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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. He can return punts too.


    Then lets get him because we dont have a single player on our team that can return punts worth a darn other than just 3 of the best in the whole league in McGee, Leodis, and Parrish (who is paid over $4 mil to really just return punts)

  2. The media likes to spin that witnesses changed their statement which wasnt the case at all. In fact, only a couple witness actually gave inconsistent testimony. It was BELIEVED that the way he would be portrayed was an active participant in the fight and therefore a suspect in the stabbing. However, upon FURTHER investigation, the assailants were identifed as Oakley and Sweeting by the vast majority of the witnesses and all attempts by the prosecutor to link Lewis to the acts of murdered failed. Even the famed blood trail they were going to try and show failed. Upon further investigation it became clearer that Lewis attempted to interfere in the fight as it got out of hand, but did not commit the act of stabbing anyone.


    What he did do was lie to the police to protect his two friends trying to protect them, something that I would say is reasonable to expect any friend to do for his friends in the heat of the moment.


    The only withness to flat out insist (even before the trial) that Ray was one of the stabbers was Anderson who is a convicted con man and was beleived to be trying to obtain leniency on his own fraud case by supplying "information". In fact, he even negotiated for this very thing before offering information.


    Furthermore...most of the so called eye witnesses that claimed to be able identify Lewis as a stabber in the fight were shown to not even have a view of what was going on and were making assumptions on being able to see nothing at all or just the tops of heads over a crowd and had ZERO view of the physical acts of stabbing or of who was holding the knives...this is where your fabled "witness changed testimony" comes from...no foul play is even suspected by the witnesses in terms of being intimdated or bought off...

  3. Or maybe your source, who is close to the case, is TOO close to the case, and has a bias (or some personal interest in the outcome) when it comes to what really happened.


    But, as a detached observer, I have a question for you: Are you disputing that witnesses changed their story?


    The media likes to spin that witnesses changed their statement which wasnt the case at all. In fact, only a couple witness actually gave inconsistent testimony. It was BELIEVED that the way he would be portrayed was an active participant in the fight and therefore a suspect in the stabbing. However, upon FURTHER investigation, the assailants were identifed as Oakley and Sweeting by the vast majority of the witnesses and all attempts by the prosecutor to link Lewis to the acts of murdered failed. Even the famed blood trail they were going to try and show failed. Upon further investigation it became clearer that Lewis attempted to interfere in the fight as it got out of hand, but did not commit the act of stabbing anyone.


    What he did do was lie to the police to protect his two friends trying to protect them, something that I would say is reasonable to expect any friend to do for his friends in the heat of the moment.


    The only withness to flat out insist (even before the trial) that Ray was one of the stabbers was Anderson who is a convicted con man and was beleived to be trying to obtain leniency on his own fraud case by supplying "information". In fact, he even negotiated for this very thing before offering information.

  4. After 2nite's game, I am willing to that most of Bills Nation will be screaming for Percy Harvin.

    think about this...... Harvin is a WR/RB hybrid with all world speed. Our fearless leader, Trent, likes to check down to his RB, our OC loves to put the RB out into the slot WR position. Our backup RB was a big part of the passing game this year. Harvin is like Reggie Bush without all the hype, I think Harvin is for real.

    Fred Jackson is a UFA this offseason. You gotta know that scouts around the league realize this guy can start at RB on alot of teams.


    I love Jackson, he just isnt the type of RB that screams "change of pace runningback". I love how Jackson runs. It reminds me of Marshawn Lynch. Too much. Think Lendale White/Chris Johnson of the Titans or Deangelo Williams and Jonathan Stewart, Deuce and Reggie, Jacobs and Bradshaw, Larry Johnson and Anthony Aldridge. I want the Buffalo version of Smash"n"Dash!!!!

    This guy PERFECTED the scatback/Wildcat formation.


    Almost all of you will agree that thie biggest thing this offense lacks is a true gamebreaker. I mean, Lee will burn you deep but hasnt been too impressive in the RAC area. Lynch wont break 50yd TDs like Adrian Peterson. Roscoe, to say the least, has been diappointing in the passing game. Reed's steadyness is his greatest strength, but that TD in St. Luis was his 1st in 2 yrs. Hardy needs time to develop but will never be a gamebreaker.


