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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. :thumbsup: If we can't have a little fun, there's no sense in playing. I would hope even the people that drive nice cars on this board can appreciate that.


    Honestly, I drive a Lexus F350...had a BMW and switched this year...I swear, I will never own another brand of car again. I can not believe how well Lexus takes care of you once you are an owner, at least here in Santa Monica.


    First, I love the car. Two, they keep having me come in for free golf lessons using high tek computer software and PGA tour golf instructors (this is free to lexus owners as a way to just keep up relations with you), movie tickets to premieres of movies 3 weeks before they are released, charity party's, etc.


    The service center is top notch too...even offering complimentary massages and manicures on certain days...I have been quite impressed.

  2. It's an inside joke on the board dude, take it easy...look up Skooby's post on Jauron being fired.


    oh...must have missed that one, sorry...lol


    Anyway, this post is no joke and it really makes me wonder if our front office was just that enamored with Cassel only or if they are not as high on Trent anymore and are looking to make a starting QB a priority this offseason in general either through the draft, FA or trade...

  3. There's absolutely no way I can ascertain the validity of your source unless I know that you drive a nicer car than me. So... what kinda car do you drive?


    OMG, r u serious? Do you think everyone on set makes big bucks? The people who work under me make about $1100 a week, and the guys below them make about $600 a week and there is a lot more of them, they are called Production Assistants (PA''s) and are around all the stars and crew as much, if not more, than everyone else...so how on earth would what car I drive validate my post?

  4. Im going with the Cardinals vs Steelers matchup


    the Eagles are being overhyped a bit (especially around here) but I just dont see it. They cant run the ball and their offense in general hasnt done much in these games. Its been their defense but its not like the Giants didnt have their chances, they just didnt have a QB with a strong arm that could accurately throw in the wind


    In the other game I just dont see a rookie going into Pitt and beating the Steelers in the AFC Championship game. I dont think either team will do much on the ground so its gonna come down to which QB can make more plays and I think Ben gets the upper hand today


    Me too...I took AZ and Pitt...

  5. (I am editing this post to hopefully help reduce some of the pointless responses)


    I was informed today that by someone close to the Matt Cassel situaton, that NE is franchising Matt Cassel because of concerns about him going to someone in the division, including Buffalo as there is (or was) apparent strong interest in Matt Cassel from the Buffalo Bills.


    They decidied to franchise him to keep him out of the division, including Buffalo, and told him they would explore trade scenarios OUTSIDE the division if both him and Brady are healthy going into next season. It was not indicated to me WHO would be the topic of trade scenarios in the situation, Brady or Cassel, but my impression was they were referring to trade scenarios involving Matt Cassel, but who knows.


    So, the most interesting part of this for me is the obvious...how much (or how little) faith do the Bills have in Trent despite what they say pubilcly and do you think this opens up the possibility of the Bills doing something not really expected right now and going with a QB on the first day of the draft, maybe even at #11 if Sanchez falls? Or maybe even look to make a big play in FA or on the trade market to bring in a QB to compete with Trent as opposed to just a backup?

  6. The owners interviewed their PLAYERS and the players said they don't trust Gruden and do not think they can win with him. Gruden was so blindsided that he just hired a coordinator FROM THE LIONS (what an idiot) 2 hours before he got canned...


    Gruden did nothing but ruin a powerhouse, lose his players, and run the best players out of town in TB...


    Losing record over his last 6 seasons

    Players don't like him or trust him and voted him out

    Only had back to back winning seasons once in 7 years (this year and last year, and missed playoffs this year)

    9-3 then loses 4 straight, including last one against Raiders where a win gets him in playoffs, to miss playoffs

    Give him lots of personnel power when they hire him...wind up with terrible drafts and poor Free Agencies

    Never developed a QB in Oakland or TB

    Mismanaged his QB's worse than Buffalos handling of JP


    Yet, everyone is clamoring for this overrated guy...lmao...

