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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Apparently the gift non-call of forward lateral must have slipped his mind. Although I hated to see Willis McMoron's team win, I have to give credit to the football gods for screwing over the previously anointed AFC Champion Titans. The football gods have given the gift of tit-for-tat to the boo hooing titans!







    I am as big of a Bills fan as there is, but even I have to admit the Music City Miracle was NOT a forward lateral and has been proven not to be a forward lateral countless times. Bills fans need to get over this and accept that our HORRIBLE Special Teams coverage on that play is why we lost the game as the officials got a VERY CLOSE call correct on this play. And this is from someone who was screaming about this during the play, but accpeted the decision after several replays and computer analysis showed it to be a almost exact lateral pass...regardless, it was close to judge and the officials (probably through dumb luck) got this call right.

  2. Special team are more important that you seem to give them credit for (at least judging by this post). A great punter, and coverage team helps control field position, as does a good return team. The FG unit, needless to say, decides many games in the NFL. As for the "6 plays a game" comment, I trust it was partially in jest, but FYI, Special Teams make up about 17% (sometimes more) of an NFL game.


    I definitely understand how important special teams is, dont get me wrong, but they are not on the field enough to lean on to win us games. No SB winner ever won becuase they were marginal in every other aspect of the game yet exceptional on Special Teams...


    Thats all my post was saying...we dont scare anyone anywhere else...

  3. Or maybe he knows that NFL scouts realize (unlike the average fan), that nobody is drafting him as a QB.


    I think is a big factor of why he is returning...he probably hopes to show growth as a passer in hope to raise the chances to be drafted and groomed as a QB at the next level...

  4. shows me how far from a good team/playoff team the Bills are. This includes coaching.


    You know what stands out the most to me is that we dont have one area that we just dominate and intimidate opponents. We don't dominate on the D Line, no road grading O Line, don't light up the passing stats, don't run consistently or break off huge gains, don't intimidate passers in the secondary...


    In other words we have no identity, intensity or swagger. No one comes in and goes "Holy Sh*t, how do we handle _____"...


    We need some intensity...I know its a long shot, but bringing some vets like Ray Lewis or Brian Dawkins would help. It doesnt help that our coaching staff doesnt have any intensity either.


    We need swagger on the Offensive side of the ball too, and that starts with the O Line and QB.


    We NEED to be scary on at least one side of the ball...we don't intimidate anyone.

  5. What about L.J. Smith? He's got all the talent in the world, he's an East Coast kid but he's always injured. He would definitely bring an added dimension to the offense and we may be able to get him on the cheap since he is coming off of an injury riddled season. Is he worth it?


    I think LJ would be a solid pick up for us and could come at a very reasonable price. With him and Fine I think we would be solid at TE and it would allow us to focus on other areas in the draft and FA. Not my first choice, but not a bad one either.

  6. There is a lot of talk that he might not be back in Phi next year. If we have a shot at him we need to SERIOUSLY consider bringing him in. He brings what we lack...intensity, intimidation, leadership, ferocity, passion, and swagger. Something our D SORELY NEEDS...

  7. If your a defensive player on the field against the Buffalo Bills and they run a shotgun formation,what are you thinking?


    If you think pass, you would be correct about 95% of the time as the Bills rarely handed off in the shotgun and I don't recall ever seeing them direct snap it to the RB.When the opposing defense knows exactly what your going to do it makes it much easier to defend.


    Um, most teams don't run out of the shotgun and pass more than 90% of the time...why you ask, because it's not a very effective running formation and usually teams are in shotgun in long situations. Even rarer is the direct snap to the RB in Shotgun...so how are we any different?


    One can argue that Bills actually went WAY TOO often with the unexpected to have it back fire. So many times on this board people were screaming "why didn't they just keep it simple" because we went with some abnormal play to pick up a key first down just to see it back fire.