    You can say " draft Crabtree if he drops" or take a chance on Maclin. Some of you think that Jermain Gresham is the key. HARVIN is the playmaker this team is aching for!




    Lets start a movement.


    Really? On a team with so many needs you want us to draft a RB? Especially when we have Lynch? A guy who will be lucky to get just 10 touches a game? Come on now...thats like using a first round pick to draft a punt returner...


    We need a DE, C, TE, QB, LB WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY more than a RB. Since you mention how dink and donk Trent is, why not draft a stud QB who can get the ball down field rather than a player that will continue to encourage our "deer in the headlights" QB to just check it down and dump off again?

  5. I know, get over it, right?


    I am not going to get over it because it is costing us "Wins" every season.


    Let me ask you this....


    There are 32 head coaches in the NFL and they should be the very best coaches in the country.


    Most high School head coaches learn about clock management before they are even considered for Head Coach.


    How do you explain running the ball with 30 seconds remaining on the clock against New England.


    Bill Billechick must have been laughing all night about that one.


    If that's not bad enough, how do you explain calling a huddle? A quick score and unside kick could have won the game.


    Think of it this way...this is like hiring a bank teller that does not know how to count money,then offering them an extension when the books show continuous discrepancies.


    Perhaps you think Dick Jauron will improve, well you have more patience then me.


    Some of you have already given up on Derek Fine and James Hardy.


    If Ralph does not address clock management this off season by turning over the duties to someone else, it will cost us big time next season. I can list over 15 games where the clock was not used properly in the last few years and so could you!


    I hate harping on this issue, but the situation is ridiculous.


    Its just plain crazy to expect your players to be well prepared when the head coach is clearly lost!


    Another wounded fan who needs someone to call the "waahhh-bulance" and its siren that goes "waahh, waahh, waahh"


    Geezus...time to move on. DJ isn't as bad as people want to make him out to be...he's not great and made his share of mistakes, but we lose for one reason and one reason only...OUR QB isn't any good. Plain in simple. We barely beat terrible teams when he was healthy and had confidence, then when he was hurt our back up played terrible, and when he was healthy he was so shell shocked that he couldnt even attempt a pass downfield when we had WR's open countless times!


    Until we solidify the QB position, this team will NOT win unless our D becomes as dominant as the Giants, Ravens or Titans...its just that simple.

  6. You're right, I did make quite the ignorant statement. I said he killed one person, when he actually killed two people. Here's how it went down...all the witnesses who eventually labelled Lewis as the "peacemaker" initially told investigators that Lewis had murdered the two guys. But on the day of the trial, almost all of the witnesses suddenly changed their minds about what had happened. Ya think maybe they were threatened into giving that falsified testimony?


    Face it...Lewis murdered those guys (or at the very least helped) but he walked because of his stature and connections to whomever got to those witnesses.


    I bet you think OJ didn't do it either. (See how annoying it is when people put words in your mouth?)


    Thats not exactly how it went down, but if you want to spout off about it going down that way, so be it. I know someone close to the case and can assure you I have more insight on the facts of this case then you...


    Then again, you must be right as I am sure your education on this case came from Wikipedia or TMZ...maybe some other gossip column somewhere, which now qualifies you as an expert trial lawyer on such subject to make outlandish claims where not a single thread of physical evidence ever existed...you go boy.

  7. Let's hope the Bills finish 4-12 or worse in 2009 so that Ralphie gets stuck paying out mega bonus money to our 2010 draft pick. A top three pick would likely cost the Bills 30+ million in signing bonus money.


    It would teach him a lesson on being cheap. :w00t:


    Please provide one intelligent example of how Ralph is so cheap that you think this will teach him a lesson? I find it so funny that most "Ralph is cheap" posters are aslo the same posters upset that Dockery, Schobel, Walker, Parrish, etc make so much money.


