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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. He lost the players because he let the defense go into the tank the last 4 games. The DC didn't care about winning games because he was leaving and should have been replaced as soon as he announced he was leaving.I think the most telling loss was to the inept Raiders,not to mention the 299 yards they gave up ON THE GROUND to the Panthers on Mon night.

    Gruden was the offensive wizard and it appears he put way to much trust in Monte Kiffin, who really let him and the team down.


    You honestly think if the Buc's had made the playoffs the owners would listen to the players and still fire him?


    BTW, the team also fired and replaced the GM, and now Morris has fired most of the remaining staff. Complain all you want about Gruden, the fact remains he is way better then any coach the Bills have had in a great while!


    First off, Kiffin is too proud and too close to the players on that D to have intentionally let it go. Truth was, it was overachieving prior to the decline in my opinnion.


    And Gruden lost his players long before that anyway, so thats a mute point.

  2. The Bucs lost because Kiffin wasn't around. If he'd been fired, he wouldn't have been around either, and they still would have lost. And Gruden still would have been fired.


    I think that Kiffin decided to leave the Bucs because he couldn't stand Gruden. What I want to know is, had he known that Gruden would get fired, would he have stayed and possibly been promoted to HC? Or was he told that Gruden wouldn't be back, but that he wasn't a HC'ing candidate anyway?


    I am sure Kiffin had no idea, I mean the staff just hired a lions coordinator 2 hours before being told they canned GM and Gruden, so sounds like everyone was in the dark. Also, when Kiffin took that job, the Bucs were in first place, so I am sure at that point there was little reason for Kiffin to believe Gruden would be fired.


    However, that's a good question...would he have left if he knew Gruden was going to be canned...I don't thinks, I think he stays if would have had some insight that Gruden was going to be gone.

  3. They need a RB, we have two...


    I say trade them Lynch for Boldin and we'll run Jackson. Not a knock on Lynch, I am a fan, but Jackson would do fine as an everydown back and Boldin would open up our offense and give Trent one more WR he can't find in the open or throw to and will help expedite his replacing...lol

  4. Your FAR more overrated as a Poster than Gruden is as a Head Coach... :huh:


    With continuous posts like this I can't even refer to you as a Poster, more like a Poser


    I would bash your lame post more, however, with your capabilities as a poster I understand thats about the level of quality your football intellect will allow you to post, so I will go easy on you. :huh:

  5. The concept of owners listening to what the players have to say about a coach is indeed startling. Think of Tom Coughlin and the NY Giants players who complained about how tough his training camps and were, he was almost fired in NY because the players complained so much, then they go on to win a SB. The guy was a tough disciplinarian and the players didn't like it so they bitched and cried to to media. Think of Bill Parcells and how tough and no nonsense he is and then look at his record.

    There is a reason players want a head coach like Dick Jauron.... Hey,I wouldn't mind getting paid millions while playing for a joke and taking it easy either.


    When Dick Vermeil took over the St Louis Rams in 1997 the Rams players hated the guy and his extremely tough training camps and practices. All the players complained that the 3 hour practices were too long,so Vermeil condensed the 3 hours into 2 hours and ran the same number of plays in 2 hours instead of 3,which made it tougher on the players :huh:


    The Rams players stopped complaining about Vermeil and his tough,no nonsense tactics when they reached the playoffs and went to the super bowl.


    Time will tell if the Buc's made the right move,but letting players decide who they want to play for is simply foolish IMHO.


    There is a BIG difference in players complaining about how hard training camp is and players flat out NOT TRUSTING the coach and believing they can win with him. What Bucs players have said, past and present, is that Gruden has lost them. I don't care if the HC is Bill Walsh, if the players do not buy into him and trust what he is doing he will never lead them anywhere.


    In NY, the players complained about intensity and the rules, but they also respected the coach and bought into his system as time moved on. There was an adjustment period, but they adapted. Gruden had been in TB for 7 years...he lost the players, constantly mismanaged his QB, RB, and WR's on that team, would say one thing than do another, etc, etc. It's not like he was new in TB, he had been there 7 years and wore out his welcome and lost the trust of his team. That is, and always will be, the death of a HC at any level of coaching...losing the trust of your players.

  6. Everyone who has an issue with Boldin and is screaming for him to be inactive clearly has never played football or at least played at a high level.


    What happened is something that happens all the time. There is a lot of emotion going on, especially in a game of this magnitude at a critical point in the game...two people disagreed, it happens. Boldin didnt come out and make a big issue about it, he even tried to keep the spotlight off him for his teammates.


