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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. This guy is sick!! I've been watching him play week in and week out for the last 2 years, and I'm convinced that he will be a future pro bowler!!! As much as I would like to see Steve Johnson and James Hardy compete for a significant wide reciever role on our team, I believe it would be very difficult to pass on Hakeem Nicks in the second round.


    I think he looks like a stud too, but we have more pressing needs than another WR to develop, so I just see how we can use a first day pick on one..

  2. I would agree with you that you can't buy your way to the superbowl- but would disagree if you're saying you can't get better using FA- as for building through the draft I agree but the Bills unfortunately haven't been very good in that area- and our coach is not particularly good either - so I'm not looking for a Superbowl anytime soon- but can't we be at least fun to watch and be relevant down the stretch.


    Again, just to clarify. I am not saying FA doesnt help...its a key part of building a team sure. But overspending to bring in big names is not the key to FA and its been proven over and over again in the NFL by the biggest culprits (Dallas, Wash, Raiders, Jets) and its even true in other sports for the most part.

  3. There's a theme there, sure. But those teams have made some FA mistakes too. I think Baltimore overpaid for Samari Rolle. Lavar Arrington with the Giants? The Patriots overpaid Stallworth and Colvin. I'm sure the contract Duce Staley signed in Pittsburgh wasn't insanely high, but he wasn't worth it.


    Other teams make free agency mistakes, even the good ones. They're just harder to notice because those teams win consistently.


    I should clarify a bit...what I was saying is that going out and getting the big names out there and spending way more than they are worth is not the key to winning...I would not classify Lavar on that list or Staley. Sure, they didnt pan out, but they were not paid enormous amounts of money as what I was referring to and injuries cut their value short. No one team drafts or signs FA's perfectly, but those teams I mentioned do not generally give players absurds amounts of money just to come play for them or even retain them like Wash, Dallas, Jets, and Raiders have typically done in recent years.


    It was more directed at those saying pay Peppers or Haynesworth (who both likely stay where they are at) 2 or 3 million per year more than what they are offered in Car or Tenn respectively. I have even seen posts arguing we should offer Haynesworth $13 million per year when he doesnt even fill a top 5 need on our team (DE, LB, TE, C, QB are all more pressing needs than DT).

  4. Ray Lewis now or Ray Lewis 5 years ago? Because if you mean now you're crazy. He's lost a few steps and he's missed his share of tackles this year, he's nowhere near the best defensive player on the Ravens anymore. Overrated these days ...


    I would take Ray in a hearbeat right now if we could sign him. He has an ABUNDANCE of what we lack...








  5. Hopefully Tebow spends another season in Florida and he'll be available in the 2010 draft. He will be an NFL stud from day one if you can get him to run a little less but always be a threat.


    Huh? I can't decide if you are being funny or serious...if you are being serious, then I will bet you a $1 that Tebow never makes a pro bowl in the NFL...

  6. And he's a model citizen off the field as well. He's only killed one person.


    Pretty ignorant post as you clearly are not that familiar with the case. The vast majority or eye witness testimony was that he was a "peacemaker" in the situation and tried breaking it up. The only one who really was on the "Ray did it" band wagon in the case was a ex con in trouble for fraud that was trying to help his own case. Ray's big mistake, lying to the police about who was in the limo to protect his friends who were the culprits. Ray didn't kill anyone...


    He was cleared on all accounts.


    I bet you think Kobe raped that girl too...you know the girl that who had no semen from Kobe on her panties she wore the night she was allegedly raped, yet had semen from 3 other men on them...the same girl who dropped the case when she learned she was going to be put on the stand...

  7. What got me looking at this was when I was checking out Owen Daniels TE and I started looking at Houston- QB with a very good QB rating, stud WR, very productive RB, and TE, highly rated DE, MLB - much hyped DT- some of these teams had injuries but you could say the same about the Bills - Edwards, Schobel, Reed, Greer and Crowell plus the Peters disaster- my point is I thought I knew where you have to be good to win- but I look at these teams and think it's a little more complicated and mysterious.


    This just goes to show that overpaying for some high priced FA is not the answer. You need to be solid as a unit. Name one FA that Pitt, NE, NYG, Balt, or Indy have over paid for? There isnt one...they have won the last 7 SB's.


    How many SB's has Dallas, Washington, Jets, or Raiders won in the last 10 years of over paying high profile FA's? Um, ZERO.


    So your point above is good...its more complicated then just compiling a few stud players. You need players that fit your scheme/system, need depth, and most importantly you need to do this by building through the draft...


