we averaging 28 points a game.


    If we can get healthy, which sounds like we are close on Reed and Whitner, then we can still right this ship.


    And for all those claiming Lynch is the problem...our line is so bad that he is starting to dance more looking for a hole causing him to not hit the hole as quick as he should...I will give you that. But, he has also scored several of his TD's on runs that just about every other RB in the league would not have scored on. He has obtained big first downs on moves and hustle most other RB's would not have been able to do. The kid can play, but most of the struggles are on the O-line. Some of it is Lynch not hitting the hole with speed and authority mainly because so often there is back field penetration so he is starting to dance a little too much as opposed to hitting the hole. Again though, thats mostly because of the poor line play.


    He also would have had his breakout game earlier this season where he had 70 yards and a TD but also had 2 big runs called back because of holding away from the play.

  12. Ok, I personally felt that the Jabari INT was the NFL play of the week, it was just beautiful...However, I have changed my stance to the Tyler Thigpen 47 yard recieving TD...that was a pretty sweet play and he looked like Eric Crouch out there...hahaha...throws like him too...hahahaha, but that was nice...the throw to Thigpen was sweet too, maybe he should be QB...


    The best part too I forgot to mention was the how all these teams line the QB out as a WR just to run the ball...this time they threw it...classic

  13. Ok, I personally felt that the Jabari INT was the NFL play of the week, it was just beautiful...However, I have changed my stance to the Tyler Thigpen 47 yard recieving TD...that was a pretty sweet play and he looked like Eric Crouch out there...hahaha...throws like him too...hahahaha, but that was nice...the throw to Thigpen was sweet too, maybe he should be QB...

  14. With all the negative talk on the boards, lets talk about something that was a positive...Jabari's interception was as good as I have ever seen. It looked like he was running the route...just was amazing to watch on replay, his foot work mirrored the WR and he made an amazing grab that brought us right back into the game.


    That is how you cover a WR...

  15. Halfway through the season and their 5-3. Keep that up and their 10-6. Who in this room before the season started thought we'd be 5-3 at the halfway mark? This is still the best product they have put on the field in ages. I for one am a little nervous about their play as of late but it feels darn good to have a chance for once.



    Exactly, we still have all the promise we had, but it takes time to put it all together...our key players on D are all playing together mostly for the first time...Poz missed all last year, our interior D line is all new players, Kawika is new addition, KO missed a lot of time, Youbouty barely saw the field before this year...etc. They will get better as the year goes on IMO. Hopefully the O-line starts to gel more too...Peters hold out I think hurt more than anticipated...

  16. :huh: we've already got like 3 losses so how are we gonna go undefeated? :rolleyes:


    My point was when we were 1-0, 2-0, 3-0, and 4-0 people were talking about the possibility of us going undefeated. Now a lot of them are freaking out saying we wont even make the playoffs...


    When we win they are all up in arms about how dominating we are, but as soon as we lose, we are bottom feeders of the division again despite being 5-3.


    We lost bad in AZ, but Mia and Jets were games we should have and could have one. Its not like we werent competitive, but unlike our wins, we turned the ball over in the key moments of the game and had costly penalties at the wrong times. However, reading the boards today its like we are 3-5 instead of 5-3 still with plenty of opportunities to win our division.


    We will have ups and downs all season, thats what happens with young growing teams...so its not the end of the world, a win next week puts us in a good spot again, especially since the Jets and Mia are just as likely to lose as they are to win with how inconsistent they play too. We win next week and they both lose, then were back in the driving seat again in the division...

  17. When we win, we are going to go undefeated...when we lose, we have no shot to make the playoffs...stupid.


    Now we have posts hating on Trent, arguing about Losman again, talking about jumping ship to the Titans, complaining we didnt sign Bryant Johnson (I mean really?), saying we have no heart, etc...


    1. I said after the rams game that we would have a hard time making the playoffs if we didnt fix the O-line problems.


    2. Trent is the real deal...he is as promising amongst the young quarterbacks as there is. He has just 16 games under his belt, yet he shows the poise of a veteran. The kid is still young and needs time to in the pocket to be truly effective, and when he gets it, he is deadly accurate. He still needs more experience reading the D to learn how to get the ball out quicker and needs to work on throwing the ball away instead of taking these unneccessary sacks.


    3. This team has plenty of heart, what a joke that statement is. 4 of our 5 victories were games that took heart and no quit to win, now we get 2 losses and all of sudden we have no heart? Please...you sound like Raider fans...


