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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Obviously we have fallen apart the 2nd half of the season, but I don't think this team is that far away from being very good.


    Let me start with the good:


    The defense is above average, and is a pass rusher away from being in the top tier. We are 15th in points allowed, 11th in yards allowed while being 27th in INTs and 25th in sacks. Do you know how hard it is to stop teams when the QB can stand in the pocket all day long, and the offense can't get you off of the field? Yet somehow our defense has managed to keep us in games. The only game the defense played badly was against the Cardinals.


    Our special teams are excellent. I know Lindell has got the shanks, but the return game and punting is yet again a huge strength of this team... getting drive starts around the 40 yard line after kickoffs and having the 2nd best kick coverage team in the league is a huge advantage in hidden yardage


    Lee Evans cannot be single covered... and Josh Reed looks like a decent WR


    Our offensive line can pass block... finally (Brad Butler is vastly underrated, look at how bad the OL played w/ him injured)


    Player A has a 59.8 comp% thrown for 2616 yards 7.0 yrd/att 14td's and 12int

    Player B has a 60.2 comp% thrown for 2410 yards 6.8 yrd/att 13td's and 10int

    Player C has a 66.0 comp% thrown for 2378 yards 7.3 yrd/att 10td's and 10int


    Those 3 QB's are Big Ben, Joe Flacco, and Trent... We are alot better off QB-wise this year than we have been


    Now to the bad...


    TE is a lost cause on this team Royal isn't even that good of a blocker anymore, you might as well have Chambers out there. I won't even mention him in the passing game


    Chris Kelsay is my personal whipping boy, he tries so hard, yet there are so many times he bites on PA fakes or gets shoved halfway down the line on a running play, the guy plays his butt off, he just isn't that good at the game of football


    Edwards has yet to figure out how to beat a defense when it drops everyone into coverage. But he is young and history has shown that QB's take time to develop. (Ryan is the exception to the rule)


    Duke Preston is the worst center I have ever seen... I don't even want to imagine him being the starter for another year.


    Now on to the coaching.... seems like everyone wants Jauron fired, I think that is totally the wrong thing to do. Teams need to form an identity, they need to have a plan from top to bottom. This team is being built to be a strong tampa-2 defensive team w/ a power running game. You cannot just junk the plan and start over when immediate results don't happen. He has been 7-9 his 1st 2 seasons and is now 6-7 in his 3rd. Not exactly lighting the world on fire, but not terrible either considering what he inherited. Dick doesn't call the offensive plays (i'm not a big fan of Turk, we don't have any flow), he doesn't rush the passer (our DB's are good, we can blitz once and a while since we don't have the edge rushers). A head coach now-a-days is an administrator. And from what I watch the players play hard for him


    The personal department now needs to put the finishing touches on this team and give us the pass rushers we need to effectively play the tampa-2 and the TE that is required of any successful conservative power running team and things will get better.


    Seriously though... it is all about the pass rush, and always will be




    We are not that bad...


    1. We have a solid defensive unit that has lost key players (Youbouty, Greer, Schobel and Crowell)

    2. We have a O-line that is way over paid but is pass blocking better as of late.

    3. Young WR core that could be pretty good if we can settle the O-line and QB situation.

    4. Good RB's

    5. Great Special teams


    I totally believe we need a coaching change though. This team needs an identity...more importantly, some swagger! We need toughness. A great coach could win with this team, there is enough talent. Our gameplan, in game coaching, lack of fire, and lack of swagger are killing this team and that falls on the staff.

  2. Think about what you said... if Evans had those #s we would be saying he's the 2nd coming. Can you tell me the last time Evans averaged 7 catches in 7 games? Please, I would love to know.


    Next throw in Matt Freaking Moore as QB. Case closed as Matt Moore would be lucky if Evans averaged 3-4 catches a game. Evans does not get nearly the separation as Smith, he doesn't run the middle of field.


