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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. That is rich coming from you lol...especially for someone who is obviously desperate to be taken serious around here after lots of previous nonsense yet can't help himself and revert back to nonsense like gas lighting and manipulating a narrative while ignoring the facts.
  2. Or...simply get rid of the cryptic nonsense in your title and just name the thread appropriately to be "Could the Bills trade Diggs if the right trade was available" or something than falsely painting Diggs in a negative light despite his very NON cryptic matter of fact statements that he wants to retire a Bill, hopes to remain here, and that Josh is family. You take no responsibility for manufacturing a false narrative for clicks...nor any responsibility for the many posters who now have this false idea Diggs wants to be traded and is cryptically trying to force his way out. In fact that nonsense has already reared its head in other threads now and will do so all year. So someone has to remind people about the disservice you do the board when posting false narratives that spread false info across the board for your own LAMP post.
  3. Personally, I still think Baker ends up back with the Bucs on a like a $35-37M per type deal.
  4. lmao...this thread still going huh? Diggs: I want to retire a Bill, I hope I get to stay, Josh is family. Beane: Diggs is absolutely still a WR1 and shows no interest in moving on from him. So then TSW: Diggs is cryptic and is forcing a trade and Bills are going to do it despite the fact it will destroy their cap and neither Diggs or Beane seemed to want a trade. TSW Offseason Logic never disappoints. Its amazing to me how many people here just fall for media click bait beating a dead story over and over again. Anything can happen, so a trade is not impossible, but all indications have been no trade both publicly from those involved and just the overall math of the cap situation Bills are in and the cap hits in all trade scenarios around Diggs. For a trade to happen, there would really need to be something insurmountable on the back end between Diggs and the team. And until something like that surfaces, a trade seems pretty far fetched for a team looking to win this year.
  5. Well that is not that weird actually. It is not always about whether a player can play or not, its also a lot about fit. We run an offense that has a lot of WR options combined with the fact that Allen also improvises and extends plays a lot. And there are 3 levels to that: 1) Our receivers need to win their routes early so Allen can get the ball out before having to use his legs to extend a play. And that is a combo both of the offense being run and the receiver running the routes. 2) When Allen does extend the play, he needs cerebral players out there who can see the field, adjust, and get to an open spot for Allen. 3) There needs to be a chemistry between Allen and the receiver for the WR to know the option to take and Allen to be aware that he his taking that option even before a move has been made. Like I said in a previous post, Gabe can play, but that doesn't mean he is the best fit for the offensive scheme and the make up of the WR group. Gabe is best as a downfield threat give his route tree. But he is lacking in a lot of the other areas making him kind of one dimensional and to easily negated from a game as a WR. He still brings value as a blocker, but his fit as a receiving weapon here is inconsistent because this offense demands more from him to be consistent. If Gabe got the targets, he could put up a big season as a downfield weapon. But the type of WR this offense and Allen will benefit more from is a guy who wins his route consistently and all over the field, not just down field. A WR who can adjust and find a soft spot for Allen when he extends plays. A WR who can see a defense alignment and know the option that Allen is going to expect him to take and get there. So, IMHO a guy like Gabe could be scary in KC because they are a team that is elite at scheming guys open according to their strengths. KC is also elite at using a bunch of guys underneath between their TE and RB's too on plays where maybe Davis doesn't get open to still give Mahomes places to go with the ball. For me, its time to go another direction and let Davis go in FA as his cost will exceed his value in terms of fit for this team. And the timing is perfect with such a WR rich draft coming and having Diggs and 2 young emerging weapons in Shakir and Kincaid to build around too. BUT...I do think Gabe could be a dangerous weapon in the right situation like say a KC.
