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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I'd be very interested in getting behind Raheem Morris as HC of the Bills next year. Of all the non-Cowher options, I think he gives us the best chance to win a Super Bowl.


    However, it's gotten to the point where I don't even care about the Super Bowl. I just want the team to not be a f-ing joke for the next three or four years. I'd be shocked if Marty Schottenheimer couldn't get us to 10-6 with a playoff berth and a first round exit, which sounds like the glory days compared to what we've had lately.


    But he's an intensely frustrating coach, and we would unquestionably be outcoached in big games. But it'd just be nice to play in one first before looking to a replacement.


    What exactly is there to base this on? Best chance at a Super Bowl? Not only is this guy not an experienced head coach, he is not even an experienced defensive coordinator. The guy is a DB coach and now all of a sudden he is the missing ingredient in getting us to the super bowl?


    This guy is being all hyped up over a news article...if it wasnt for that article, most people wouldnt even know who he is. By the way...DJ is a coach the players say they love to play for...in fact, there are a lot of coaches who dont succeed despite the players loving to play for them, even busting their butts for them.


    That is because there is more to coaching than player motivation/relations. The guy needs to know how to win games, strategize and game plan, make adjustments in game, handle internal issues, manage the game clock, run practice, deal with the media, make player decisions, determine starters on both D and O, in others words...run a whole team, not just a small piece of the defensive unit.


    Im not saying he cant do it, but some silly article doesnt make him a great HC or mean he knows how to manage a game. In fact, in every instance lately where we have tried to find that new trendy pic (all who had more experience than him and were more highly touted than him) didnt pan out so well.


    Im personally tired of gambling on the inexperienced, unproven guy...we have a YOUNG team and we need a proven, established, leader to come in here and develop this team...not some young guy learning on the fly just like our young players.

  2. Don't understand the love for Mariucci. He inherited a great 49er team and ran it into the ground and pooped the bed with the Lions.


    He inherited a rebuilding 49ers who were old, retired and woeful and turned them around and made them relevant fast. He took a nobody in Jeff Garcia and turned him into a Pro Bowl QB. He did a great job in SF but the FRONT OFFICE and its horrible cap management ruined that team, plus T.O. became T.O. and tore that team down from the inside...


    Detroit...come on man, you cant hold that on him...not even Bill Parcells could have won in Det with the talent they had and the busts they had in the draft...that was a lose lose situation for him. Which is why he wont be taking the St. Louis job if it comes open, he doesnt want to be put in that situation again working with that little talent.

  3. How about the Buffalo Bills do the SMART thing and forget about all of the NFL retreads you have mentioned. Other than Cowher (who is not going to come here) all of these guys are either too old or have been proven to be failures as head coaches if winning championships are what you are after if you're the team owner.


    Why didn't the Dolphins, Falcons and Ravens follow your advice and hire any of those guys on your list? It's becuase they are smart teams that wanted to hire the best coaching option for their team...








    Guess what? None of these rookie head coaches were on your list yet all are heading to the playoffs and two of them with rookie QBs




    Why didn't Pittsburgh hire any of those guys a couple of years ago? Because the were smart.






    The Bills should hire Raheem Morris who is the DBs coach for the Bucs and is widely considered the next Mike Tomlin.





    First, all the coaches you list here are also NOT proven winners by the Super Bowl standards you set when referring to the "retread" coaches listed above and have won nothing yet...no Super Bowls or appearances


    Fact is, very few coaches have Super Bowl wins under their belt in the current NFL...most are dead, too old, retired, or in a front office. The others, well they are currently coaching or available. The ones available were on that list...Cowher, Billick, Reeves, Fassel, Martz, Vermeil, etc.


    Those guys have either won divisional championships and/or Super Bowls...that equals a proven winner to me...some have done it for multiple teams and even in multiple conferences.


    For every one Mike Tomlin there is 10 Mike Mularky's (not to mention, Tomlin INHERITED almost that whole team whcih won a Super Bowl with most of that same talent 3 years ago, so its hard to see how much is him and how much is the team he took over)...so going with an unproven coordinator is no slam dunk and is more trendy than smart. Marvin Lewis was supposed to be the savior in Cincy and started strong but has severly under achieved ever since to the point his team is pitiful...so the jury is still out on your young HC guys you mention as they are all in their first year and have accomplished nothing yet.


