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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Has a slight Bledsoe appeal to it.


    Uh, my grandma just out ran Bledsoe...there is a big difference...Bledsoe was target practice as a brick back there with our terrible O-line...unless you gave him protection, he was useless and washed up. McNabb is way more athletic, playing a top level still, is only 32 and has a game tailor made for Buffalo...


    McNabb and our current roster equals AFC East division crown next year

  2. I think Buffalo would have been better off going after Daunte Culpepper than Donovan McNabb. Culpepper would have been a lot cheaper than McNabb, although McNabb is getting a little too old to give up a #1 pick.


    Plus McNabb strings together some terrible games every year.


    Culpepper has stunk in Det, stunk in Oak, and Stunk in Miami, and stunk 10 times worst BEFORE his injury in Minn those first 7 games or so without Moss...face it, Moss MADE Culpepper...I think hes a great pickup cheap and as a backup or to push Trent, but he is in NO WAY a McNabb...

  3. Trent and a first for McNabb? That's insane. I wouldn't give up more than a third rounder for Mcnabb, with no guarantees that he'd be the starter.


    Are you kidding? No guarantee he would be the starter? He is a top 5 Qb in the NFL, only 32, great arm, athletic, throws on the run, has been a top 5 QB in the league for 10 years DESPITE no WR's to throw to, is used to Buffalo type weather...


    I mean, what are you smoking and whats the weather like in crazy land? lol...


    I would give him Trent, give him our #1...pick up a young QB in the draft in 2010 to groom under McNabb for a few seasons...

  4. In the pregame they are talking about McNabb and how with McNabb your team has a chance to go to be good and go to the Super Bowl...how in his entire career he has only had a #1 target in just 23 games...how he is still an elite QB and top 5 in the league...


    So Keyshawn chimes in and says, if you dont want em Philly, Buffalo will take him...


    I say, HELLZ YEAH we will take him...gawd I hope we go after McNabb if he is available...give them Trent and our #1

  5. Simply not true, from a statistical standpoint. We are ranked #13 in total defense. That means 19 teams are below us.


    The only game they looked pathetic was the Arizona game.


    Here are some scores from the opposing teams, and I'd like you to tell me how they are very close to being the worst defense in the league: 16, 10, 14, 14, 16, 10 and 20.


    All that being said, we need help on that side of the ball. Specifically some defensive ends would be nice. But don't tell me they are close to being the worst in the league.


    exactly :wallbash:


    Dont forget how often our D is on the field too as our offense hasnt been sustaining too many drives as of late. Not to mention some of our wins were a direct result of our D coming up big late in the game with TD's and turnovers.

  6. you're right, the competition was weaker. the jets would've score 50 yesterday if favre hadn't been throwing so bad. watch the giants, steelers, cowboys, and ravens play defense, even if we had those injured players back, our defense would look nothing like them


    There isnt a GM in the league that would take the Colts defense over our defense when healthy...so your argument is a lame one about not being able to win with Manning becuase of our defense. With Manning we would be at least 11-3 right now...hands down. We dont lose any of the close games, AZ game is MUCH more competitive...etc, etc.

  7. Free agency: Julius Peppers DE, Jason Brown C, Chris Kemoeatu G, Collin Coles DT



    1st- Aaron Curry OLB, Rey Maualuga ILB, James Laurinaitis ILB in that order - LBs can come right out of college and play well.


    2nd Tyrone Jackson LDE could be a run stuffer on the left side.


    Trade for Vernon Davis TE he's been immature and not too productive but he has physical talent - he might have worn out his welcome in SF and be gotten cheap.


    No way we get Peppers...just not gonna happen with him having the pick of any team he wants really, besides I just dont see Carolina letting him go. Dont get me wrong, I would love to get him, just dont see how.


    Vernon isnt not a very good player to this point, so he would have to come CHEAP to warrant getting him. I would prefer say Chase Coffman, but if we dont draft a top TE than picking up Davis cheap in hopes he can fullfill some potential would be ok, but I say again, only Cheap as he has shown very little to this point in his career in terms of work ethic, discipline, route running, etc.


    I would also like to see us make a run at McNabb if he is made available via trade. He could be a monster difference maker here and is young enough to give us at least another 4 years of high caliber QB play. He would fit in great here with his style of play, the talent of Lee Evans and Lynch, has a real strong arm which is needed in buffalo, and would even make the Oline better as he throws on the run. Picking up McNabb (if made available like a lot of people believe, although I still am not sold this will happen) would be the single biggest pickup this offseason we could make. I would take McNabb hands down over Peppers because he would have a greater impact on our team.