    This guy is an incredible teammate and makes personal sacrifices for this team. His teammates voted him team captain. In fact, when he and Fitz are healthy who has the most TD's...Boldin.


    Do you even understand the risk he took for this team coming back so soon from that injury this year? Not only does he come back, but he doesnt miss a beat and continues going over the middle where MOST WR's fear and avoid. You cant expect a guy with that kind determination and commitment to just take it lightly when he is healthy and not in the game on the FRANCHISES most important drive of all time.


    Its called passion, and its something our team sorely lacks. There isnt a guy on our team that could hold this guys jock...

  7. Ray Ray, said that he wants out of Baltimore, do you think the bills should make the move? I think we should, not just because he'll bolster our defense, but we need a player who can play with a mean streak, need some toughness. I mean it almost doesn't matter, that he murdered some body, I'm not saying it's a good thing, but Ray Lewis is just a freak, and probably the last guy in the league, I'd want to piss of. I'd put him at MLB, and move poz back to OLB his original spot in college, I don't see crowell being retained, I know he said he wants to remain a buffalo bill, but he shafted us over, a few days before the start of the season.


    Yes...Ray isnt the same Ray that was MVP of the SB, but he is still a good player. Most importantly he brings what we severly lack on our defense:








    He would be a big addition to our up and coming defense and a great mentor for Poz and the rest of the D. If we can get him, then I say grab him!

  8. There isn't a single person on the Bills I'd rather have than Boldin. Not a single one. The guy played with heart on a team that sucked for ages, and it finally comes down to possibly a single drive for the chance to go to the Superbowl, and some of you people think its selfish that he wanted to be on the field and in the game-plan for that drive. Seriously, why else play the damn game? I say good for him getting in the coach's face. Had they lost people would have been questioning why he wasn't in the mix on that drive. Really, man, has it been so long since the Bills have been competitive that some of you are actually ripping a guy for being competitive?


    Couldnt agree more...Boldin has always been a class act, and he is a fierce competitor and top 4 WR in this league...I would be upset and wondering why the 2nd best player on this team wasnt in the game too.


    He would be hands down the best player on our team in Buffalo.

  9. I chose Arizona because of the Gruden Factor. Gruden beat the Raiders because he had just come from the team and knew what they were going to do. Whisenhunt has been the Steelers OC for three years. I know they'll try and mix him up but I gotta believe that he'll know how to defend against them better than any other team.


    I agree...I think Wiz outcoaches Tomlin and AZ wins the game. AZ has more momentum right now, and at this point, how could anyone bet against Warner and Fitz? I know Pitts D is Elite, but AZ has got not one, but 3 WR's they gotta keep up with who have a QB that is great at getting rid of the ball under pressure and handles the Blitz very good in Warner. Pitts offense also looks inconsistent and the way the AZ D is playing I think they do ok in the SB and keep the Pitt O at bay. My prediction is a 24-17 AZ win.


    So far I am 6-0 the last 2 weeks, and 9-1 overall during playoffs, so lets go for one more. (all my picks were on here too before game time).

  10. There was definitely something wrong with Leinart. Maybe just didn't have the heart to play in the NFL. If Kurt retires, we'll see if he's gotten his head together. Marv did say they were looking at Cutler as far as QBs went, if they decided to go in that direction. Passing on him seems like a bigger problem right now.


    Yeah, I remember that...Cutler had the bigger ARM needed to play in windy Buffalo. I live in LA so saw a lot of his games, so I was hoping the Bills would pass on Leinart as I just didnt think he had the ARM strength for Buffalo and I wondered how is laid back attitiude would translate at the next level.

  11. dominate a game like Fitzgerald did??

    I don't think so. He's too small.


    Put Evans on Philly, AZ, NE, etc and he is a top 5 WR in this league in terms of stats and would probably be comparable on that level...however, he will not ever dominate a game like Fitz becuse they play two different games.


    Fitz muscles his guy, man handles the D, out leaps the D, and is almost uncoverable. He is the best WR in football, and Andre Johnson and Anquan Bolding are probably #2 and #3 right behind him...both of them are also fast, big, physical recievers who can beat you on route running, on the deep ball, and even when jammed.


    How S. Smith, R. Moss, and S. Moss dominate games is more comparable to what Evans could do in a better passing offense.


    I would rank the WR's in the league like this (and I know this is debateable, but just my opinnion):


    1 Fitz

    2 AJ

    3 Boldin

    4 S. Smith

    5 R. Moss

    6 Jennings

    7 Wayne

    8 Welker

    9 Calvin Johnson (although he probably moves up this list next year)

    10 Housh


    Honestly, once you get past the top 4 its gets really debateable...but I think the top 4 are pretty much the best WR's in football.

