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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I think Davis may become a star, in this league. I'd love it if the Bills acquired him without giving up too much.


    I just used him as an example of a guy with the most talent who is not the best player at his position...at least not yet. And, I wasn't supporting Chase over Jermaine, either. Either would be fine, by me. There seem to be a few other excellent TE candidates, as well.


    Davis has a poor work ethic and runs poor routes...he needs lots of work...

  2. What?! Did the sun rise in the west today? A TBD post that actually has some rational analysis? Your analysis makes sense.


    Kudos to you, because if I read one more self-indulgent post by a "fan" threatening to cancel tickets, burn Bills gear, etc., I am going to throw my Dell out the window. You're all trying to be clever and witty, but here's what you sound like:


    "Wahhhhhh. I have disposable income that enables me to buy season tickets, so that entitles me to whine sancimoniously about the quality of the 'product."


    "Wahhhhh. I am so mad about Jauron staying on as HC, I am going to hold my breath, stomp my feet, and not eat my carrots. Did I mention that I have season tickets and I am entitled to whine sanctimoniously about the quality of the product?"


    News flash: this is NFL football, not life-saving surgery. This is entertainment. If you don't like the entertainment, don't go to games, don't watch games, don't buy stuff--the same way you choose not to watch movies directed by certain people, or select the NHL over NASCAR. I'll bet when the Bills were 5-1 and the product was 'good,' the thought of selling your tickets or cancelling DirecTV was the farthest thing from your minds. Nobody is forcing you to spend a dime on Bills football--in fact, I am jealous of the fact that you can drop that kind of coin for tickets, travel and all the trimmings.


    So, fine. Vent a little on TBD, sell your tickets, cancel Sunday Ticket and sell your Bills merchandise on eBay. Then, don't let the turnstile hit you on the ass on your way out. Those of us who understand what it means to be a fan of an NFL team--especially one that has been part of our lives from childhood and is inextricably tied to the character and personality of a city--will still be with this team next year and for as long as it is in Buffalo.


    Your assertions that we are mindless drones will have about as much effect on our commitment as fans as your selling your season tickets will have on the Bills franchise.


    :devil: too funny...nice...they can call the "wahhh-mbulance"....its siren goes "wahhh, wahhh, wahhh"

  3. $26m for Schobel, Dockery, Kelsay, and Walker. And we don't have the money for a Haynesworth or Peppers? You almost have to root for a 2-14 type horrible year so Ralph has no choice but to clean house next year.


    Please explaing to me how this statement has even an ounce of truth? We cant sign players currently under contract with other teams...


    Plus, Peppers and Haynesworth dont wanna leave, Haynesworth is already negotiating a deal with Tenn, both teams want to retain both players, both teams are gonna offer good money to stay, both teams had real big years...so why on earth would a player who doesnt want to leave on a winning team that is probably gonna get a huge contract from such team leave to come to Buffalo?

  4. I get a kick out of you,you add a reply to a post and like it so much you copy and paste it to start another thread with the same babble.


    My post in that other thread.. "Sooooo Is There Going To Be A Press Conference?, Or Were Those Lies Wilson Spewed Going To Be It??


    I only started a thread about it because your thread at the time was getting little action and thought it would be a good discussion is all...

  5. 1.) Continuity is great - but you get that by deciding on a coach you want long-term and keeping him long-term, not dragging out the process with a coach who has clearly shown himself not to be a solution.


    2.) It's not a coincidence that we started playing much worse after we lost talent, sure. Schobel would have helped a lot in the stretch there. But every team has injuries, and ours weren't worse than average. You gotta win despite injuries, not take a year off every time you lose a quality lineman.


    3.) Which circles? People like him, but I have heard few commentors say anything better than "his players respect him and work hard"


    4.) Yes. It would be expensive to fire him. It's also expensive to field a successful football team. I'll bet Jauron makes half as much as Kelsay over the rest of hteir contracts. If he cut Kelsay and put the money to a new coach, then we'd be well ahead of where we are now.


    5.) Trent did regress and JP played awfully. It's 100% Jauron's job and that of his staff to make sure that THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN.


    6.) If Ralph has a plan to bring in Cowher after next season, all is forgiven.


    7.) You said injuries already. Every team has injuries - it's how the game works.