    Heck, Gregg Williams was supposed to be the next great HC...uh, we saw what happened with him, and look at woeful his JAX D looked last night, especially in the fourth quarter where they knew Hou was just gonna run and yet let Slaton run off 2 late TD's without being touched.

  4. Well, they even talked about it during the game on how Del Rio is definitely secure one more year. I am not saying he makes it out of next year, but he will be the coach to start the year. The FO made the blunders and have built a team with little talent outside its RB's and O-Line on the offensive side of the ball...with the major injuries to its O-Line, the Running game has been stalled and hence the whole team. Add in the death of a teammate and the horrendous WR signings and this just is a team of very marginal talent at best and most skill positions. Because of this, he gets a pass...Owners love him there from what I hear...


    Billicks offense was lacking in Balt, but he is another guy who had little to work with. Their only big QB draft was Boller who just doesnt have the talent to develop into a starter in this league. They also have been pretty poor at the WR position and seem to lose Heap for several games a year, so he never had the weapons to put out a solid offensive unit.


    He did take Dilfer, who literally struggled completing a screen pass and put on some of the worst quarterbacking I have ever seen before coming to Balt, to the Super Bowl and won. In fact, Dilfer was pretty solid in the Championship game and Super Bowl. I know the D was outstanding, but you still have to have solid Offensive play and they put up a lot of offensive points in AFC Ch. Game and Super Bowl.


    So, I can't just see his offense as being his fault. The front office commonly went D early in the drafts, they often had late round picks as they usually had a good record, and the few ealry round offensive play makers the FO took often missed (Clayton is ok, Boller was a bust, etc.), in fact, only Heap comes to mind that panned out (although he struggles to stay healthy). That FO was great at finding gems on the D side of the ball, not so good on the O side in the draft.


    Forgot to add on Billick...he made big time players in Minn out of a old Cunningham, washed up Jeff George and a young Culpepper...so, unless he goes somewhere else and his offense (with talent) stinks up the joint, I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he did the best he could with very marginal talent in Balt on the offensive side of the ball.

  5. Did you watch the game last night? The Jaguars absolutely quit on Del Rio. That team is playing worse than us. Del Rio's schtick (and that is all he has) has worn very thin. Unless the Jags win there last 4, he is gone!!! Billick or Mariucci would definitely be an upgrade over Jauron. But Billick's offenses with the Ravens were definitely offensive.


    Well, they even talked about it during the game on how Del Rio is definitely secure one more year. I am not saying he makes it out of next year, but he will be the coach to start the year. The FO made the blunders and have built a team with little talent outside its RB's and O-Line on the offensive side of the ball...with the major injuries to its O-Line, the Running game has been stalled and hence the whole team. Add in the death of a teammate and the horrendous WR signings and this just is a team of very marginal talent at best and most skill positions. Because of this, he gets a pass...Owners love him there from what I hear...


    Billicks offense was lacking in Balt, but he is another guy who had little to work with. Their only big QB draft was Boller who just doesnt have the talent to develop into a starter in this league. They also have been pretty poor at the WR position and seem to lose Heap for several games a year, so he never had the weapons to put out a solid offensive unit.


    He did take Dilfer, who literally struggled completing a screen pass and put on some of the worst quarterbacking I have ever seen before coming to Balt, to the Super Bowl and won. In fact, Dilfer was pretty solid in the Championship game and Super Bowl. I know the D was outstanding, but you still have to have solid Offensive play and they put up a lot of offensive points in AFC Ch. Game and Super Bowl.


    So, I can't just see his offense as being his fault. The front office commonly went D early in the drafts, they often had late round picks as they usually had a good record, and the few ealry round offensive play makers the FO took often missed (Clayton is ok, Boller was a bust, etc.), in fact, only Heap comes to mind that panned out (although he struggles to stay healthy). That FO was great at finding gems on the D side of the ball, not so good on the O side in the draft.

  6. Colts: Dungy - Jim Caldwell

    Seahawks: Holmgren - Jim Mora, Jr.

