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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. While there are many resons to hate Bellichick one thing he said years ago that did impress me (when referring to the Bledsoe trade to Buffalo) was that you have to decide who you can win without, even if they are good players. I'm not sure what we could get in trade for roscoe but he is not an NFL threat at wide-receiver and it may be too much of a luxury to carry him as a punt return specialist only. Let McKelvin handle all returns - even if it means dropping him to nickle corner on the depth chart to level out his playing time.


    Let's argue that best case you get a second rounder for Roscoe. You can get a quality o-line or d-line player in return. If you can't get at least a third rounder then it is probably not worth the trade. Maybe there is a package deal in there somewhere such that we get extra picks and a move up in the draft. Again, may depend upon who is on the board but an impact pass rusher or solid TE helps the Bills more than Roscoe does.


    Flame away <_<


    Best case? Second Rounder? Yeah right...no way we get a second round pick for a player who is yet to prove he can play at this level as anything other than a punt returner. We didnt even get a 2nd round pick for Mcgahee, and Baltimore REALLY wanted him and he had proven he could be a significant starting RB in this league, just wore out his welcome in Buffalo.


    I like Roscoe, but he has not proven to be able to step up and be consistent as a WR, earn more time, or stay healthy.


    Unless he shows something during the rest of the year, I would say our ceiling on him is 4th round pick...maybe a third if he shows some consitent factor in the passing game over the remainder of our season.


    Personally, I think it would be best to keep him as he is a special kick returner who has big play potential on offense...just not an every down kind of WR, well at least thats what he has shown so far.

  2. At this point, i have no clue what you are even arguing about anymore. The original premise of the thread was dumb as hell, and since you got called out, your post topics have been spasming back and forth like an epileptic.


    Exactly...dudes posts are all over the place and have no substance what so ever.


    Ask any GM in the league to name the 5 best QB's of the last 6 or 7 years and I guarantee most, if not all of them, include McNabb on that list. Hes has done more with less than just about every QB in this league. Put him on a team that has the talent Indy, Dal, or the Pats have on offense and he is an MVP candidate every year. Yet, he still carried the team despite having 1/3 the talent on offense those teams had.


    He even took them to 4 straight NFC Title games and one Super Bowl despite having a good WR only 1 year in his career. And how about that Superbowl run? He didnt even have TO for any playoff games before the Superbowl and he carried the Eagles on his back through the playoffs and into the Superbowl where they came up just short against a more talented overall team.


    Not to mention he has been the perfect professional despite all the crap he has endured.

  3. Two Saturdays ago LSU scored thirty points in the fourth quarter against Troy. They were down 31 - 3 in the third quarter only to win 40 - 31.




    The best part of this whole topic is how people have been ranting and raving about how DJ plays not lose and is too conservative. Then the first time he is aggressive the whole game (even going for it on 4th and goal and getting the TD early on) they jump all over about how we are running up the score when he was clearly giving his starters more time to work on their game as it will be needed down the stretch.


    Again, these are grown azz men who are over paid to play a violent game, yet we worry about hurting their feelings by how many points we score when the object of this game is to score as many points as we can. Geezus...bunch of sissies...


    The best part of last year was watching Belichik stick it to everyone and score at will. I loved it...it was about time. If you dont like it, PLAY BETTER...simple as that. I dont like the Pats as much as the next guy, but I have to say it was hilarious to see them crushing people everyweek all the way to the end of the game and watching the opponents cry about it after...

  4. He's only been a top 5 QB almost his entire career. Can you truely back that up? I dont' think you can stat wise.


    This also might be the stupidest thing you said..."stat wise"


    Who cares about stats...having the best stats doesnt make you the best player. Look at Aikmans stats...he was mediocre at best in terms of yardage and TD's...yet he is a HOF QB...its not stats that make you a top 5 QB, its the QB that makes him a top 5 QB and McNabb has been an elite QB in this league most of his career.

  5. He's only been a top 5 QB almost his entire career. Can you truely back that up? I dont' think you can stat wise.


    He's been on a team that had a good defense that kept teams out of the endzone.