    You wanna complain on who the money is spent on, then fine. But enough of the "he wont spend money" posts. I would like just one intelligent example of when he chose NOT to spend money. And don't say DJ becuase DJ was MARV LEVY's choice, and he paid him a hefty extension. Truth is, he has spending lots of money on players which is a key reason he was so pissed off this season. The real issue is that we don't have a true GM to make better decisions...

  8. I believe Bruce only got #4 on the NFL channels top 10 pass ruhers - they had Deacon Jones ahead of both Bruce and Reggie.


    I wish we could find the next Bruce as he truly was a very, very good football player. Besides ... Bruuuuce ... always made for a greet cheer from the crowd.


    NFL Network top 10 Pass Rushers


    Fan voting on the right side of the page has Smith as #4 too...they rank it White, LT, Deacon, Smith

  9. I wish when I was on active duty in the Marines that I could have been traded to the Air Force or stopped coming to work because I felt I wasn't getting paid enough.


    I understand your points and draft picks are like gambling, you don't know what you're gonna get. But the Bills took Peters under their wing, gave him a chance and helped developed him into a pro-bowl LT. Also, they rewarded him with a contract extension well before it was up. If my employer did that for me, I would be very loyal.


    Yeah, but just like any business, the better you get at your job the more valuable you become and the more you should be paid. They extended him but not with the kind of extension you get as an elite LT. When he became one of the top LT in the game, his deal again was below market.


    Everyone has to remember, any of these guys can have this career taken from them on any given play, just ask Kevin Everett about that. Then what? Look at Javon Walker in GB. He wanted a new deal, was gonna hold out...then didnt and tore his acl in like the first week of that season BEFORE he got his new deal. Lucky for him, Al Davis is an idiot and he eventually got his money, except he got it when he was no longer worth it.


    These guys have a small window to make what they are worth before their age gets too high or injurys short change them. The NFL is a business and no one is more cut throat than the owners when it comes to cutting players.


    Now I agree, holding out wasn't the best choice, but we don't know what was going on behind the scenes, what broken promises were there, or even what his agent was feeding him. Now, he reported and held up his end of the deal and hasnt even mentioned it since, so its time for the Bills FO to keep their end and rework his contract as they said they would if he reported.

  10. Mike Shanahan would have been both Head coach and OC

    you heard me Ralph...... ya big dummie


    Shannahan isnt coaching anywhere in 09...


    It's currently lining up to be a coaching gold mine as 4 of the top 10 winnigest coaches of all time should be available as well as some others. So if DJ fails again in 09, he will get the ax and there will be premiere coaching candidates there for us to choose from and quite a few less jobs for them to choose.


    2010 likely has these top 4 winnigest coaches of all time:






    Other possibles that might also still be there or come available:

    Reid (if philly flounders next year)

    Shottenheimer (if he doesn't take something this year)






    There likely will not be nearly as many coaching openings as there is this year meaning less competition for their services. If we can show some promise again next year and have a decent draft, we should be a pretty attractive place to come into in terms of talent at that point too.

  11. We have one viable DE and one viable DT........how can you expect him to scheme around that?


    While I agree with you its the poor play upfront, I disagree its our DT's fault. Our interior D played a lot better and was quite a bit more effective before Schobel went down. In fact, if I am not mistaken, we were top 5 in the league agaisnt the run when we were 5-1 after facing some pretty good running teams. Schobel is one of the best DE in the league against the run, plus he draws extra attention on the pass rush making life easier on our DT's.


    Once we lost any real threat outside, it allowed them to give more attention to the middle making our interior line less effective.


    We get a good DE on the other side of Schobel then it will make a real big difference. Throw in a LB who can wreak havoc for the QB and get in there as well, and we have one of the better D's in the league as our secondary is pretty solid when healthy, although a upgrade a safety to pair with Whitner would also be a welcomed addition.

  12. Have heard that Brady will more than likely need another surgery to repair his knee and will be out for the 2009 season. The ligaments aren't healing the way they are supposed to. If he comes back he would have to wear a brace and the knee would still be less stable and prone to re-injury. Would the Patriots do the unthinkable? Would they trade or release Tom Brady(trade more likely because they'll want to get what they can)? Let's think of who this has happened to in the past. Boomer Esiason to the Jets. Joe Montana to the Chiefs. Kurt Warner multiple times. Drew Bledsoe to us :ph34r: Is Brady next on the list?


