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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. He was being talked about as a league MVP candidate through the 5-1 start.


    Because of his 4th quarter QB Rating only...DJ was also being considered for Coach of the Year...do you think DJ is our best option at coach too?


    Again, I ask, did you watch every game? He was average at best through the 5-1 start. We would not have won the Rams game or Raiders game if they hadnt for some reason stopped bringing pressure in the 4th quarter. Even the announcers during those games were questioning the sudden lack of pressure being brough which allowed Trent to finally get into a groove.


    And in all honesty, Trent gets WAY too much credit for those comebacks. Not saying he didnt do a good job, but come on, Greer and Mitchell were instrumental in 2 of the comebacks, and so was Lycnh twice bailing Trent out to save game winning drives with 2 amazing plays. And you are noting victories against the worst D's in the league as why he is the real deal, when he struggled through the first 3 quarters of play in most of those games.

  2. Why put resources into a position that is in not as dire a need as others? It's bad management.


    Really? Did you even watch the Bills this year? Trent was not exactly superb in our 5-1 start and constantly struggled under pressure. Then the last half the year he played as bad as JP has ever played, seriously regressed and hasnt stayed healthy in any season since high school...


    So, what on earth would ever lead you to believe we are set at this position? Name one thing he did to warrant this kind of support? Dont even talk about the comeback wins...the Raiders and Rams both handed us those games when they stopped blitzing and pressuring Trent in fourth.


    Trent can NOT progress through his reads fast enough when under pressure. As a result, he started making bad throws and fumbling, which further regressed his cofidence and so called poise. This led to the quick check down to the line of scrimmage when his hot route wasnt there which led to him not even seeing wide open WR's on the other side of the field. He often had throws available but was too indecisive to throw it and ended up throwing it late for a pick, holding the ball too long and taking a sack/fumble, or checking down to the line of scrimmage.


    I hope he gets it together, but man, his body of work has NOT shown anything that says we are solid at QB and that hes franchise QB.

  3. I am amazed at the amount of time and energy some people here use to rip another poster down without ever addressing the real issue here. Are the Bills totally sold on TE as the franchise QB or not? I hope not. I hope the FO brings in a veteran or high draft pick to really compete for the QB position. Not just a career backup,but a guy that could realistically compete for the starting job. I'm not sold on TE,and I think he needs to win the job,not have it handed to him. Regardless of whether Alphadawg knows Cassels family or not,his post brings up a legitimate point worth discussing.


    Thanks for the post...I expected some of it, but cant believe how little was discussed about the actual football side of this thing...its all good though...FYI, I dont know anyone else in the family, just her as worked with her a few times...all her sons all pro athletes whcih I found amazing (the others play baseball).

  4. Not sure...I'll go type in "Chunky Soup Commercials".


    Man, you guys are hilarious...does it somehow make you feel better to bash others and go out of your way to discredit them...you got some kind of Internt Napolean complex of something...geesh.


    Anyway...back to the topic at hand...just an FYI, every single post and thread on this board that has anything to do with who the Bills will sign, draft, hire, or fire is absolutely ridiculous, pure speculation, and has zero validity until it actually happens. All posts are speculation...


    All I did was share some inside info that was given to me...it is no more relevant than all those mock drafts, which coach we should have or will hire to replace DJ, etc. Just some new speculative info I got and shared with you...


    The part that stands out to me is that based on my conversation with her, its possible the Bills MAY have some interest in looking at a new direction at QB, or at the very least, may want to bring someone in to compete for the #1 job...too bad no one has any interest in discussing the football side of this...

  5. I'm gaining insight as to why there is so much garbage on tv... :thumbsup:


    My buddy Bill was the production coordinator on that reality show "Mammas Boys" and said when the show was done he said. "Man, this show is awful and is everything that is wrong with television...this is why it will probably be a big hit!" lmao...


    Although he wasn't complianing when he was on location in Fiji.