    Bills: Jauron - Rex Ryan

    Browns: Crennel - Bill Cowher

    Bengals: Lewis - Jim Schwartz

    Jaguars: Del Rio - Brian Billick

    Chargers: Turner - Ron Rivera

    Raiders: Kiffin - James Lofton

    Cowboys: Phillips - Jason Garrett

    Eagles: Reid - Steve Spagnolo

    Lions: Marinelli - Marty Schottenheimer

    49ers: Nolan - Andy Reid

    Rams: Linehan - Steve Mariucci


    Just my speculation, and is purely based on what I think would be good fits for those teams(except for the Bills - I chose Ryan because he would be a good fit with the area and because I'm tired of having a team that gets pushed around all the time), but I would like to hear what other people think will happen around the league. Thats 13 coaching changes and there could be more if the Bears tank down the stretch and fire Lovie Smith(about a 50% chance) or the Chiefs finally fire Herm Edwards(highly unlikely). I don't know alot about the current state of college to NFL coaching candidates but I'm sure someone will make the jump this year again.



    Jack Del Rio is going no where after the turn around he made there...one down year decimated by injurys and bad FO FA signings at WR that didnt work out isnt going to lose him his job. He will be there next year for sure.


    No way Mariucci takes the Rams job after the debacle of a horrible team he inherited in Det. If he comes back he takes a team he has a chance to win with...I think he could be a top candidate for Buffalo...Also, Linehan isnt the coach there anymore...


    I think Buffalo has to pursue Billick or Mariucci...I can see a lot of the others you mention landing where you did or just not being available due to not being fired or taking time off next year.


    Marty ball would be a good fall back option...I heard some talk on these boards too about Gruden being on the hot seat, I have no idea if its true in the NFL world, but if the posters here are right and TB fires Gruden, of course he shoots to the top of my list with Billick and Mariucci.

  7. Really...my bad...I asked a guy here at work (I live in Los Angeles) and he is a big Charger fan...I asked him if they were better off without Marty and he said no way and that hadnt gotten as far without him as he hates Turner...I couldnt remember what they did last year...lord knows they are stinking up the joint this year though...


    One could argue that there is more talent there in SD now than when Marty was running the team though with additions like Chris Chambers and a more developed Rivers...so they are acheiving even less with more this year...Martys Chargers also got bumped over a missed FG one year if I am not mistaken...

  8. The Chargers went to the AFCCG last year, winning 2 playoff games to get there, in the first year under Norv Turner. Under Marty, they lost their first playoff game in 2004 and 2006.


    Really...my bad...I asked a guy here at work (I live in Los Angeles) and he is a big Charger fan...I asked him if they were better off without Marty and he said no way and that hadnt gotten as far without him as he hates Turner...I couldnt remember what they did last year...lord knows they are stinking up the joint this year though...

  9. Why? The goal isn't to merely make the playoffs; it's to get to the SB. Marty will NEVER take a team to the SB, much less win it. That is pretty much guaranteed.


    And in his 5 years with the Chargers, they made the playoffs twice, despite all that talent. So it would at best be 2-3 years of playoffs, never winning a playoff game, and then he's fired and the process starts over again.


    They arent making the playoffs without him there in SD and havent sniffed a SB without him...so are you sure it was Marty's fault? In fact, they have been worse every year without him...so maybe its the team and not just Marty...in fact, you can say that about every team Marty coached...he took them farther than his replacements did...so rather than say he doesnt win the big one should be more like he gets more out of less and his teams overachieve.

  10. I always go to Forbes magazine for their judgment on who is the best football coach.


    This would be a valid statement by you if the article was based on Forbes opinnion of who the best coach is...however, it is based on number of wins per dollar value of their players...aka...facts not opinnion...so who published it has zero relevance in this topic...but thanks for the dim wit commment.


    I also love how people will post a comment like this...so are you saying your football IQ is superior to whoever compiled this article becuase they work for Forbes? Where do you work? Do you work for an NFL franchise, ESPN, SI, CBS Sports, NBC Sports, etc. that makes your opinnion more credible than a professional journalist at Forbes? I am willing to bet that whoever wrote this article has done a far more in depth analysis of who the better coaches are...case in point is that its based on fact, not arm chair quarterback opinnion...

  11. So you are saying that a coach who got off to a 5-1 start can stay if he finshes with the records you have. No major injuries that prevented this team form winning games.

    So its ok if his last 10 games ar 5-5, 4-6 and 3-7 so its ok to finsh .500, .400 and .300 after an .833 start Im sorry Have to disagree with you there anything less than a playoff berth after a 5-1 start without a reaon is fireable!!!!!!


    He mostlikely wins maybe if hes lucky one more game this season!


    Also, keep in mind the combined record of the 5 teams we beat in that 5-1 start is a whopping 15-44...so even those 5 wins arent saying much and if you add in KC, the 6 wins are against teams with a 17-54 combined record, and we struggled in every one of them except Seattle.