  6. This is pretty much where I am at too. Mixed feelings is the best way to describe it. On one hand, he has had many big catches and moments. He has been a tenacious and unselfish player on doing the dirty work. He has at times been our best deep threat. Then on the other hand, 2022 felt like a regression of sorts, although the injury to his ankle was said to be a culprit. Then this year not only did it not feel like a step forward, but it seemed like him and Allen chemistry declined on the field and were not on the same page like they should be at this stage. And I think a BIG part of that was our OC's in Dorsey then Brady. Dorsey had issues getting our guys in the right positions as it was and Brady shifted to utilizing the run game more and a short to mid attack, all of which minimized Gabes value to the point he got a game ball for blocking in a game he had zero catches and zero targets. Gabe can play. But, its not always about can a guy play, its also about fit. And Allen needs someone with a bigger route tree, trusted hands, and who is cerebral out there to make the on the fly adjustments needed to play with a QB like Allen who extends plays so many times a game. So while Davis had his moments here, long term, the investment it would take to keep is better used elsewhere on the roster and we look to a WR rich draft to fill this WR room out around Diggs and Shakir. Too many people get caught up in the #2 Receiver having to be a WR2 boundary reciever, and that just isn't accurate. With Diggs at WR1 and Shakir and Kincaid capable of being the next top 2 targets, we are in good shape heading into a WR rich draft. IMHO, Diggs is not going anywhere this year, and I would say he is here at least this season and could still finish his career here too. So I would say Diggs has got 1-3 years max left in Buffalo, and so they need to find someone who can ascend to that WR1 position and I think they will take 2 stabs at it this draft and take 2 WR's to bolster the room around Diggs and Shakir and then likely add a veteran FA or two as well. And as far as Gabe goes, I do think that if he saw the targets he could hit 1300 and 13 TD's in the right situation because he is a down the field big play type WR. But I also don't know that the offense he was in would be very efficient either given his value and efficiency in other areas of the field is not on the same level as his down field game. Either way, I wish him well as he has been a great unselfish teammate and player for the team while he was here, well except in games he is playing us of course lol.
  7. Tell me you didn't watch the video without telling me you didn't watch the video. Ive been critical of him too, but your response here is way off base.
  8. I saw this on Gabe’s Instagram tonight, but then found someone who posted to Twitter too, so posting both links in case it’s easier for someone to watch one over the other. Kind of looks like he is putting this out to both highlight his time here and promote his accomplishments ahead of Free Agency. Smart move. Even though I’ve been in the camp to let him go and draft a WR this year, this was still a fun watch and he has brought some big moments and games to his time in Buffalo. He makes a good case for himself at the end with the stats and rankings combined with the low targets compared to others. Overall this is a great piece for himself ahead of free agency and so enjoyed it and I wish him well. Link to video on Gabe’s actual account: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3jSE3WMeRO/?igsh=ZDE1MWVjZGVmZQ== Someone reposting it on Twitter:
  9. Fair point, but he also was on pace for 13 sacks before all the injuries around him. And again, other guys were getting sacks, and as a team we had the 4th most. Lot of people had these same concerns about Oliver too.
  10. I get what you are saying, and yeah, that is a lot of what McD likes, however, we have made moves to try and find that impact player now multiple times. First, they took Oliver 9th overall hoping they were finding baby Darnold. Then they took AJE who was the top DE in that draft by most accounts (weak edge rusher year) and they followed that up with going DE in back to back picks with Groot and Boogie. Then when they still had not really got that closer guy established yet from those attempts, they took a big swing that Von was going to be that difference maker in a win now move. And at first Von was before he got hurt. Anyone expecting much from Von in 2023 after tearing his ACL at his age was just fooling themselves. It most often takes a player until the season after they comeback until they are closer to who they were before the injury. However, Von is like 79 years old now, so while odds are he will have more value this year, it is a stretch to think he can get back to being that impact guy. So I see a FO that has been very obvious at trying to find an impact player in both the draft and FA to get to the QB now for several years. They also went out and signed Floyd who has been a very good pass rusher for a while too. I think the issue is that when we are picking late most season it is just hard to get a premium edge prospect as they all go very early in drafts. Instead we are left with guys with potential versus guys who are premium prospects. This is why I think they have found guys who are more solid to good starters/players vs game changers like a Chris Jones.
  11. Call it an accounting cap, salary cap, baseball cap, truckers cap, etc...it doesn't matter what you call it, the point is that manipulating the cap has consequences despite the troves of people here who think otherwise.
  12. Im not saying there is nothing to be concerned about, I am just saying I am not overly concerned...yet. Like I said, with Von being a waste and losing Jones, Tre, and Milano to still finish 4th in sacks was pretty darn good for the Bills. And with the way McD aggressively rotates, sometimes someone's numbers will dip. Jerry Hughes averaged 9 sacks per season for 4 years before Frazier got here and his first year in Houston after leaving Buffalo (where he got 9 after everyone said he was washed). Under Frazier, which was also saw a lot of rotation up front, Hughes only averaged 4.5 sacks over 5 seasons never getting more than 7. And again, put up 9 his first year in Houston at the end of his career. So, makes me wonder, how much of it is Greg and how much of it is the system he is in that rotates a lot of guys around and sacks tend to be spread around? And I can't help but wonder what his season looks like if Jones, Tre, and Milano don't miss much of the season or if Von was actually useful. FWIW: Greg had 3 sacks in his first 4 games. We lost Tre week 3 and Jones and Milano week 4. He only had 2 sacks rest of season. 4 games is a small sample size, but 3 in 4 games is a pace for 13 on the season.
