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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Sorry to be short. Dental work....8 grand and it hurts. :rolleyes:


    Read your posts. Warner is 40 with superbowl experience. great targets, and a coach with a clue. Trent has none of this, and he managed to win us some games (more than 2 per season). Do you think that I just started watching quarterbacks a year or so ago?

    Trent will never be a pre-injury Joe Namath, but he is FAR from being the problem with this team.


    S*cks about the dental work...that doesnt sound awesome...hope you feel better...


    I must say though, I have a problem with this statement. How is he not a problem? I am not saying he wont "BE" a good QB one day but QB play has been a problem...


    His overall play after the 4-0 start was very poor. His only good games, which are not exactly outstanding games, were against 2 of the worst defenses in the league in SD and Den.


    I am not saying he is the worst QB in the league, but we literally are not in the playoffs because of the combined play of our QB's after the 5-1 start. Why was JP in the game? Because Trent was hurt...that hurts the team and is a liability and something that is part of seasons going back to high school.


    When he came back from the concussion, he played ok against SD (terrible D at the time) and then seriously regressed. He was awful the rest of the year except at Den (who couldnt stop a high school team and was missing Champ Bailey).


    Look, I think he has potential to become something better, but the fact remains, with better QB play we win games like Cle, SF, Mia, NE, and Jets. We couldnt move the ball and Cle, SF, and Jets had bottom third pass defenses. NE def wasnt very good either...every one of those games our D played well enough to win, our offense, specifically the QB position didnt get it done through most of those games.


    Sure, coaching decisions hampered us in Cle and Jets game, but with better QB play we dont need a last second FG to beat lowly Cle, and JP doesnt fumble because the QB should be smart enough to throw the ball away on a busted play in that situation...

  2. As do the attempts to paint DJ as a victim of circumstance or how "he would be a winner if only..."





    LMAO...dont take my points about DJ as support...I dont particularly like him, but I just dont see him as bad as others. I just find it interesting how everyone wants to make countless excuses for Trent and make outlandish claims about how we dont win because of DJ...


    All I here about is Trents potential...well lets look at that word...Potential means you s*ck now, but are expected to grow and be good.


    Get over the 4-0 start...it was against terrible teams. His overall body of work after that was the quality of a bad backup. Doesnt mean he wont someday be good, in fact, I am hoping he does. But, no matter how many excuses you want to make, the collective play of JP and Trent led to us missing the playoffs...

  3. Um, lets see....Ferguson, Jake Long, Camarillo showed up, Devon Bess ,a new Ricky Williams, Joey Porter coming back into his own, Akin Ayodele....to name a few.


    Yeah, some of those guys were players that were there before and floundered, but guess what? New FO and new coaching staff turned them from marginal talents or over the hill stars into essential team players or superstars, respectively. What's that? Good coaching and talent evaluation.


    The Dolphins opening day roster had 35-40 new guys that were not there last opening day. Parcells ripped that team apart, brought in guys he knew would work in his system, and kept the ones he knew Sparano could mould.


    I'm sure him or any other top-flight talent evaluator/coach in the league could do the same to the Bills. Whitner would look like a superstar, we'd bring a stength and conditioning coach in to stop our players from getting hurt, ect.


    It's all about the FO talent.


    I totally agree with you that is all about FO talent...100%...and Parcells did have an impact on that team...however, the BIGGEST change though was still Fasano and Pennington. Most the players you mentioned were already on that team, and the ones you say stepped up were catching passes from Pennington. They would have been no where near as effective without him, which is why they stunk last year.


    Do you honestly think they would have won the division with one of those bumbs like Beck starting if they dont get Pennington? You can not deny the massive impact Pennington had on that team...they dont win 5 games without him in my opinnion.

  4. If I remember the statistics...but, don't quote me without looking this up yourself...75% of draft day trades are teams trading up.


    Makes sense...I mean look at Ditka...he wanted Ricky Williams so bad he traded his whole draft for him. If a team wants a player bad enough, they can give up more and more until its a deal a team just cant turn down, so in sense, they have more control when they want to trade up.

  5. Another great post! :rolleyes: What is wrong with you today? Or, are your posts always this dumb?


    I'll give you Doug Flutie. He was at his best on broken plays. Other than him, please name me another quarterback who plays better when he is detting pressured.