    Matt Moore, nuff said...


    The best part about your failed argument is the complete disregard for the completely different gameplan in Car and Buff. In Car last year, they CONTINUALLY tried to force the ball to Steve Smith constantly throwing to him, covered or not...in Buffalo, we look to pass to Evans (even to pass down field in general) half as much as Carolina was looking to pass to Smith last year as they couldnt run the ball either. Evans doesnt get nearly the same amount of targets and FEWER chances to catch a pass...


    So instead of asking when was the last time Evans avg 6+ catches a game (2006 for Evans during first 7 weeks where he avg 6 since you wanna pick stretches of a season instead of a whole season)....what you should be asking is when was the last time the Buffalo coaching staff came out and said Evans is the key to our game and we are going to make the effort to get him 7 touches a game?

  3. Think about what you said... if Evans had those #s we would be saying he's the 2nd coming. Can you tell me the last time Evans averaged 7 catches in 7 games? Please, I would love to know.


    Next throw in Matt Freaking Moore as QB. Case closed as Matt Moore would be lucky if Evans averaged 3-4 catches a game. Evans does not get nearly the separation as Smith, he doesn't run the middle of field.


    Matt Moore, nuff said...


    One, smith didn't avg 7 catches a game as you claim...two, I already showed you that if you take one game in the 7 game span, he avg 5 catches and 50 yards a game under Moore with no TD’s...so give it up already...geezus. Smiths stats were AWFUL under Moore and Carr...If we threw 15 passes a game at Evans that were 4 yards at a time with Rob Johnson he would average 6+ catches a game and 60 yards too…


    Not to mention the # of catches stat in Steve Smiths case here during that run is so MEANINGLES…HE WAS AVERAGING 50 YARDS A GAME ON THOSE! they were all short dump offs at the line of scrimmage and most came in garbage time when Carolina was blown out and the DB’s were playing back to prevent the deep ball…my grandma could catch those short dump offs at the line of scrimmage with the DB playing 10 yards off the line…


    And why on earth do you keep focusing on a 7 game stretch to begin with? Last I checked teams played 16 games...


    This is the dumbest argument I have seen in a while...Evans has never had what Smith has had around him...ever...Smith is a great talent, but to say Evans doesnt come close is absurd. Smith is a better blocker which gives him the nod on the better WR in my book, but its a close race for Evans.


    Put Evans in as the #1 WR in Dallas, NE, Indy, NO, Phi, Sea, Den, GB, NYJ, NYG, AZ, etc, and he would be a top 10 wideout every year...specifically in AZ, NE, Indy, NO, Phi, or Dallas he would probably be top 5 as a #1 WR...

  4. This team WITH Jauron is going to get absolutely smoked next season.


    I could be really ugly.



    2009 opponents:


    Buccaneers, Colts, Dolphins, Jets, Patriots, Saints, Texans, TBD AFC North opponent


    Dolphins, Falcons, Jaguars, Jets, Panthers, Patriots, Titans, TBD AFC West opponent


    Scariest post I have seen...ouch...schedule is gonna be brutal.

  5. The last three posters just don't seem to grasp the root of the problem. Teams that fail to make the playoffs for nearly a decade (e.g. Buffalo, Detroit) in a league designed for parity suggest some kind of systematic failure. We're not crapping on the players since they haven't been here for the entire time; they just happen to be a part of this latest collapse. The problem is ownership and management. Unless something FUNDAMENTALLY changes, it's hard to see this team becoming a winner any time soon. If you can suggest a bigger motivational kick in the a$$ than a walkout, I'd love to hear it.


    Also, we're fans, not professional scouts or sports managers. We are allowed to sing the praises when teams are winning and call for change when they're losing. Ultimately, I hold the judgment of ownership and management to a higher standard than I do the judgment of fans. It's not unreasonable to expect them to be better and more forward-thinking than we are. After all, it's their job, not ours.