  6. I'm not saying I don't believe you dude. I'm saying I don't believe what she said, or more likely, she was misinformed...why would the Pats be worried about a three year deal from the Bills if he is likely to get longer, more lucrative offers from other clubs. Makes no sense.


    Just to further illustrate my point about why they MIGHT be targeting a 3 or 4 yar contract, look at his age. He is 26, if he signs a 3 year deal, he can sign another huge 4 year deal at 29 and possibly sign another big contract at 33 or so giving him 3 big paydays. If he signs say a 5 year deal, then he is 31 or 32 when he signs his next big deal which is likely his only other big pay day...


    A lot of agents and players are starting to look at deals like this to maximize a players earning capability over his career. So again, it may be what his agent is looking at and she assumed we were going to offer this based on our percieved interest. She didnt say there was a structured contract in place. His agent has been speculating all season about what he might be looking at in terms of contracts from teams this offseason, that his job, so I am sure this is most likely where she got that from.

  7. I'm not saying I don't believe you dude. I'm saying I don't believe what she said, or more likely, she was misinformed...why would the Pats be worried about a three year deal from the Bills if he is likely to get longer, more lucrative offers from other clubs. Makes no sense.


    As I said, I dont know where she got the length of the deal from, could be her assumptions, could be what her agent was hearing, could be what her agent was targeting based on his age. Agents now are following Larry Fitzgeralds route where you look to position your player for 3 or 4 big contracts by timing the deals to come due more times in the players prime.


    So, they may be looking for a 3 or 4 year deal for Cassel so he can land another couple big contracts in his prime playing career. So, maybe this is why she said that and assumed Buffalo was going to offer it since we said to be so interested...who knows.

  8. I think this team will struggle to make the playoffs next year. The defense will get Osi back, and that is huge, but who knows how long it takes for him to get back into form coming off this injury. The loss of Plaxico was big, and even if he is back next year, he is injury prone and cant seem to stay out of trouble.


    Plus, Dallas will still be strong, Washington will be better, and I think Philly is better as DeSean Jackson will have a full season under his belt and the WR's will be better just having everyone likely healthy (curtis missed first 8 games this year).


    So, it will be tough for NY I think next year...but who knows...

  9. You're trying too hard to prove your "insider" status. That alone indicates how unreliable you are and no one with legit contacts posts as much as you have in this thread alone.


    We don't care where your paycheck comes from, nor the car you drive. But when you come onto this board an make claims backed up by nothing you should expect to get questioned.


    You've certainly livened things up on Championship Sunday, but your credibility is zero.


    First off, I balked at mentioning my care when I was ASKED in the very first reply to this post what car I drive...I only caved when Dan lightened up the mood about it...


    Don't beleive me, I am done trying to validate it, and quite honestly, I don't really care. I only went to the lengths I did because I was pushed, and quite honestly, I was stupidly hopeful we could actually get passed that part and intelligently talk about the topic at hand, but this board is clearly not capable of that, and that is fine, eveyone is entititled to their opinnion.


    If anyone wants to discuss the football implications, that would be great and I am all ears...if you don't believe the posts, then fine, I only respecitively now ask for you to please move on to another thread because you made your point of not believing, and that is fine, but I would like to see if anyone would like to discuss the football implications because this conversatoin did happen and I am very intrigued on what it might mean.

  10. Yeah, this is definitely a bunk story...who knows, maybe it's true that she said that, not doubting you, but she was probably just misinformed because the whole thing doesn't make a shred of sense...wouldn't the Jets be a more worrisome situation for the Pats?


    Currently, the Jets probably would also be a threat, but when the NE front office started looking at franchising Cassel, Farve was still in the hunt to lead the Jets to the playoffs...so they were probably not as big of a threat then...plus, on one of the Pre game shows a while back when the franchise talk came up, they said that Jets were said not to be too high on Cassel and not likely to pursue him when they were talking about potential suitors. But who knows how much truth there is to that, I mean the Jets were still in the playoff hunt at the time, so they probably would say that because of now wanting to tick off Farve...