  12. I heard the same thing while hanging out at my beach bure in Bora Bora - Cassell really wanted to check out Buffalo 'cause Jauron's so highly regarded as a top coach by NFL insiders.


    Way to keep your streak alive of posts with out a single shred of merit or relevance...dont forget to post the Dike Leach interview on your next post otherwise people will forget about your man crush on him <_<

  13. My response to you initially was because of your statement....."He was average at best through the 5-1 start."

    I guess you accept that as mis-stated <_<


    I totally agree that his regression after those first 5 games was extremely concerning.......but I wouldn't personally be throwing him away at this point nor spending large resources on replacing him until we know for sure what we have. As I have shown above(in a similar manner to your thread regarding questions on Gruden), Cassel has probably shown little more than Edwards so far in his career......I certainly wouldn't be considering him a savior at this point in his career.



    Fair enough...saying average at best was probably an understatement, I concede that. I was only illustrating that his performance for me wasn't overwhelming during that 5-0 to the point his regression can be looked at as a rough patch. To me hasnt shown me enough that says he can be anything better than say an ok starter in this league (assuming he can stay healthy) when you look at his total body of work to this point. Has he shown promise? Absolutely! Has he also shown tendency's that plague bad QBs in this league, Absolutely. So the jury is still out on him, but I would refrain from saying that our QB position is solid right now and lock him in as our QB of the future.


    And I agree with about Cassel...I am not sold on him myself and I dont want to see big money thrown on him. People seem to confuse me posting the Bills possible interest in him as somehow I am endorsing that interest and Matt Cassel which couldnt be further from the truth. To me, Cassel has queston marks too, and I am not sure he would be the answer and I dont want us to throw big money at him either.


    That being said, at this current point, our QB position is a bigger need now than it was last year given the lack of backup behind our injury prone starter and our starters very clear regression. People can post whatever paper statisitics they want, but you can not argue about his reluctance to let the ball go over in the second half of the season, his shaken confidence, and his inability to see the field and find open recievers during that stretch. He even became turnover prone...

  14. Uh wait a minute. Lets not forget that Gruden did what Dungy could'nt in Tampa...win a superbowl!


    Thats speculation to say that Dungy wouldnt have also won the Superbowl that same year if he coached the Bucs instead of Gruden that year. Gruden gets too much credit for that win...Mularkey could have coached that team that year and still had a shot at SB...that D was sick and the offense was solid.

  15. Honestly... the fact that we're even discussing the Arizona Cardinals being IN the Superbowl pretty much seals the deal in my mind. Just take that in for a second... the Arizona Cardinals are playing in the Superbowl.


    Kurt's a good guy on and off the field, and he sure pissed me off when we played against him this year. We couldn't even slow him down. The only knock on him was length of career since he got such a late start at it when he burst onto the scene with the Rams. But now he's been doing it for 10 years... and got the RAMS and the Cardinals to the Super Bowl. That alone is astonishing... I'm still taking that in.


    Isnt that crazy...I mean before Warner on these two teams, the thought of them in Super Bowl was hilarious. The year Warner took over the Rams, he was the only significant change from the previous year and he came out and threw I believe 3 or mor TD's in his first 4 starts or something like that and took them to a Super Bowl victory. He single handedly turned both teams around.

  16. Actually I was grading his overall performance. His overall performance includes his 4th Q stats which put it up well above average.

    His 4th quarter stats:


    QBR: 139.9


    A QB who excels in the 4th quarter is surely something of value.....and I'd say that he became dominant in the 4th quarter over those 5 games.


    His 1st-3rd quarter stats:


    QBR: 85.1


    His performance over the first 3 quarters in those 5 games may not have been stellar......but was certainly solid.


    It is only unrealistic expectations that could possibly have somebody looking at his performance over that period & come away with 'below average' as a conclusion. What is a realistic expectation from a QB......let alone a 2nd year player? Solid play in the first 3 quarters with excellence in the last.



    The average passing for 1st downs in the league is about 11 per game. Over the 5 games TE passed for over 11.5 1st downs a game(continuing drives). Warner today passed for 13.


    You speak as if you expect continual perfection from players. Most players will have bad days.....bad patches.....bad throws.....bad series. It is the combined statistics which give an indicator to how well a player is doing overall.


    Ignoring TEs 4th quarter stats......if he can emulate his play in those 5 games & learn to make/complete a few extra shots down field each game.......I'd be more than happy with that at the QB position.