    How can anyone compare us to Detroit? Detroit stuck to their guns with the same horrible GM that ran them into the ground. We have been making changes in Buffalo...we didnt just sit back and accept failure. We went out and spent money on FA, big money, retained some players, fired our crappy GM, fired our Coaches, traded for players...etc.


    Have they all panned out...No...but some have. This team has been making steps to get better, not just accepting failure, and Wilson is pissed...they are trying up there, which is more than I can say about Detroit all those years.


    So how is the protest justified? You are all pissed at Wilson about DJ...Why? He was Marvs guy...Marv was the GM, Marv wanted him, Wilson trusted Marv.


    We went out and got what was viewed as the 2nd best OL FA on the market at the time in Dockery, we signed Mitchell, we traded for Stroud, drafted what looked like a good draft in McKelvin and Hardy at the time, went out and got a young QB (TE) early in the draft DESPITE having one that costs us first round picks in JP, and retained what had been our best defensive player in Schobel at the time.


    They are making moves to get better EVERY year...some moves work out better than others, but we are headed in the right direction with a young team.


    So, this boycott garbage is unjustified...Detroit, Oakland...I can see that as they are a joke out there...but why here? Most of the moves we have made have been widely viewed as great moves. Sure, there were a couple questionable moves in Denney and Kelsay, but you know what, no one team is going to get every move right. There were a LOT more positive moves made than bad ones in the last few years.


    You boycott a team that is not making an effort to get better...we do NOT fall into that category...

  6. Actually, he did just fine without Delhomme. If Delhomme was on this team he would've been run out of town by the way. Smith averaged 7 catches per game in the last 7 games without Delhomme with no less than 5 receptions, so again, you should learn what you are talking about.


    I watched a great segment on NFL Network on how great Smith is with lesser QBs, and while I don't piss in my Cheerios with fantasy crap, I watch a lot of games. The NFL Network showed how Smith was getting open for lesser QBs.


    Who was the QB who he had 10 receptions with? 40 yr old Testaverde. Who did he have those averages of 7 catches in the last 7 games? Matt Freaking Moore.


    You lose, you don't know what you are talking about, you should go study the game, you should learn how unbelievable Steve Smith is. You are pissing that Smith didn't do more for FF, instead of realizing how good he played. Did you know that Evans has never had 87 receptions in his career? Smith did it in 15 games last year with Carr, Testaverde, Moore, and Delhomme.


    I guess your point was he didn't have monster yards per game, but he moved the chains, got open and was a safety valve for bad QBs. Tell me the last time you've seen that from a WR and you'll realize how special he is.


    Actually I made NO reference to Fantasy Football other than to say it was why I watched every single Carolina game last year...that and the fact one of the guys I watch football with is a Carolina fan. So check the fantasy football insults at the door as it was NO PART of my argument. Next, he played 14, yes 14 games without Delhomme, but you want to focus on 7...so lets look at those fabled 7 you speak of...


    1. Here are his avg stats during your fabled 7 game run to end the season: 6.8 catches, 67.57 ypg, 9.9 ypc and 1 TD. What a joke...thats productive for Steve Smith? Supreme to Evans? Those numbers are inflated by one game too. If you take out his one game that was truly prodcutive, his numbers for the other 6 are like this: 6.33 catches, 56 ypg, 8.85 ypc, 0 TD...pathetic!


    2. During your 7 game run you speak so highly of, he had only 1 game over 75 yards...in fact he had only 2 games over 65 yards. He had more games under 50 yards total (3) than he did of games over 65 yards.


    3. Yes he had a game with 10 catches...whoopie...he is a talented guy playing in the NFL...even the worst QB will get him the ball sometimes. He followed that 10 catch game up with games of 2 catches for 18 yards and 3 catches for 15yards...


    4. If you actually watched the games last year you would also see that most of his catches were 3 yard or 4 yard passes to him right at the hike of the ball. This is further illustrated by his measly under 10ypc stats in all but 2 games.


