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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. 3 years, money unstated. My head exploded. I cannot believe that they would release that information today. Here's the e-mail I wrote to the ticket office. Some of you won't like it. I don't care. No one important will read it. I don't care.


    I just read on ESPN that Dick Jauron signed a 3 year extension to remain on with the team. After today's (and the past several week's) performances I am shocked, and irate with that decision. First of all, following the debacle that has become this season I do not understand how Mr. Jauron is keeping his job at all let along being extended. Secondly, I don't know who in the Public Relations office thought it was a good idea to release that information today given the way the Bills absolutely bumbled away that game but they deserve to be fired (if not publicly flogged).


    My family held season's tickets from 1965 to 1995 when we moved out of the area. Since then we have made at least one trip every year back to Buffalo to watch a game. During that time we have all stomached more than our share of poor football. Right now I have half a mind to re-order the season's tickets just so I can call back and tell you all to stick them up your collective asses. To give extensions to the coaching staff of this pathetic excuse for a football team is a slap in the face to every person who cares about Bills football and I assure you this year will be the last year we travel up there.


    The common thread for this team since 1960 has been Ralph Wilson. The only hope for this team to succeed is to find new ownership. Unfortunately that will not happen until Mr Wilson sells and he has made it abundantly clear that he will not sell the team until after he dies. Unfortunately, we all know that when that happens the Bills will be bought and moved to Toronto, or LA or somewhere else. Since nothing will change or improve until Mr Wilson dies maybe he should get on with it and put us all out of our collective miseries rather than continue to fleece us out of our money (and love) year after year with false hopes of glory.





    It was a good post until you brought up suggesting Wilson should just die...what a joke...you put the success of a football team ahead of a human life...one that does a lot for charity and the community. Nice...no wonder other countrys hate our country...look at our priorities...a silly game is more important to you than the life of another human...


    This kind of crap makes me sick and embarrassed to be a Bills fan...like everyone else like you who has made such a disgusting request, I hope you are banned...

  2. The anger is the result of 9 straight seasons without a playoff appearance and 13 years without a playoff win.


    I think those fans who are upset have a legitimate reason to be. Especially when the owner laughs after losses.



  3. I really do hope we win this week. I live in NYC, and NOTHING would make me happier than watching the Bills possibly help eliminate the Jets and Brett from the playoffs. After this week, I truly don't give a crap about the season.


    I said posts of support and no negative stuff...that post you just made doesnt show any support and is negative...


    I bet this thread will have few posts which is baffling that some many so called "fans" find it so hard to support the team they are supossedly a fan of...



  4. Im so sick of every post on here bashing Ralph, JP, etc...this is supposed to be the team you root for, but you dont even stand behind and support the players going out on that field trying to play their azz off for a win! Thats worse than Raider fans...I swear.


    So, this post is to show support for JP and co. today to beat the Jets azz, I hate the Jets, especially the Jets fans at the bar I am watching the game at.


    So, chime in here with ONLY comments of SUPPORT and encouragement for OUR TEAM for once, and hold the whining until the games over! Lets get some positive momentum going for our team today!



  5. Look, I don't much care one way or the other whether Jauron gets fired. But it amazes me how may butt-stupid things people post on this board. Can't people at least THINK before they give advice?


    If no one ever hired a coach with a losing record, three quarters of the coaches in the league would never be hired. Teams don't generally FIRE coaches with winnig records (except for the Bills, who fired Phillips who was nine games over .500 in three seasons).


    Levy had a losing record when the Bills hired him. Belichick had a WAY losing record when the Pats hired him. And George Seifert had a fabulous record when he was hired by the Carolina Panthers and failed there.


    This doesn't mean Jauron is a good coach or should have been hired. It's just that you can't make such broad generalizations. Yes, Ralph is a cheap owner and always has been, with a few exceptions. During the Polian, Butler and Donahoe eras he opened his wallet more readily. The worst thing ever to happen to this team, management-wise, was firing Polian, the second worst was firing Butler.


    But that's just my opinion.


    Excellent post...throw into this post that DJ also had a COACH OF THE YEAR title under his belt, and that DJ was MARV LEVYS guy...Ralph hired Marv, trusted Marv and went with the guy MARV wanted...