    4. Bryant Johnson...Haha...please, as if a guy who runs poor routes, cant get open, and plays like he is 7 inches shorter than he really is was the answer. I am not even going to dignify this with any more of a response (see the thread if you want my full take on this).


    5. Jumping ship? Good, don't need fakers on this ship any way...we are a YOUNG team developing, and we will have our ups and downs. Truth is, we can still contend and can still win the division. Both the Jets game and Mia game were winnable games we gave away because of mistakes caused by the O-line. His pick and fumble were direct result of the O-line. We could easily be 7-1 right now, so go jump ship, who cares and good riddance...


    Bottom line is we are a young promising team with tons of upside. We have a young WR and young TE that will get better and be more productive as the season goes on. However, if we dont fix the O-line issues, then we are going to struggle. Pressure on the QB and lack of running game is killing us...Still plenty to be excited about, so geezus, enough with the "sky is falling, we are doomed" stuff...I mean even the Redskins have 2 losses, and they are ranked in top 5 on every power rankings...we are still 2 games over .500 people and have a lot of winnable games still on our schedule.

  18. GB cut him this weekend, but it didnt say why...is he hurt? If he isnt hurt, seems like he might be worth looking at to help our pass rush. Even to add depth at DE...although, with as much money we are paying our current DE's, he would have to come at a reasonable price...


    I mean he has been one of the top pass rushers for a while now. I cant help but think of Joey Porter, who Pitt thought didnt have much left and let him walk, and now he is having a monster year and single handly just whooped our azz last week.

  19. McCargo failed his physical with an injury that isnt holding him out now but can be a problem down the road. A lot of people walk around every day with the same issue he has and have back pain on and off until something happens that makes it worse.


    So his trade was not nullified because he cant play right now, it was because it could become a problem for him at any time and they dont want to wast a draft pick on a "potential" guy who may already has the risk of not developing into anything other than what he is now, but now has the added risk of not being able to even stay on the field. Add in his foot injury history and the trade just made the Colts too uncomfortable.

  20. Evans was a product of a not-so effective Offensive Coordinator, and even this year does not receive many catches.


    Jennings benefited of a pass-happy Favre who tried his best to pile on stats to what he thought was the end his career.


    If Evans spent his career with GB, you wouldn't be able to compare the stats. I agree with the other poster, why do you keep selling Evans short?


    Thats just it, how am I selling Evans short? I never sold Evans short, not one time, I love Evans and I am glad we locked him up long term. That being said, currently Evans is not the best WR in football, he is arguably top 10 or 15 with potential to be amongst the Elite. Jennings is right there with him. Thats my whole point...the other posters are trying to say Evans far exceeds Jennings.


    I said I love Evans and think hes a great WR...that doesnt mean Jennings cant be a great WR too...just because Jennings isnt a Bill doesnt mean he isnt a top WR. The guy can flat out play and if you ever watch the games, he gets seperation better than Lee and always seems open. Lee's game is different, doesnt make him worse or better. I said in ever post they are about even.


    And Evans numbers wouldnt have been much better there as Driver was the #1 there when Farve was there and mainly they have depth and spread the ball around. Plus Jennings missed a chunk of the season with an injury.

  21. jennings and/or driver better than evans??? are you guys serious?? you could make a better case of rodgers over edwards (which is almost as asinine)


    i'm constantly amazed at why so many people sell lee short - luckily the front office didn't



    Are you serious is the question: How can you claim Evans to be above and beyond Jennings? I love Evans, but Jennings is just as good. Here are the stats for their careers


    Jennings: 3.97 catches per game, 65.8 ypg, 16.6 ypc, .56 tds per game

    Evans: 3.67 catches per game, 60.7 ypg, 16.5 ypc, .46 tds per game


    Jennings is better is every major statistical category, so to say Evans is so much better and that its not even close is absurd. Personally, I love Evans, but to say he is hands down better than Jennings is just rediculous. Jennings does nothing buy make plays and get open. He is also a threat for the big play and has great instincts and hands.


    They are both great players...and the point in question was which Duo was better...Jennings/Driver or Evans/Reed...given the equality of Evans and Jennings, you really have to compare Driver and Reed...this is hands down Driver. I like Reed, but Driver has been a true #1 most of his career while Reed struggles to stay in the lineup and wasnt even a certainty to make the roster cuts this year.

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