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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. http://www.buffalonews.com/opinion/columns...ory/517889.html


    Ralph is still mad about giving up 1st round draft picks to move up in the draft from the Donahoe era, plus the highest we offered for Tony Gonzazlez was a 3rd rounder (Stroud - 3rd & 5th rounders), so Ralph is not going to let the Bills FO give up 1st & 2nd round picks. So, unless we try & trade for a NFL superstar, the highest you'll see the Bills give up is a 3rd rounder, and I doubt Philly will give up McNabb for a 3rd rounder or less.


    You just contradicted yourself...you say unless its for a NFL superstar, then say most for McNabb would be a 3rd...well, hate to break it to you but McNabb is an NFL superstar, and if we can get him for a #1, we have to consider it. There is not player in this draft, even if we had the #1 pick in the draft that will come in and have the impact McNabb would have here next year, or even in the 2 or 3 years to follow. We will have maybe a pick somwhere between 8 and 15 I am guessing, so there is no player that will help as much as McNabb and he is young enough to have that impact for several more seasons.


    We are a young team...more YOUNG players isnt gonna get us to the promise land. Some of our key players are NOT so young by the way, and some may not be here much longer once these younger players become free agents. So, its not like we have a 5 year window to get good. A teams realistic window is generally 3 years with Free Agency unless they are some of the few teams that keep their key pieces, which we dont have a great track record of.


    We have enough talent on this team to make a serious run if we had an Elite QB...Trent will not get us there next year...in fact, with Trent we will struggle to win 7 games with our Brutal schedule next season...

  2. Did any of you even watch the game last night? The guy has great pocket presence, even Jaws kept saying "this is how you play QB in the NFL". The guy has a cannon, and is probably in the top 3 in the league in arm strength. He picked apart Cleveland, you know the team we couldnt beat when our season depended on it...the same team Trent couldnt throw more pass the line of scrimmage on...he threw for 290 yards and 2 TD's and didnt even play the 4th qtr...when was the last time a Buffalo QB did that?


    He does that several times a season...we cant get a Buffalo QB to do it even once a season. He is only 32, and so is Brady and Manning...so you are saying you wouldnt want them too because of their age? Look at Farve, he is playing at a high level into his late 30's, almost was MVP last year at 38...thats 6 years older than McNabb.


    McNabb hasnt had a #1 reciever but once in his career and it was for only 23 games, yet he still produces at a high level every year. Our WR's would be the best he has ever had with the exception of the year and a half he had T.O.


    If Evans was in Philly his whole career, he would be a 80+catch 1500+ yard reciever every year. McNabb even made Stallworth look like an elite reciever the one year they were together. He couldnt stay healthy so they let him go...he produced NOTHING in NE last year as the #2 WR (Welker was #3) on the highest scoring team in football history. He has done NOTHING in Cleveland this year as the #2 WR...McNabb got that guy paid from playing with him for one season...


    But you must be right, lets keep pressing with a fragile QB who easily has his confidence shaken, who even at his best cant get our WR's the ball down field...much better solution...the funniest part is McNabb has as many bad games as Buffalo QB's have good games...translation = VERY FEW. In fact, a good game for Trent (say 220 yards and a TD) would be considered a marginal game or off game for McNabb.


    Thank god you people are not in the front office...

  3. Alpha dog your logic is laughable. Not only a first round pick, but also Trent, or a third? Where is the precedent for such a high price for a guy on decline? You will argue that the qb's below are of lesser talent (which is true), or in Favre's case, significantly older. But a first and a third? Come on man, you are forgetting one thing in all of this: salary. Daunte signed a 100 mil deal back in 2002, and he's making 10-12 mil until 2013. If Philly got rid of him, it would probably be because they feel that his salary doesn't match his performance anymore, and they would dump the guy, most likely for cheap.


    I couldn't imagine Philly getting anything more than a 3rd or a 4th for McNabb, maybe a package of picks, or at most, a second if they got lucky.