    You make some good points...


    Injuries do happen, but what it showed us is how little depth we have and you can't win if you can't field players who can get the job done. For example, if you give a player a scheme, if he can't execute, doesnt mean the scheme was wrong, means you need to find new players...


    It is not 100% on DJ to develop Trent. The HC rarely develops his QB. It is the responsibility of the OC and QB Coach, and this is a common misconception especially with a HC with a defensive background. HC gets too much credit and blame for the performance of his QB in most cases.

  6. Madden? I wouldn't know what a playstation would look like if it hit me on the forehead.


    Were you around for OJ's 2000 yard rushing record, the Chuck Knox years, or the consecutive 2-14 seasons?


    Didn't think so. Next....


    How old you are or how long you have been fan doesn't make your lame post which contributed nothing to the discussion any better.


    I may not have been a fan during OJ's 2000 (and who really cares), but I have been a fan for 21 years, played college ball for 4 years with a top ranked Pac 10 team, had a shot at NFL until injury changed my path, and have several friends in NFL circles who I guarantee know a great more about football than either you or I, and I know my fair share.


    So, who gives a rats behind that you are old as dirt and still don't know more than an Arm Chair QB? Not me...next...

  7. Alpha, I think you're pretty much spot on. I'd add a couple:


    It's the best way to synch up the organization and give everyone a fair chance. If things don't improve next season, then you can say you aren't giving up on Schonert too quickly, or on Brandon. You can also give an incoming coach a better idea of a decision on whether Edwards is his QB without forcing him to accept him for a year (a problem that may hinder the Jets with Favre). Now, should Jauron fail again, you can throw the lot of them out an start over with a unified plan.


    Also, given the schedule, it might be best to get your next coach in there with a better shot at a quick turnaround. Of course, given the annual shake up in the NFL, trying to project strength of schedule in two years is iffy at best.


    totally agree... :devil:

  8. On point 3: DJ is considered a joke in NFL coaching circles. I'm sure you're aware that among active coaches, only Herman Edwards has a lower winning percentage. And I'm also certain that after losing the Jets game in true Joe Piscarcik fashion, that DJ is laughed at privately. Piscarcik's coach never again had a job in the NFL after that game. DJ got an extension.


    On point 5: It is expected that coaches will coach their players, especially the QB. Yet Edwards was not prepared for certain things and never seemed to deal with teams that dropped 7+ into coverage. The coaching staff did him no favors when things got rough. They failed to get creative. Case in point was against NE, when 30 of 31 non-scrambles went between the tackles according to Greg Easterbrook.


    On point 7: Depth has been a problem with this team the last few years. Because the team has drafted poorly and will not spend within 22M of the salary cap, you'll see bargain basement signings like Teddy Lehman, Blake Costanzo, and Jerametrius Butler when injuries happen. Contrast this with Baltimore who dealt with 17 guys going on IR, yet found the right players to win. One of them was old favorite Jim Leonhard.


    Ralph thinks, but it's about his pocketbook. I have no problem with an owner making money, after all that's what they're in it for. But to give approval to a man who cannot beat good teams (6-23 versus teams with .500 or winning records in three seasons) and exhibits poor gameday management is completely asinine.


    Good points...


    On your comment about DJ being a joke in NFL circles...sadly, this isn't true beleive it or not. I have several friends and contacts in the NFL circle and I was just as shocked to find out that he still is regarded as a good coach there. I am not saying I agree with it, just saying that is how he is viewed.


    I also started my post saying I would prefer to replace him, but not replacing him does make SOME sense given the whole landscape of the situation.


    About Trent...I disagree here...you can only lay the performance of a player at the coaches feet so much. Trent severly regressed when he struggled and lost his confidence, is slow making his reads, and looks to check down too much. Sometimes a player just doesn't have the make up to get it done. Trent may rebound, but the jury is still out on him, so to blame the staff for that is not valid. Its not like Trent was a stud and then DJ came in and made him worse...also, DJ doesn't develop the QB, the O Coordinator and QB coach are grossly responsible for that role, especially with a HC with a defensive background.


    I agree about the drafts, but that is more for the lack of having a quality GM, something I think needs to be rectified.

