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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I understand your point, and I don't necessarily disagree with the premise.


    All I'm saying is that it's unreasonable to think that Peters isn't going to look at Long's deal and say to himself "I've done more in this league than this guy, shouldn't I get paid like it?" And with an agent that only gets paid if he negotiates a new deal, all Peters will hear is that he's justified in his thinking.


    I have to admit, if I were him, I might feel the same way. Then again, I'm not him, so I don't know.


    I understand where you are coming from. But if he tries to negotiate based on rookie contracts, he will get no where.


    Truth is, I dont think he is worth what he wants. Is he worth more than what he has now?...maybe, but his level of play in 2008, the most recent year, was not close to the caliber of play you would expect from someone with a contract as big as he wants.


    All in all, what has he accomplished? He has had just 1 year our of 5 years in the league worthy of a big contract and that is now followed up with a season where his play had a noticable drop off from that year. He has established himself as someone who has a questionable attitude and a me first mentality (his quote about pro bowl was priceless), and he took a very poor stance in negotiations at the expense of his teammates just one season after getting a nice raise and contract extension.


    So, my question is simple: What has he done that warrants the contract he wants and what assurances do we have that he can live up to it?

  2. The other side of the coin is that Jake Long got a huge $50M deal after zero snaps in the NFL.


    You cant adjust veteran contracts based on top 10 rookie contracts...by that logic, every QB in the league that is better than Jamarcus Russel should get a deal bigger than his...there would be about 30 QB's lining up for that monster payday, most of which stink...


    Just doesnt work that way...once a guy steps on the field he will be evaluated on his progression, performance, and potential to improve when he gets a contract...Rookies are paid only on potential.

  3. Okay, lets say he didn't deserve to go to the pro bowl. Did he deserve to go last year? How many guys on our roster have deserved to go the pro bowl, ever? Hmmm? Who give a $@#$ if he shouldn't have been in the pro bowl, he is the best lineman on the team at the moment. We are not going to get better by losing our best players. All this whiny Barbie didn't get a date to the prom weeping over team chemistry and inmates and the asylum is soap opera BS. The guy can play. He is not under suspension, has never had a drug, legal or steroid problem. Clearly, you don't like the guy but I don't think that is really a good criteria upon which to judge his playing ability. Get rid of him and now we have yet another position on the team, a key position a that, we have to fill with a FA or draft pick just to stay as good as 7-9. funny how the only people complaining about how what a rotten team player he is are the fans, not the team.


    Analysis from someone who knows more about OL play than we do...


    After the 2006 season, Sports Illustrated 's Paul Zimmerman debated selecting Peters to his All-Pro team. "I was rooting for the Bills' Jason Peters, whom I would have loved to pick, but he isn't there yet. Very athletic, but not enough of a roughneck."


    After that season, the Bills gave him contract based on his level of play to that point, and a very good one at that.


    Then in 2007 he turns in a season which was considered to be a dominant performance and immediately wants to redo the deal he just got sayin now he is under paid.


    Then in 2008, he regresses back to something that resembles the 2006 version of him. So, what version of Jason Peters is the real gauge of what he is worth? His most recent body of work argues AGAINST the contract he wants. He has only had one season in his 5 year career that would command that kind of money and it wasnt even the most recent season.


    Walter Jones got a huge $50 million deal, but that was AFTER 5 dominant seasons...


    My personal opinnion...I am NOT convinced Peters is worth the 8 to 11 million dollars a year he wants and he definitely did not sniff that level of play in 2008. He played at about the level he is being paid in my opinnion. Everyone keeps saying how he is our best player because of ONE season in 2007...A player needs to demonstrate a consistent high level of play before you can confidently invest that kind of money and declare him our best player.

  4. Wow QB Bills, you're so close. And I would agree, VIDEO game, not just sports video game. But I would have to go with NHL '96, that's when the game hit it's ultimate peak. -QB Browns


    Dont forget Blades of Glory either...that game was pretty sweet. If I am not mistaken it was the first hockey game to include fighting which was awesome...lol

  5. If you remember, Youbouty was playing probably better than any of our other DB's before he got injured.


    I dont know if I would go that far, but you are right, he was playing really good football and showing the potential he had coming out of college that had him projected as high as the late first round but somehow fell to us in the 3rd.