    Um, Manning, Brady, Warner, Kelly, Montanna, Marino, Brees, McNabb, etc, etc...I could go on and on...


    You are missing my point. If you have a guy in your face hitting you, yes, no QB will play well. But Trent is not good at getting rid of the ball early when the pressure is coming. He does not progress through his reads fast enough. Casual fans think dumping off to a safety valve is good under pressure...its not. He consistently takes bad sacks from holding the ball too long, misses open recievers becase he checks down instantly to a dump off, or throws a bad pass because he was hurried that falls badly incomplete or is picked off.


    You wanna see a QB handle the pressure well...go back and watch Warner beat the Eagles...

  6. You are just as wrong on this one as the idiotic post you made about Lynch being basically the same as jackson.


    Trent Edwards has tremendous poise in the pocket that you very rarely see in a guy this early in his career, not to mention his accuracy is phenomonal. Bill Walsh, a great evaluator of talent (who knows a thing or two about qb talent) endorsed him and had very high praises for him. He is and will be a strength for the Bills for many years to come, next year he will prove you and the rest of the naysayers wrong!! If we would of had the quality of Qb's that we have had here over the last decade we would of lost over half the games we won. The guy is clutch in crunch time and I have tremendous faith that he will be our starting qb for many years to come. Before I came to this message board, I would of never of thought that Bills fan's had negative feelings and biases towards him, and I'm very surprised that there are many people that don't like him.


    I guess it's not that surprising, look at all the idiots that want McNabb out of Philly. I guess that shows you that the average fan doesn't know SHI*&T about SHI*&T !!


    OMG...give it up with the BILL WALSH quotes...geezus, he traded a lot to move up and get JJ Stokes because he said he was the next Jerry Rice and reminded them of him...and he was a TOTAL BUST. Even the great ones are wrong many times...just because he liked Trent doesnt mean he will make it in the NFL...geezus, enough already...


    Accuracy is phenomenal? OMG, he has made a ton of terrible passes...so please, spare me the phenomenal. His accuracty rating is helped by a tendency to make short safe throws...He is an accurate passer, but phenomenal is absurd...Payton Manning is phenomenal...I would say more like above average at this point.


    Clutch in crunch time?...he played well in the 4th quarter against bad teams...Great, what about the good teams? When can he start beating them? Quit living on his 4-0 start and start looking at his total body of work...one 4 game stretch against the worst teams and defenses in the league does not make a career or define a QB.


    You lost a lot of credibility with me on this post to be honest...

  7. I agree, the Bills hold all of the high cards, there is absolutely no way that they can fark this up.


    Iffin I had to guess, I would expect them to stand pat and choose either a d-lineman or Pettigrew.


    For the record, its a lot easier to trade up then to trade down. If you want to trade up bad enough, you can keep upping your offer until you do, meaning you are in control more at this point...but trading down relies solely on the other teams willingness to part with something valuable enough to warrant you trading down and risking not getting the players our team covets.

  8. The reason I know that the Skins wanted Ramsey was because that's all everybody was talking about on the Skins pages and on ESPN


    Oh, got it...because fan boards like this one for the Skins and ESPN said it was true...thats how you know it was true :)


    Wasnt ESPN the same network that announced Shannahan was close to being the HC of the Chiefs and then had to eat crow when they found out the Shannahan and KC never even spoke and Shannahan for the second time said he will not coach this year?


    And as far as the fan boards go, I am sure the fan boards had a moderator in the Skins War room so they could post all that was going on from the inside...You know, the same room the media isnt allowed in...it all makes sense now...sorry I ever doubted your certainty...


    LMAO... :rolleyes::)

  9. That was a ridiculous question.

    Maybe because they see a player in particular that they strongly seek? Or, maybe there is a player left that their staff thinks would have a great impact at a position of need?

    You make it sound as if draft day trades don't happen. They do in fact happen, your tangent notwithstanding.

    After the 06 draft, Levy said on Sirius that he had numerous ofers to trade down.


    What are you doing, pretending that there are no trade downs?


    Not at all...I am saying if anyone we draft at #11 is such a stretch as posters are saying and not worth the #11 pick, then no one should trade up to get them...I mean we need just about every position there is...so if NO ONE is good enough at any of those positions, then that is basically saying that there is no one in the draft when we pick at 11 worth taking regardless of positon...which is just absurd.