    Im so sick of the Ralph blames for DJ, Williams, and Mularkey claiming they were hired to save money, when all these same yahoos are yelling to hire replacements that are just as inexperienced as Williams and Mularkey and are also cheap, claiming these cordinators (some are NOT EVEN corrodinators like that DB coach in TB and Lofton in Oakland) are the next big thing. So if Ralph goes with the trendy hire this season and he DOESNT work out, Ralph will be labeled cheap again. If he hires an experienced HC and he doesnt work out, they will say he is cheap again becuase he didnt throw an absurd amount of money at a HC witn NO, again NO, experience.


    The best part about the Williams whiners on here is that you all yell he hired Williams because hes cheap, yet you also all yell we should have hired Marvin Lewis (I have no idea why) or John Fox...guess what, they were cheap too as they were also coordinators...so, if Ralph hires Fox for the same price and he has more success, Ralph is now not cheap but smart...a lot of people on this board are a joke.


    Its a lose-lose for Ralph with these whiny arm chair quarterbacks on this dam board...

  6. JP Is not going to stay in Buffalo. Even He is not that stupid. Assumg DJ stays he knows he will not get a chance to start. IF DJ goes JP is not going to wait around long enough to see who the new coach and OC will be. He is gone under either scenario.


    I know, I said that in the bottom of the post you are quoting...even if he lit it up and Buff wanted him to stay, I seriously doubt he would...

  7. DH67,


    You've started several topics of late. I appreciate your optimism, but these statements are as vanilla as DJ's gameplans.


    The team has several holes to fill, most notably at C, G, RT, DE, OLB, FS (EDIT: assuming Whitner does not move) TE, DT, and certainly coaching.


    The situation is much worse than most realize. For example, the Bills went 7-9 in 2006 with one of the hardest schedules in the league. This season with one of the easiest, they're 6-7. That's not good, no matter how you spin it.


    Coaching and players are part of it. But the people who find those parts are woefully inept. A complete house cleaning is in order, no matter how optimistic an opinion one has.


    Agree with most of this but we dont need to fill holes at DT...We have a solid D front, just need help on the ends and at the LB position. And I am not sure we need as much help at TE as we all like to say...we just need to bench Royal and see what the two young guys can do, especially Fine, before we need to say its a need position. If you are talking Royal, then yes its a need position, but the Fine and Schouman have shown some potential.


    Next years schedule is Brutal, thats what scares me...

  8. Start Gibran Hamden, I mean, J.P., is gone after this season anyway, we are not making the playoffs, and the "loss man " led offense has racked up a whopping 6 points in 2 weeks!....whoa!, So really what is there to lose other then seeing what you have in this kid.....if T.E. cant go again next week, i say give him more reps with the first team in practice. How many of you agree?


    I would agree that this has value...few things to consider though...


    1. I get the impression that the FO is not sold on Trent as they once were and still are curious about JP...just a hunch, and I could be way off...but honestly, they just might want to see what he can do with some time in with the first unit...


    2. We dont see Hamdan in practice, so maybe the staff sees more from JP and believes JP gives us the best chance to win, and right now, the staff needs to win as they are playing for a job next year.


    3. Maybe they have seen enough of Hamdan in practice to show them hes not ready to be a #2 and no matter what we will have to bring in a vet next year given TE fragility, so they are going with JP to try and win the game as they dont see Hamdan as next years backup anyway.


    That said, I am pretty sure JP wouldnt stay here even if he lit it up and the staff told him he would start next year if he resigns.


    So, they should put Hamdan in to see if we need to go out and get a back up because Trent is not holding up and never has in his football career.

  9. LMAO... get real.. Ralph sucks balls and is a cheap muther when it comes to coaches.


    I honestly can't wait for his last days at this point


    You make me sick...Someone ban this jackass...you just put a game above human life...


    You cant wait for his last days? Does it even matter how much this guy does for charity, the community, etc? Is his only value the quality of his football team? Wishing for him to retire or sell the team is one thing, but to honestly say you cant wait for his last days? The owner of the team you love? No wonder the rest of the world hates our country, look at our priorities...what a joke...