  9. If they were able to get Peppers or Suggs then nobody could say that were paying an average player pro-bowl type money. It would be nice if we picked up a DE in FA plus drafted a DE in the 1st round as well.


    Peppers is, and will always be, a pipe dream as he is HIGHLY likely to stay in Carolina. Same goes for Haynesworth...but Suggs I think leaves Balt, so hopefully we pursue him hard and see what happens.


    I would prefer Suggs over Peppers anyway as Peppers isnt a big factor in the run game and can dissappear at times. He is pretty much a finesse rusher like schobel has been, and I think Suggs brings a little more pop, attitude and swagger, something we sorely need. But of course I would be ecstatic if we got one of these two still.

  10. Here is my opinnion and analysis on what's going on with Ralph bringing DJ back. I still prefer to replace DJ now, but keeping isn't as crazy as our record suggest and does make some sense when you look at the bigger picture.


    1. He is right on the money about a young team needing continuity (doesn't mean DJ and co. are the answer, but you don't develop young talent with constant change).


    2. We had shown some improvements before our slide which coincidentally was about the time we started losing quality players to injury (Greer, Schobel, Youboty, Trent, Reed, etc.) which greatly contributed to our slide and inconsistentcy.


    3. DJ, believe it or not, is still considered to be a pretty good coach in the NFL circle.


    4. Ralph signed him to the extension already, so pulling the plug on him is going to be expensive at this point.


    5. Troubles and inconsistency at QB greatly contributed to the demise of our season and we have a young QB who also missed time due to injury. This was the biggest reason for our fall from grace, not DJ. When Trent began to struggle he started to regress big time...hard to win in this league when your QB is timid to throw downfield.


    6. There are some top coaching candidates available right now, but it is very possible that next off season will have several elite coaching candidates available as well: Holmgren plans to take 1 year off, Cowher emphatically stated he does NOT want to coach this next year until his daughter graduates (and his top 2 chocies to coach won't be available likely next year Jets and Browns), Shannahan likely takes one season off, Mariucci and Billick could also still be there, etc. Add Andy Reid too to that mix as I think he is back next year, but it might be his last unless Philly has a real strong season.


    7. This team dealt with injury's to a lot key players on both D Line and O Line, QB, the secondary and LB positions. We didn't have the depth to overcome that.


    So, when you add up all the variables, it makes some sense to give DJ one year to try and rebound. If he falters next year (which very well could happen with what appears to be a tough schedule next season) there will be some Elite coaches available and likely quite a bit fewer job openings than this season increasing our odds to land one.

  11. First he says that the team is lacking the players and then he says the team is heading in the right direction. If he is not going to change the coaches, when he is he going to address the changes (if any)? Is he just going to stay silent and wait until all the anger passes (ala Lynch hit and run)?


    Hey, even I thought it was no big deal a month after lynch ran his car into the curb...or was it a dog....ohh yeaa, it was a person. See, the longer time marches on, the fewer questions Wilson have to answer. It is sad but true and he knows it.


    Here is my analysis on what's going on with Ralph.


    1. He is right on the money about a young team needing continuity (doesn't mean DJ and co. are the answer, but you don't develop young talent with constant change).


    2. He knows it will be a VERY unpopular decision, so probably why he didnt do a press conference...heck, the guy is 90.


    3. DJ, believe it or not, is still considered to be a pretty good coach in NFL circle and the team does love to play for him.


    4. Ralph signed him to the extension already, so pulling the plug on him is going to be expensive at this point.


    5. Troubles and inconsistency at QB greatly contributed to the demise of our season and we have a young QB who also missed time due to injury. This was the biggest reason for our fall from grace, not DJ.


    6. There are some top coaching candidates available right now, but it is very possible that next off season will have several elite coaching candidates available as well: Holmgren plans to take 1 year off, Cowher emphatically stated he does NOT want to coach this next year until his daughter graduates (and his top 2 chocies to coach won't be available likely next year Jets and Browns), Shannahan likely takes one season off, Mariucci and Billick could also still be there, etc. Add Andy Reid too to that mix as I think he is back next year, but it might be his last unless Philly has a real strong season.


    7. This team dealt with injury's to a lot key players on both D Line and O Line, QB, the secondary and LB positions. We didn't have the depth to overcome that.