    29 yr old Daunte Culpepper = traded, 2nd round draft pick


    32 yr old Steve McNair = traded, 4th round pick


    39 yr old Brett Favre = traded, 4th round draft pick


    26 yr old UNPROVEN Matt Schaub = traded, two 2nd round picks



    Oh and by the way, do you still think that the Bills were up by 4 instead of 3 when we ran that play with 2:06 left?


    First off, I was mistaken about us being up 4 instead of 3...who cares...it was still a terrible call with 2nd and 5 and the way Marshawn was running...it amazes how people like to argue irrelevant symantics to make a point.


    Culpepper is not anywhere near the league of McNabb, nor was he even close to his old self when traded for...throw that out because its not even remotely comparable.


    McNair was nowhere near the league of McNabb except for one year of his career (which was back in 1999), and was washed up and broken when traded for...proof in point, he retired just 2 years later because his body couldnt take it anymore. By the way, Balt went 14-2 in McNairs first year there...so this isnt comparable.


    Brett Farve is 39 and decides to retire every year, so you are not going to give up a first round pick for a QB for 1 year...


    UNPROVEN Schaub got 2, yes TWO 2nd round picks, which actually makes a case you should GET MORE for a proven leader and Elite QB like McNabb with at least 3 or 4 good years left in him.


    So all of your arguments are absurd and totally not comparable to trading for McNabb.

  4. Why keep him? Cut him now & make an example of him. A professional QB in the NFL can't lose that ball like he did on Sunday. This type of thing can not be tolerated. This loser mentality has got to be nipped in the bud NOW!!!!

    Grow a sack Dick!!!!!


    Oh yeah, that will really show them...cut a player who wont be here next year anyways...big message...


    It actually says we are stupid if we did this...still pay him, then have to pay another QB who wont play for us to back up Hamdan...waste of money.


    Man, I have seen some stupid posts on this board, but this ranks near the top. Keep playing Madden football because that seems to be where this type of philosophy belongs...

  5. LB - Poz - Peterson ( free agency )

    DB - McCelvin


    I agree we dont have to rebuild...but did you just refer to these two as pro bowl caliber? McKelvin absolutely on special teams, but I am not sure he starts next year with McGee, Greer and Youboty there. I can see him maybe winning the nickel spot, but Youboty and Greer were playing pretty darn good until they got hurt.


    I would love to see Mckelvin develop into a pro bowl CB, just dont see it by next year.


    Poz is showing to be mediocre at best...so how he is in there as a potential pro bowler is puzzling

  6. #3 Trent Edwards is your guy till he proves he has a "Consistent" weakness that is uncorrectable.

    Buffalo will never use premium draft picks until they are Sure Trent is not the guy!


    How about his fragility? He hasnt been healthy at any level of football in his entire career...doesnt do any good if he cant stay on the field.


    Plus, I am really concerned on how shell shocked he got...I mean he was gun shy during his slump. The great ones keep slinging it no matter how bad its going, and thats true in any sport. You will never see Kobe stop shooting, or Lebron stop shooting because they struggled early in the game. Same goes in this sport, like Farve, Romo, Brady, Manning, etc...these guys keep slinging the ball, even in the tough times. And lets face it, Trents best games are marginal and against horrible opponents.

  7. Seriously? I wasn't following the play real closely. Tubsy Reid is acting like JaurTard.


    Yeah, it was hilarious...you have Westbrook, McNabb and Buckhalter inside the 5 on 2nd down against the fourth worst rushing D in the league and you have a 5'10" rookie WR throw a pass right up the gut with McNabb and Westbrook lined up as WR...


    DJ or Turk must have called that play in...

  8. No way. This team does not need a middle-aged McNabb at QB. Injury and age have taken its toll on this guy and his skills are in the middle of a marked decline. He wass thoroughly outplayed by Jeff Garcia 2 years ago and the Eagles would have been wise to have parted ways with him then.


    Funny, he is picking apart cleveland like it was a scrimmage...you know the team that ended our season

  9. Hey, what do you mean, "you people?" :doh:


    Don't get too hung up on the idea of McNabb having "No talent at WR." Last I checked, McNabb has played with the best receiving RB in the league for the better part of his career. Few people would argue that he has had much more Tight End talent on his teams than have the Bills as well. I would not be surprised if the Eagles threw to running back more than any other team in the NFL. Given that those passes tend to be higher percentage, I would say that McNabb's completion percentage is artificially inflated (and it's still pretty low).