    He does have a very, very low interception rate. That's always been the thing with McNabb and that is a great thing.


    But I guess you didn't follow the McNabb and Aikman controversy about three or four years back. Aikman said McNabb was one of the most inaccurate passers he's seen and it hit a raw nerve in Philly. And it's was documented by Sal Paolantonio of ESPN.


    First off, one man's opinnion (Aikman) doesn't make it true...otherwise, we should be in the CFL (see Emmit Smith).


    Second, he carried that team offensively with no talent. I guarantee if Aikman was on this Eagles team for the last 10 years this team doesnt win 2/3 the games they won. He wasnt that kind of talent. Very few quarterbacks could have produced the way he has with the little talent he has to work with most of his career. Lets not forget what a true professional he has been having to endure the T.O. sage, the racial issues off the field from ignorant white media personalities like Limbaugh, and the overall toughness of having to play in Philly where he was booed at the draft.


    They guy has been a warrior and even played half a season with a broken ankle. This team doesnt win 4 games next year with Kolb at Qb and is a threat to win the division with McNabb at QB.

  6. I said I thought Donovan has played his best football this year! He deserved to be benched in previous years when he was OUTPLAYED by three different backup. That's not a flip flop. He was never that good to begin with and Rush Limbaugh was right.


    You should be banned from this board! Rush was right! You are ignorant!

  7. Are you kidding me? Should have benched him sooner? Did you see how bad Kolb was? He's never even had a good preaseason let alone proven anything on the field other than he's not ready.


    McNabb has been a top level QB for a long time and teams would have killed to have this guy on their team. He carried that team, and still does, despite no real offensive talent outside of Westbrook and the one year he had T.O. on his team. He has carried that team so long I am surprised he hasnt had to have back surgery with all that weight on it...


    And get off this tie garbage...what a joke. Regardless if he knew the game could end in a tie or not, he knows first team to score wins...ITS SUDDEN DEATH! He was trying to score on EVERY possesion, not taking time off thinking we will get them next possesion in the next period. Him not knowing it could end in a tie HAD NO RELEVANCE OF ANY KIND on the outcome of this game. It got blown into a big deal because of the media. No one is talking about Hines Ward coming out and saying he didnt know either, and Ward had a game that ended in a tie that he played in for crying out loud.


    Its amazing what this guy has had to endure in his career yet has remained a true professional at all times.

  8. Oh come on...give me a break. These are grown azz men getting paid absurd amounts of money to play a game, a game most of us would play for free just for the chance to play. I am so sick of the running up the score cries when someone gets blown out. If they were highschool kids, then fine. But as Pro Athlete, if you dont want the score ran up then play better...simple as that.


    The most annoying thing about it is that there are bigger problems going on out there and these highly paid people come out crying about having their feelings hurt cuz the score was too high. Tell that to the familys in California that just lost everything they had in the world to the fires, or the family that just lost their home or even job cuz of the economy. I mean seriously...whining about the score...how petty.


    Besides, its more insulting when the opposing team stops trying then it is when you keep playing the game. When you let up then you are saying that the other is so lousy that you don't even have to play anymore.


    Besides, with our struggles lately, our young team needed all the work they can get, especially when they were having success, to rebuild that confidence. If KC couldnt stop it, then thats on them...someone call them and say PLAY BETTER!

  9. Lets not get overly excited here...Trent played a terrible D and looked good against it just like he has looked good against most terrible D's hes played. Against higher quality competition he looked bad. So, to make this guy Brady or Montanna again is a little premature.


    Second, he was in the game because his confidence has been so rocked as of late that they wanted to get him some extra time in while he was having success to keep building on his confidence again. Rebuilding his confidence at this point was worth the risk of an injury is my guess as to why he was in there.


    Plus, the offense as a whole had been struggling, which is why all the starters were in while the game was out of reach and why they kept passing even when they didnt need to.


    Good move in my opininon as they needed the boost and practice

  10. And JP is NOT going to win games and neither is Hamdan. Pulling TE out is hardly going to "get his head straight". Building a QB is a process and it's going to have its ups and downs. Eli Manning had his bad years and Coughlin didn't pull him. Manning was only 10-6 last year, had a 73.9% passer rating, threw 20 INT's and fumbled 13 times.

