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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. 2 months ago, The University of Tennessee offered Jon Gruden, the head coaching job, told them he was happy in Tampa Bay, a week later, they gave the head coaching spot, to Jon Gruden's defensive coordinators son Lane Kiffin, and Monte Kiffin goes along with him. Now Jon Gruden gets canned, some what ironic, maybe thinking he probably should have taken the University of Tennessee Head Coaching position. But a little more Ironic, that the Mike Holmgren calling it quits happen on a ripple effect with Jon Gruden getting fired, and Hot Dog Reid could possibly be on his way out of philly, if he doesn't win either and oh yeah We keep Dick Jauron. A little strange thought there!


    lol, how many Gruden threads are you gonna start Yasin?

  2. tampa was one of the worst franchises in the nfl for decades. Gruden brought them a ring and now they are cocky?


    I just love some of the stuff people post on here...


    You make it sound like Gruden built a Super Bowl winner and single handedly turned that franchise around...


    DUNGY built that team and got it right on the cusp of being a SB champion, Gruden won the very first year with DUNGY's team and hasnt sniffed the Super Bowl since. Dungy created Tampa Bay football along with Kiffin, Gruden had NOTHING to do with that franchises turnaround, all he did was close the deal in his first year against a team he knew inside and out in Oakland that year.


    Dungy was the one who turned that loser franchise into a Super Bowl contender, this is not even debateable.

  3. This may be enough for me to actively root against the Bills next season.


    Just how bad does Jauron need to be to lose his job? 4-12? 3-13? 0-16? Whatever it takes.


    Honestly, I think DJ has to make playoffs next year or he is out. I don't see Wilson keeping him with anything less than a playoff appearance, ESPECIALLY given the caliber of coaches that will be available.


    Looking ahead at our schedule, this will be no easy achievement and honestly, I don't know if we can make the playoffs next year with Trent as our QB unless he makes a big turn around and finds a way to stay healthy.

  4. The greatest offseason for head coaches....ever......and we have...


    Dick.....and Turk.....


    Explain to me how it is the greatest off season of coaches of all time? Dungy, Holmgren, Cowher and Shannahan ALL have made it crystal clear they will NOT coach this upcoming year...


    2010 will be the greatest offseason for NFL coaches of all time with those 4 likely putting there name back in the mix as well as some others like Gruden (assuming he sits a year too), Marty, Billick, and Mariucci.

  5. I think the Jets will call Gruden. Could you imagine if Oakland brought him back!? Pioli could can Herm and try Jon. And he could also be lured by the chance to coach Jackson, Holt and Bulger in St. Louis. I think he'll very much be in the mix with other teams this year. But he may opt for time off and come back next year, but then again why would he wanna compete with Shanny and Cowher for jobs next year? We'll see.


    I just wish it was our team in the mix of looking at these guys. Maybe next year...


    Yeah, I would suspect he will contacted by someone like KC and maybe the Jets. However, I doubt he enters the running in St. Louis...Bulger isn't what he used to be, Pace is wearing down, and Holt is on the downside of his career and likely won't be in St. Louis much longer and even believes he was being phased this past year. No way he goes back to that black hole in Oakland though as he will have way better options...


    From a business stand point, you would think looking for a HC spot this year would be a better scenario for him given the glutany of top coaching candidates likely in the mix in 2010, however, coaching takes a big toll on you and many coaches as entrenched and intense as Gruden tend to like to a year to recharge so to speak.


    Of all the big time coaches though out of work, he is the only one that might take a job this year given his age and the pool of coaches available in 2010, but I still think he sits a year.

  6. I want to stick with Schonert; he has potential.


    What I'd like to see is a "consultant" brought it, as we did with LeBeau a few years ago.


    Why not bring in Crennel as a defensive assistant/consultant? I'm sure he could help us when we play the Pats.


    My biggest gripe with Turk is his habit of trying to get to cute with a play at critical junctions in a game, ala bellichick, trying to outsmart the opponent. Problem is, we don't have Brady to pull it off. At critical junctions we too often went with the unexpected when we should have stuck with what had been working and it cost us dearly when our personnel couldnt execute. I respect the risk taking, but our offense just isnt capable of executing it well enough yet to validate how often we tried.