    Plus she said that they didnt want him to go anywhere in the division, but she mentioned Buffalo was one that was apparently very interested in him and what made the decision a must.


    Truthfully, I think NE would be stupid NOT to franchise him, regardless if they were worried he might go in the division. Especially if Brady knee rehab keeps going so poorly.

  11. Dude, just showing how easy it is for people to use google and claim they are "in the know".


    Fine, you know her. Just don't think the info about us wanting Cassel is anything.


    BTW, use google and go past the first page or two and you would be surprised at the obscure info

    you find.


    Honestly, I wouldnt know...I obviously didnt Google her, had no reason to.


    At this point, I dont care if peeps don't want to beleive I know her or the conversation. I found the information surprising and interesting when I heard it, and thought I would share it with the board...clearly that was a mistake, and will think twice next time something like this comes up.


    I mean, I expected some of this, but thought there would be at least some people talking about the football side of this and the impact something like this might have in our offseason, but, the posters here clearly aren't capable of accepting that this could even be true to even get into a football conversation about this.


    She was worked on a LOT of projects, and there are a LOT of people who know her in LA, but I guess its out of the question I could be one of them...


    OK, I GIVE UP! I must be making it up because you say so...I guess I dont really get a paycheck from Entertainment Partners, I didnt work on "My Own Worst Enemy" because google can list cast and crew info and I have been planning this scheme for months because I have nothing better to do.


    Geezus, I guess my whole career is just a sham and dream and I made it all up because you said so...What a joke.


    What can I say...dont believe it then, I don't care. The conversation happened, Barbara is great and a really good friend who I have had the pleasure of working with on 3 occassions, and shared with me some info as she knows I am such a big Bills fan and thought I woudl find it interesting. I decided to share it with the board, but you want to spend countless posts trying to discredit me, so go ahead...I dont care anymore, not worth my time to keep defending the validity when in reality, unless you were on the phone with me you will never belive it anyway.


    By the way...IMDB doesnt show her on the show, so for me to have gotten that info from YOUR link I would have had to know that there was a show that she WAS working on that was NOT listed on IMDB but was mentioned on some other newspaper link...


    I mean you ONLY found that link becuase I TOLD YOU WHAT SHOW she WAS on and WAS NOT LISTED on IMDB. There is NO OTHER WAY you would have known that UNLESS someone who worked on the show TOLD YOU that she WAS on the show but its NOT listed on IMDB...all you did was PROVE that I must know her, otherwise there is no way I would have known that...YOU WOULD NOT EVEN KNOW SHE WORKED ON THAT SHOW IF I DIDNT TELL YOU BECAUSE ITS NOT LISTED ON HER IMDB PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    So, thank for PROVING I know her...

  13. Hey, I know she's doing "operating instructions" aslo:




    Again...It's called GOOGLE....


    Hey genius, show me where on that link it shows her working on My Own Worst Enemy? The way she was used didnt get her a credit that she has listed on IMDB...If you knew anything about IMDB, its maintained by the individuals and she chose not to list it based on her consulting role in wardrobe on the show.

  14. How?


    It's called GOOGLE...... :thumbsup:


    Go ahead google it...she does not have a listed credit on "My own worst enemy", so Google will not supply this answer and I stated during the filming I worked with her in several other posts. Funny, no one questioned it then, by now that I provide insight on the Bills everyone shreds the validity...too funny...


    I guess I must have decided months ago to gradually plant seeds about me knowing her just so I could make this outlandish post now...


    You know, I expected some of this stuff, but I am a little surprised that in 2 pages of posts that its almost all about the thread being bogus and hardly anything about what this could all mean...


    Like it or not, believe it or not, this conversation happened with Barbara and she is a friend.

  15. I would guarantee the Bills havent even finished their evaluations for last season. It's very possible to believe they could be interested in Cassel, but it's nearly impossible to believe that the Bills would tell anyone that they are interested in a specific amount of years as a contract or the size of their signing bonus they may offer at this point. That's where the story, regardless of where it comes from, loses almost all credibility. I do believe that someone could have told this bull sh-- to either Cassel, his mother, his agent, or his friend, however. It doesnt mean it has a shred of validity though. It could all be to jack Cassel's bargaining power up.


    you make some good points, could have been put out there to boost contract negotiations or buzz...who knows, I just found it interesting about the Bills being named specifically.