    I am saying that it is crazy to say that no one is worth the 11 pick that we will need on this team...there are CLEARLY players worthy of the #11 pick...


    So you and I actually agree and I think you just misunderstood my post...my point was about how absurd it is to say that anyone we take at 11 will be stretch...because if it was true then no one would trade up...

  10. The fact is Edwards biggest strength is his poise in the pocket and his fast release. Edwards is not going to get sack often even if Jason Robards is the LT.


    LOL, I love this urban legend or myth about Trent...if thats his biggest strength then we are in serious trouble.


    Everyone made this assesment because in his rookie year he looked calm for a rookie compared to JP running all over the place. The cold hard truth about Trent is that he plays his worst under pressure. He struggled bad even in our wins during the 4-0 stretch when he was pressured. It wasnt until the 4th qtr when both the Rams and Raiders stopped bringing so much pressure that Edwards was finally able to find a rhythm and we could make a comeback...it was so obvious that the announcers even commented on the puzzling lack of pressure these teams decided to bring in the 4th quarter after it had been so effective in the first 3 quarters...


    Those games gave teams a clear blue print to beat him...pressure him because he doesnt progress through his reads well. He took horrible sacks because he holds on to the ball too long in the pocket...I mean there were times it had an eternity to throw, then didnt, and took a sack...there is NO excuse for that, and some of those ended up being fumbles too.


    This guy is absolutely NOT good under pressure. Just because he doesnt run around in a panic doesnt make him good in the pocket. He could get better, but at this point, its not his strong point.


    Trent absolutely needs pass protection at this point to succeed...not to mention he is shell shocked and reluctant to throw now...

  11. I agree that trading down might be the best option if we can get a good deal. This draft seems alot like last years, alot of maybe could be sorta good, but at the 11 spot, I don't see any "must have" guy that will be on the table. Why not stock up on late 1st/ 2nd round picks and help the team with the depth it really needs.


    This cracks me up as it keeps coming up in this thread...if you dont see a must have guy or a guy worthy of the #11 pick, then why would anyone else trade up with us and give up HIGH value picks like a second rounder to get that slot?


    I mean seriously...the Bills have a glaring need at just about every critical position (DE, LB, OL, TE, WR, S, DT, QB)...so if we cant find a guy that plays one of those positions worthy of the #11 slot, how on Earth would another team see someone so valuable that they would give us a high value pick like a 3rd or 2nd rounder to get to that slot to get him?


    If someone is trading up to get a player there, that tells you it was probably a player we shouldnt have overlooked that is so highly regarded by another team (probably with a better FO) that they would give up high value picks to get him. Quite frankly, unless that guy the team trading up to draft is a CB (about the only area of our team we dont need help in), then its a guy at a need position for us too.

  12. Before we start winning again (Like in the 90's) Ralph may need to sell the team, and hire and coach who knows what the heck he is doing. But as far as talent goes, we are very close I think. Its our playcalling and lack of a team identity that really hurts us. With all that being said, this is what I believe the team needs to do to end the playoff drought!!!


    Team Needs:


    1. PASS RUSH!!! This is by far the most important thing the Bills are lacking. B/C of our lack of a pass rush, we make average QB's look like Pro Bowlers because they have literally ALL DAY to throw!! This may not be fixed with just 1 player. However, I would cut Chris Kelsay and his $5 Million dollar salary, and bring in 2 new pass rushing ends. Possible thru free agency and another in the draft. And stop getting these undersized ends with high motors, get DE's who actually have the size and strengh to play END!!


    2. CENTER!!! Anyone who saw the Bills play and struggle vs the 3-4 scheme defense knows we need a center. The Bills were 1-6 vs 3-4 schemes last year, the only team we beat with a 3-4 was San Diego. We need to address the center in Free Agency if possible. A vetern like Matt Birk (Min) or a young Jamal Brown (Bal) would be great, or possible take MACK in the NFL draft.

    Remember-every team in our division runs the 3-4, and we were 0-6 in the division b/c we do not have a physical Center who can match up vs the big NT in the 3-4 scheme. Our center has to face some of the best NT in the league in Kris Jenkins, vince milfork, and jason fergusen.