    You make fair arguments and I am not saying Trent was terrible in the 5-0 stretch by any means. But last I checked, the season was 16 games long plus playoffs, not 5 games. I can pick 5 games too for JP Losman that were great, doesnt mean he can sustain that level of play.


    Regardless of your numbers you want to break down, his affectiveness in those games was average in large chunks of those games, not a series or two, but large chunks where he was just ok to not bad. In the second half of the season, his play was terrible and he often struggled even against marginal teams...


    Look, I am not denying he hasnt shown promise, and I would like to be able to see him turn into a good QB. My only argument is that those 5 games were not good enough to overlook how bad the rest were. His overall body of work has left me with lots of questions and I am greatly concerned about his regression and timid play in the second half of the year...not to mention how easy he gets hurt.

  17. Ok, about 9 min left in the game...close game...who does it favor? I am going to go out a small limb here and say the Ravens D makes a play and either scores or puts the offense in a good position to steal this game. Could be wrong, but I had a feeling Balt might steal this game even though I bet on Pitt...luckily I bet heavy on the cards and small on the Steelers, lol...

  18. I don't know if he's a lock, but I think he now has a very good chance of making the HOF. He now has three Super Bowl appearances to his credit with at least one win and at least one Super Bowl MVP award. Both teams he's led to the Super Bowl were longtime league doormats prior (and the Rams have returned to being doormats since). Although he doesn't have quite as many attempts as most other HOF QBs, statistically he's as good as any QB who has ever played the game when that relative lack of attempts is factored in. That said, if he plays another season, he should eclipse both 30,000 career passing yards and 200 TD passes sometime in the first half of next year, so his HOF resume is by no means weak in that department.


    The counter argument is that he had that five year stretch in the middle of his career where he was basically a spot starter for the Cardinals and Giants, but I think the last two years, but this one in particular, have been his redemption. He's thrown for 8,000 yards the last two seasons and 57 TD passes compared to 31 INTs. He's proven that he can still play at a very high level and lead a perennial loser to a division championship and a Super Bowl. Incidentally, aside from that 2002 season where he was never healthy, he was never really bad. He wasn't great during that stretch by any means, but not bad, either. In the end, I think he's just a guy who caught some bad breaks in the middle of his career, but who has fought his way back to the top.


    So yes, I would cast my vote in favor of his HOF bid. Even though he's taken the long road there, he's proven it in my eyes. I think he certainly deserves it.



    That was a very good post...

  19. Dungy will not be back. He had the perfect situation other than location in Indianapolis.


    I suspect you might be right, but he is still young enough that I dont know if he can stay away. We will see, but you very well could be right and we may never see him coach again or even sit several years.


    Could be similar to Jimmy Johnson...plenty of coaching left in him too, but he stayed away. I wonder if teams ever call him during their coaching searches each year to see if he has any interest in considering getting back into coaching...

  20. It kills me that we could have drafted this stud DT, that would have anchored our defense for years. Instead we draft Whitner who is average with no big play ability. Another bone head draft decision. Then we drafy Hardy instead of Dejaun Jackson who was a great rookie WR. Our draft personel sucks.


    Are serious about Jackson? Going into the draft, he was exactly what we didnt need and I assure you he would not have had the same impact in Buffalo as he did in Philly where he had top tier QB passing to him who could get him the ball. In Buffalo he would have been lucky to get 20 catches...and he wouldnt have been that affective on ST either as he would have been buried behind Roscoe and Leodis.


    Now, Ngata you can clearly make a case for. I thought we were taking him and I wanted him. I am not convinced Whitner wont be a top safety in this league yet, and so far, seems to be the only one on defense trying to create some swagger. Comparing right now, Ngata is clearly the bigger impact player, however, he also plays on a team with several impact players all around him that must be addressed during a game. So who knows how dominant he would have been in Buffalo getting tripled teamed every play. He probably has a season similar to Strouds if he was on our squad. I bet if you put Stroud in Baltimore this last season in place of Ngata he would have been just as dominant.

  21. ...on the cheap. <_<


    He might have a hard time finding a job in the next 2 seasons...most jobs are filled already or close to being filled and in 2010 he will have to contend with having Cowher, Holmgren, Shannahan and maybe even Dungy to get a job. Not to mention there are still some coordinators that will surface as candidates as they always do, and there are other potential coaches that might also become front runners for jobs if they seek them like Mariucci, Fassel, and maybe even Marty.


    His players didnt like em, and they voted him out and even some of his former players are taking pleasure in his firing...


    That can't bode well in a job search. Plus, there likely wont be many job openings in 2010, at least compared to the turnover we had this year.

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