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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. It seems a lot of "Superfans" are actually fans of tailgating and partying with their friends at the stadium much more than they are devotees to Wilson's Bills. Are you that person? If so, I respect that.


    I have a great idea: Go to the stadium early Sunday mornings for the games, party with your friends, pound beer and shots in the parking lots 'til you can barely stand, cook up a side of beef and a few chickens on the grill, have the pre-game show blaring on the radio, toss the football and the beanbags with the gang, pull up a chair and read the sports page, try and convince a couple hotties to flash their tatas, and when the people all head to the game just drive on home and watch better football games the rest of the day from the comfort of your couch without putting a penny in Ralph's pocket.


    There, now you can have it all. And when Ralph croaks you can go buy tickets again.


    another one of these types of post huh... :worthy:

  2. First off let me say that no one will really know how next's year schedule will be until about mid way through the schedule. Too many factors, injuries, free agent acquistions, draft etc.


    But for those of you who are convinced it will be a killer for the Bills, I'm not so sure.


    1st - Jets may continue their slide. More than likely no Farve. QB?


    2nd - Dolphins could very well be this year's Cleveland Browns. Everything went right for them this year.


    3rd - Patriots will still be the Patriots, but they continue to get old and this year's injuries began to show that.


    4th - Tampa Bay could implode during the off season after their melt down this year.


    5th - Houstan is like Forest Gumps box of chocolate, never know what ya gona get.


    6th - Cleveland and KC are .......Cleveland and KC


    7th - Jacksonville could be 12-4, 8-8, or 5-11


    8th - Tennessee could be this year's Jacksonville


    9th - Atlanta and Carolina, refer to Jacksonville


    10th - Indy will always be tough, as long as Manning is playing, but what happened to Brady this year? Things happen.


    11th - New Orleans I think will be really strong next year, as long as Brees stays healthy.


    12th - Bills, well, we have Dick Jauron leading the way. Ahhhhh, o.k. anyway, Lynch, Edwards are entering their 3rd year together. Defense may finally enjoy a year with limited injuries. Key FA and draft pick ups could make a difference.



    I know everything here is pure speculation, but so is saying next year's schedule is going to be brutal. Hey, one of my buddies is a Dolphins fan. (I live in Virginia, there are all kinds of football fans here) A year ago he watched his team go 1-15, this weekend he's watching them play in a playoff game.


    The Bills could go 1-15 next year, but they could just as well go 11-5. I ain't predicting, I'm just hoping for the best.


    True...plus didnt everyone say our schedule this year was gonna be a cake walk to further your point...

  3. Never said I was done, schit-for-brains. Just told you to STFU. If some people want to say they're done, that's their prerogative. People can post whatever opinions that want, within the bounds of good taste, as long as they conform to the TSW guidelines. Doesn't even matter how stupid the post, or the poster (witness your own drivel). Don't know why I'm bothering to explain this to a freaking idiotic moron like you anyway.


    Now go back to jerking off in your gym sock and STFU.


    I never once mentioned your name for anything...you are the one that took the post to mean you...I made comments about posters that post that stuff, never once have I said any specific posters...so you must be one of the ones claiming to be done if you are butt hurt over it...

  4. Who the F do you think you are to censor people's frustrations and venting? Who do you think you are to censor free speech and people's economic choices? I better not find out who you are. You are very close to emergency dental reconstruction...how 'bout that for free speech?



    LMAO...if you only knew who you were trully talking too you wouldnt be so bold...gotta love the internet...this would be fun...email me if you are ever in So Cal and we can meet at a park at 3 O'Clock sharp (tumble weed blows across the screen) and have us a show down just like in the movie 3 O'Clock High...


    Or just meet online on the Xbox and we can virtually show down too...


    geezus some of these posters are lame...

  5. I'm not. I know this cheap a$$ team won't go after him.


    He doesnt want to leave Car and Haynesworth doesnt want to leave Tenn...both teams want to keep both players...kind of hard to go after players who want to stay where they are at...in fact Haynesworth is already working on his contract in Tenn...


    Dan Snyder or Jerry Jones must be a cheap azz too for not signing Peppers and Haynesworth by that logic...