    Right now, its insurance. Brady is significantly better than Cassel at this point in their careers...just look at sack numbers...Brady is one of the slowest QB's in the league yet he is one of the most mobile in terms of moving around the pocket to avoid the rush and give himself time to throw.


    That being said, if Brady's knee is going to keep him out in 2009, then I think NE is put in a position where Brady renegotiates his contract or they move him if Cassel has another strong year in 09. Too much risk to pin the franchise on a bum knee at the price tag Brady, not to mention Brady's age come 2010, so I think they go long term with Cassel, especially if he continues to improve next year. Cassel has been good and is showing lots of promise, but I still think NE sticks with Brady if he can play at all in 09 and shows the knee holds up, but it won't take much for them to consider a change.

  13. This guy is sick!! I've been watching him play week in and week out for the last 2 years, and I'm convinced that he will be a future pro bowler!!! As much as I would like to see Steve Johnson and James Hardy compete for a significant wide reciever role on our team, I believe it would be very difficult to pass on Hakeem Nicks in the second round.


    I think he looks like a stud too, but we have more pressing needs than another WR to develop, so I just see how we can use a first day pick on one..

  14. I would agree with you that you can't buy your way to the superbowl- but would disagree if you're saying you can't get better using FA- as for building through the draft I agree but the Bills unfortunately haven't been very good in that area- and our coach is not particularly good either - so I'm not looking for a Superbowl anytime soon- but can't we be at least fun to watch and be relevant down the stretch.


    Again, just to clarify. I am not saying FA doesnt help...its a key part of building a team sure. But overspending to bring in big names is not the key to FA and its been proven over and over again in the NFL by the biggest culprits (Dallas, Wash, Raiders, Jets) and its even true in other sports for the most part.

  15. There's a theme there, sure. But those teams have made some FA mistakes too. I think Baltimore overpaid for Samari Rolle. Lavar Arrington with the Giants? The Patriots overpaid Stallworth and Colvin. I'm sure the contract Duce Staley signed in Pittsburgh wasn't insanely high, but he wasn't worth it.


    Other teams make free agency mistakes, even the good ones. They're just harder to notice because those teams win consistently.


    I should clarify a bit...what I was saying is that going out and getting the big names out there and spending way more than they are worth is not the key to winning...I would not classify Lavar on that list or Staley. Sure, they didnt pan out, but they were not paid enormous amounts of money as what I was referring to and injuries cut their value short. No one team drafts or signs FA's perfectly, but those teams I mentioned do not generally give players absurds amounts of money just to come play for them or even retain them like Wash, Dallas, Jets, and Raiders have typically done in recent years.


    It was more directed at those saying pay Peppers or Haynesworth (who both likely stay where they are at) 2 or 3 million per year more than what they are offered in Car or Tenn respectively. I have even seen posts arguing we should offer Haynesworth $13 million per year when he doesnt even fill a top 5 need on our team (DE, LB, TE, C, QB are all more pressing needs than DT).

  16. Ray Lewis now or Ray Lewis 5 years ago? Because if you mean now you're crazy. He's lost a few steps and he's missed his share of tackles this year, he's nowhere near the best defensive player on the Ravens anymore. Overrated these days ...


    I would take Ray in a hearbeat right now if we could sign him. He has an ABUNDANCE of what we lack...








  17. Hopefully Tebow spends another season in Florida and he'll be available in the 2010 draft. He will be an NFL stud from day one if you can get him to run a little less but always be a threat.


    Huh? I can't decide if you are being funny or serious...if you are being serious, then I will bet you a $1 that Tebow never makes a pro bowl in the NFL...

  18. And he's a model citizen off the field as well. He's only killed one person.


    Pretty ignorant post as you clearly are not that familiar with the case. The vast majority or eye witness testimony was that he was a "peacemaker" in the situation and tried breaking it up. The only one who really was on the "Ray did it" band wagon in the case was a ex con in trouble for fraud that was trying to help his own case. Ray's big mistake, lying to the police about who was in the limo to protect his friends who were the culprits. Ray didn't kill anyone...