    If you are going to say we can't judge a QB based on a relatively small body of work (such as Warner), how can you possibly say we should already give up on Trent?


    When I referenced "small body of work" it was in reference to best of the last 10 years when you brought up Warner...


    Second, Trent is NO McNabb...dont even go there...


    Third, Westbrook has been a reciever threat for him since only 2004 and didnt become Elite until his breakout year in 2006. So, that hardly covers McNabbs career...look some stats up before you shoot off at the hip...


    Not to mention, you just justified McNabb because he HAS to throw to a RB, which should tell you how little he has to work with at WR...No one in their right mind who has any football knowledge at all would EVER claim McNabb has had talent to throw to in the course of his career. In fact, the first thing they point out is how he only had T.O. for a season and a half, and besides that NO BODY!

  10. I think you hit the nail on the head.


    McNabb has been a winner but he hasn't demonstrated consistent accuracy throughout his career and he has 3100 rushing yards in his career which meant he was like Vince Young when he was younger.


    I don't think he's ever been in the top passing yards year after year. I'd have to look that up and I will after the game. But rushing for 3100 yards doesn't help passing stats.


    And why are you people hung up over the semantics of the top 5 statement...say he was top 7 or top 8 over the last ten years...think of how many QB's have played during that time in this league...that makes him ELITE over his career


    Even if you said he was the tenth best QB over the last 10 years...there are 32 teams in the league, most of which have had multiple QB's and you are going to complain about a guy who was one of the 10 best during that span WHILE THROWING TO NO TALENT!!!!!!! I cant say that enough...NO TALENT AT WR...even pregame Chris Carter was mocking Thrash, Pinkston, Fred Ex, etc that this poor guy has had to work with...

  11. I would love to see McNabb on the Bills if he were to be available as a free agent and wouldn't cost more than 5-7 million per. Who knows if that's possible, but that's the scenario I'd be interested in.


    McNabb just picked apart the very D that beat us like it was practice...him in Buffalo equals AFC East Crown

  12. Yes, I think we've had this discussion before and you are right. Let's put it this way, I think I like the older McNabb a lot better than the younger McNabb.


    hahahaha...lol, I think we did, didnt we.


    I would agree, I like the older McNabb too...hes smarter, looks to pass first, but will hurt you if he needs to run. And with our O-Line, I am all about a QB who get manuever back there and isnt afraid of the rush...


    I also agree, with the other posters we dont want to mortgage our future...but giving them Trent and a #1 isnt really mortgaging our future if we dont believe Trent to be our future...then we are just giving up a #1 and a backup QB at best...If they still see Trent as a QB of the future, then throw in a mid round pick to go with it.


    There wouldnt be another player we could pick up this off season that will make as big an impact as McNabb...The problem is now becoming with McNabb playing lights out again, who knows if Philly will still be open to change...

  13. Top 5? Brady, Manning, Brees, Romo, Warner, E Manning, Roethlisberger, hell Matt Ryan is well on his way to being better than McNabb is now. McNabb is top 15 AT BEST, and in decline.



    McNabb's rating this year is 17th in the NFL. Trent's is 18th. Maybe, a big maybe, a conditional second rounder. But no more. The guy is injury prone, old, and chokes in the clutch.


    You are right that he has been pretty good for awhile, but that won't do the Bills any good. McNabb hasn't lasted 16 games since 2003. It's just not worth mortgaging the future.


    What has Brees carried his team too? He puts up stats but doenst get it done when it counts...so throw him out...


    Warner was great for 3 years and then this year...McNabb has been great his whole career. Plus he has had 2 HOF WR's in St Louis and 2 future HOF WR's in AZ...thats a TON of talent to help him be great!


    Eli is FAR from great...he has been inconsistent this year, was on the verge of losing his job last year. He has been terrible the last couple of weeks in NY too. Yes he won a Super Bowl, but it took a MIRACLE catch to get it done...