  12. http://www.forbes.com/business/2005/09/01/...estcoaches.html


    This article is a couple years old, but he shows which coaches get the most wins with the least payroll...which is what we need as we know Ralph doesnt exactly qualify as a big spender...


    #1 is up in NE and isnt going anywhere, but of the other 4, only one is currently a HC (Andy Reid) and he may be available at years end.


    1. Bellichick

    2. Cowher

    3. Reid

    4. Jim Mora

    5. Schottenheimer

  13. I hate to tell you this, but our talent at WR isn't all that great. We have one top flight guy (and yes, he IS a top flight guy)...but after that we have a shorter-than-average possession receiver in Reed, a small slot guy who doesn't run routes well enough to ever reach his potential, and then a rookie on whom the jury is still out but who isn't looking good. McNabb has certainly had the talent we have at WR...his name is Terrell. Even now, Curtis, Jackson, and Baskett are at the very least comparable to Evans, Reed, and Parrish.


    I think I didn't say that the way I wanted it to come out...sounds like I am saying our WR's are special...What I was really trying to make clear is how BAD the Eagles WR's have been with the exception of the brief TO appearance (where they went to the Super Bowl and had his best year).


    Evans is by far superior to any WR on that team, and any WR ever during the McNabb era except TO. Heck, McNabb made Stallworth into top wideout the one year they were together and he has been a bust everywhere else he has been and looks as if he doesnt even exist in Cle.


    So, just having Evans here would already be a huge upgrade for him. McNabb would make Reed and Parrish better too, and with Steve Johnson and Hardy as young guys with potential to devleop, I would say with full confidence it would be his most talent core of WR's he has ever had, even better than the year he had TO as there was no one else besides TO that was any good.

  14. Dan Reeves, Jim Fassel, Jim Hasslet (he's probably not going to get the Rams gig).


    I would be a supporter of Fassel and Hasslet...Reeves would be ok, but I would prefer Fassel or Hasslet over him.


    Of the names commonly being thrown around, I would rank em like this...


    1. Cowher

    2. Mariucci or Billick (tie)

    3. Schottenheimer

    4. Reid (if available), if not, Fassel would be my next choice

    5. Hasslet

    6. Reeves


    Wild Card: Ditka (he probably suck as a coach, but it would be fun...hahaha)


    We need a proven winner in here who will command respect right from the start. Someone who has shown they can win consistently in this league.


    Of the teams that will likely be looking for a HC next year, we may be the most talented. If Ralph was willing to pay, I dont see why we couldnt land one of the big 3 (assuming they want to coach next year) in Maruicci, Cowher, and Billick

  15. A guy who coaches phsyical football?!? Do the Bills remember what that even is? Spags would be my 2nd choice. Personally I'd like Schottenheimer. Sure his teams haven't won playoff games. At least they're competative and get there. Can the Bills say that? At this point I'll take the prospect of playoff games, over no playoff games at all. Spags would be a close 2nd. Billick? The guy can't develop qb's. They get rid of him, and all of a sudden Joe Flacco looks to be the long term answer.



    Not really fair to say he cant develop QB's...he hasnt had much to work with and the only real development he had in Balt was Boller who just doesnt have the talent to develop.


    I mean he turned Trent into a Super Bowl QB when he couldnt even complete a screen pass before he got to Balt. In fact, his early years in TB were some of the worst QB play I have ever seen. So, if he can salvage a bum into a Super Bowl winner, to me that says something. And I dont care how good your D is, you still need solid QB play to win the Super Bowl and that is what he got out of Trent.


    Look what he did with a washed up Cunningham, Jeff George and young Culpepper in Minn. He gets the most out of his QB's, he just hasnt had many QB's since then to get anything out of. Balt didnt really draft any QB's after they got Boller who just doesnt have the talent to be a starter in this league. Lets not also forget, they pretty much have had very little talent at WR during his reign as HC in Balt too...

  16. If we had Reid and McNabb...or just McNabb...we not only make the playoffs next year we make a run at the super bowl. McNabb has never had the talent we have at WR and our WR's have never had a talent such as McNabb throwing them the ball. McNabb has another good 4 years left in him. Our offense goes from mediocre at best to prolific instantly with this upgrade, and his ability to throw on the run offsets our inconsistent pass protection. Plus, this opens up Marshawn as teams have to give instant respect to the passing game...