    Sad thing is that you are not the only sick f**k that has posted something as pathetic as this...maybe you should go out and start getting laid, a new hobby, or read a book because clearly you clinically obsessed with a game to the point you are rooting for a downfall of the health of the teams owner...


    Not to mention no one wants the Bills to STAY in Buffalo more than this man...

  10. I'm getting tired of all of the ..is Jauron going to coach next year or ... who will be our coach next year or... will Ralph pay for a decent coach? or ... will this person (insert name) be a good head coach? This all shows just how sad this season and the Bills are.


    What I am the most sick of actually is the comments on how Ralph is not willing to pay for a coach based on his last couple coaching choices...


    1. Williams and Mularkey were highly respected candidates and both considered to be good landings for Buffalo at the time (kind of like all this hype over a certain DB coach in TB this year). He didnt hire what was thought to be a bumb, he went for the hot young coach...a lot like you are yelling for him to do again this year.


    2. Jauron was MARVS guy! Get off Ralph on this...Marv was brought in and Marv sold Ralph on DJ. Im so sick of hearing how Ralph wont pay...he gave a ton of money to our O-line and other FA's, traded for a stud in Stroud, paid big money to keep Evans, Schobel, Denney, and Kelsay (not saying Denney and Kelsay were good choices, just making the point he opened up his pocket book), etc.


    Im just so tired of the constant whining on how cheap he is when he has clearly been spending money the last few years to make this team a contender. Some have panned out, some havent. Then he goes out and hires what were hot young sought after coaches in Williams and Mularkey who dont pan out just to see you guys cry out that he is cheap...then I see the same posters yelling to go get coaches like Singletary, that TB DB's coach, Lofton, etc. who are all going to be cheap unproven coaches just like Williams and Mularkey. WTF man...some of you people are just impossible...so when they dont pan out you are going to be screaming he is cheap again for not shelling out money for a big name. Its a lose lose for Ralph...


    Then he hires a former NFL coach of the year in DJ that was brought in by Marv after going with 2 young unproven guys who didnt pan out...give him a break already. Marv missed on DJ...Ralph is PISSED on this as much as we are! The man WANTS TO WIN and is pissed we are not...He went out and got Bledsoe and his big azz contract too a few years ago...he wants to win, so get over it already. If making the right personell decisions were easy and clear as day every team in the league would be a SB contender every year...

  11. Why is no one really bringing up James Lofton? He was hot this off-season but I guess if you stay coaching the Raiders your stock is likely to go down. I think he would be a decent fit.


    Maybe because he is the WR coach of what has been one of the worst, if not the worst, WR corp in all of football during his tenure as a WR coach...thats why hes not on my list...not to mention, hes never even been a coordinator yet...I like the guy, but I see nothing in why he should be a HC.

  12. Not all of us wanted Mike Williams that year. Some of us wanted Bryant McKinnie.


    My point is being missed...regardless of the McKinnie vs Williams debate...someone WAS goint to MIST on Williams! NO WAY he falls out of the top 15, guarantee...in fact Minn takes Williams if we take McKinnie. So I was only trying to illustrate that it is so easy as a fan to sit back and say the GM makes a blunder years later, but at the time of the pick they are drafting based on way better information than we as fans have and they are fooled by a players potential as easy as we are. McKinnie had character question marks and thats one thing the Bills have consistently tried to stay away from, so they graded Williams higher than McKinnie...


    They were wrong, but so were a lot of other people...


    Same thing with Rogers in Detroit...this kid was rated as the best WR prospect since Randy Moss...Det needed playmakers and a WR, so they took him. He was a bust...but not because Millen saw something in Rogers no one else saw, he saw the same potential that every draft analyze saw...he was the best WR prospect in the draft, best overall athlete, electric in college, and a major playmaker. We were all fooled...


    Now you can argue about picks like when we trade into first round to grab McCargo which was a major reach. Trading up to get Poz was seen as a brilliant move at the time, so I do not fault the FO because Poz hasnt lived up to the hype...but this whole board was calling for us take Poz, some even saying we should take him with our original 1st round pick.


    You can argue the Whitner pick...I say the jury is still out on this one, but as of now it looks like the Ngata pick was the way to go, and most thought that at the time too (including yours truly).