    5. If you take out the 2 games with Delhomme...here are his avg stats for the year (14 games): 5.14 catches 52.2 ypg, 10.15 ypc, 3 TD's...


    6. Here are his averages the previous 2 years with Delhomme plus the first 2 games last year with Delhomme: 6.28 catches, 93.75 ypg, 14.9 ypc, and 24 TD's in 32 games.


    7. So give it up that Smith is still elite statistically when he doesnt have a good QB...his stats suck just like Evans does when the QB is stinking up the joint.


    So, do your homework before you put your foot in the mouth...and not only do the stats completely destroy your argument, but I watched every game and Smith was pissed in those games...they couldnt get him the ball to save their life. In a lot of the games, he got MOST of his catches near the end of the game in garbage time and they were all short little passes that had no impact on the game.


    And, who cares about the 10 catch game...Evans had a game where he caught 2, yes two, 80 yard TD's from Losman, but you all talk about Losman as the worst QB to ever play...so even with bad QB play Evans still managed to have some big games...just like Steve Smith.

  7. I think the 1st QTR walkout would be more visibly powerful and garner more attenton...


    Why would you do this? Really? This is turning your backs on the players not Wilson...so we lose a few games and now people just want to abandon the team becaue you are mad at the Owners...


    Heres what ticks me off about these protestors...


    1. You were all singing the praises of the front office over the FA signings and draft picks.


    2. People were talking DJ for coach of the year when we were 5-1 and supporting a contract extension. Now that we are losing you are flip flopping and acting like the FO is a bunch of morons for signing this guy to an extension when most this board supported it when we were 5-1, which is when they gave him the fabled extension...


    So you all want to boycott a team for making decisions you were in agreement with that are not working out now. What a joke...the front office made the decisions they felt were good for this team at the time, and you all supported it and thought the FO was doing a good job...in other words, you would have done same thing.


    So get off Wilson already...he paid to extend a guy who looked like he was turning the team around and we were winning games we NEVER used to win during the first half of the season. He opened up his pocket book for what looked like the right guy for the job during the first 7 or 8 games of the season.


    So your solution is to boycott the very product you were all nuts over earlier in the year...so you are as WRONG as the FO on the assesment of our team at that point...how hypocritical...bunch of arm chair QB's

  8. I guess you don't read well. Here are his numbers from last year with Carr, and other lousy QBs:


    Steve Smith:

    Year Age Tm Pos G GS Rec Yds Y/R TD Lng R/G Y/G Att Yds TD Lng Y/A Y/G A/G YScm RRTD Fmb

    2007 28 CAR WR 15 15 87 1002 11.5 7 74 5.8 66.8 9 66 0 22 7.3 4.4 0.6 1068 7 1


    He caught 87 passes for 1000 yards in 15, not 16, games. What does that tell you? The great ones make it easy on QBs, the ok ones need great QBs.


    First off...he had 2 monster games with Delhomme in weeks 1 and 2. Most of his catches were short 4 yard throws and came in garbage time.




    Check his game log before you open your mouth about something you dont know anything about...


    He had 10 games UNDER 65 yards recieiving, 8 of which were under 50 yards recieving...his ypc was 11 yards compared to over 15 yards normally, he only had 1002 yards on 87 catches...he has more yards than that this year on 67 catches so far...


    He had 27% of his TOTAL yards and 20% of his total catches for the season in the first 2 games BEFORE Delhomme was hurt!

  9. In my opinion, he would be perfect for this young team and would immediately take Evans and Roscoe to a new level.


    Dont you mean immediately take Evans and Steve Johnson, Reed, and/or Hardy to a new level...lol...I just dont see Roscoe ever being relevant at WR outside of a big play threat on some gadget plays.