    Not once in NFL history has going out and over spending on high profile FA's ever won a superbowl...this hasnt worked a single time ever which makes me laugh when I see people crying out to offer Peppers or Haynesworth way more than the going rate to lure them here when there is zero chance they come her anyway. As if acquiring them will suddenly make Trent a QB who can throw to his WR's, or make the OL block better, or make the team stay healthy, or make the Tight End more productive, or make Hardy develop into a stud, etc...

  8. You have a point there. To go even further, w/ our coaching staff, we're probably not much better served getting a guy like LB Rey Maualuga, OT Michael Oher, or any of the top DEs, either. They'd just be wasted on these guys. Sad, but true.


    I'll say this: ideally, I'd take Crabtree if there's no stud pass rusher or LB available. Of course, ideally, Dick Jauron wouldn't be the head coach and his staff wouldn't be here either.


    Gresham helps this O more than Crabtree...guaranteed. Especially with Trent "check down" Edwards throwing the ball.

  9. I am not the sharpest football mind but one difference I noticed between our offense and those of the teams playing yesterday, is how much time the QBs seem to have at the LOS after breaking the huddle to scan and read the D before the snap.


    This year both Trent & JP seemed to consistently break the huddle and get to the line with 5-8 seconds left on the play clock. Not saying this is the QB's fault - there seems to be a lot of indecision in playcalling with the Bills coaching staff, most notably at the end of the half against the Pats*. Playoff teams seem to get to the LOS with 10-12 seconds, giving the QB plenty of time to scan and read before the snap.


    This, and quality tight end play were two glaring differences I noticed yesterday. Anyone else notice this?


    QB PLAY!!!!!!


    The only team in the playoffs that didnt have an above average QB this year was probably Baltimore. But the QB "game managed" and let that dominating D and solid Run game do its job.


    Our inability to throw a pass to the WR's kills us, especially with no real threat at TE. And dont tell me (not you OP, refering to the other posters) about our WR's not getting open as they repeatedly got open and TE/JP couldnt get them the ball. Many a replays showed Evans and Co. open while Trent dumps off short on a check down, often because he didnt just turn his head and look to the other side of the field.


    Our long drives were a product most of the time of our running game. Once Trent came back and started to struggle he was a shell of what he had been and that was the end of our season...blame DJ all you want, but Trent, yes your beloved Trent combined with the poor play of JP is the SOLE reason our season is over.


    Sure DJ had his bone head moments that I think should have gotten him replaced, but our season was more greatly affected by lousy QB play...the same thing that has hampered just about every year since Kelly retired. You can NOT win in this league without solid QB play. The only exception is if you have a dominating D, but even then, the QB still needs to not lose them games...

  10. Does anyone think its possible that he falls to us?


    Would we take him if he was there?


    We go according to the board...so... what do you think?


    There is no way he falls to us.


    We have 2 young WR's we are developing still, why waste a high pick on one when we still don't know if we need him.


    I would rather see us take Gresham, Mays, DE, or LB with this pick...

  11. I'm calling BS on this. Anyone ever notice that sometimes these posts just come out of the blue when things are just dying down a little bit?


    So, this guy is a supposed first time poster, already knows to do a poll, and cancelled DTV all at the same time.



    I'm calling BS.






    lol, you are probably right...some one call the "Wahh-mbulance" for the OP...

  12. Yesterday I called DirecTV and canceled NFL Sunday ticket. I've been a Bills fan since Jack Kemp was the QB and have gone through a lot of ups and downs. I can't support this team financially anymore and I decided to do my little part. This coaching staff might be a bunch of nice guys but three years is enough. 3 year plans don't work anymore in the NFL. The future is now. Ralph is living in the past.


    You must have a vendetta with Direct TV then because this move will not even remotely be felt by Ralph or the Bills and you are just punishing yourself. I bet as soon as they start winning you will be grabbing that phone to call Direct TV back anyway...


    First off, if your a fan of football then why cancel the package in the first place when you can watch all the games.


    Second, if you dont want to watch the other games and only had the package for the buffalo game, then why pay for the package when you can just go the sports bar and watch the game with some buds for free.


    Third, if you really just want to see only the Buffalo game and are not willing to go to the sports bar with some buds to watch the game, you can watch it for free on the internet.


    I just dont get this post or the other dozens like it. Ralph doesnt care that you don't subscribe to the NFL package anymore, and why should he...I mean who really cares...

  13. Considering the complete and utter lack of defense on each team and the difficult schedules they faced, I wouldnt really say that Houston and New Orleans underachieved this year. 8-8 is about right on the money for both of them.


    I agree with you on Houston, espeicially with injury to Schaub, but N.O. definitely underachieved. You dont have a QB that passes for 15 yards less than the league record for a season and not make the playoffs. I mean Manning made the playoffs all those years with a joke of a D. Over 5,000 yards passing and all they can muster is 8 wins...and they were expected to be good and have a prolific offense. Not to mention they brought in Vilma and a few other D additions to help with their D. So I would say, they definitely under achieved.