    As painful as it is to sit through it, Edwards has to be given the opportunity to play through this ..... whatever it is he has.


    see post you responded to...


    I said let him play through it if its just him struggling...Mondays game was different...he was incapable of throwing the ball.

  11. To look at it from a different angle, TE hasn't even had a year and a half (in games) of being the starting QB. Eli Manning didn't look particularly good for the first couple of years, either. I'm just as PO'd as the next guy when I see TE regress from the way he played at the beginning of the season to the slump he's having now. Especially since it's putting the Bills behind the 8 ball in games. You didn't see Coughlin pull Eli and I wouldn't and don't expect the Bills to pull Edwards. He needs the chance to pull himself out of it. Putting JP or Hamdan in isn't going to help TE or the team.


    There is a difference of struggling and being mentally inept. If Trent struggles, let him play and see how he works his way through it, which is what they have done. The result is a man who is shell shocked to the point that against one of the worst passing D's in the league with a ton of time to throw, he cant even attempt a pass down the field. So, if his psyche is not in a place that will allow him to play his way through it, then you gotta pull the kid out to get his head straight before it ruins his career. We win the next two and we are 7-5 going into some key divisional games, all winnable. Our season is not lost yet, but putting him out when he cant win us the game is throwing in the towel on a season where we can still be relevant.


    So, let him start at KC, but against another horrid D Trent still cant bring himself to throw and is lost again, you gotta make a change, even if its for the short term...its what would be best for him and the team. Remember, this isnt the Buffalo Edwards, this is the Buffalo Bills, and the idea is to win games not to make each game about a specific player.

  12. Link required - otherwise, you are putting words into the man's mouth.


    If he said it - well, life's lessons...never talk to the press. For every member that understands context, there are ten that will run amok with any utterance if it polishes their personal and financial knob and if they sniff a chance of getting into the big time.


    And that's nothing new.


    LINK? I am referring to the fans on this board who keep saying this...I didnt say the FO said this...

  13. Good post...I said in another post that against a better defense that wises up and takes the dump off to Marshawn out of the equation, then we lose this game by 21. We were luckily playing an inept Cle team who failed to adjust, so the dump off was there all night, much like Warner against us in AZ where he just threw 5 yard routes all night as they were wide open the whole game and we didnt adjust. Difference was that was by design and ours was out of desperation as Trent was just not capable of letting the ball go down field.

  14. To use an analogy in response to the original post:

    The Bills have already legally separated with JP & are now living with someone else. Unfortunately, the divorce doesn't become final until January & JP is still living in his part of the house.


    hahahaha...like the analogy...nice


    As good as that was, I do have to say that I dont know that the staff and front office has seperated from JP nearly as much as a lot of fans think or want to believe.

  15. This is one of the worst excuses I have heard and you only ever hear it from fans. Sticking with a decision because the "organization made its decision and now must live with it."


    How many of you have had a girlfriend/boyfriend and later broke up with them? How many of you are divorced? How many of you have changed jobs? These were all commitment decisions that you made at that time based on the information you had at that time. You made the decision that you felt was the right one at that moment.


    So what happened? You made the decision to be with that person, so should you have stuck with it too just because you "made the decision". Come on now, thats unrealistic. No decision is final!


    You make decisions based on information at the time of the decision...as more information comes in you evaluate that decision again. You make a new decision based on the new information...not rocket science here...


    Take Trent vs. JP...at the time we made the move the office felt Trent was the right direction. I am NOT saying he is not the right direction now, but if he is in a mind set that prevents us from having a chance to win games, then we have to make a choice that gives us the better chance to win.


    We have a LOT of money invested in players, and if you want Ralph to open up his check book then we need to start winning with the money he has already spent. You want FA to give us serious thought, we need to win. If you want the players to buy into the system, you need to show them you are commited to winning...


    For the record...I am pulling for TRENT and I am not saying yank him right now. I am saying I fully support a move to JP as early as the second quarter if Trent shows he still is timid and shell shocked. In fact, I think that would be the best thing for him...you dont want ruin this kid by letting him get so crushed out there that his pysche doesnt recover. Let him come out and regain his hunger, his poise, etc.