    I already said I don't know where she got the 3 years and big signing bonus from...my guess is more along the lines of what his agent may be targeting and she is making assumptions about the Bills preparing to offer that based on them having such a strong interest.


    Just to validate this a little more...How would I know she worked on my own worst enemy when her position doesnt give her a general credit because how she was used on the show, so unless I have a call sheet I would have no way to know this. And I also know that she is currently working on the TV show "Operating Instructions" that is not out yet and I bet none of you have even heard of...again, more industry inside info...


    So, believe it or dont believe it...I dont make these types of threads, so if you wanna lump me in with Skooby, thats fine, but whether you like it or not, this conversation happened. What does the story mean is up to interpretation, but I still found it quite interesting.


    Oh, and unlike most, I did name my source (have mentioned her and knowing her before) and how I know her as opposed to just saying "a source"...if I wanted to start some gibberish, I wouldnt go about it by saying I know his mom...


    LOL, if you still don't believe me, then I guess I must have came up with this crazy scheme months ago to gradually throw out I know her in order to create this diablolical schemed post in the offseason...oh, the carnage...lol...

  16. How the heck would NE* know that Buffalo wanted to offer a 3 year contract with "a big signing bonus"??

    You could say that for just about every team in search of a FA QB. More likely, it would be at least a 4 to

    5 year contract with a HUGE signing bonus, as the player would want financial security.


    Sorry, but I doubt this story. Doubt Cassel is/was at the "top" of our FA list.


    Honestly, I dont know where she got that from...could be what their agent was targeting or something or what she assumed based on agents projections...I have no idea. We spent more time talking about the loss and trgedy her and her family went through a lil while back and how they had been holding up than we did about this...she really is quite a nice lady and a friend, so I didnt grill her on this topic.


    Truth is, Agents know a lot more than you think they do about who wants who, who is preparing to pursue who and how hard they are going to pursue them, etc. A lot more goes on behind the scenes than you know...its their job to know this...

  17. More to the fact, how the heck would Matt Cassell's mom know? FA doesn't start for few months, and it is illegal under NFL rules to talk to anybody under contract.


    Another laughable post by alphadog. Who would drive a car like that and call themselves "Alphadog" anyways. ahah


    Man, you people are real nieve to how the football world really works...


    And, I dont really care what you think of the car because I love it and got rid of my M3 for it (they were about the same price)...love it and love Lexus

  18. Alpha is another sham. There is no reason for Matt Cassel's mother to know why the Patriots front office would want to franchise her son.


    Besides, most people at OBD are very high on Edwards. Trying to ink Cassel to a large contract at a position Buffalo already has a player at is complete non-sense. DJ likes Trent, and vice-versa.


    lol...take for what its worth...but how would I know Matts mom works on that show and know about her family?


    And more importantly, given my history of posts that always deal with football and logic as opposed to rants and gibberish, why on earth would I post this?


    I mentioned in several posts during the season that I worked with her, even posting stuff about him, Welker and how down to earth he was, etc. So, this isnt something I am just all of a sudden claiming.


    And do you think that maybe Matt may know a little bit about who is looking hard at him than say you do?...I mean do you think its possible Matt Cassels agent has a little more insight into who is seriously considering Matt than say you do? And if Matts agent knows this, wouldnt it make sense that both Matt and NE probably have heard about it as well?


    Are you so nieve that you think everything going on behind the scenes is known in the media? I bet you read the National Inquirer too or base all you inside information on the Truth and Rumors section of SI.com...


    So go ahead and disregard this and live in your safe world that convinces you the front office is 100% sold on Trent and has no interest in another QB if it makes you feel better, but the truth seems to show that just isnt the case...

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