    3. ANOTHER RECEIVING OPTION!!! The Bills desperately need a vertern NUMBER 2 WR, this should be done in free agency. There are a number a good viable receivers on the free agent market, and besides we drafted Hardy last Year, and would like to give him 2-3 seasons to develope before we label him a BUST!! Remember that Eric Moulds took 3 seasons before he got to be good.




    A PASS CATCHING TE!!! This would really help stretch the field and create match up problems. This could be taken care of Via free agency by signing Bo Scaife (Ten) or drafting one, like we need to do.


    4. A VETERN BACKUP QB!!! Even if Trent is the answer, he has missed over 6 games in his 1st two seasons. Also, if he struggles, this QB needs to be able to step in and lead the team!!


    5. DEPTH!!! We need to have succifient back-ups. 2 seasons ago, the Bills were the MOST INJURED team in the NFL. We need depth at LB, O-Line, and CB. Greer is gonna leave via free agency, so that leaves us with Mcgee, Mckelvin, and Youboty as CB, and mcgee and youboty only have 1 year remaining on there contracts.


    Seriously, thats not alot. The main young are there for the right coaching staff to mold into WINNERS! We just need an OWNER who wants to WIN and shows us that!!!


    GO BILLS GO!!!!!!!


    I agree with all your needs here, none of those are a big secret, however Pass Rush is not the #1 need. Case in point, our D played WELL ENOUGH to win us games, even without Schobel and the threatt of a pass rush. We were not the Denver Broncos or the Saints who couldnt stop a high school team. It is a BIG need, dont get me wrong, but I would rate it #2 in terms of things keeping us out of the playoffs.


    Our #1 need, and the #1 reason we didnt make the playoffs was our QB play. Once Trent got hurt, JP played awful for the most part and Trent came back skiddish and hesistant and became a turnover machine. Many of the games we lost were a direct result of QB play (SF, Cle, NE, Mia, Jets), not defense. AZ, yes, that was mostly because of our D and we couldnt get anywhere near Warner. But our biggest achilies heel in the other losses was the same thing that has plagued us for a long time...inconsistent QB play.


    Even that one year when JP ended the last half of the season strong we started winning games...why, because JP played better. Since then, he has become a shell of that stretch and Trent hasnt played much better. Until Trent becomes a much better QB who can command the game we will not go much further. So he needs to step up quickly or we need to find a new QB before we can start winning again...


    Look at the Jets...once Farve started stinking after starting 9-3, they lost out and missed the playofss...In Mia, Pennington comes in and takes a 1-15 team and wins the division which basically the same core of talent there and the addition of Fasano. There is a reason a QB gets most the credit for wins and most the blame for losses, its because they have such a major part in them.

  13. Gross is reportedly wants to be the highest paid OT (worth it, imo)


    Really, you think in all of the NFL, you think he deserves to be the highest paid OT? If we took all them and put them in a draft, he wouldn't be drafted top 10 let alone #1. Not saying he wont get it or ask for it, just surprised you say hes worth it.


    This deal is going to screw us if Gross gets it...one he's not worth it, and two, Peters knows that and is going to want more. Peters didnt earn a big pay raise this year either...thats the worst part. He was only truly great one year...so how do we know once we pay him he will even live up to the hype of that one great season? I honestly have the feeling that once he gets his big payday there is a chance we will see more seasons like this past one (inconsistent) out of him.


    I am not sold he is going to be consistently dominant to warrant the amount of money he may demand if Gross gets the contract you are saying.

  14. Stop. You have absolutely no idea what a NFL team was going to do. A lot of reports had the Giants targeting McCargo. I have no problem with the Bills trading up to get a player they want. The problem is if they take the wrong guy, which McCargo was. And it is incredibly dumb to write off Poz in what was his essentially his rookie year and helped the defense improved from 30th to 14th.


    This is the perfect draft to trade down in because it is rich with the Bills needs. But as others have mentioned, it is hard to find a trade partner. I would love to see something where we can pick up an extra 2nd where we can have a good target on 3 of our 4 major needs (DE, TE, C, DT).


    Exactly... :rolleyes:

  15. Does that mean that Matt Cassel's mother didn't know what was happening with her son?


    She wasn't an insider either.


    I drive a Dodge Stratus BTW.


    lol...funny (I actually laughed), but if tie it in to the post above, kind of a lame come back...