    A trade with us and Philly makes the most sense for Philly too because we can not only offer the best draft picks of the likely teams interested in him (that he is willing to play for), but we are also in the AFC and the other rumored landing spots for him are in the NFC. I am sure Philly would prefer him to go to a small market and to the AFC versus going to a NFC team that could become a major NFC power with him like Minn or Chi.

  8. tell me, what has dwayne wright accomplished? tell me who has him on their roster? tell me how many teams expressed interest in him after we cut him?


    tell me what dwayne wright does for a living now.


    yea, that's what i thought.


    My point was, coming out of College he looked good and grades were high on him. In fact, if it wasnt for his injury, he would have been projected to go earlier in the draft. So, its easy for you to sit back AFTER the fact and pick at this draft pick, but a lot of teams had high grades on him but his question mark was the previous injury...much like Michael Bush (who I was praying we would draft) would have been a likely top 10 pick but fell because of the broken leg. So drafting him AT THAT MOMENT was not such a bad pick. Sure, the pick didnt work out, but there are LOTS AND LOTS of picks you can say didnt work out, doesnt mean at the time they picked them it was necessarily a bad pick based on what was KNOWN AT THAT TIME about the player.


    I still believe a players success and development depends a LOT on where he is drafted. If he is drafted somewhere like Denver where he gets a chance to start, better coaching and opportunities, I think his career looks a lot different than where it is now.

  9. Sorry, but there was NO WAY to determine from those replays if any part of the ball ever broke the plane when possesion was established. In fact when he tucked the ball in only one foot was on the ground. From the side angle (no depth perception) it looked as though you could see a bit of white (goal line) behind the tip of the ball. from the rear angle (depth) the ball was nowhere near the goal line, and was a good bit ahead of it. Bottom line is the call on the field was no TD. Appeared to be a good call. If they had called TD, there was not enough evidence on replay to overturn it. To a man, every football "expert" on the post game shows thought the original call should stand. The key phrase with replay being indisputable evidence. It did not exist on this replay.


    Did you watch the Dallas game last night, more specifically halftime? They had 2 clear angles of the ball breaking the plain and then showed a zoomed in shot of his left clearly on the ground with his right foot being drug through the endzone the entire play, never leaving the ground even after the catch. At no point were his feet off the ground during the catch or after the catch...

  10. Color me very suspicious of Steelers non TD overturned by review. There was no clear evidence that the correct call of no TD that was made on the field should be overturned. However, a deeper look at the situation reveals an interesting fact. A Ravens win would greatly reduce the chances of "the franchise", the golden boy NE Patriots making the playoffs. Even if NE wins their final two games as they are likely to do. The NFL is no fan of defensive juggernauts like the Ravens, as they are not a ratings draw and would much prefer the Pats in the playoffs than Baltimore. If the Ravens won PIT and BAL would both have ten wins. If they both finished with 11 wins (likely) the Pats would lose out in any wild card scenario and would have to win the AFC East (unlikely) to get in. I know the Steelers would likely have kicked a FG and the game would go to overtime, but this "review" seems a convenient way to dispatch the Ravens. With games remaining @DAL and Vs JAX, the Ravens would likely finish with 11 wins. Now 19 wins looks likely and the defensive minded Ravens will be sitting home for the Playoffs while the genius and the boy wonder backup with the franchise that will not die can get the NFL their ratings. Ravens fans got boned, along with us Bills fans who despise no team more than the Patriots. Can there be a more certain victory for NE that week 17 @Buffalo?


    There were 2 clear angles showing the ball breaking the plain, in fact, the question was not did the ball break the plain, but were his feet clearly down in play at the moment he did catch the ball and the replay CLEARLY showed his feet were down. Even the ref said this in announcing his ruling on the field.


    In fact, I have yet to see a single sportscaster say it was NOT a TD...every highlight and review of that game has had the sporstcaster agree it was the right call. It amazes me how deep some people will go to create a conspiracy, unless you believe the sportscasters are all in on it to from various media outlets. Even during halftime in the Dallas game last night they said the call was right and it was a TD...

  11. The call was not that bad. They were trying to win the game. The whole concept of calling the play time because there was 2:06 left was acutally a good idea. If its incomplete the clock is going to stop anyway and if it works then can run some more time off the clock.


    The problem with the call is who they entrusted to execute the play. Everyone in the stadium, watching the game and basically anyone who has ever seen Losman play knows he is a turnover machine. Losman botched the play not the coaches. All he had to do was not fumble or throw a pick and he did. If the play is successful everyone is sitting here saying "oh what a great call". But i guess that comes with the territory.