  6. The Bills have signed middle-tier FAs in the past, and over-payed for them. I actually dont have a big problem with the those signings b/c lets face it, Buffalo has to pay a premium for players to even consider coming here. I don't expect them to sign All-Pros because I know that is not realistic. But if the retaining of DJ experiment is going to work, you have to bring in more than 2-3 significant FAs.


    I agree...I was only pointing out that general consenus is that Ralph wont spend money, when he has been spending money. I am not defending HOW he spends his money, just stating that he is willing to pay to bring players in or retain players. Thats also a good point about overpaying to get players here...thats something WINNING can fix, thats for sure.


    Dockery - was a big signing at the time as he was regarded as the 2nd best OL player that year and was gonna get big money no matter where he went.


    Walker - Overpaid to get him here, but OL players were fetching big money when we signed him, so I was ok with it.


    Both did help to improve our line, its not great, but it was way worse before they got here.


    Denney and Kelsay were grossly over paid, I have less of an issue with Kelsay than Denney becuase Kelsay isnt as bad as people say he is and is a great locker room guy (still overpaid though), but Denney was a joke of a contract.


    Schobel earned his contract when he got it.


    Evans was paid on what he could be once we get the QB to get him the ball. He is a real talent.


    Stroud was worth everything we gave to get him and whatever we are paying him.


    Mitchell was a solid signing and literally was difference in two of our wins this year.


    So all in all, it hasnt been a bad way to spend the money as most were pretty good additions. The worst were Kelsay and Denney, then maybe Walkers contract. But I have less of an issue with Walkers as thats just what it took to get OL players that year and it was what we needed most at the time.

  7. No, your point was to tell people what opinions they should be allowed to post, and what opinions should be deleted by the moderators - which is why I told you to STFU!


    Now STFU!


    No, I said get rid of the posters who want Ralph dead or claim to no longer be fans becaue the "I am done" threads and posts were taking over the board and cluttering it. Even suggested to make a single thread where you can all talk about how you are done as oppposed to new one after new one...and they have been going on by jackoffs all season, yet they still post. Everyone knows they are not done, so why keep telling us how you are done constantly...get an original thought or STFU!


    More importantly, gets some balls and stand behind your post of being done, and just BE DONE! If you are soooo done, WTF are you doing still posting about how done you are...no one gives a rats azz about how done you are...go cry to your mom and suck your thumb in the corner while you pout and dream of your new life as a Raider fan...

  8. LMAO..............this is EXACTLY what happened to me. I read about the first two lines, and then skipped to see what the replies were and how many.


    Man, this post cracked me up because you nailed it exactly. LMAO!




    LMAO, I just did the same thing... :worthy:

  9. We all know he is not going to bring in any big money players


    Why do people always say this...ever heard of Dockery, Walker and even Stroud? Ralph went out and spent big money on FA's and brought in players via trade like Stroud...then extended Evans, Schobel, etc. to lucrative contracts. You can argue about how he spends his money, but you cant say he isnt willing to pay to bring FA's in as he has shown just the opposite the last couple of years, and even spent TOP dollar on some.


    Mitchell was a good addition to our team and viewed as a good signing when we signed. Because he isnt say "ray lewis" doesnt mean he isnt a good signing.


    This board will blame Ralph for not bringing in Haynesworth too, just watch, even though Haynesworth doesnt want to leave Tenn, Tenn doesnt want him to leave, and they are currently talking about a new contract...yet Ralph will still be labeled cheap for not getting a FA that is not coming here no matter what.

  10. The pinball (jackson) & The Machine (Lynch)? Just call it the Pinball Machine......


    Jackson always bouces off tackles finds way to get into holes, and Lynch is just a man made machine, runs with raw power....just tough to bring down......


    Any other suggestions?


    I doubt Jackson is with us next year though unfortunately...


    Also, any nickname needs to lead with Lycnh as he is the starter IMO...

  11. Fred Jackson is an absolute beast. We need to keep him next year. Is he a restricted free agent or what? SIGN HIM LONG TERM. We need 2 good running backs. His value is through the roof. Dude is amazing.