    Post above talks about the media not knowing whats going on inside, only the people involved...in this case about Cassel and his mom, Cassel would be one of the inside people knowing first hand whats going on...So if Cassel is on the inside, by default his mom is too given how close they are. What he knows, she knows in other words...

  16. I'm not even going to point out the sheer hypocracy of your post in questioning WHO was it that decided to kick a 47-yarder into the wind and WHO decided to call a roll-out pass that resulted in a fumble.


    Defend Jauron all you want. The stats don't lie and they tell you that he is a career loser. This team had enough talent and a weak schedule to get a playoff spot last year and Dumb Dick screwed it up epically. If you sleep better at night trumpeting the same garbage that Ralph Wilson does about the "lack of talent" then good on you.


    The rest of us will just look forward to 2010 - the non-Dick Years.


    Please explain to me how our schedule was so weak? Our division turned out to be one of the toughest in football with all 3 of the other teams were in the running for a playoff spot until the last game of the season and NE didnt even get in with a 11 win season...


    The only "weak" part of our schedule were our first 4 games, which we won. I love how people like to call our schedule weak based on the 2007 versions of the teams we played instead of the 2008 verision of those teams. We lost to BETTER teams in most of our losses...NE, Jets, AZ, Mia were all better teams with more talent...We lost at SF but played without many key starters critical to our success and with a incumbent back up QB.


    I say again, we DONT have the talent level on this team to compete...when the Jets were 9-3, how was Farve playing? Answer: Pretty good. When they tanked how was he playing: Awful. It starts and stops at the QB position. Last year, how many games did Mia win? Answer: 1...What happened this year? They got Pennington who won comeback player of the year who played solid QB all year and they WON the division. There wasnt a lot of NEW talent on that team that wasnt there last year other than Fasano and Pennington.


    So I dont care how much someone cries about DJ, we can NOT win without better play from the QB position. To do so, we need a DOMINANT D to make up for the short comings at QB, which we do not have...


    Less talent means struggle to beat bad teams, which we did, and lose to better teams, which we did...

  17. I remember one year the Rams had the last pick in the first round, and Washington had the next pick. Everybody in the universe knew that the Skins coveted Patrick Ramsey, and they were desperate to pick him.


    First of all, not one person in the universe EVER truly knows what one teams war room truly wants. Do you even know how much disinformation is put out for this very reason? Heck, ESPN had been reporting that Shannahan was close to signing in KC, yet as the story developed and was revealed the two had NEVER even spoke about it and Shannahan (as he said before) again stated he wont be coaching this next year.


    Second, just because a team wants a player, doesnt mean there isnt another player they want almost as bad. So, how do you know that the Skins were not eyeing both Ramsey and someone else? If this was this case, why would they trade up? Maybe the guy they are eyeing is the same guy the Rams picked...so why would the Rams risk trading down? How do you know that the Skins were not trying to entice the Rams to trade down so they can get the guy the Rams were going to take?


    Third, just because a trade does not happen does NOT mean a trade wasnt attempted. I swear, some fans think everything that goes on in those rooms is reported to the media and that whatever is mentioned to the media is absolute truth. I would bet that less than 20% of what really is going on between teams in terms of trade discussions is ever even disclosed. I would say its safe to say that maybe at best the info given to the public is less than 40% accurate too.


    Bottom line, no one really knows what is going on, who a team truly covets or how bad, etc, etc. So just because the Bills dont trade down, doesnt mean they didnt explore it. In fact, it's pretty safe to say that there isnt a team in football that doesnt explore these ideas, especially the Bills, who have shown the tendency to move both up and down in recent drafts.

  18. I'm looking forward to 2010. Because I know deep down Dick Jauron will provide another mediocre season of poor decisions, poor clock management, poor challenges and just all-around underpreparedness to get this team to a 5-11 record next year. Then he will be fired and we'll have anybody else on the sidelines. Optimism reniewed.


    I don't ever wish for the Bills to lose, I just know that under Limp Dick, it's an inevitability.


    The funniest thing about all this is how much praise DJ and staff was getting when we were 5-1 (especially in 4-0 start) about their mid game adjustments and how much better we looked in second half...he was even in running for coach of the year...then what happened?


    Well, we lost key starters, including our entire threat of a pass rush in Schobel, 2 corners playing great ball in Greer and Youboty, LB's, OL, Reed, and then Trent severly regressed coming back from injury and also missed more time with new injuries...