    Right now, his biggest knock may be his durability, but he really stepped up his play on the field this year.

  6. Anybody remember any NE game over the last 3 years?


    We NEED 4 good CB's if we are ever going to beat them. We need McLovin, Greer AND McGee.


    So, what about 2010 when we dont have McGee anymore via free agency? Except now, we would have gotten nothing in return...so your logic only matters if you feel we are talented enough in other areas to win the Super Bowl in 2009 and we are putting together a serious run at the SB next year.


    If we are NOT a SB caliber next year, then keeping McGee for one season has little value to the team if we can get more talent at other weak spots that will contribute to a more realistic SB push in 2010 or 2011 with some upgrades of talent at our weaker areas.


    They will NOT sign McGee in 2010 if we keep Greer this year based on what he will command in FA and the fact that we have Greer, Leodis, and 2 other young up and coming corners in Youboty and R. Corner.


    So anyone who wants to keep McGee for one more season needs to go follow the link below to the thread about when you honestly think we will win the Super Bowl and put 2009 as your answer.


    Link to thread

  7. Personally I hope this is the last Peters thread until he is either given a new contract by the Bills or if the Bills are stupid enough to trade him away.


    lol...good luck with that hope...


    Honestly, the Bills played it right in the offseason and not caving to his poor approach to the situation. If the Bills cave than every agent and player is going to see their eyes light up and know they can muscle us.


    However, Peters did report eventually and the Bills said if he showed up and played they would continue talks with him on his contract. So now, the Bills need to keep their word and work with him like they worked with Evans.


    The wrinkle here is this...Peters overall play in 08 was not nearly as dominant as his season in 07. Lets be honest...Peters only had one dominant season worthy of the contract he wants. He had played good in seasons past, and they payed him based on the good play...now he wants to be paid as a dominant player where he has only showed that one season and failed to put together a good follow up to that.


    So, given the number of sacks he gave up this year, I wonder if the FO still sees him worth what Peters wants since Peters did not play to that level this year. This could have a major factor in negotiations.


    1. Will Peters demand a contract worthy of his 07 play or more reasonable one factoring in his 08 season?


    2. Will Buffalo still see him as highly as Peters regards himself and think he is worth as much as Peters wants?


    I think we are in for a dangerous standoff here and this is long from being resolved. I actually expect Buffalo to offer him a reasonable offer which Peters will balk at because he wants HUGE money and we may be in store for another hold out.

  8. Look, the Bills lost the 1st euperbowl because of stupid coaching. Thurman should have seen the ball more. The Giants carved up the field in time consuming drives and Levy answered with a no huddle. Great. :thumbsup:


    Brady? Like it or not, he is an all time great. He also has a terrific OL, that is equally good at run and pass blocking. Also, look at the monsters on their D Line and consider where they were drafted. Were they built by drafting 1st round safeties and corners?


    McNabb? He is good too. So if you don't mind me asking, wtf is your point? :blink: Where did I say that teams shouldn't throw? Every team needs a balanced attack, but the Bills can't make a yard or 2 on 3rd and short. Holding their opponents on 3rd and short is an even bigger joke.


    The teams you named are big and aggressive. The Superbowl Bills were stocked with talent but they lacked a coach to take them over the top.

    Sorry if anyone I offend with this, but it is true.


    Maybe I misunderstood your original point. I took it as that you were downplaying the need for a passing attack offensively and the need to defend against the passing attack based on weather.


    I was only pointing out that some of the most consistently succesful teams in similar weather were based on a explosive passing attack, including the two teams who have played in most divisional championships in the last 10 years and 5 combined Super Bowls.


    By the way, if anyone wants to know why we draft so many cornerbacks...that can be answered in one word: Brady

  9. I'm not as old fashion as you might think (at least not imo :thumbsup: ).


    The Steel Curtain had Swann and Stallworth racking up yardage. The 77 Raiders were an offensive juggernaut. The 49ers with Young and Montana, etc threw all over the place. I could of course go on.

    Passing is great but at the end of the day, this team plays in Orchard Park, not Arizona. They also have a game in Foxboro and the Swamp, where it is often cold.