  10. on the mnf pre game show ronde barber said that steve smith and randy moss are two of the only receivers that teams have to gameplan for. Going into the 3rd quarter tonight he as 8 grabs for 108 and a td. Teams supposedly gameplan for lee evans and he hasnt had nearly the production of steve smith. They are both the same small, burner type of receiver and i dont feel that lee evans is in steve smiths' class. Say what you want about the quarterback or the play calling of the bills vs the panthers but tonight is proof that GREAT players find ways to make plays.


    Uh, I had Steve Smith in Fantasy Football last year, so I watched him all season. He was non existent and worthless the whole year in terms of offensive production because Delhomme was hurt. Plenty of 1 catch or 2 catch games, and I even think he had a zero catch game.


    So, even the great Steve Smith couldnt produce when Carolina stunk it up with the QB play and couldnt move the ball. Sound familiar?

  11. I'd rather get Hasselbeck if he would be cut loose in the offseason. With Holmgren leaving, it is possible they try to get younger and release him. While playing in Seattle he has experienced different weather, he also has been fairly successful during his career and probably still has a year or two left. He could be the starter for a year or two while Trent learns a little more. I still think he could be a good player, but I think a lot of what kills most young QBs are the expectations to do well when they really are not at that point yet or the coaches cannot put him in a position to be successful.


    Obviously there a two rookie QBs that are playing very well, but I think that's mroe the exception than the rule. Edwwards looks good, but could probably benefit from sitting behind a real vetern QB instead of Losman. Some one he can learn behind. Even if Edwards were still to be the starter, if he had another rough patch of games like he is going through now, the coaching staff might feel OK in bringing in a real vetern QB rather than Losman.


    I think there is no doubt the Bills need a vetern QB in the offseason and they probably need to draft one as well. I would like Hasselbeck over pretty much anyone else given that he was heathly and a FA.


    Hasselbeck? Really? What exactly has he done in his career? Never won anything, injury prone, makes crucial INT mistakes a regular, and hasnt been a factor on the field in 2 years.

  12. Bingo.


    Bringing in McNabb would be another Bledsoe situation and we'd be griping about him and running him out of town during his second year. I honestly think that bringing in a veteran QB like McNabb would set this team back 2-3 more years.


    Trent is the guy right now. Let's give him a chance, please.


    You have to be kidding comparing McNabb right now to Bledsoe then...McNabb can run, has a strong arm and is still young enough to play at his level for at least 4 more years...

  13. Wow, do you have access to a PVR? I do, even though it's painful, you can count at least 5 plays (where the camera gives you the ability) where JP totally misses a wide open receiver, or waits too long and misses him. Two in particular were two deep throws, one being the one you mentioned to Evans. There is a receiver (I'll double check but I think it's Reed) WIDE open 10-15 yards directly in the middle of the field coming across. I'm sorry but JP was (dare I say) even worse than any game Edwards has played this year. Yes, there were some dropped balls, but this guy is so inconsistent and unpredictable there will never be a team that will get any rhythm with him at QB. I honestly feel he's not even good enough to be a backup in this league.


    Not claiming to be right, I just think with the time to gel with an offensive unit and timing he could be a good QB. Remember, he has barely had any reps with the first unit, hasnt had much playing time, and is playing in a frustrating system. So yes, he missed some guys and made some mistakes, but he also made some nice throws that were big key throws to extend drives that were dropped by our guys, a big time play on that blown block by peters for a first down, a big play on the fourth down he converted (horrible call to play action in my opinnion by coaching staff, but he made it work), etc.


    He has flaws, but he has also has raw ability, and I think with the right system and coaching those flaws can mostly be corrected and his ability better developed.


    Hey, I have been wrong plenty of times, so who knows, but we will see next year.

  14. Can Oman play? Jackson is a FA to be, no?


    Forgot this one...good point...get the kid some reps and see what he can do because I would say the odds of Jackson being here next year are slim to none.