    So, when you add up all the variables, it makes some sense to give DJ one year to try and rebound.

  12. I just wish Ralph would get on the "Fire Jauron" bus...lol




    I am not as down on DJ as you and some others, but man, there are a lot of quality coaches out there right now. Here is the one silver lining I see happening...


    If DJ flounders next year (the schedule appears to be a difficult one next year) it is a strong possibility that Cowher, Shannahan, and even Billick and Mariucci will still be available. It will actually increase the odds of landing Cowher because the 2 jobs he is the most interested likely wont be available next year (Jets and Browns) and he has made it pretty clear he wants to wait one more season before he returns to coaching since this is daughters last year of high school.


    I think Shannahan takes a year off too. Throw in Holmgren too next year as he said he wants to take a season off. If we don't have a winning season next year I just don't believe DJ would be back again and the coaching pool may be deep still, if not deeper.

  13. Yes, I've made other Schobel posts, but when I read the article, I had to make another thread to discuss the possible offseason surgery issues. I know you like Schobel and when he was healthy, he was a good player but even still, he wasn't worth the $8.7 million a year. IMO, it's time to cut him loose and move on.


    Yeah I know, and I know you are ready to move on...lol...I was just joking around with ya when I said another pile on Schobel thread...


    I am on the "not ready to retire Schobel" bus and you are on the "I think he is done" bus ... lol....


    its all good... :devil:

  14. I agree, Schobel having surgery and missing a chunk of next year will be a set back to the team...I just think he is still young enough to rebound from this injury and be a factor on this team. He has been pretty consistent, and even in his down year last year he practically tripled Julius Peppers output during the same season and he still made the Pro Bowl...and that was his down year statistically, yet was still solid.


    But, if I am wrong and he can't rebound, then I think we move on and replace him.


    Let me add this to be a little clearer...


    If we pick up a quality DE in FA or in the draft, and then have a chance at add a second one to replace Schobel or go after a TE, LB, OL, S, or even QB then I would hands down fill one of those than try and replace Schobel, at least right now. Those are more pressing needs as Schobel even at 90% or even 80% is still a quality starter...maybe not an anchor of the D, but still a quality starter, especially with his run D...

  15. To me, if Schobel needs surgery, this sets the team back and they need to have a plan ready. Last year's excuse for Schobel was that the D-line sucked, this year his injury, how long are the Bills gonna keep this guy & his high price tag before they cut him loose? If he can ever return to his pro-bowl form, then that would be great and I'll be the first to admit I'm wrong about him. But IMO, he's damaged goods and is highly overpaid.


    I agree, Schobel having surgery and missing a chunk of next year will be a set back to the team...I just think he is still young enough to rebound from this injury and be a factor on this team. He has been pretty consistent, and even in his down year last year he practically tripled Julius Peppers output during the same season and he still made the Pro Bowl...and that was his down year statistically, yet was still solid.


    But, if I am wrong and he can't rebound, then I think we move on and replace him.

  16. How is it a pile on Schobel thread??? He'll be 32 next season coming off an injury. It's time to plan for the future.


    I just mean Schobel is not the problem. He is a good player, a better run stopper than most DE's in this league, a good pass rusher, and our D is better with him on the field, especially our D line.


    We don't need 2 DE's, we need one. Keep Kelsay as a backup, dump Denney, bring Schobel back, and add another effective DE on the other side and we will have a really good front line (assuming everyone is healthy).


    as far as "another pile on schobel thread", that was just me ribbing jerry a bit because jerry has clearly communicated the dislike for Schobel in many a posts...


    I would love to see us bring in a DE that can put some pressure on the QB from the other side, but we don't need 2 and have more pressing needs than outright replacing both DE positions.

  17. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1...a4-57bc9933e88e


    "The two-time Pro Bowl defensive end is due back in Buffalo on Feb. 1 at which time he’ll be put through three days of hard football-related activity by the training staff. Then they’ll be a series of MRIs and x-rays to determine if the foot had made sufficient progress or if surgery needs to be performed.


    If surgery is the call, Schobel’s offseason will quickly become more challenging with a six month rehab process in front of him.


    And that’s why some outside observers are wondering if Buffalo’s top pass rusher will be able to recapture his Pro Bowl form".