    So, to look back and say "this guy was still on the board" isnt so cut and dry. Some of our bad picks were good picks when they were made...some were bad picks right from the start...

  13. Wrong again-Since you keep citing Kiper, you should look at his 2002 book 1st. Kiper's mock draft: Bryant McKinnie 5th to San Diego, Mike Williams 9th to Jacksonville. You are right, "Where Kiper had the player rated in terms of overall players is not the same as where a guy is rated to be drafted." Williams was Kiper's 8th best, but expected to go a slot BELOW that by Kiper.


    Thats just kiper though...im talking about the general consensus...notice I referred to Kiper as a loser in my original post. Dont put much stock into him, his ratings, or mock drafts.


    And who cares...he was still rated to go within a few picks of us...why are you arguing that when the point is that they guy was arguably the highest rated OL on the board and if he wasnt #1 he was #2 (if you think McKinnie was better)...either way, he gets drafted high...why does he? becasue he is rated high by everyone...so everyone got it wrong with him...not just the bills.


    No one had him rated to be a bust. No one had him rated to go in the late rounds...someone was going to miss big time on him, and it just happened to be us, not because our GM didnt know football, but becasue everyone was fooled on this kids potential, he was available at our pick and was a majore area of need.


    I guarantee you that there was not a single GM in the league that said no matter where we can get this guy, lets NOT draft him, even if its in the third round.

  14. Is Brian Billick going to teach them how to win? Without Ray Lewis? You're kidding, right? The only reason he has a ring is because of Lewis. Plus the guy is a jerkoff egomaniac who would be a horrible pick for a head coach. You're crazy if you'd want that guy more than Morris.


    Is Steve Mariucci going to teach them how to win? Mr. Soft and Cuddly, California nice guy, players' coach? Exactly how does that work with the 53 softies we have on this roster? BTW, what the hell has Steve Mariucci ever won?


    Marty? Well if winning a Superbowl is your ultimate goal then why on earth would you want Marty? He's a dinorsaur, he even failed at getting his Chargers to the big game. Not winning the big one is the story, and I mean THE STORY, of his life and with me being a Buffalo Bills fan, one that I want no part of thank you.


    Fassell? You can't be serious with throwing his name out there. Fassell is a loser. He's got almost as much loser stink on him that Dick Jauron had when he got here. He had only one very good season out of seven in New York and that was because the NFC conference was at it's rock bottom level that year. If you'd rather have Jim Fassell than Raheem Morris then we might as well just stop the arguing right here and now.


    Boy are you living in the past! :)



    Raheem Morris would bring a much needed breath of FRESH AIR. Jauron and the Bills have spent the last two years suffocating the life out of this game we call football. Morris has everything the Buffalo Bills want and need as a head coach who's not named Bill Cowher. BTW, you can't stop the Raheem for Bills head coach train!


    You couldnt even pick Morris out of a lineup...so get off his jock over a magazine article...I bet you I can find a ton of articles sucking the jock of Gregg Williams too the year he was a hot candidate...


    Billick BUILT that Baltimore team that was way more than just Ray Lewis. He's had Ray Lewis all the other years, so if it was just because of Ray he should have a lot more rings...


    Mariucci took a lousy, old, rebuilding, strap capped niner team and took them to the playoffs 4 straight years with a CFL QB and to the NFC Championship game. It was a team that was said to be in hell so bad that it would be 10 years to recover. He did it in 2 and that team had way LESS talent than our Bills do now.


    Marty has won every where he has been. A career defining drive 2 years in a row at the end of the game by Elway kept him out of SB in Cle...it happens. KC...well his teams over achieved...wasnt enough talent to go all the way. SD...well you can blame his kicker for that one...A few unlucky plays have kept him from 3 super bowls...he still took bad teams and got them to great teams.


    Fassel took NY to the Super Bowl in a year they werent even considered a lock to make the playoffs...so how has he never won?


    I would take any one of those guys above over your inexperience Morris who doesnt know how to coach a team...

  15. Mike Williams had 2 major question marks coming into the draft that year-1) He played RT in college and was being drafted to be a LT, 2)he weighed more than just about every successful tackle throughout the NFL's history.