    Cincinatti and Cle were no surprise to me as I didnt expect either to be above .500 this year.


    Dallas you can say underachieved, but if Romo doesnt get hurt they surely make the playoffs. That being said, Romo still chokes when it counts as they still had a shot and he stunk it up when it counted and was dreadful against Philly. So, given they still had life for the playoffs and missed you can't really blame the injury as they were pretty much healthy when it counted and still stunk, so they are definitely an underachiever.


    You can also add in the Jets to this list and I think the Packers. The QB play was the only question mark and Rodgers was pretty good. Considering how good the team was the previous year and that it was still in tact from the year before, with solid QB play like they had they should have easily made the playoffs.

  14. Better than Ronnie Lott? Lott was an interception guru as well, getting 63 in his career (reed currently has 43) but he was also a tackler. Lott had over 100 tackles 5 times, while Reed has never done so. He actually only had 41 tackles this year.


    Your safety shouldnt have that many tackles if the group up front is getting the job done. That means too many times guys were getting tackled down field. Reeds tackle numbers are lower because of the tremendous job being done up front, and if you watch Reed, he is one heck of a tackler too.


    That being said, at this point, you still have to give it to Lott as best ever, but I think when Reeds career is over he might just over take Lott as best ever. To this point, I would have to agree, he is at least best play making S ever...

  15. The difference between Crowell and Ellison is HUGE. He may be a JAG, but he is in a different class than the alternatives.


    The DBs may be JAGS, but when the injuries pile up, and guys (other JAGs?) have to move out of their natural positions, it can make a real impact.


    Still, injuries are part of the game, and the Bills weren't decimated by them, as they were in 2007. But, I wanted to point out that, even though the guys who were injured might not be stars, the damage done was more than their quality status might indicate.


    Good post


    The problem with the injuries is the lack of quality we have gotten from recent drafts. We don't have the depth to sustain such injuries.


    Greer and Youboty were playing as a starter caliber level when they were hurt and hurt more that is believed, especially Leodis took time to develop in is DB role. Schobels injury not only hurt our pass rush, but also our run D and significantly reduced the impact of Stroud as now he drew double and triple teams.


    Our injuries were not as bad as last year, but they were still quite significant. You don't win in this league unless you can weather injuries and field capable players which we have shown we cant do.


    We need a true GM and better drafts.

  16. You have good points above.


    However, that has nothing to do with the awful coaching job that Jauron did this year. Bad decision after bad decision and consistant clock mismanagement have nothing to do with Pennington, Flacco, Porter, Ryan, Turner, Edwards eratic play or injuries to Bills players. Jauron made mistakes that a coach with his experience simply should






    That either is, or is not, true. If you believe that not to be true, fine. Then we agree to disagree.


    Remember, I said I prefer Jauron to be replaced now for this very reason, this post was to examine some analysis that might have gone into retaining Jauron.

  17. actually my point isn't so much about Haynesworth but that sometimes it might be better to spend a huge amount on a superstar than to spend the same amount on 2 or 3 lessor talents.


    Ask Dallas, Washington, Oakland and the Jets how that is working out for them...


    Overpaying huge for one talent has never equaled winning in the NFL for any team ever...not once. So how is this better?


    Look at the last super bowl winners of the last 7 years...Pitt, NE, Indy, Balt, NYG...name one player who they these teams grossly over paid for to get them over the top? In fact, NE and Pitt let players walk rather than pay them what they can get elsewhere and yet are always amongst the Elite teams.


    You build winning teams by drafting well and bringing in players that fit your scheme and system, not just dump huge amounts to get one player...we are no where near "1 player away" from being a SB Champ.

  18. I disagree about Schobel he was locked through 2010 and they extended him through 2013 WhyTF would you do that.


    If they cut Schobel at the exact time they extended him, a bidding war starts for him and he gets a similar contract. Doesnt mean we should have extended him, but at the time his previous play warranted his salary.

  19. What's better Kelsay and Schobel for 13mil or Haynesworth for 13mil


    Why do people keep talking like Haynesworth is someone we had a shot at? He is NOT leaving Tenn and they have already begun contract talks. He WANTS to stay and Tenn WANTS him to stay and is gonna pay him...


    Geezus, enough of Haynesworth talk...might as well talk about bringing in Manning, Ed Reed, Ware, or some other stud, becasue it has about as much likely hood as Haynesworth.


    But of course, the posters on here will find a way to blame Ralph for not signing a player that has zero percent chance of coming here...

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