    Great, they're waiting until February to determine is Schobel needs surgery or not. If that's the case, he'll be rehabbing until August and might not be ready to start the season. Even if he does come back at some point during the season, I can't see him being that effective.


    lol...another pile on schobel post huh...


    When it comes to injuries surgery is the last resort in most cases. If there is a chance to rehab it without the need of surgery, that is the first choice more often than not, especially during a season. It's quite possible they thought they could rehab the injury without the need of surgery, but now it's looking more like surgery will be needed which is why they are looking at doing the surgery now.


    From a football point of view, if they felt surgery was the only way, they don't wait til now to do it and risk him missing any part of next year. If they waited it was because there were non-surgery paths they tried first, and obvioulsy the injury is not responding well enough to this point. Its quite possible rushing him back made it worse to the point that now he is going to need surgery to repair it as well, which is another reason you don't rush players back.

  18. 99% of these people who post would not know how to coach a pee wee football team, much less try to organize the locker room in a NFL organization.


    All the negative comments on the poor play calls - GET OVER IT ! If the plays work they are great plays, if they fail everyone crys.


    Think about the calls that work. The fake punts & field goals, if they do not work everyone would cry -they did work an they were great calls.


    If JP does not fumble against JETs and completes the pass or runs for a first down, he's a hero, the coach is great, etc...


    If Matt Cassel get his 3rd down punt blocked, their coach is a stupid for trying it, he get a good punt and he's smart.


    Just let the Coach coach the team and try to support the effort the players give on the field. Hopefully we will get a few better bounces next year.


    I agree with you about the "arm chair" QB and knowing the true ends and outs of coaching, however, I don't agree with play calls you are referring too. First off, the fake punts and FG's are surprise plays at opportunistic times based on the defensive set and being unprepared as they are rare plays. Not a real fair comparison, and if one of them fails, you dont get as much slack for it because you were being aggressive.


    The problem with the play calls people (myself included) have a problem with are on CRITICAL 3rd and short or 4th and short when they try and get too cute with a play rather than just going with what we do well. They try and out smart the D on these plays and end up out smarting ourselves. On critical plays like this you go with your money plays, with what works, and MOST importantly, what has been working up to that point during the game.


    When Marshawn and Jackson are running like mad men with a 3 point lead in the game and 3 min on the game clock on 2nd and 5, you DON'T roll out your BACKUP QB who hasn't had an overly impressive game to that point and a tendency to fumble and throw INT's. Even if Losman completes the pass for a 1st down it is still NOT a good play call. Agreed that the fans may see it as a good call in that scenario, but truth is, from a coaching perspective that is still NOT a good call.


    There were several of these during the season that led to losses because we tried to get too cute in critical situations rather than go with our money plays or with what has been working.

  19. I am 32 and been a Bills fan since 88 growing up here in California. My dad was a HUGE niner fan and every year Berman made his Niners vs Bills SB prediction and my dad would always say "This is the year of the Buffalo", so I just started watching them at a time where I started seriously getting into football. Anyway I could root against the Niners was fun since my dad and I were so competitive.


    They quickly became one of the most exciting teams in the NFL and I just loved watching the games...been a huge fan ever since. It was my love for the Bills that got me started playing football which I did through 4 years of college for a Pac 10 school and even played for a National Championship. Prior to being a Bills fan I was all into baseball, soccer, and tae kwon do...I was good at that age for Soccer, but not good enough to do much with it past high school (or maybe even in high school), I suked at baseball, and tae kwon do was gonna do nothing for me, so thank you Buffalo (that means you Kelly, Thurman, Reed, Tasker, Smith, Bennett, and co.) for hooking me on football which turned me onto a path giving me some of the best moments of my life and got me where I am today.


    I am a fan of the Bills always, for better or worse. For me, this is less painful than losing 4 straight SB's, especially since I live in Cali and have to hear about how many the Niners have constantly. Doesnt help either that most my friends are either Niner, Cowboys, Colts, or Steeler fans, so I hear from all of them and it was never ending during the 4 straight losses.


    I would prefer to bring in a Mike Shannahan or someone like that, but I don't dislike DJ as much as most on this board. I think we can win with him, but they have to fix the playcalling. They try and get too cute on critical plays and outsmart themselves rather than just sticking with what's working.

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