    Anyone who tries to do something with the 4th pick in the draft like move him to another position or pick a guy whose weight is usually in the range of NFL failures is begging to get a bust.

    For the record, since you brough him up, Mel Kiper in his 2002 Draft Report didn't even have Mike Williams as the top tackle in that draft. He had McKinnie as the top tackle at 7th best & Williams at 8th-that's not top 5 if one can count from 1 to 10. Frank Coyle had Williams 7th best, McKinnie 3rd best player overall.

    So based on the Experts, the Bills should have drafted Bryant McKinnie, not Mike Williams. They went for off the field character over a guy with a much better build to last in the NFL & was a proven LT in college. Unlucky-no, stupid -yes.


    Most still had Williams rated over McKinnie...McKinnie had character question marks coming out of college. Where Kiper had the player rated in terms of overall players is not the same as where a guy is rated to be drafted. Williams was rated to go in the top 5 picks in the draft.


    We needed help at OL, we took was seen as a great pick but almsot everyone at the time...then he doesnt work out and everyone says OUR GM should have known better...well then Every other scout and GM should have known better because there was no way this guy falls out of the first round that year, which is what would have had to happen to be able to say at least one GM in the league would have known better and passed on this guy.


    The point is, we drafted based on need and player grades...the same grades the other GM's had on this guy in the league, so its not fair to say our guys got it wrong...EVERYONE got it wrong.

  16. I've seen this quote on a half a dozen threads. I'm not buying it. So he's a good DB coach. He could be the next great thing, perhaps. Odds are against it. Or, he could be another Mike Mularkey or Gregg Williams. They were both highly touted as I recall. I also seem to remember that people like Gregg when he first showed up because he was fiery and tough and didn't put up with any crap from the spoiled baby players. How far did that get us?


    I agree with the other guy. There are winning coaches out there. My order:



    Brian Billick

    Bill Cowher

    Jim Fassell

    the Mooch

    Mike Martz


    All we need is a young coach trying to llearn how to win games against guys who already know how to coach like Dungy, Belicheck, and

    Jeff Fisher. I'm tired of baby sitting snot nose rookie coaches (and Dick). Let's get a real coach and try to win for a change. Our division is only getting stronger. We must get stronger too.


    You say coaches either have it or not. Why not pick one we already know for sure does have it, and not some guy a magazine article says might.



    Awesome...if you were here I would buy you a drink :)

  17. Tony Sparano

    Mike Tomlin

    John Harbaugh

    Sean Payton

    Mike Singletary


    The only coach on there that has proven anything is Sparano...and for every Sparano there is 10 cant miss next great HC that bomb...(see mularkey, Lewis, Williams, Weis, Crommel, etc.)


    Tomlin has cost Pitt wins with coaching mistakes and almost cost him a win last week in Dallas REPEATING a mistake that cost him a win earlier in the season...in fact, Romo gave him that win. That team is winning games because of its immense talent on both sides of the ball, not because of good coaching.


    Harbaugh is doing an ok job, but that D is doing the hard work for him...same D that has led the Ravens to 9 or 10 wins every year...so hard to say how good or bad he is really doing.


    Payton is the coach of the most underacheiving team this in the NFL this side of Buffalo...


    Singletary...come on dude...not even going to respond to this one...


    The point is, if we had a veteran team that needed a spark, then yeah, maybe an upstart fiery new coach would be the answer. But this team DOES NOT know how to win and is young. The last thing we need is a coach learning on the job with the players...we need a HC who knows how to win to provide verteran leadership.


    Billick, Mariucci, Marty, Fassell...these guys have all taken bad teams and turned them into winning teams. All will be available next year...Billick and Fassell have Super Bowl experience and Billick won a Super Bowl. So dont tell me they havent won in this league. Mariucci took a cap strapped, old, rebuilding 49er team and made them good years quicker than anyone thought possible. Fassel took a mediocre Giants team and turned them into a power and took them to the Superbowl. Marty has turned around EVERY team he has coached for.


    This is what we need...of course there is Cowher too, but thats not a likely landing...