    If the Bills (gasp) had a home playoff game, the weather would have a better than 50% chance of being awful. They would need a team capable of playing "old school" football.......which is to run the football and out muscle your opponents defensively.


    Dick Levy stupidly thinks otherwise. He/they are all about dbs, and we languish in the cellar of losers as such. What makes my blood boil is how simple this stuff is.


    Um, Kelly and the K Gun offense took us to four straight super bowls, and they didnt out muscle anyone...we were an explosive offense, not a power offense...since then we havent sniffed it...they threw all over teams in the very same places you are talking about, but noticed you conveinently left them off your list.


    Brady and company throw all over people no matter where they play, even when he had marginal WR's...plus they play in all the places you just mentioned...again, conveniently left off your list. The last thing anyone would ever call the Pats is a power "old school" juggernaut.


    McNabb doesnt have trouble passing the ball in Philly despite playing in bad weather city and he hasnt even had any quality WR's to throw to most of his career. He is taken the Eagles to 5 NFC championship games and one SB over the last 8 years...the last thing anyone would ever call the Eagles is a power "old school" juggernaut.


    And FYI: Super Bowls arent played in the snow or cold...they are played in Domes or warm weather stadiums...

  10. some may say theres no debate here. i say joe montana TF was more innovative beacause it featured the first full commentary on plays (even though it was 3 plays late). without JMT maybe the madden crze doesnt become what it is today.





    TSB is what created the boom and the addiction to football based games...playcalling didnt advance into the game because of the little played game by Montanna, it advanced into the games because of the advance in gaming technology and would have happened either way.


    Tecmo Super Bowl beats down Montanna about as bad as Shane Mosley beat down Margarito this weekend...total destruction...

  11. I'd prefer to sign Greer and either trade McGee this offseason or keep him for 2009 and let him walk afterwards. If you think Greer is going to command a lot of money, wait until you see what kind of money McGee will be looking for.


    I posted a thread about this and some saw the logic and yet others screamed "quit trying to trade our best players" non sense...


    Buffalo will be absolutely foolish not to trade McGee this year. Its our deepest position and he is the most valuable commodity there who WILL be gone after this year. Buffalo will not pay him the contract he will command on the open market after paying Greer this year and having Leodis up and coming.


    Two prime target teams would be ideal...Cle in a swap that involves Winslow if Cle and Winslow cant settle their differences, or explore a trade with AZ if Boldin and AZ cant settle their differences. Boldin is the most unlikely of the two, but Cle is actually a very viable option.


    If neither team bites, look for some package of draft picks or something. But one way or another, the signing of Greer will make McGee a goner either this year or next. We will be stupid to let him go for nothing...we have made that mistake twice now...

  12. Here's what happens:


    We trade for McNabb. That means Edwards gets benched. Meanwhile McNabb is terrible because the Bills don't have the supporting cast he had in Philly. After 6 games McNabb gets benched, Edwards goes back in. Draft picks wasted in trade. Season wasted on McNabb experiment. 7-9 again.




    Come on...supporting cast? Are you kidding? It is WIDELY known that he has had just the OPPOSITE! He has NEVER had any true #1 WR's with the exception of a year and a half with TO. Westbrook only emerged as an Elite player 3 years ago, and that was his best WR, a freaking RB.


    This guy has been a top QB in this league with LITTLE offensive weapons MOST of his career. He has been a class act on and off the field, a warrior out there in games, even playing a game on a broken ankle. You wouldn't go to your desk job at work if you had a broken ankle let alone run around a football field with 300 lb men trying to break the other one.


    There is NO WAY he gets traded for anything less than a package of picks that contains a min of 1 high first round pick, and more likely 2 first round picks or a first and a second.


    This guy is the most underappeciated player in football. Funny, if you talk to Philly fans or go to Philly, they love this guy and know without them they are a 4 win team...because of that, I find it hard to believe they move him after he rallied them to the NFC championship and almost pulled it off. They are a SB conteder with him next year, and a team that will draft in the top 10 of the draft without him...