  7. Calvin Johnson and Larry Fitzgerald were two can't miss WR's and the two greatest WRs I have ever seen coming out of college. To lump Charles Rogers in with them is laughable. Anyone that watched the 3 of them play in college knows there is no comparison


    Uh, no one lumped them in to how they played in NFL...but whether you like it or not, Rogers was labeled the BEST WR prospect since Moss going into the draft

  8. Someone remind me of the time Ralph went out and hired and upper-echelon coach and then maybe we could consider this. And by upper-echelon I mean a top tier coach at the time of hire, not in hindsight


    Most fans screaming for him to hire a top notch coach are also the same fans screaming for us to hire one of these unproven coordinators that took jobs this offseason (Spanulo, Morris, etc.). So even if DJ would have been fired, the coaches most fans (who are the same fans saying Ralph is cheap) wanted us to hire another unproven hot coordinator that would not have been that expensive. Then, when that coordinator would not have worked out (like Mularkey and Williams) these same fans would be saying Ralph was cheap again because he hired a coordinator.


    The majority of the fans on this board really put Ralph in a lose lose situation.


    Ralph gets a bad rap over this...His biggest flaw is the approach he is has taken to the FO and GM position, not the HC position. He hired Williams and Mularkey who were both HIGHLY regarded up and coming coaches at the time and viewed as good hires. Williams is so respected that Sean Payton just gave williams $250,000 of his OWN money to get Gregg to sign on in NO.


    DJ was MARV LEVYS choice, and Ralph went with him because Marv chose him while he was GM...yet again, Ralph takes the "cheap" rap when DJ's hiring had nothing to do with money. Levy didnt choose him over price, Levy chose him becuase they were close and Levy believed in him....

  9. OMG this would be the greatest thing that ever happened to me!!!!!! I would be at every home game!!!!!! I hope its in Santa Monica and right next to my house




    I live in Santa Monica too...that would be sick...problem is there isnt enough room in Santa Monica to build a Pop Warner field let alone an NFL stadium...hahahahaha

  10. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...81300&st=30


    For someone who admits to not caring for DJ, you're surely going to extremes to point out how he's "equal" to another well-known SB champion coach in Gruden.


    As I said before, I can neither confirm nor deny your contacts. But it's clear your agenda is to indicate that DJ isn't bad, while avoiding the prospect of coming out and saying it.


    When Brett Favre practically laughs at the play-call to roll out Losman, it's an indication that most people think DJ is a joke of a HC. And marginalizing Gruden to legitimize DJ is outright laughable. Nice try. And Bravo.


    As screwed up as a footall bat.


    I have stated I prefer to replace DJ, but I also stated he is not our biggest problem and I think we can win with him. My post here was merely to show that not all is what it seems...one, having DJ again isnt as catastrophic as some fans on here post, he is still viewed in better regard than most Bills fans see him (I could care less if you choose not to accept that, but regardless of your personal "belief" on the matter, it is a fact...funny thing is its even been mentioned on ESPN a few times in discussions about Ralph keeping DJ).


    Two, the so called savior everyone is clamoring over, Gruden, has not done much better than DJ has and his only claim to fame was winning with Dungys team.


    Truth is, Gruden has never developed a QB, mismanaged his QB's on top of that as bad as we handled ours, has had only back to back winning seasons once in his 7 years in TB which was this year and last year (missed the playoffs this year with that barely winning record by the way), has a losing record over the last 6 years, has run TB's best players out of town, had terrible drafts, made many questionable in game decisions and presonnel decisions, and his only real CLAIM to fame is the fact that people like him because of the Chucky stuff from Oakland and his intensity.


    But truth is, all he accomplished as a coach was win a SB with a team that was builit by Dungy and FAVORED to win the super bowl BEFORE he took over the team.


    Then, the Oakland team he couldnt get to the Super Bowl makes the Super Bowl the first year he is out of Oakland...


    This is the guy everyone is clamoring over...yes, I like the intensity he shows, but I am not impressed with his coaching body of work...he is nothing more than a Name that was inflated because of succes he had in a single season with a SB Favorite someone else built. I would like someone to name one positive thing he has done for TB since that SB victory 7 years ago...just one...even Tampa Fans tired of this guy...