    If Trent struggles, then I am ok with letting him play through it, but if he looks like he did against Cle (lost, scared, timid, etc) then he has to be pulled for his own good and for the good of the team.

  16. I really don't think the answer is to bring Losman back into the starting job. The organization has made its choice. Now it's time to let Trent learn on the job. I'm just as impatient as anyone, but you have to give things a chance to gel. Remember that there were quite a few people upset with Eli Manning's performance up until midway through last season. I'm not saying Trent is the next Eli, but it says something for consistency and allowing things time to develop. Something JP was never given, but let's not make the same mistake again.



    I hate this analogy..."The organization already made its choice"...


    How many choices in your life have you made that after you made it you realized it wasnt necessarily the right choice? Im not saying Trent is definitely the wrong choice, but right now, if he keeps going out and playing timid and scared, then he is the wrong choice. You dont stick with the wrong choice just because you made a choice...thats absurd.


    EVERY WEEK YOU PUT THE PLAYERS ON THE FIELD THAT GIVE YOU THE BEST CHANCE TO WIN THAT GAME! PERIOD. If Trent isnt that guy right now, then put someone in who will beat KC and keep our season alive. Bottom line...win games.


    Not to mention, runs like this can cause permanent damage to the psyche of a young QB...its not like hes having bad games, he's completely lost his edge. If you dont put a stop to this soon, it could ruin his career. Pulling him out, clearing his head, letting him start seeing the defense again and get his timing back would only help him...lord knows his confidence cant get any lower.

  17. Did you actually think this thread would bring about good debate? Come on man. What are you six? Who starts a thread about our reaction to the scenario that our back-up quarterback takes the helm, wins at least 5 of 6 remaining games, gets into the playoffs in the wildcard position, and regardless of contract status and lingering tension is able to attain something that Jim Kelly, Dan Marino, and many other much better quarterbacks could not?


    Uhhhh, see Tom Brady and Kurt Warner (and could even add Matt Cassel to this if he keeps improving and they make a run)

  18. I know you didn't direct this post at me but - My dissection of the article and its implication was not meant to imply my support for benching Trent. I am on the fence regarding your statement. Last year, Trent played well in the beginning and faded away during the last few games coinciding with the weather getting bad. Conventional wisdom was to stick with him and he will improve. So we said that the season is sunk anyway so why not give Trent some experience which will serve us well during this season. Well, he did appear to improve at the beginning of this year but has badly regressed. We seem to be in the same exact spot as we were at this time last year albeit a bit better on record. To stick my neck out a bit, I would start Trent against KC and if he still looks shell-shocked and confused in the first half then try putting in JP for the rest of that game (only).


    This is my exact position...I want Trent to succede, even bought his Jersey and wear it to the bar every sunday to watch the game. My greater concern lies in his ability to win the game. What he showed Monday night was not that of a young player who is having an off night...I could live with the 3 first qtr INT's.


    What my concern that night was Trent's literal shut down. I mean he had all night to throw it and wouldnt let go of the ball. His "deer in the headlights" mode he was in was not the kind of mindset that allows you to win games. Our Special Teams, Marshawn, and our D almost bailed us out of that game, but it wasnt because Trent was effective. Against a better Defense who would have taken that Marshawn dump off away, we would have lost by 21. For the first time since I have seen Trent take the field I felt like this guy can not win us this game tonight.


    So, if he continues to be shell shocked and incapable of pulling the trigger then making a move to Hamdan or JP to provide a spark until he regains his mojo would be a move I would support.

  19. Sure we can.

    "His teammates don't have the luxury of allowing him to work through his problems on the game field."

    Meaning - get someone in who will allow Trent to work through his mental funk off the field. Implication = play JP


    "Buffalo is entering do-or-die time. Their playoff hopes are already dim. They need a spark, and Edwards has shown no indication he's ready to provide one."

    Meaning - Trent will not provide that spark, so get someone in who can. Implication - play JP


    "Losman's name is met with shrieks throughout Western New York. He's maddening to watch, and there's a general perception in the weathered, blue-collar region that Losman has been a pouter since losing his job to Edwards."