    In the Cleveland game the coaches were criticized for being too conservative on the final drive with 3 straight runs. Now, when they are agressive and playingto win the game and not playing to lose it they are killed for it.


    You are missing the point of why this call was bad...it was only 2nd down and 5 and we are up 4 not 3, meaning the Jets need a TD to win not just a FG. They had 2 plays to pick up the first, so give it to the hot hand on 2nd in Lynch. If he gets stuff, so be it, then you can argue throwing on 3rd to try and seal the win, or running again to take the clock down some more if you dont get it. With our excellent punting team, you run with Lynch here on 2nd and 3rd and take time off the clock or timeouts out of NY's hands because even if we dont get the 1st, we will pin them deep with little time on the clock and them needing a TD.


    If we are up only 3pts or less, then we run on 2nd, then pass on 3rd if its any more than 3rd and 2 to seal the win rather than risk a punt a couple of quick throws to lose on a FG by NY. But it wasnt, they needed a freaking TD to win, so run the ball, run down the clock, if we dont get it, we pin them deep and make them go 90 yards for a TD with little time and one or no timeouts. Just that simple...


    Not to mention, the way Lynch was running, there was a good chance he can get the 5 yards for the first with 2 chances at it.

  12. What you said makes a lot more sense than a maniacal Ralph demanding that they draft Wright. I noticed that Rd 1/ Rd 4 trend after the draft this year as well.


    Lets not forget that there have been PLENTY of 1st round RB busts, and we NEEDED a RB, so Lynch was not lock to be good, even I had my doubts. Dwayne was bad azz in college as I got to see him play a lot here living in CA. I actually liked the pick considering there wasnt a whole lot on the board that was screaming out. I actually thought he was going to go in the 3rd round, so picking him up there had value.


    To be honest, I think Wright would have had a bigger impact in the NFL had he been drafted some place else. I wouldnt be surprised to see him resurrect somewhere and become a contributor much like other RB's who started slow in the wrong spot, but caught on with a team that fit their talents and gave them the opportunity like Thomas Jones, Ron Dayne, Ahman Green, Reuben Droughns, etc...

  13. Pittsburgh????!!! The same Steeler team that spiked the ball with about a minute left on the clock, with first and goal from the 4? If they lost, Tomlin would be sitting right next to Jauron right now.


    I love this post...so many times I see Tomlins name used to justify us hiring a unproven coordinator or someone who isnt even a coordinator yet if we fire DJ...Truth is, Tomlin SHOULD NOT be the measuring stick of succesful unproven coaches as he already cost his team a win with a bone head call, then duplicated the call in the Dallas game which he was about to lose until Romo bailed him out, then made another dumb call in Balt this week. He wins because of the immense talent on the Pittsburgh team, not because he is out coaching anyone. Its funny how wins can hide bad coaching...If Tomlin was in Buffalo this year, I doubt our record would be any better...

  14. Why can't the Bills even target Evans for throws? Double teams? Let me ask why that isn't the same case for, Steve Smith, Andre Johnson, Greg Jennings, Santana Moss, Brandon Marshall, Dwayne Bowe etc. All guys who see double teams and are a primary target in the passing game. Why is Evans the only high paid decoy on a team with few options at WR. Is he just not that good or is it all the QB?


    Its the QB and coaches...mostly the coaches because they dont make an effort to make him a priority. Look at those players you talked about...those teams push the ball up field and take chances in their passing game...we look for the safe, conservative approach first and push when we are forced to.

  15. Are you kidding me? I never thought I'd find someone who'd defend JP Losman over Trent Edwards. The running game being successful had nothing to do with JP.


    And if he's such a "long threat", why the hell did he throw passes 2 yards past the line of scrimmage with the clock running down, 4 pts down, no TOs?


    JP Losman is a disgrace to every person who has ever stepped foot on a football field


    Wasnt defending JP, just saying with Trent in there they would have stacked the box more like they did last time, and we wouldnt have been able to as effectively run the ball...

  16. His knee injury looks pretty serious. Any thoughts on the injury? Sprain or worse ACL?


    The only good thing about his injury will be that Steve Johnson gets more PT, which I think is going to be a good WR. The bad part is if Hardy misses the rest of the season you still go into next year with out a clear idea if this kid can contribute.