  7. Isn't it funny how *after* we hear of Jauron's retention that guys like Shanahan & Gruden become available?




    This is going to be the popular vogue thing to say this offseason..."we could have had Dungy, Cowher, Shannahan or Gruden" when it's not even remotely close to a reality that could have happened.


    Neither Dungy, Cowher and Shannahan will not coach this year, so even if we fired DJ we will not have gotten either of them. I suspect Gruden will likely take a season off too.


    Bottom line is that all of you "FIRE DJ" guys should be estatic we didnt fire DJ this year as 2010 is shaping to be the greatest pool of available coaches the NFL as ever seen as 4 of the winnigest coaches of all time will likely be available still and looking to coach again (Dungy, Shannahan, Cowher and Holmgren) plus other standouts now like Gruden and Marty.


    There will be far fewer openings next year as they were this year given how many changes were made this year, so any of these coaches seriously wanting to come back into the league in 2010 will have to give us real consideration as we will be one of few openings if we fire DJ after this year (which we will unless he gets us in the post season) and probably an attractive spot as a team with some solid young talent.


    I dont want to hear about how we could have had any of these coaches this year as that is not even close to true as they dont want to coach this next year. Well, we dont yet know how Gruden feels yet, but I suspect he takes a year off like most coaches of his caliber do, however, that is irrelevant in Ralph's decision to keep DJ anyway since Gruden just got fired today and it was somewhat of a surprise.

  8. Just saw a head line on sports center, that Jon Gruden and GM Bruce Allen both fired.


    lol...do posters ever even look at the board to see if this thread is already posted...I mean when you posted it the very top thread said "GRUDEN FIRED" and then you started a new one on the same topic...lmao...



  9. This line from the article pretty much says it all:


    "The sausage-shaped city is a 12-square-mile maze of warehouses, factories, strip malls and topless bars along two freight rail lines and a major freeway."


    City of Industry is a boil on the behind of LA. Not sure that corporate money would be so thrilled with the prospect of entertaining customers and the like in such a sweet location. It's been years since I've lived in LA but the City of Industry was a cesspool then and I doubt much has changed.


    lol, not much has changed...

  10. It wouldn't surprise me if Donovan McNabb were to land with the Cardinals if Kurt Warner decides to retire and if the Cards beat the Eagles in the playoffs.


    McNabb lives in Arizona in the offseason and it makes sense. Because I think Leinart's days are numbered. If Warner were to retire, they'd bring in another QB anyway.


    I don't think McNabb is such a natural fit for Chicago. People talk all the time, but I'm not so sure that's such a great fit. The Bears have two younger QBs, whereas Arizona would be minus an experienced QB.


    If the Bears were to release one of their younger QBs, it would make more sense and the Bears have a better running game.


    Plus the weather is a factor for an old guy.


    2 facts for next year...


    1. McNabb will absolutely be back in Philly...


    2. Warner will only play next year AZ...if he isnt in AZ it will only be because he retires. AZ wants him, so it will be Kurts decision...he has already clearly stated he will only play next year for AZ and doesnt have any interest of moving on to a new team. If he does retire though, it will interesting to see if they give the job back to Lienart or if they bring in a veteran to compete for the starting gig with him.


    I will say this about Leinart though...he is a perfect position to succeed. He has had one of the best passers to learn from and has the best WR core in the NFL to throw too...so, pressure will really be on him...

  11. I was a little surprised to see this, but when you think about it no one player truly stood out all year on D, so I guess they had to choose someone.


    I will say though, I just didn't see the consistency from him that I would expect from a defensive MVP...




    Actually, I shouldn't be so rush to judge. As a former football player, I know that a players contribution as a leader of a team is more than just the play on the field and stats. If he is out there making adjustments and reading the offense and putting us into a better position to succeed, then that is pretty valuable and something you will never really see when watching the game as a fan.


    So, I retract my surprise and disapproval and hope that this is something he can build on and grow from to become a bigger impact on the field.

  12. 'Semcken said he and Roski have identified at least eight teams -- including the Oakland Raiders, Buffalo Bills and Minnesota Vikings -- that need a new stadium but are playing in cities unlikely to provide one.'