    Is he the worst coach I have seen, no...but truth is, he is not as good as fans here want to believe he is, just as DJ is not as bad as Bills fans want to say he is...

  11. If only DJ had a "first year SB run" with Buffalo. Maybe then, your point would have some substance.


    lmao...lets see, Gruden cant get his Raiders to SB, leaves, and Raiders make SB. Same year, Gruden takes team FAVORED TO WIN SB BEFORE HE ARRIVES and wins SB with a team that someone else built.


    Hmmm....yeah he must be great, it wasnt the fact that he took over the best team in football that year...


    Still laugh at this too because people say he did what Dungy didnt do...well the guy who took over for him in Oakland did what he couldnt do in Oakland...get to the SB...what a stupid argument...

  12. How about some context instead of just tossing around overall records.


    2002: Tampa traded 4 picks to Oakland for Gruden. The go 12-4 and win a Super Bowl.


    2003: Rich McKay gets dumped mid-season (How'd he do in Atlanta, btw? How'd that Bobby Petrino thing work out?) and Keyshawn Johnson pulls a "TO" and gets inactivated most of the year. A Dick Jauron 7-9 season.


    2004: Another year with no top draft picks and new GM Allen "blows it up", cutting Lynch and Sapp. 5-11.


    2005: Cadillac Williams added and Chris Simms starts to develop. 11-5 and playoffs.


    2006: Lose Simms, Williams, Clayton, Rice, Kelly, Buenning and have a bunch of rookies on the OL and at QB. Limp to a 4-12 disappointment.


    2007: Rebound with Jeff Garcia and a host of free agent moves to win the South again at 9-7.


    2008: In first place in the div at 9-3, when the Carolina Panthers steam rolled the Tampa-2 defense into oblivion with their ground game. Bucs defense falls apart in December and they miss the playoffs at 9-7.


    So that's 4 winning seasons out of 7. 03 and 04 were transition years as the old regime left and Allen and Gruden tried to rebuild without their top draft picks. 06 was a major setback as both Williams and Simms essentially vanished from the future of the franchise due to injury. Gruden was able to wring some extra mileage out of Jeff Garcia last year and Antonio Bryant this year.


    Funny, Gruden seem to get a pass on his horrid seasons because injuries and lack of personnel...Yet you crucify DJ (who managed to put up better records that Grudens so called off years because of personnel reasons) who had WAY more injuries in 07, played in a tougher division and still pulled off a 7-9 record when at one point our starting safety was our previously cut 5th string WR and we had starters at skill positions that would struggle to start in the CFL.


    What happened to DJ this year...well he was in the running for coach of the year with a 6-2 start that got him a 3 year extension until Trent Edwards suddenly couldnt pass anymore, couldnt find open WR's and looked like a scared dog...it also saw the loss of our ONLY pass rush in Schobel, two CB's who were playing great in Youboty and Greer, injuries to Reed (which was a big impact on the O) and injuries to the O-line...


    2 years in a row, we were hit REAL hard at critical positions, including QB, with injuries, and he manages a 7-9 record both years. And what QB was hurt? A guy who was a ROOKIE last year and barely a 2nd year player this year as he only played about half the year.


    But, its all DJ's fault that a guy who plays our QB (Trent) cant stay on the field, and when he was back this year he severely regressed and often looked timid. Not to mention, when he wasnt in there, the guy filling in was JP who stunk it up...


    So, if you are going to make excuses for Gruden on those "off years" then you gotta do the same for DJ, otherwise, dont bring em up...


    By the way, DJ has a Coach of Year award for going 13-3 with marginal talent, was in the running for coach of the year this year at the mid way point until Trent and injuries decimated us, and in 2007 his coaching job was viewed as one of his best ever for scraping out a 7-9 record where 2 fluke FG's (Denver and Dallas) kept us from going 9-7...oh yeah, and he dealt with Everett situation...


    just saying...

  13. Hey Alph why are you starting a Gruden Topic? Just giving you a hard time. But interesting statistics, for a team that was the original 0 for team, before the Detroit Lions.




    Also, why does everyone credit Gruden for making TB relevant when they have been pretty non relevant in 6 of his 7 years there?