    One of the biggest flaws of our play calling was the constant "over creativity" where they tried way too often to out smart the opposing team and got too cute when we should have just hammered the ball. We don't have the personnel, especially at QB and O Line to pull on these "creative" plays off and we paid for it.

  8. Insults notwithstanding, the kid is a drastic improvement over what we had. Yeah, I know.....quarterbacks don't win games.


    Huh? What exactly has Trent done that constitutes the statement "Drastic improvement"? During the second half of the season you can argue he played as bad as JP ever played...Even when we were winning he wasnt lighting the field on fire, and that was against some of the worst pass defenses in the league.


    Second...anyone who says QB doesnt win games is just crazy. You can not win in the NFL without at the very least solid QB play. The only exception to the rule is if you have an ELITE defense that can keep the score low. However, for that to be true, you still need a QB competent enough to not turn the ball over and a running game to keep the chains moving.


    The play of our QB position is the #1 reason we have not had a winning season. I don't care if Jimmy Johnson, Bill Walsh or Bill Parcels were our coach, if the QB plays the way it has played we will not be a super bowl winning franchise based on the level of talent in the other areas of our team. You put the Baltimore Defense on our squad, sure, we are a scary team with our current offense...but last I checked they were still all out in Baltimore and because of that we need production from our offense which starts and stops with our QB's ability to EXECUTE our offense.

  9. Me teenks me wants da points. :lol:


    With the point spread, I go Balt, Pitt, Philly, AZ...I also think these 4 will win the games outright too.


    Balt D is playing out of this world and the team is feeding off it. Tenn has been flat the last 5 weeks and I just dont see them beating Balt. I like Balt 20-10.


    Pitt (assuming Roth plays as they say he will) will just be too much for SD, who has key weapons hampered by injuries. I like Pitt 24-14.


    Philly is playing great all around football right now, and NY is not the same team without Plaxico. The D has fallen off a bit, and the passing game has been stagnant without Plaxico opening up the field. The ground game is stout, but Philly has a good Run D and with the passing game be average at best lately in NY, they can focus on stopping the run more. Plus, Philly already beat them in a critical game once this year...I see Philly winning 24-14.


    AZ, everyone forgets, was up 17-3 in the 3rd quarter the last time these 2 teams played before a fumble by Edge and a pass that was tipped was INT by Carolina. They are playing with a lot of emotion and excitement right now and I think coming off the bye Carolina actually may have less energy going into this game. AZ feeds off being the underdog, and if I have to bet on Warner or Delhomme, I go Warner all day long. I see AZ in an upset 30-24.

  10. Marvin Harrison huh...


    We already have a vet who is better at going underneath in Reed.


    Bringing him in is going to slow down the development of Johnson and Hardy.


    He brings no intangibles like leadership and intensity.


    Oh yeah, he has that whole gun thing where evidence is surfacing that might show him as the guy who fired the gun.


    Don't see how this guy helps our team.


    If we bring in a vet, it needs to be a guy who can be a difference maker above what we already have. TJ, Boldin, etc. come to mind, but both are likely to go elsewhere (I think Boldin stays in AZ and TJ lands in Philly or maybe Tenn).


    Personally, I would rather see us spend the money on a QB who can push Trent for the job, and even if Trent wins the job can be a dependable backup for Mr Fragility. Our poor WR production starts and stops with adequate QB play, something neither Trent or JP did with any consistency last year. Trent's only successes, which were not exactly overwhelming performances anyway, were against very poor passing defenses. I dont care if we bring in Randy Moss next year, we won't improve the passing game until we get good consistent play or better from our QB position.

  11. Yeah I mean a 2nd rounder dont seem like much, but when Moss was had for a 4th.......thats why I said thats way too much to give up!


    Thurman Thomas was a second rounder...the second round has too much value to give it away for a player who can't stay on the field and cant stop doing or saying bone head things...we have enough fragile players on this team.


    I would be ok with a 3rd and a 5th though...