    Big Ben has not been great by any means...dont get me wrong, hes a good quarterback, but he has to do a lot less on that team and has not been great by any means...solid better describes him. I would love to have him on our team, but McNabb has still been better.


    Come on man, Matt Ryan...give me a break...sure he looks quite promising, but you cant compare him to a proven star yet.


    Brady, Payton, Farve are the only ones I say sit in front of him, but look at all the weapons those QB's have had. I like Warner a lot too, when he was good he was amazing and he has been a stud this year. So I wouldnt argue much against him other than the smaller body of work and the immense talent he had with two hall of fame WR's on his team in St L and 2 future HOF WR's in AZ...




    People also dont realize that his two horrible games he had this year, he was dealing with the near death of his wife during child birth...thats a big distraction to weigh on your heart while you are out playing a silly game...

  14. I really don't like Culpepper that much and he's had too many rush attempts like McNabb has had in the past. But Culpepper does throw the ball well.


    McNabb has 3100 rushing yards in his career. He has not been that good of a QB throughout his career he was more of a running back.


    How many rushing yards does Peyton Manning have?


    McNabb has been comparing himself to Manning and I don't think he should do that. He needs to quit being so full of himself and stop talking to the media and play football.



    Culpepper fumbles more than JP Losman...throws a lot of picks...so in what way is he good?


    McNabb is a POCKET PASSER first who can scramble when he has to...in fact, some say he needs to run more as he will have the rushing lane but will throw a tight pass instead. He was a rushing QB in his early career, but since its a secondary weapon, which I love. He plays A LOT like Steve Young in that way...pass first, but can hurt you when he runs...

  15. Can you back that McNabb has been a top 5 QB in the league for 10 years. I don't think that's a valid point. He's only thrown for over 30 TDs like one time.


    Aikman never threw for more than 22 TD's in a season...is he a top QB?


    McNabb also has had NO TALENT to throw too...you cant look at stats as the only way to gauge the value of a QB...even all the panelist on the pregame show just said McNabb is, and has been, an elite top 5 QB in this league during his career.

  16. Has a slight Bledsoe appeal to it.


    Uh, my grandma just out ran Bledsoe...there is a big difference...Bledsoe was target practice as a brick back there with our terrible O-line...unless you gave him protection, he was useless and washed up. McNabb is way more athletic, playing a top level still, is only 32 and has a game tailor made for Buffalo...


    McNabb and our current roster equals AFC East division crown next year

  17. I think Buffalo would have been better off going after Daunte Culpepper than Donovan McNabb. Culpepper would have been a lot cheaper than McNabb, although McNabb is getting a little too old to give up a #1 pick.


    Plus McNabb strings together some terrible games every year.


    Culpepper has stunk in Det, stunk in Oak, and Stunk in Miami, and stunk 10 times worst BEFORE his injury in Minn those first 7 games or so without Moss...face it, Moss MADE Culpepper...I think hes a great pickup cheap and as a backup or to push Trent, but he is in NO WAY a McNabb...

  18. Trent and a first for McNabb? That's insane. I wouldn't give up more than a third rounder for Mcnabb, with no guarantees that he'd be the starter.


    Are you kidding? No guarantee he would be the starter? He is a top 5 Qb in the NFL, only 32, great arm, athletic, throws on the run, has been a top 5 QB in the league for 10 years DESPITE no WR's to throw to, is used to Buffalo type weather...


    I mean, what are you smoking and whats the weather like in crazy land? lol...


    I would give him Trent, give him our #1...pick up a young QB in the draft in 2010 to groom under McNabb for a few seasons...

  19. In the pregame they are talking about McNabb and how with McNabb your team has a chance to go to be good and go to the Super Bowl...how in his entire career he has only had a #1 target in just 23 games...how he is still an elite QB and top 5 in the league...


    So Keyshawn chimes in and says, if you dont want em Philly, Buffalo will take him...


    I say, HELLZ YEAH we will take him...gawd I hope we go after McNabb if he is available...give them Trent and our #1

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