  13. So you are ready to throw the towel in based on a season and a half? Im not disagreeing with you that we are set at QB but we arent set at 1 position on that team besides RB. Trent is only going to be as good as the coaches and players around him. Until that straitens he will be behind the 8 ball every time.




    Who is throwing in the towel? I constantly say he may develop...the point is he is not playing at a level CURRENTLY that will allow us to be a good team...UNTIL he develops or is replaced by someone playing at a higher level, we wont be very good, its just that simple.


    And Pile is saying since Trent has a lot of question marks still, there is no way to be sure he will be that guy, so bring in someone to push him or develop behind him in case he doesnt.

  14. Look at Warner against Philly and New England this year and re think your assessment tool box.


    Mcnab short arms everything when he gets pressured, his only upside is he is strong and can scramble.


    OMG, it just keeps getting worse with you...I am almost embarrased to respond...


    So, Warner in a massive snow blizzard is your example? :rolleyes: Seriously? And the Eagles? He picked them apart...

  15. You look at things in a proactive manner Alpha. I'm with you in the hopes of Edwards being the franchise QB but why not have a backup plan? Would it be so bad if we found a gem in the draft and he beat out Edwards for the starting job? Would it be so bad if it pushed Edwards to better play? I don't get the problem.


    Agreed...anyone who thinks we are set at Qb is deluisional. We might have our guy because he has potential...but potential just means you are not good enough now to be called good, but shown signs you could get better. Some do, and some dont...until Trent turns the corner or is replaced with someone better, we wont be very good...


    Scary thing is, even if he does become good, will he even be able to stay on the field? Which furthers the need for a good QB behind him because they are likely going to be leaned on to win 2-4 games per year based on Trents injury track record.

  16. And you factor in the Rams incompetence? Does that come from a Fan's Chat Room?


    You are arguing with the wrong poster...I made no comments about the Rams quality of drafts...


    Point I am making is that just becauase something doesnt happen does not mean it wasnt attempted. And just because the media says something doesnt mean its true as it is wrong as much as it is right...

  17. The underlined are terrible under pressure.


    Geezus, you just keep with ridiculous statements...


    Warner is terrible with pressure?...did you even watch the Eagle game? All game long the not only marvelled how great he is against the Blitz in that game, but how great he has handled it his whole career. The guy is a smart QB and gets the ball out quick...


    Payton Manning is terrible with pressure? Are you 12 and just dont know anything about football? If so, I sincerely apologize, otherwise this was about as dumb a post I have ever seen on here, and there have been some doozies.


    And you some how think Trent Edwards is amazing under pressure but McNabb, Warner and Manning are not?



    Go play Madden or Super Tecmo Bowl...

  18. look at Peytons record the in his first and second season then get back to me. It takes TIME for a QB to mature. Plain and simple. Trent is going to be a very good QB in this league. But he needs time and needs to build confidence.


    What the heck does Future Trent have to do with the Trent Edwards playing behind center now? I dont care if he is Joe Montanna come 2011, that doesnt dismiss the fact that he currently is NOT playing consistently well now...


    I KNOW a QB needs time to develop...but until he develops, we are NOT going to be a very good team, thats my point. You seem to delusionally think he is already a top QB and has no role in our losses. You even said the outlandish statement that "he's Phenomally accurate", which he's not. Brady, Manning, Brees, Warner...thats phenomenally accurate...Trent is above average accurate.


    Im so sick of the excuse of how good he MIGHT be someday to ignore the point of his CURRENT short comings. I have never said he wont ever be good, I said we have been losing because we are not currently getting good enough play at QB to beat good teams...


    I hope he becomes as great as you delusionally think he plays now, but the fact remains, UNTIL then we will not be a consistently good team.

  19. Trent has played well enough at times to give us hope that he could be a capable starter. At other times he has looked outclassed and limited. The team should see this as a question mark and get a legit young QB as a backup plan. I can't see bringing in a veteran QB for mentoring. We need a veteran who can play, Edwards, and a good prospect. I've said it before, we should be taking QB's middle to late every year and hoping we hit the jackpot. The days of waiting and waiting for a QB to develop seem to be over. Immediate success at the position can be had. I also think that Edwards hinders the coaching just as much they hinder him.



    good points... :rolleyes:

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