    Just to be clear in response to other comments...my original post wasnt to call Hardy a bust, it was more to say he hasnt shown anything yet for us to sit back and say he is our guy for the future. He is stuggling in practice and on the field. So, I am saying he and Johnson need more game time to show us what we got in them...

  15. i'm as big a jp losman fan as anyone, but he just doesn't get it. will he ever? after 5 years, it's probably not going to happen.


    his accuracy is too erratic for him to be a starting (NFL even?) quarterback.


    I see potential in him personally, I just dont think he can win here in Buffalo. I think given a full year or two in a stable system, with good coaching and not having to look over his shoulder he could develop. Brees was terrible his first 2 years as a starter before developing too. JP has never had 2 full years to start, has constant changing offensive schemes, and didnt have much talent around him for most of his career.


    He definitely has some flaws, but I think some of these flaws can be corrected just being in a better situation...

  16. We know what we have (or dont have) in most key areas. However at QB, TE, and WR we have some young players that may or may not be long term solutions and we need to use this last part of the season to find out.


    1. The obvious - QB...if Trent is there man then we gotta get Trent back on the field asap and see if he can regain his poise if the FO still sees him as our QB to build on.


    There is the outside chacne that the FO is losing faith in him and may want to see what JP can do, so if that is the case then they need to start him the rest of the season, for better or worse. Personally, even if JP did well I doubt he would want to stay here anyway after the way he was handled, so I say get Trent out there asap and see if he can rebound.


    2. WR - Hardy has shown nothing to this point to give anyone any confidence he is the solution. Steve Johnson has shown some potential but needs more playing time to see what we really have in him. If we dont find out if one of these guys can step up and become a factor in our offense next year, then we are no better off going into the draft as we were last year at this position.


    3. TE - Royal just isnt a starter in this league...we need to find out if Fine or Schouman can develop into a quality starter for us and they need to play ahead of Royal the rest of the year.

  17. Just my 2 cents and observations...based on first 3 quarters as I was on a plane for the fourth...


    1. JP just cant catch a break...I watched him put the ball right on the money on 3rd down 3 times in the first half just to have Lynch, Royal, and Hardy blow it and drop the ball and kill those drives. JP started 3-10 but there were 4 dropped passes. Then there was the deep ball to Evans where Evans was held, so it looked like an overthrown ball but I think Evans gets there if he isnt held.


    To me, he showed some potential and some flaws...the play where Peters blew his block was a big time play by JP. Then he tries too hard to make a play other times and takes sacks he shouldnt take (although Trent has been doing this too lately). Overall, I really do think this kid will make a good QB in this league somewhere he is allowed to settle into a system and get the support around him.


    2. The O-line just isnt worth the money we are paying!


    3. Turk is an awful OC! 1st and goal from inside the 5 we throw a fade jump ball to a wr UNDER 6' tall in the back of the endzone? Are you serious...terrible call from that spot on 1st down. There were plenty of others too, but I will just leave it at that...


    4. DJ needs to go...this team just doesnt seem to have any heart or faith anymore.


    5. Royal needs to be demoted and Fine and Schouman need a chance to earn the starting spot.


    6. Steve Johnson needs a shot at the #3 WR spot, permanently. Hardy just isnt cutting it and Roscoe just cant get open often enough. Roscoe can be electric and a playmaker once he gets the ball, but he doesnt get open enough to be a on the field all the time. Bring in him with spread formations, but otherwise, get Steve Johnson some more time.


    7. Reed is an underrated player who is clutch. He reminds me of Wes Welker, we just dont utilize him the way NE utilizes Wes...what a shame


    8. This team has no swagger or identity.

  18. Name 3 running backs who played behind Dan Marino.


    How about John Elway?


    Who were the WRs that Brett Favre took to the Super Bowl? Any HoFers? Who was his Rb that day? Barry Sanders?


    It is true that mediocre QBs can be made to look good with excellent personnell it is false that one cannot see the talent unless it is surrounded by talent.