    I am biased becuase I live in LA, so I say bring em here...lol


    I would love to have the Bills here...they wouldnt have to even change the name becuase LA is full of a bunch of over spender with lots of credit "bills"...hahaha, so the name would fit...maybe change the logo to look like a credit card statement...

  13. How do you expect any QB to win with the Lollipop Guild (the Bills receivers). Miami & Baltimore both have good #1 TE's, we don't! Lee Evans is not a #1 WR, he's a #2 WR. Banking on a rookie WR to make an impact was a big gamble that failed miserably this year. When Reed went down with his injury this year, we were screwed. When Parrish came back after his thumb surgery, he was dropping almost everything thrown to him. Plus, the play calling was terrible. Lynch played in 15 games this year and had 250 carries compared to 13 games played in 07' and 280 carries. The coaches favored Jackson, especially in the red zone. It's a no brainer that Lynch is a better redzone threat than Jackson as we've seen him barrell through mulitple defenders last year & this year.


    Sup Jerry...


    I have to disagree here...your QB makes your WR's better. Good QB's make marginal WR's look better...Bad QB play makes good WR's look worse.


    Look at McNabb...who has he had to throw to yet is one of the best QB's in the league consistently most of his career. Who does he have to throw to at the WR spot this year? A midget rookie named DeSean Jackson! That his #1 WR who also drops a lot of passes. Look at Stallworth...McNabb made him look good and masked the fact he is lazy and doesnt run good routes.


    Brady as mentioned before succeeded with marginal talent at best too at WR position (until he got Moss and Wes last year).


    If our WR's were not getting open or dropping all the passes (well Royal sure does drop a lot, but Evans and Reed are pretty reliable) then I would say you have an argument here. Truth is, Trent locks in to the hot route, when its taken away he frequently fails to find the open guy on the other side of the field as he does not progress through his reads fast enough and winds up checking down to a short safe route.


    This has become a big part of defensive game plans against Trent...Hurry him and cut off the hot route (which he advertises by locking on a WR) and give a cushion down low for his check down to encourage to dump it off. Then put it the hands of your players to make the tackle on the short dump off as opposed to letting Trent set and throw up field.

  14. He's surely the greatest WR prospect since Larry Fitzgerald was coming out of Pitt.


    lmao...Um, Calvin Johnson was the greatest WR prospect to come out since Fitz and is viewed by many as the greatest WR prospect (going into a draft) to ever come out. If Calvin was in the draft too, I guarantee he would be chosen ahead of Crabtree.


    That being said, Charles Rogers was the "the greatest WR prospect since Moss" and there were a host of others that have fallen into this category or a similar category too that didnt pan out in the NFL.


    We dont need a WR with #11 pick...it wont fix our offense or win us games. We dont have a QB who even likes to throw to our WR's, even when wide open.


    Our WR's are not nearly as bad as people make them out to be. Coincidentally, most the people screaming for a new WR are also the biggest Trent supporters too as they like to blame our offensive woes on everyone but Trent. Its not hard to beat him...just hurry him and take away the hot route while leaving open his check down at the line of scrimmage so he can just dump it off.


    We need to address our pass rush with #11 pick...not really debateable.

  15. Well he won the Bolts game for us, so he got us at least one additional win...lol.


    I think he was a good pickup and he was more effective before Schobel went down. The impact of not having Schobel allowed teams to key on Stroud which made the interior line less effective, which then makes life much harder on our LB's as well.


    I am glad he is a bill, he's a smart player, plays hard, and we are better team with him on it.

  16. Who needs to go? Turk or Trent? I say its the players that make plays and win games 90%, coaching and play calling 10%. So...... I'll go with getting a new QB, since we can't call 1-800-quarterback we should go for a veteran free agent like Warner or Collins AND take another stab in the draft. You never know maybe we can luck out in the 6th round with the next Tom Brady!


    We need a new Qb! That new QB can be either someone new all together, or a new Trent Edwards. If we get the Trent that has been here last year, then we are screwed. He has proven countless times he can not make reads fast enough to find his open recievers, and now has become gunshy often looking for the checkdown because he cant progress through his second and third options fast enough. He often looks lost and confused and all you have to do to beat him is put pressure on him.