  18. Only difference is the front office gets PAID to make these picks, we criticize for FREE :) Just saying is all :(


    lol...yeah, well EVERY GM in the league would have taken Mike Williams as the first OL player that year...so it wasnt because our GM's decision was bad, its that this player was rated by everyone that high...the player fooled everyone.


    Thats my point...too much blame is assessed years later for bad picks, when everyone thought that pick was a good pick when they made it. Now, if a team gambles on a pick, takes a player too early, takes a player they dont really need, pass a player they should have taken that was a need, trades away their whole draft (see Mike Ditka), etc., then you can start pointing fingers at the bad decisions.


    Millen takes a lot of flack over Rogers, but man, that kid was lights out in college, most athletic player in the draft, said to be the best WR propsect since Moss. Every GM in the league takes Rogers there...not Millens fault...everyone was fooled. Not saying he didnt make other bad choices, but man, GM's get killed when they get unlucky in a situation like that when just about any GM in the league past or present makes the same decision.

  19. I strongly disagree. Just because Marv Levy used to be a special teams coach doesn't mean that Booby April is the next Marv Levy. Wasn't the logic behind hiring Dick Jauron was that he was an ivy leaguer like Marv was and that he had previous experience just like Marv? Hiring Bobby April is NOT the way to go. This team needs to flush out the system and start anew with a young bright energetic head coach. Bobby April is not the change this organization needs. The only consistency should be that Bobby April stays on as special teams coach.


    The change this team needs is Raheem Morris...





    "• Raheem Morris -- Haven't heard of the Bucs defensive backs coach? You will. For one thing, he's thought to be a slam dunk to become Tampa Bay's defensive coordinator should Monte Kiffin join his son's staff at the University of Tennessee. But Morris is also thought of as the next Mike Tomlin, whom he worked under in Tampa Bay as recently as 2005. He's got a winning and magnetic personality, and though he's only 32 -- younger than Bucs veterans Derrick Brooks and Ronde Barber -- his players rave about his fiery coaching style and his ability to motivate."


    Did you read that? "winning and magnetic personality", "fiery coaching style", "ability to motivate"...these are the qualities that we're looking for as Bills fans. Bobby April is a guy that has never shown the desire to become a head coach and forcing someone into that position is NOT the change we are looking for. Raheem Morris, this dude is not the second coming of the lame coaching jokes that Williams and Malarkey were. He is the second coming of Mike Tomlin and the players would not only play for this kind of coach, they'd win for this kind of coach.


    Im so sick of hearing about this guy. Everyone is creaming their pants over this guy because of one news article to start. Second, he doesnt even have ANY experience as a Coordinator, let alone a HC. You do all realize there is a WORLD more that goes into being a HC than just being fiery and motivating. He wont be so motivating when his players lose faith in him when he starts losing us games by making bad calls, failure to adjust, etc. Fiery and motivating only get you so far...you need to have the knowledge to make adjustments, make personell decisions, choose the right coordinators and staff, gameplan on how to beat the tough coaches in this league, deal with the media (something he doesnt have to do now, nor ever has...ask Lane Kiffin how his introduction to that was).


    And how is Mike Tomlin the poster child example? He has made several blunders this year (with a full year already under his belt) that have cost them wins, and did it again against Dallas and if it wasnt for Romo, it would have cost them that game too. Even the announcers were commenting on how he just made the same dumb call that already cost them a win earlier in the year and it again failed. The guy inherited a SUPER BOWL winning team...that is the SAME team that won the Superbowl just 3 years ago that had a 2ND YEAR QB then and was built by someone else...my grandma could coach that immensley talented team to 10 wins.


    This team doesnt need some unproven guy with a loud voice who has to learn on the job just like our young players. It needs a proven winner and veteran leadership who KNOWS HOW TO WIN GAMES! I dont care how "motivated" a player is, if he doesnt have the game plan and strategy in place to win the game, he wont.

  20. The problem is that bad teams make bad decisions, that's how they get the early picks. Then they make bad desicions with those picks (Mike Williams).


    Im so sick of people always saying bad teams make bad picks...for one, predicting a players success in the NFL is no exact science, otherwise people like Tom Brady wouldnt drop to the 6th round while other players like Ryan Leaf go 2nd overall.