    Our D gets better by not having to be on the field as much as we have less short drives, not to mention it will be healthy next year (Crowell, Youbooty, Greer, etc.)...


    Here is the problem...McNabb will likely be available, but the FO wont pursue him as they are stubborn and will likely go one more year with Trent before looking elsewhere...

  17. Both would be an upgrade...I prefer Billick over both of these guys to be honest. Say what you want about that Balt D during the Super Bowl run, but the guy still won a Super Bowl with Trent Dilfer who actually had good games in the AFC championship game and Super Bowl.


    My wish list would look like this next year...


    1. Cowher

    2. (Tie) Billick or Mariucci

    3. Schottenheimer


    Cowher is a long shot...he will have his pick of teams. However, out of the teams looking for a HC next year, we may be the most talented at this point. So who knows...


    Personally, I would love to see us grab Billick or Mariucci...


    I would also add Andy Reid to this list if he gets fired...

  18. Both have strong winning records.


    Both would be an upgrade...I prefer Billick over both of these guys to be honest. Say what you want about that Balt D during the Super Bowl run, but the guy still won a Super Bowl with Trent Dilfer who actually had good games in the AFC championship game and Super Bowl.


    My wish list would look like this next year...


    1. Cowher

    2. (Tie) Billick or Mariucci

    3. Schottenheimer


    Cowher is a long shot...he will have his pick of teams. However, out of the teams looking for a HC next year, we may be the most talented at this point. So who knows...


    Personally, I would love to see us grab Billick or Mariucci...

  19. My posts are not all over the place and have plenty of substance. No one has called me on the rush attempt arguement because it's true. McNabb has gained a lot of yardage on the ground. More so than most NFL QBs.


    I gave Donovan his due with the low interceptions and I'll give him his due with arm strength and the fact that he's developed as a player.


    By the way...he makes his teammates better...Look at Stallworth...this guy has been a non factor and non existent on every team hes played for, but one year in Phi with McNabb he became one of the most dangerous players on the field. If he hadnt missed some time with a hamstring injury he would have been a Pro Bowler hands down. Since, he has done squat...NE didnt even want to keep him around, now he is a ghost AS A STARTER in Cleveland.


    What about Todd Pinkston? When was the last time you heard his name? His last year starting with McNabb. What about James Thrash? When was he ever relevant? When he started with McNabb. Reggie Brown? This guy cant run a route to save his life yet McNabb made him a threat on the field. Now he cant even get back on the field. How about Kevin Curtis? Never more than a #3 WR and last year became a #1 WR under McNabb and had his best year. Look at T.O. too. His most leathal year was playing with McNabb.


    This guy has done more with nothing than any other QB in the league. If he would have had a WR core of Bolding and Fitz, Housh and Johnson, Moss and Welker, Evans and Moulds, Harrision and Wayne, etc. etc. then this guy would not only have his ring, likely have multiple rings and more than one MVP on his mantle.


    With this garbage he is forced to field year after year, he still got his team to 4 straight NFC title games and a Super Bowl.

  20. My posts are not all over the place and have plenty of substance. No one has called me on the rush attempt arguement because it's true. McNabb has gained a lot of yardage on the ground. More so than most NFL QBs.


    I gave Donovan his due with the low interceptions and I'll give him his due with arm strength and the fact that he's developed as a player.


    What about his rushing? He was an early rushing QB, then developed into a pocket passer. The same way McNair was a rushing QB in his early years then only scrambled when he had to.


    Him be a rushing QB is irrelevant...McNabb is now more in the mold of Steve Young in terms of rushing. They are dangerous when they do take off, have the talent to make something happen when they are forced out of the pocket, but look at rushing as the last option before making a pass.


    So enough about the rushing stuff...McNabb is a drop back passer who can scramble when forced to. I would start this guy on our team over Trent hands down right now, there wouldnt even be a QB competition. If Trent can develop and be 80% as good as McNabb then we will have a pretty darn good QB for the next 10 years.

  21. By the way...if you want to look at trading a WR this off season...see James Hardy. We have a certain 7th rounder who looks like he could be the steal of the draft and the future starter opposite Evans if he continues to develop. Word is the FO really likes him...so that would leave Hardy where? An expensive 3rd WR? What about Reed and Roscoe then? Someone has to be the odd man out...


    Trade hardy on his potential...we could get a decent pick back for him...maybe a first day pick.

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