    Dont believe me, go watch the Ram and Raider game last year again...he was totally ineffective as he was under pressure all day. It wasnt until the 4th qtr when both teams stopped bringing the pressure (I was shocked and still dont know why the did this) that Trent was able to finally start moving the ball. Talking with friends in the NFL, they all said the same thing, if you can hurry the kid you will beat the kid by simply taking away his first option.


    The film shows him locking in on one target then checking down to a RB or FB when that option is taken away often missing downfield plays open on the other side of the field. Often they tempt him to check down to someone near the line of scrimmage by giving them a cushion there as they know his tendency to do so and rather give up 2 yards on a 2nd and long or 3rd and long than have him make a pass for a frist down...this is part of the gameplan teams are using against him now, and he keeps biting on it.


    So either we get a new QB, or we get a Trent that has finally shaken these cob webs and got some nerve and patience back. Until then, we wont win many games...

  17. If you look at our decline from a 5-1 start, there are 2 fundamental truths that can not be ignored.


    1. Key injuries reduced the effectiveness of our interior lines on both sides of the ball and also our Defensive unit as a whole. Say what you want about Schobel, but when he went down our LB's and Stroud lost some of their effectiveness. They were able to double and triple team Stroud without the threat of Schobel making our interior line less effective, which also makes the job harder on our LB's. Also, with the lost of Greer and Youboty, our secondary was also less effective as they were significantly contributing to the overall play of our defense. On the O-Line, injuries also were affecting the units overall effecitiveness (not that they were great anyway) which became an even bigger problem.


    Bottom line on that is that we did not have the depth to overcome such injuries (we need a real GM to fix this).


    2. Our QB play (BOTH TRENT AND JP, NOT JUST JP)!!! This was a huge problem post Trent Concussion. One, JP struggled to find any groove or Rhythm out there and failed to establish himself when filling in for Trent. Two, and this is probably the most important aspect, Trent seriously regressed and what is worse, became a shell of himself and could not play through it. He became gun shy, became indecisive, held the ball too long, too sacks he shouldnt have taken, began to turn the ball over, and most importantly couldnt find his recievers and relied on his checkdown to passes at or near the line of scrimmage.


    Trents play was no where near as good as people like to think during the 5-1 start, however, all the issues that plagued him the last half of the season either were not present or not nearly as bad during that stretch. Even in those 4th quarter comebacks, they were against terrible teams and only became effective (especially in Rams and Raider games) when they stopped bringing pressure on him in the 4th quarter. So far, Trent has shown no ability to adapt and make quick enough reads when the pressure is coming and really only excelled when he had time to throw. The difference was, in the last half of the season, he had become so shaken and gun shy that even when he had all day to throw he just couldn't get the ball out of his hands and into the WR's.


    And I dont want to hear how our WR's didnt get open because it was shown countless times that we had guys often wide open, but because Trent was not progressing his reads he failed to see them or if he did see them he saw them too late.


    These were the 2 biggest, notice I said biggest and not "only", reasons for our season decline. Yes, there were other factors, but these two were the biggest factors.

  18. I really want to give Dick Jauron the benefit of the doubt and hope he can make a Tom Coughlin-like turnaround as a coach, but do you really believe there's a circle of people (who are successful) who think he is a good coach? Do they even watch Bills games? Is this circle of people led by Marv Levy?


    Seriously, don't fool yourself. Do you honestly believe some of the best in the game, like Bill Belichick, think he's a good coach? He's kicked the living hell out of Dick since he arrived in Buffalo. And it hasn't been close. I could care less when people like John Clayton praise Dick. It means nothing because he doesn't watch Bills games like we do. I'm not even sure that guy watches Bills games.



    wow...let me clarify again...I am not saying he is viewed as a top 10 coach by everyone in the NFL, geesh...


    I said, there are NFL circles that do still view him as a good coach who gets a lot our of his players. The coaching job he did in 2007 is viewed as one of the better coaching jobs that year, and it even earned us a Monday night football game this year and made Buffalo more relevant than it had been in years because of how hard our team played in 07, especially given how decimated by injuries we were that year and having the QB crap going on.