  13. Bills are getting in their own way. They have proven they can beat KC, but in the postseason they just haven't made the extra play to do it then vs the regular season. Frazier sucked as our DC in the postseason, even the 13 second game our defense not only had the 13 second debacle, but we gave up 17 points in the final 2 minute and OT. Daboll never understood how to balance the game with running the ball either. Dorsey was outcoached his entire time here. And now we have Brady who showed well in his stint, but even so he had some growing pains, but at least he gets some benefit of the doubt with the fact he wasn't running his real offense. McD he has had his own issues, like the fake punt this year. I actually have less issue with the fake punt given the numbers advantage as I do with the actual play that was called for the fake punt which was terrible. That being said, the fake punt was still something I don't think he should have done there. ST - When has ST ever been good for us, not to mention, they have major blunders in multiple exits now. Then there is just the issues with the players on the field. Diggs dropping that bomb that was a perfect pass...Dawkins getting blown up into Allen just enough to step on his foot to not hit Shakir...untimely defensive or offensive penalties either extending drives for opponents in bad moments or killing our own drives. Injuries have been a big factor too...you listed that as its own category, but that factors into things I think here too where Bills have had to rely on lesser players too much in big moments who didn't make the plays.
  14. So you post a thread about a player's overall season, but now disregard any logic around discussing his and the team's season long pass rush based on one game. Why do you do this all the time. If this is really about the Chiefs game, then make a thread about why the Bills struggle to get pressure on the best team in the NFL who has a very good OL and a QB who can run and scramble with the best of them. Stop making threads/posts and then moving the goal posts every time someone makes a point or presents information that doesn't deliver the same negative view you are going for.
  15. Here is what I don't like about this conversation: Bills were 4th in the NFL in sacks, only 6 behind the Ravens, in 2023 and that is with a lot of injuries. DaQuan loss was big, and we still finished 4th in sacks. Tre White loss has a big effect on sacks because it affects our coverage which impacts how long the QB holds the ball, still finished 4th in sacks. Milano is an all pro level LB we lost most the season, still finished 4th in sacks. Von Miller was useless this season, still finished 4th in sacks. Not to mention other players that missed time during the seaosn like Bernard. I think it is more than reasonable to think the team might have achieved 6+ more sacks had they not lost 4 critical players for most the season (pretty much all the season for Von) that impact our ability to get to the QB. So this is a team that could have led the league in sacks when healthy. So, overall this team compiled a lot of sacks and that was spread out amongst a bunch of people rather than being top heavy like some teams are. There are only so many sacks to go around and when you have guys all over the defense getting sacks, its not surprising one guys personal numbers fell off a bit. So I am less concerned about Groot seeing his sack numbers dip a little bit after we sign a pass rush specialist like Floyd and some other guys break out like Oliver, Bernard and another solid sack total from AJE too. So to answer your question...no, I am not concerned. Heard the same stuff about Oliver too and then he went out and put up 9.5 sacks this year on a team that had a lot of sacks.
  16. Not sure what you thought was political about his response, but I didn't personally find it be a politically charged reply.
  17. Gotcha. From that perspective sure I totally agree that it makes sense from a fair compensation stand point. Just don’t think it makes sense in the reality of what the Bills situation is.
  18. Ok...but consider these factors: Who do you want McD coaching up, as in what are his strenghts? A CB or a bust WR? Obviously a CB. What position is in worse shape: CB or WR? I would easily argue CB is in worse shape heading into the offseason, really the whole secondary. Both starting corners coming off major injuries, and one of them (Tre) is a potential cap casualty and now has 2 major injuries in 3 years if he does stay. And one safety is gone and the other is not a lock to be back either. WR room still has Diggs and Shakir to build off of heading into a WR rich draft. What position is richer and deeper in this draft WR or CB? I think the consensus is WR. If we trade Elam in a season where we may start the year off without both starting corners from last year, not to mention missing at least one starting safety in our secondary, possibly two, then we will be looking at holes in at least 3 of our starting secondary positions as it is. Our secondary is in worse shape than our WR room today which makes Elam have more potential value for this team than Burks does right now. If we trade Elam, it needs to be for a draft pick we can use so we have more assets in the draft find another corner, not for a retreat WR when they have a better chance finding a better WR in the draft than they do in trading for Burks. Keep Elam, draft a WR early, take a 2nd WR sometime during the draft, and honestly you still need to address corner even with Elam in either FA/Draft along with probably 2 safeties. Or move Elam for a decent draft pick for more ammo to find DB in the draft...but Elam for Burks for me just doesn't make a lot of sense given the WR class we have this year. If it was a bad WR class, then I would be a little more for it.