    TB became a good team several years BEFORE Gruden got there and was a SB contender the previous 2 or 3 years before they brought Gruden. That turn around from doormat to contender was built by Dungy, and Gruden won a SB in his first year with Dungy's team and has a losing record ever since...including the year after he won the SB.

  14. One word as to why they are good...WARNER


    Most underappreciated player in NFL history...the guy is just a real good QB. I know he has some weapons around him, but man, watch him throw. He hits recievers in tight spots right on the money. He constantly hits them right in the stride and has amazing touch on the ball, even the deep ball.


    Warner on our team makes Evans a top 5 WR...

  15. GRUDEN...


    I find it interesting how people are screaming to fire DJ because of his losing record and talking Gruden up like a savior, yet Gruden's only good season was his first year in TB when he won the SB with DUNGYS team.


    In fact, when he went 9-7 this year it was his FIRST back to back winning seasons in his 7 years in TB. Going into December TB was in first place but collapsed and lost 4 key games to miss the playoffs, even losing to the lowly Raiders...


    Sound familiar? Kind of like DJ this year? Yet, he is your savior and DJ is the worst in the NFL in your eyes...Truth is, if Gruden was in Buffalo all the posters on the board would have been screaming to fire him too just like a lot of Bucs fans on the Bucs boards lately...


    Just find it ironic we want to fire a guy and replace him with a guy who hasnt done much more than the guy we want to replace and who's career are not much different...

  16. Just as the Glazers fired Tony Dungy because he didn't get the job done, they fired Gruden. They had a plan in place when Dungy was fired & I will bet they have one in place now.


    By the way, Gruden was 45-53 in TB in the 6 years after his SB run with DUNGY's team...yes, that is a losing record and guess what, not much different than DJ's...

  17. I've grown a custom to his face! no I'm kidding. It's just shocking to see him get canned. I thought he'd be a lifer there, but this is my last Jon Gruden starting topic, can't promise but will try. But seriously don't you think he's regretting not taking the Tennessee job?


    I dont think he regrets it...if he wanted to be a college coach he would have took the job. He's an NFL coach and I don't see him jumping ship...

  18. 2 months ago, The University of Tennessee offered Jon Gruden, the head coaching job, told them he was happy in Tampa Bay, a week later, they gave the head coaching spot, to Jon Gruden's defensive coordinators son Lane Kiffin, and Monte Kiffin goes along with him. Now Jon Gruden gets canned, some what ironic, maybe thinking he probably should have taken the University of Tennessee Head Coaching position. But a little more Ironic, that the Mike Holmgren calling it quits happen on a ripple effect with Jon Gruden getting fired, and Hot Dog Reid could possibly be on his way out of philly, if he doesn't win either and oh yeah We keep Dick Jauron. A little strange thought there!


    lol, how many Gruden threads are you gonna start Yasin?

  19. tampa was one of the worst franchises in the nfl for decades. Gruden brought them a ring and now they are cocky?


    I just love some of the stuff people post on here...


    You make it sound like Gruden built a Super Bowl winner and single handedly turned that franchise around...


    DUNGY built that team and got it right on the cusp of being a SB champion, Gruden won the very first year with DUNGY's team and hasnt sniffed the Super Bowl since. Dungy created Tampa Bay football along with Kiffin, Gruden had NOTHING to do with that franchises turnaround, all he did was close the deal in his first year against a team he knew inside and out in Oakland that year.


    Dungy was the one who turned that loser franchise into a Super Bowl contender, this is not even debateable.

  20. This may be enough for me to actively root against the Bills next season.


    Just how bad does Jauron need to be to lose his job? 4-12? 3-13? 0-16? Whatever it takes.


    Honestly, I think DJ has to make playoffs next year or he is out. I don't see Wilson keeping him with anything less than a playoff appearance, ESPECIALLY given the caliber of coaches that will be available.


    Looking ahead at our schedule, this will be no easy achievement and honestly, I don't know if we can make the playoffs next year with Trent as our QB unless he makes a big turn around and finds a way to stay healthy.

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