  12. I'll gladly take all your emotional responses! Go ahead and fire away. But in a quieter time, when the anger and frustration we all feel subsides, when we dare to let logic enter the conversation, the bottom line is that the Buffalo Bills do not bring in enough money to fund a Super Bowl winner.


    We are unhappy when Winfield, Williams, Clements and others are due for a big contract and our team let's them leave. We hate it when top free agents are never signed by the Bills, especially when they end up as opponents in our division.

    The top GMs and coaches are never hired by Mr. Wilson and that often means we cannnot win games where coaching is the deciding factor.


    So each year we hope and dream that the planets will line up and we will be one of those one year wonder teams who win games they shouldn't, get more than their share of lucky calls and bounces, and overachieves in their play. When it doesn't happen. we start blaming owners, staff and players. Yes, they fail to realize the success we hope for, but the culprit is the bottom line. How can we be so deluded to think that we can spend the bucks that the Patriots, Cowboys and other rich organizations do, when Ralph doesn't have anything close to their revenue coming in?


    Of course, it's easy to be a fan and say he should do it for the community and people who support his team. But while it is easy to say, there are very few business people who would actually spend more than what is financially expedient of the money received from their (cash cow) NFL franchise. I'll bet I have accused Mr. Wilson of being cheap a hundred times over the years. But deep down, I know he is not the problem. The decline of major corporations, population and economic prosperity in Buffalo is the reason behind it all. I have spent thousands on season and game tickets, team gear, etc. but the Bills don't "owe me" anything. Each year I get to decide whether I want to pay for the product or not. Whether I want to be frustrated or not. I am still going to be a fan of the Bills next year, even though I'll hate it if they have a bad season. But when I think it through logically, there are no villains involved; just the economics in my beloved city.



    I dont know about all your theories in your post...but the one thing you did get right is that Wilson is no where near as cheap as posters want to say he his. Need proof? Look at the contracts of Kelsay, Denney, Walker, Dockery, Evans, Stroud, Parrish, Mitchell, etc.


    You can question what players the money is spent on (again, not Ralphs call) but you can not question his willingness to spend money.


    For the record, he was SMART in not over paying clements as clements demanded and got a contract way above his actual ability as a corner. I would have been ticked off if we gave Clements the same horrible contract SF gave him.


    I would have like to have kept Winfield, but we had Clements developing and at the time Winfield wanted more than he was worth too, and quite frrankly, he just didnt make enough plays at corner. Sure he was a good tackler, but he could barely intercept the ball even if you handed it to him. So, he was seen as expendable based on his play to THAT point and the fact Clements was becoming a top corner at the time.


    What we need is a full time GM who can evaluate talent...Pioli is still out there, why on earth we are not talking to this guy is beyond me.

  13. Really a 2nd rounder? Randy Moss was had for a 4th. IMHO a 2nd pick is too much to give for Winslow. Maybe a 3rd, but noway I give them a 2nd. I would love to have Winslow, but that 2nd round pick means way to much to this team. Granted we may draft a TE in the 2nd I dont know.....I guess it all depends on what we do in FA. Then I might change my mind. But id offer a 3rd to see where the talks go....


    Yeah, a 2nd is too much. The guy has only proven one thing...he can't stay on the field. Ok, two things...he can't stop doing bone head things.


    I think a 3rd is where his market taps out...I wouldnt freak if we gave a 2nd, but his durability issues make that a real questionable move.


    I am not a Denney fan based solely on his contract, but to be fair to Denney and honest, those numbers are pretty good for a DE. If he has 6 more sacks you guys are calling him the next Bruce Smith. I mean 6 more sacks means he got 6 more plays that lost a few yards out of the hundreds and hundreds of plays he played this season.


    94 tackles by a DE mean he was getting lots of short gains, no gains, and even tackles for loss as DE do not typically make tackles way down field.


    Granted, we need a DE that can put pressure on the QB, but those are not bad numbers he put up either. The only bad stat was that he LED the team in sacks with only 4...doesnt bother me he only had 4, bothers me no one else had more. A guy like him paired with a pass rush specialist where they can move em around would be quite effective.