    Heck, halfway through this year is was in the running for coach of the year. WHY, becuase we were OVER ACHIEVING at 5-1! Even with our weak schedule, no one had us pegged to start that hot. Sure the team collapsed during the second half, but we also lost 3 key players on D (Schobel, Greer, and Youboty) that factored in big in our 5-1 start and we lost key players on offense (Trent, O Line, and Reed)...all contributors in our fast start. Not to mention we had other injuries, lost Crowell, etc. and we just didnt have the depth to recover.


    Truth is, the biggest factor in our mid season decline was the play at QB during that stretch and our lack of depth to over come injuries...no question about it.


    Sure you can pick at some plays and say DJ made the wrong call, and he did make bad calls, but what about the REST of that game when our QB struggled to complete a pass, couldnt see wide open WR's, was totally gun shy...often against below average pass defenses...

  19. I should have clarified on coaches making poor decisions: there are moments in a game that a coach can do the right thing or make the wrong choice. The call to roll Losman out and have him throw a pass to the FB is a catastrophically bad decision that affected the outcome of a game. Deciding to go for it on 4th and 1 in the second quarter and fail isn't as huge a thing. DJ tends to screw up at the worst possible moment and we've seen it through three seasons. I can list no less than 5 games in the past 2 seasons he's made catastrophically bad decisisons that determined the game. I personally don't think he's more than a coordinator if it weren't for Buffalo.


    Agree with you here about mistakes...as I said, I am not a DJ supporter and prefer he be replaced, but I don't feel he is our worst problem.


    I'm not demanding a firing of the HC without the coordinators. I didn't say you said that. If DJ goes, all of them should go. But again, we're talking about a team that's been in rebuild mode for three seasons. If DJ had as much personnel control as I think he did, it's amazing he doesn't bear more responsibility for such a thin team. And he's proven he can't find reliable coordinators, neither here nor Chicago. He can't coach, and he doesn't know talent. Those are fatal flaws for a HC.


    He doesnt have as much personnel control as you think he does.


    Second, there's no way I can confirm or deny your sources. However, there are some very knowledgeable fans on this board who see more than what a casual fan does. I've been to 14 of the last 15 home games, and while that doesn't make me an expert, I've been able to deduce what kind of coach DJ is. He'll generally make the safe pick, but not all the time. Occasionally he gets a wild streak and goes for it. But if one bad thing happens, he goes into his shell.


    For the record, Edwards' durability is my only major concern with him. The coaching he receives is another matter. Watching him after the Cleveland game and throwing 3 picks, I wondered who would get him going. He doesn't have a mentor on that team to work with him. Van Pelt and Schonert are former QB's, but they're not preparing him adequately. To have no answer for 3-4 defenses so many times is appalling. But we're talking about a guy with little more than a season's worth of starts. I'll give him more time.


    You have to be kidding here. Trents only problem is durability? How about his clear inability to find open recievers, or his tendency to hold the ball too long, or his not protecting the ball, or the clear fact that he really regressed as soon as he hit a little rough patch and showed no signs of working his way through it?


    I mean, once he struggled, he played the QB position like a dear in head lights. Very hesitant, read defenses poorly, missed wide open recievers just to check it down, often throwing passes behind or near the line of scrimmage. He has shown nothing to indicate that he can make it in this league, and don't bring up his 4th quarter comebacks against the worst pass defenses in the NFL. We had to come back because he did squat in the first 3 quarters. And in three of those comebacks, our D (Mitchells pick in one and Greer Int in another for a TD) and our ST bailed us for the most part to turn the game around in the 4th. Trent's best game this season would be an average game at best for a top QB in this league. You can even argue the last half of the year was as bad as anything JP or Rob Johnson have put up.

  20. And for the record, I can't stand Turk...do not confuse my understanding as to why we kept Turk as support for Turk.


    DJ is really on a one year deal...produce a winning season or he is gone. So, you let DJ keep his coordinators this year and if they dont produce then you fire DJ and let the new HC bring in their own coordinators. If you fire the coordinators now, and end up firing the HC next year too who brings in their own coordinators, then you have your young QB learning 3 systems in 3 years, which is not the recipe for developing your QB.

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