    So, the overly dramatic cries about DJ get tiresome to be honest. Do I think he is a great coach...NO, but he is not nearly as bad as the fans want to make him out to be. Its about time people start owning up to the fact that there isnt enough talent here at this point. That starts and stops with the lack of a true football GM and not maximizing our drafts...


    Go back and look at my posts...When we were 4-0 I said we would have a hard time making the playoffs, especially if we start getting some injuries and if our O Line doesnt play better...well what happened...injuries crushed us on both sides of the ball, we had terrible QB play which had a lot to do with inconsistency at O Line, injuries and Trents clear regression and loss of confidence.


    We still won 7 games, and should have won 9 if Lindell doesnt blow the kick and JP doesnt fumble. Heck, if JP doesnt play against SF, we probably win that game too and could have easily been 10-6.


    This team needs more talent. And honestly, I dont care if we sign Julius Peppers and bring back Bill Walsh from the dead, we wont win much more until we have MUCH Better QB play from either Trent getting better or someone else replacing him...Our D is no where dominant enough to be able make up for the poor QB play we have been plagued by...

  19. I am not saying hire Herm but he has coached 4 playoff teams since 2001 how many playoff games have the Bills been in since 2001? Oh thats right ZERO.


    Not to mention he coached KC to the playoffs in '06.


    I love how fans completely disregard talent on a team, schedule, etc. when evaluating one coach for another...With the exception of the last two years in KC, Herm has had more talent than DJ on most of his teams...


    When DJ went 13-3 with the Bears and won coach of the year, his team wasnt even projected to be above .500 and had several fluke wins, including back to back games where his team made two of the greatest comebacks for a win in the final minutes of 4th Qtr. They came back from 14 down to score 21 points in the final 2 minutes of the game and FIRST play of OT when Mike Brown returned and INT for a TD. Then followed it up the following week making a final minutes comeback to once again tie the game and Mike Brown took the first offensive play by the Niners in for a TD on another INT.


    His team that year grossly over achieved and had marginal talent at best. In Buffalo, he has YET to have a QB who could win him games...the best we had was Trent playing so he didnt LOSE us games by turning the ball over. But Trent has rarely ever had command of a game, and when he has, its been against the bottom of the league defenses. Unless you have a dominant D and dominant run game, you cant win in this league without some reliability from your QB.


    Herm, had much better teams in NY...and when he went to the playoffs that year in KC, that division outside of SD was very weak and the rest of his schedule was pretty light and he had competent QB play from Huard and good running from LJ with a decent D and he squeeked out a 9 win season.


    DJ this year would have had a winning record too if we dont miss that game winning FG and Trent didnt get hurt, because even though he struggled, the offense still moved better with him than JP...so, someone please explain how Herm is such an upgrade over DJ?


    Not saying DJ is elite...only talking about comparison between him and Herm...To me, they are not that much different, but I would prefer DJ over Herm...


    I dont care if Bill Walsh comes back from the dead to coach this team and his beloved Trent and then sign Peppers, we will NOT do much better until we get better play from the QB and thats just fact...

  20. Spoiler Alert:














    That was sick...I have always been a big Mosley fan his whole career. I was shocked at the pre fight odds, especially after coming off such an impressive performance against Cotto (even though he lost by split decision) and then knocking out Mayorga that they had him as a 4-1 underdog. I put some money on him expecting a decisive win because of his better boxing skills and hand speed, but I never anticipated the KO of this guy who has never been KO'd with a chin of steel.


    Mosley has a lot more power than people give him credit for and I have always loved his power, but Antonio's chin was considered one of the best in the business, so the KO was a little surprising...Still exciting fight.

  21. Listen, the Bills didn't draft Palmer or Cassel so they don't count. When the Bills draft a California quarterback, it's bad news man and Sanchez is BAD NEWS if the Bills draft him.


    Seriously, and you live there so you should know this, he isn't worth a 1st round pick. Please tell me you agree with me on this?


    The funny thing about Cutler is, we were GOING to draft him if he fell to us. Just like we were GOING to draft BIG BEN. I'm sure we were GOING to draft Brady when he fell to the 7th round...


    I agree about Sanchez...Im not drinking the kool aid yet...

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