    He is a good football player and a starting caliber RB in this league who I would love to keep. But, I dont see him wanting to sign here to be a backup if he gets offers that would be more money and a starting gig somewhere else.


    Side note: NE doesnt exactly have a stellar run D and is decimated by injury's so I am sure Lycnh would have had similar success too in that game. So if he leaves, we still are fine at RB, so I dont want to see us pay him starter money to be a 10 carry back for us when we have more pressing needs. Lynch is a stud too...

  12. What i don't get is why the people who are "done with this team" still post here.


    This was exactly my point when I started a similar thread earlier...


    Truth is, they are are empty, guless threats and have become quite unoriginal as we all know they are not done, espeicially since most of them made the same comments many times during the season and still find it necessary to tell us all how done they are still...why you ask...because they clearly arent done...

  13. If you're a long time devoted Bills fan who feels your differences with Ralph Wilson are now irreconcilable, and as a result have decided the time has come to officially resign as Buffalo Bills fan, this is the thread for you. We will talk about the pain that's felt in breaking up with the owner of the team after so many years, the anger we feel, and offer suggestions on how to best move on.


    This thread is NOT for those fans who remain unconditionally supportive of Ralph Wilson's Bills. If you are offended by the idea that fans like us have decided to break up with Wilson's team please take your opinions elsewhere. We get that you consider yourself the "real fan", we know you will "remain loyal" no matter what Wilson does or says, so don't feel the need to use this thread to express those sentiments. We really don't want to hear it, don't care how much of a "Superfan" you are, and thank you in advance for respecting this request.


    For those of you deciding to end your relationship with Wilson's Bills, the thread is yours to discuss your personal history as a fan following the team, when you started to become conflicted about continuing to support them, and sharing ideas of how to move forward now that that relationship is over.


    It can be a strange and lost island for those of us who have now left our Bills days behind, and we all still carry a lot of intense, hard feelings of betrayal, anger, sadness, and confusion of what to do next. Hopefully, this thread will be a place for us to try and work all that out.


    So leave...why are you still posting? You are like that ex wife that still follows you around on your dates after the divorce...

  14. http://www.nfl.com/news/story?id=09000d5d8...mp;confirm=true


    Ralph Wilson Jr: "It is well known that I share many of the fans' dissatisfaction with our offensive game management," Wilson said. "That being said, I believe that this team, at this time, is better served by continuity in the coaching staff rather than a disruptive overhaul. The team played hard all year long and there are many positives to build on. This is not to say that we will be complacent. In my discussions with Dick and our senior football people the issues are recognized and I am confident they will be addressed.

    "I believe in the last few years we have gotten close personnel wise and look forward to another strong draft, more assertive veteran leadership and continued improvement from our young quarterback."


    -They did? They laid eggs to finish out the year minus the Den win.


    -Does this mean Ralph is going to bring in some legit FA's? He better if we expects to win with Dick leading the charge.


    Ralph has been bringing in FA the last few seasons and players via trade. He wants to win and I dont care what anyone says. Like many posters here, he is sick of the coaching carousel and wants to try continuity this time around...I get that. Coming from a football background myself, I know continuity is key to establishing consistency. I still prefer to switch coaches this year because of the poor game management that was shown this year, but I do see Ralphs point about continuity.


    I think we will be a factor again this year in FA and that with a few more pieces we could be on the rise again. Honestly, I think our biggest weakness is QB right now. We need to bring someone in to compete with Trent or even to replace Trent before we will see a big change.

  15. I feel like the bad play-calling occurred when Dick was the one making the final call (i.e., pass or run on 3rd and long in FG range). I seriously doubt those were Turk's calls.


    And who is to say that Turk will get fired? There's no evidence that he will.


    I just dont see how they can bring him back...DJ made some bad calls himself, but man, it just too often felt like the Offense was doing the exact opposite of what they should be doing. Trying to be smart and just out smart themselves and that falls on the O Coordinators shoulders. Plus Ralph knows he is going to have make someone a scape goat if he is bringing DJ back to appease the fans...


    But who knows, they could bring him back, I just dont see it though

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