  17. If Trent Edwards had played we probably win. Yea I know. Hypothetical. Hindsight is 20:20. But it is my strong opinion that if Trent Edwards played today we would have won. Whether you liked the call or not, when FB McIntyre, for whom the pass was intended, got blocked at the line of scrimmage JP should have thrown the ball away. But JP being JP had no pocket presence, waited way to long, scrambled, and coughed up the ball. That play falls solely on his pathetic shoulders. He's got to know to get rid of the ball. No doubt Trent would have thrown it away. And what does JP do on our next possession? That's right , throws a pick. I will venture to say that if Trent had played the last three games there is a good chance we would have won all three. The quarterbacking was that bad folks. And that's why I feel Jauron should be given one more year with a average QB in Edwards instead of horrific CFL reserve JP Losman before we run him out of town. I never ever want to see JP play in a game for the Bills again. He makes me want to puke. :thumbsup::sick::sick:



    Considering Trent is afraid to throw passed the line of scrimmage, I dont see the logic...at least JP was a threat to throw long which made for a better running game for Lynch. When the Jets played the bills with Trent at QB, Lynch had like 9 carries for 17 yards as they just stacked the box...

  18. AKA, the Jauron meeting with Ralph thread.


    Seriously though, how do you explain these numbers:


    Offensive Rankings:

    • Total Offense (YPG) 2007- 30 / currently in 2008 - 23
    • Passing (YPG) 2007- 30 / currently in 2008 - 20
    • Rushing (YPG) 2007- 15 / currently in 2008 - 15

    Defensive Rankings:

    • Total Defense (YPG) 2007- 31 / currently in 2008 - 14
    • Passing (YPG) 2007- 29 / currently in 2008 - 11
    • Rushing (YPG) 2007- 25 / currently in 2008 - 19


    Win/Lose Record:

    We're currently as good as/better than:

    • San Diego Chargers (6-8)
    • Jacksonville Jaguars (5-9)
    • Cleveland Browns (4-9)
    • Green Bay Packers (5-9)
    • Seattle Seahawks (3-11)


    Granted, I agree we seem to be sucking. But, why does it appear we've improved so much, statistically speaking. So, are we really so bad that we need to blow it all up and start over? Or are we closer than it may appear?


    We are closer than people want to see because we started so promising. Truth is, this team has no swagger or identity and that starts with the staff. The play calling, game management, etc have been inconsistent and generally pretty poor. Bring in a coach who is a proven winner, knows how to win games, and commands to respect of the players and we will be vastly improved.

  19. I wanted the Bills to lose today. I know I'll catch spit for it, but I figure I can't be any less of a "real" fan than those looking for Ralph to die, the team to be moved, players to be assaulted, etc.


    The Bills just aren't a good team this year. Winning a meaningless game or two now doesn't give me ANY satisfaction at all, and instead would leave me with a "what if" feeling.


    But what a loss does is give the Bills better draft position and puts one more nail in Jauron's coffin. I can't totally blame him for everything, but the guy just isn't a winning coach. I gave him until this year, and was encouraged with the 5-1 start, but 6 of the last 7 games have been horrid. I don't care about the extension. Ralph should have waited until after the season to give it to him, and that's his fault.


    So have at it. Call me names. I can take it.


    Honestly, I saw today as a win-win...I hate the Jets, so beating the Jets would have been nice...more importantly I hate the Jet fans at the bar I watch the game at (ironically, most were not there today). But a loss just improves our draft position. So when we lost, my friends were like you dont seem nearly as pissed...I just responded, hey, just gives us a better pick next year and since we are out of the playoffs, that about all I can find positive at this point...lol

  20. Is there a more depressing time during the year than when the Buffalo Bills are officially eliminated from playoff contention? I mean, all the enthusiasm starts around the NFL Draft, and continues through free agency. You look forward to the season and think there's a chance that maybe, just maybe the team will do something special, or at least make a step in the right direction.


    We came into this season with some serious hope. 2nd year QB who showed flashes as a rookie, new run-plugging DT and a LB from the super bowl champs.


    What will it be next year? A DE or 2 in the draft or free agency, an offensive lineman or 2, a TE? But my real question is, will we get excited yet again just to be in this same exact spot next year at this time?




    What scares me about next year is our schedule...it looks brutal right now

  21. He is 18 months old. Why should I make the rest of his sports-loving life miserable by being a Bills fan?


    My wife is from Pittsburgh but she has no say in this and I can't let him being a Steeler fan, but why should I be so selfish and put him through this misery?


    Somebody give me a reason.


    Why dont you try letting your son be a fan of who ever he wants to be a fan of and quit your whining and continued pussification of this fan board...

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