    Uh, Elway had lots of good to great RB's and DIDNT win the Super Bowl until he got his best one in Terrell Davis...

  19. I might be giving him credit, but I'm not crowning him yet either, as I said before, he is really young, but in my opinion,

    has shown quite a bit of poise, and future upside, whether or not JP was afforded the advantage of a better line or backs,

    is a mute point, and may not have been fair, but it is what it is, besides like I said before, and I am going back to last year, even as far as preseason, when both were playing regularly, to me, there has been a marked improvement in the overall efficiency of our offense when Trent is directing it.


    The o-line took time to gel...so by the time Trent took over they started playing better. Fred Jackson also came on as the season progressed...The coaching staff and game plan had more time to sink in...also, the game plan went from move the ball to protect the ball when a rookie (Trent) took over QB where there were fewer risks being taken and ultimately made the offense seem more efficient.


    Look, I want Trent to succeed, and he has shown flashes of potential, but he also now not handled this rough patch well and it concerns me how shaken his confidence has been. Even on the sidelines, he just looks down when he is struggling. Great players shake it off...


    My thing with JP is that he has shown plenty of potential but so much of the woes that the Bills were going through were unfairly put on him and he was never given the chance to succeed. So I just dont see why so many can be so anti JP and Pro Trent when they both have shown potential and both have had some real bad games.


    I will point out that its frustrating too that when Trent struggles its always something else causing it, not Trent. When JP struggled (on a much worse team with way worse coaching and way less talent on that offense) it was all JP's fault and he cant play in this league. Truth is, the kid has a serious arm, spent most of the time scrambling before he even hit his 3 step drop back as the line couldnt block my grandma back then, and had terrible coaching most of his career with no continuity in the offensive philosophy from one year to the next.

  20. He'd be my first choice as well.


    If we go with an unproven HC, I do like this pick. I still prefer a proven HC like a Mariucci, Billick, or Cowher (list Cowher last as I think he is the least likely of the 3 to come here). Maybe even Schottenheimer too...mainly because there is so much that goes into running a team as a HC and it is so hard to tell if these coordinators can adapt. Mularkey, Gregg Williams, and so many others were highly touted coordinators who just weren't able to make the leap.


    Sure, there are some that become great coaches...but we have a young team and I think our young team that is learning on the job would be better led by someone that wasnt also learning on the job. They need veteran leadership here from a proven and qualified coach.


    Again, if we go with the unproven guy, at least in terms of being a HC, then I do like him, but I will still much prefer someone who has proven to be able to take a mediocre or bad team and turn them into a contender or champion.


    Mariucci did with the 49ers when everyone said it would be a decade before they could recover.


    Billick won a Super Bowl with Balt who wasnt any good at all when he got there.


    Cowher took over a bad Pitt team and made them a consistent powerhouse in the AFC with multiple super bowl trips and a super bowl trophy.


    Marty has built winners everywhere he has been.

  21. Recently, yes, but you would have to admit that since Edwards has taken the reigns, the passing game has definitley

    been more efficient, with Edwards spreading the Ball to a lot of different recievers and backs, resulting in more time consuming, ball controlling, and fruitful drives. JP can't do that nearly as well. Will he be the Quartrback (Trent) we desperatley need going forward? Time will tell, me thinks we gave JP enough time already! He is good on the long ball and taking sacks though. Not to try and make a Trent/JP thing out of it or anything, it's just that we don't have anybody on the team better than him, I say we give him another season as the starter, unless he really implodes, that could mean another year of no playoffs, but what else can you do, bring in a veteran free agent as insurance maybe.


    Hows that for bull sh--?


    Also, TE has done this with an O-line consisting of Dockery, Walker, and a pro bowler in Peters...and our pass blocking during TE bad run has been quite good. JP never had that quality of pass protection...so, is it really fair to credit Trent with a lot of the stuff you are crediting him with when he has the distinct advantage of better RB's, blocking and coaching?

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