  15. If Schobel rebounds successfully from surgery, he is much better than an average NFL DE. I fear that he may have some trouble, though. I hear that he may not be ready to play, or play at his previous level, in 2009.


    The Bills may have to plan on not having Schobel next season.


    EDIT: Oh, Tank might be a good addition, for this team. I'd have no problem with that pickup.


    True...Schobel's play against the run gets overlooked by his sacks or lack of sacks. Truth is, he is one of the best DE's in the league against the run to go with his ability to sack the QB. So, getting him back would be a solid addition to our team. Schobel at 85% is still better than most at 100%.


    However, it does depend on how he recovers...


    Tank would be a solid addition and I think he would flourish next to Stroud like he did next to Harris in Chi.

  16. He has apparently wore out his welcome there. (READ BELOW) but I think if we can trade for him, we do it. I don't think his "character" issues would be a problem. He plays tremendously hard, has great hands, and he is EXACTLY what we need at TE. Young, proven, and good. If we could trade for him, sign Birk, and sign Tank Johnson/DT/DE. And then draft a DE, OLB, and C. We could be a VERY good team next year.




    I know that the Browns will also trade tight end Kellen Winslow this off-season and that he has not been a part of any discussions with coaching candidates.


    I wouldn't mind bringing him in, although he has serious durablility issues.


    Be nice if we could trade for a package of him and Derek Anderson who could compete with Trent.

  17. I guess my question is (and as down as I am on Jauron and Co. this is intended as a question and not a bash), is it the QB, or is it the people guiding the QB? If Edwards' development has faltered (much like Losman's) is that inherent to the player, or is it possible that a different coaching staff could turn his head around?


    The answer to that will tell us if we should pick up another young QB, or if we should go with an old hand who doesn't need the same kind of player development a rookie or young player would need.


    Good points...but...


    One, the HC is NOT going to groom our young QB...you do know DJ was a defensive player and has a defensive background. Thats like having Don Mattingly as your pitching coach instead of your hitting coach. The QB is groomed by the QB coach and the OC on his mechanics.


    Two, the staff has not mismanaged Trent like they did with JP. TE regressed on his own during games because he lost his confidence and his field vision. He didnt respond well to adversity, and while some of that is on the coaching staff, the majority of that is on the make up of Trent and his fragile psyche and body.


    Now, JP I think can benefit in a new system. One, our system we have now doesnt fit his style of play. Two, he has no trust in the staff or FO after how he was mishandled so much and he just needs a fresh start somewhere to try and resurrect his career, if he even can.

  18. We know Marv/Dick were completely petrified of trading down when Whitner was on the board, and while I hope they've learned their lesson I don't think they have.


    Why do you say this? Just because we didn't doesnt mean they were scared to do so.


    One, they need a trading partner, one that is in a position to where the office feels confident they can still get their guy, so that limits how far down you can go and therefore limits the pool of potential trading partners.


    Two, the team we are trading with has to want a guy bad enough that is available that they feel won't be in their existing slot and be willing to part with enough compensation to warrant us moving down and risking not getting the targeted player.


    Three, if the guy you truly want is there and it appears he is coveted by another team near your draft slot, you have to stay put and make your pick.


    So, these claims that we were too stupid to trade down, too scared to trade down, etc. are laughable. There is SOOO much that goes into trading down and is no where near as simple as posters make it out to be.

  19. Says a completely delusional Dick Jauron supporter who needs someone to call in the guys with the white jackets and a big net.


    I prefer to replace DJ too, but it's not gonna happen and it's not as bad as you wanna make it out to be. We have way bigger issues, like a QB who plays shell shocked and afraid or incapable of throwing down field consistently who gets hurt if you fart to close to him...


    We won't win until Trent suddenly becomes less fragile and he learns to throw to his WR's when they are open or even in tight coverage. I don't care if Lombardi was our coach, we won't win with this kind of QB play...

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