  19. Elam has more upside than Burks. Rarely ever do these retread WR's projects turn out to be good. Burks has been unimpressive on a team that was desperate for WR help, and even with Hopkins out there this year he still was underwhelming. Elam has 2 INT's in 3 playoff games. He was hurt this year and hard to get a real read on him. And I trust McD and this staff to develop our CB more than a WR who has been a disappointment. Plus, both of our starting CB's are coming off major injury and one of them (Tre) has question marks if he will be a cap casualty and may not even be on the roster. What people don't seem to realize, we are more desperate at CB than we are at WR right now where we still have Diggs and Shakir to build off of as we head into a WR rich draft. Much rather have McD coaching up a CB than a bust WR. Much rather draft WR's in a WR rich draft than have to find more CB's who may have to start as rookies. So hard pass for me.
  20. But there is the issue...they are not equal advantages. That is the point people are making on college vs pros. The OT rule is improved now, but college system is still the single only true equal opportunity structure.
  21. Yeah the Diggs stuff around here is utterly ridiculous...we need MORE guys like Diggs on this team, especially on Defense. And yeah, I do agree with you about Rice too, but I also do think Kelce criticism is warranted because he got physical with Reid and I also just think what he did with Reid is more true to his character as he is a giant deuche.
  22. I couldn't tell you who would be better or worse between Kyle Allen and Trubisky. I am not enamored with either, but then again thats usually the case with backup QB's. I would probably lean towards who is cheaper as Bills are sunk if either had to play any extended period of the season. I haven't even began to look at FA's yet, so could be someone else this year too that might be a better choice. But if you are asking me between Kyle and Mitch...I would take the cheaper contract. And lets not forget Bears traded a bunch to move up one spot to take him even though everyone and their mom knew SF was taking Solomon and not a QB. Funny, SF could have then taken Mahomes/Watson next and still had all that draft ammo to add more pieces to that team. How many SB's would SF be sitting on right now had they just taken Mahomes instead of overrated home grown Solomon Thomas?
  23. He did more than yell though, he almost knocked Reid over. What would you be saying if Diggs did this to McD during a game? This board and the media would implode and let's not pretend it wouldn't because neither this board nor the media has let go of when Diggs literally just raised his arms in a shrug on the sideline of the Bengals game. People would be calling for Diggs to be cut, traded, whatever...labeling him the worst teammate ever. Truth is, Kelce really is a giant deuche, I have met him in person and he is everything you think he will be. No joke, I think we will find out he has CTE later down the line, he has another side to him IMHO. Plus, he is 10 times the diva and deuche people think Diggs is, yet here on this board there are people still trying to falsely manufacture Diggs drama despite him flat out saying this offseason that he wants to retire a Bill, Josh if Family, he hopes to stay in Buffalo. It is crazy how certain players can escape scrutiny while others are not just over analyzed, but false narratives keep being pushed on them.
  24. Im not sure you are even a "fan"...you sound like some dude who just caught his wife getting plowed by his brother. Your hasn't done **** since 2021 is inaccurate as well. Just about any fan who has even a sliver of football knowledge understood that players coming back from a torn ACL often don't get back closer to a full recovery until the season after they return. Which is exactly what happened with Tre who looked good before suffering another injury this year. He is definitely going to be an interesting one to watch as I really can't see how they can afford to keep him with our cap situation, so something is going to have to likely be reworked or he could very well be a cap casualty. But he deserves a lot more respect than you are giving him especially how he worked his way back and then suffered another significant injury that had him emotionally breaking down as he was carted off the field. So maybe tone it down or redirect your meltdown elsewhere rather than one of the most talented, professional, hard working, dedicated players this franchise has on this team who is beloved by fans and in the locker room.
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