    I am defintiely tired of hearing about how dumb we were for taking Mike Williams. First off, he was graded as a top 5 player...wasnt like he was rated to go in the 3rd round and we took in the top 5. Second, we desperately needed O-Line help, so we took the best rated guy available...nor rated by the Bills, but rated by everyone...fans, other teams, that loser Kiper, etc. At the time we made the pick he was a stud pick...If we didnt pick him, he would have gone off the board on the next freaking pick...why you may ask, BECAUSE EVERYONE THOUGHT HE WAS THAT GOOD...not JUST the Bills.


    Truth is, the FANS would have been in an uproar if we didnt take this guy with that pick, because he was rated to be that good and it was our BIGGEST need in that draft. Now that the pick is a bust, the fans blame the front office as IF they knew all along this guy was a loser.


    So whoever drafted him was about to make a blunder...it just so happened he filled our biggest need and was available at our pick, so we were the unlucky ones who got him.


    Same with Matt Millen getting flack over taking Charles Rogers...at the time he took him, he was considered the BEST athlete in the draft and the BEST WR prospect since Randy Moss...ANY other NFL team would have taken him there if they needed a WR...Point is EVERYONE was fooled and it happens EVERY year in EVERY draft...

  21. Let me tell you this, when Matt Freaking Moore is involved with your games you have no shot. Matt Moore played in 8 games, Matt Moore that was undrafted.


    So your next argument is that Moore wasn't in all those games, but Vinny Testeverde? Did you know he was 44 years old last year? How about the great David Carr? You see you are making excuses, and yes if you average 6.8 catches you average 7 catches a game. They taught you rounding up in school didn't they? Let's give you the benefit of the doubt, tell me the last time Evans averaged 6.8 catches a game with a 44 yr old who no one signed, a bust, and the 3rd QB who was undrafted. Tell me how Evans would do.




    My point is Smith is not in the same league as Evans, he is so far superior in every way. Evans is not physical, and he plays that way. You never see him go over the middle and one time I saw him run a slant towards the middle with JP and and he stopped and JP threw a pick. He's soft.


    Put Evans in Car and he becomes #2 to Mohammed. Put Smith here and he's #1 and makes Trent a much better QB who has options up the middle. Evans is not as great as you think, but he is pretty good. He wouldn't be #1 if TJ Housh was here if that give you any indication as he's not tough enough.


    Let me ask you this, if you ran a slant for 1st down how many other players would you put over Evans to make that play slanting to the middle? I would say at least 20. He's a 1b receiver, that's about it. He doesn't take over a game. He's a better version of Devery Henderson.


    This post you just made shows how dumb your earlier post was as you just flip flopped...your original argument was that Smith was light years better becasue even with a bad quarterback he put up huge numbers, which I clearly showed you he absolutely did not.


    Now you are using the bad quarterbacking to justify his bad numbers when your original argument was that he never had bad numbers with bad quarterbacks which is your entire basis on why Evans was a bumb and Smith was a god.


    I am tired of demolishing your lousy unjustified posts for you just to flip flop with more jibberish...my guess is that you either a kid who doesnt know football, or you are intellectually football challenged...neither is worth further engaging in more pointless conversation you clearly know nothing about. Especially now that you are flip flopping and trying to find any bone to throw to try and validate an absurd statement.


    I can assure you that there is not a GM in this league that would not love to have Evans and that if he was the # 1 option on a team like AZ, Dall, Phi, NE, Indy, etc that he would be top 5 in the league statistically.


    For the record, I already said Smith was the better WR as he is a more effective blocker, but the drop off from Smith to Evans is small, but I would still take Evans over Smith as he is a way better teammate and almost just as good.


    And I already showed you in 2006 that over a 7 game stretch Evans avergaged 6 catches a game...so quit the lame statement that he never has...


    Bottom line is that Steve Smith is targeted 40%...YES THAT SAYS FORTY PERCERNT MORE PER FREAKING GAME THAN EVANS...gee, I wonder why he has less catches...big mystery...funny, Lee averages more than 2 yards per catch more than Smith too and has almost as many yards despite crappy QB play in Buffalo and having 40% less passes thrown to him...

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