    He was cleared on all accounts.


    I bet you think Kobe raped that girl too...you know the girl that who had no semen from Kobe on her panties she wore the night she was allegedly raped, yet had semen from 3 other men on them...the same girl who dropped the case when she learned she was going to be put on the stand...

  19. What got me looking at this was when I was checking out Owen Daniels TE and I started looking at Houston- QB with a very good QB rating, stud WR, very productive RB, and TE, highly rated DE, MLB - much hyped DT- some of these teams had injuries but you could say the same about the Bills - Edwards, Schobel, Reed, Greer and Crowell plus the Peters disaster- my point is I thought I knew where you have to be good to win- but I look at these teams and think it's a little more complicated and mysterious.


    This just goes to show that overpaying for some high priced FA is not the answer. You need to be solid as a unit. Name one FA that Pitt, NE, NYG, Balt, or Indy have over paid for? There isnt one...they have won the last 7 SB's.


    How many SB's has Dallas, Washington, Jets, or Raiders won in the last 10 years of over paying high profile FA's? Um, ZERO.


    So your point above is good...its more complicated then just compiling a few stud players. You need players that fit your scheme/system, need depth, and most importantly you need to do this by building through the draft...


    Not once in NFL history has going out and over spending on high profile FA's ever won a superbowl...this hasnt worked a single time ever which makes me laugh when I see people crying out to offer Peppers or Haynesworth way more than the going rate to lure them here when there is zero chance they come her anyway. As if acquiring them will suddenly make Trent a QB who can throw to his WR's, or make the OL block better, or make the team stay healthy, or make the Tight End more productive, or make Hardy develop into a stud, etc...

  20. You have a point there. To go even further, w/ our coaching staff, we're probably not much better served getting a guy like LB Rey Maualuga, OT Michael Oher, or any of the top DEs, either. They'd just be wasted on these guys. Sad, but true.


    I'll say this: ideally, I'd take Crabtree if there's no stud pass rusher or LB available. Of course, ideally, Dick Jauron wouldn't be the head coach and his staff wouldn't be here either.


    Gresham helps this O more than Crabtree...guaranteed. Especially with Trent "check down" Edwards throwing the ball.

  21. I am not the sharpest football mind but one difference I noticed between our offense and those of the teams playing yesterday, is how much time the QBs seem to have at the LOS after breaking the huddle to scan and read the D before the snap.


    This year both Trent & JP seemed to consistently break the huddle and get to the line with 5-8 seconds left on the play clock. Not saying this is the QB's fault - there seems to be a lot of indecision in playcalling with the Bills coaching staff, most notably at the end of the half against the Pats*. Playoff teams seem to get to the LOS with 10-12 seconds, giving the QB plenty of time to scan and read before the snap.


    This, and quality tight end play were two glaring differences I noticed yesterday. Anyone else notice this?


    QB PLAY!!!!!!


    The only team in the playoffs that didnt have an above average QB this year was probably Baltimore. But the QB "game managed" and let that dominating D and solid Run game do its job.


    Our inability to throw a pass to the WR's kills us, especially with no real threat at TE. And dont tell me (not you OP, refering to the other posters) about our WR's not getting open as they repeatedly got open and TE/JP couldnt get them the ball. Many a replays showed Evans and Co. open while Trent dumps off short on a check down, often because he didnt just turn his head and look to the other side of the field.


    Our long drives were a product most of the time of our running game. Once Trent came back and started to struggle he was a shell of what he had been and that was the end of our season...blame DJ all you want, but Trent, yes your beloved Trent combined with the poor play of JP is the SOLE reason our season is over.


    Sure DJ had his bone head moments that I think should have gotten him replaced, but our season was more greatly affected by lousy QB play...the same thing that has hampered just about every year since Kelly retired. You can NOT win in this league without solid QB play. The only exception is if you have a dominating D, but even then, the QB still needs to not lose them games...

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