    Meaning - fans hate to have to think about JP in there. Implication - nothing


    "To insert Losman now would be daring. He's an unrestricted free agent after this season and almost certain to split on an organization he feels jilted by."

    Meaning - putting in JP now would be bold and different from the conservative approach, he is gone anyway. Implication - nothing.


    Watch...as clearly as you just spelled that out some JP hater is going to post some other absurd post of how the article states nothing about playing JP...


    Its like they have JP HATE VISION GOGGLES on and cant for a second even consider that someone out there might just suggest putting him on the field...

  20. I saw all of Losman I needed to see in the preseason. He was still holding the ball way too long out there. Edwards has the tools. Now they just need to put it all together. There are plenty of successful QBs that don't have great arms.


    hate to break this to you, but Trent in the last 4 weeks holds onto the ball like hit was the very thing giving him life...he is taking WAY too many sacks where he should have thrown the ball or threw it away. And if he isnt getting sacked hes getting hit as he throws (hence INTS and Fumbles) because he held the ball too long...

  21. Alright, let's play this game and reverse it...


    Tim Graham says Losman shouldn't start against KC! Read what he says about him for proof!


    "Losman's name is met with shrieks throughout Western New York. He's maddening to watch, and there's a general perception in the weathered, blue-collar region that Losman has been a pouter since losing his job to Edwards.


    To insert Losman now would be daring. He's an unrestricted free agent after this season and almost certain to split on an organization he feels jilted by."


    you must be kidding...geezus...you are really fishing here...start being a Bills fan instead of a Trent fan and you will see this guys point by saying Trent should be on a short leash...because he earned that short leash with his terrible play the last 3 weeks. More importantly, he lost his edge and confidence Monday night...a QB who does that doesnt give his team a chance to win is not the guy that should be under center...hence the short leash...


    This forum is hilarious...rather than discuss the article, you all just argue the linguistics of what words he actually used because you are in such disbelief someone would even suggest playing JP...

  22. It doesn't ?

    "His teammates don't have the luxury of allowing him to work through his problems on the game field.


    Buffalo is entering do-or-die time. Their playoff hopes are already dim. They need a spark, and Edwards has shown no indication he's ready to provide one."


    "The Bills are investing in Edwards as the quarterback of the future. But if they don't have him on a short leash against the Chiefs, then they're already working on 2009."


    Even if he didn't type those specific words, he is pretty much advocating exactly that.



    EXACTLY!!!!!!!! Someone just posted "sometimes you really have to spell it out for people around here" in referring to him saying the article doesnt say bench him...so thank you for spelling it out for that guy who clearly needs things spelled out for him as the article suggests several times going with JP if Trent cant play his way back (which so far he is not)...


    I am pulling for Trent, but I have to admit, I was screaming for JP to finish that game Mon when it was evident Trent was not going to pull the trigger...We needed that win big time, our season may have depended on it, and I wanted the guy who gave us the best chance to win at that moment...and I dont care how much you love Trent and hate JP, Trent was not that guy Monday night for most the game when he became gun shy...


    And enough already with the JP makes more mistakes than Trent as Trent has 3 TD's to 8 INT's in last 3 games plus fumble losses...

  23. I know, but you really have to spell it out for some of the people around here. They could read "The Raven" and think Edgar Allen Poe wants JP to start. They just read whatever they want out of wherever the feel like.


    geezus...you people take things too literally...I am not going to write a paragraph description on the article in the title...I know he doesnt say bench Trent and start JP...but he does say put him on a short leash and start JP if Trent doesnt recover, maybe even at KC...


    So, the subscript for the title says "start JP" because he is suggesting that if Trent can not play through this after facing two horrid pass defenses, then they should make a change. So, yes, he is not saying bench Trent right now, although he suggests it is something to consider, but he is saying go with JP if Trent can not play his way out...which so far he has gotten worse each week.


    I am not saying I agree or disagree, just thought it was an interesting article...but most of you cant get past the title of this post to even discuss the article...lol

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