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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Defense wins championships. Look at the Giants last year as exhibit A.


    Historically not true...Giants won on a fluke play last year or it wouldnt have even been true last year. A guy who barely makes the team this year after his SB heroics makes a lucky catch on his helmet, otherwise, Giants lose.


    The year before Defense didnt win...Colts beat Bears...


    Truth is, matchups win championships as another poster said, its not nearly as black and white as "defense" wins championships.

  2. Empty speculation fueled by ignorant posters who can't come to grips with the fact that the team sucks still. Did he make bad calls? yes Do all coachs make bad calls? yes Your estimation of Jauron holding the team back comes from where? Your astute football knowledge? Your breakdown of film? Your understanding of schemes and player abilities? Your deep research into the Bills locker room and player's thoughts? I'm guessing no. In fact I'm going to say you think your an expert because you watch games on t.v. and post at TSW. I am no expert either but I don't pretend to be one. Saying you can easily name 20 coaches that could have led the Bills to a 9 and 7 record is stupid and makes you look stupid as well.


    good post...

  3. If Greggggo is so respected and highly thought of, why didn't he get the redskins coaching job? Why did he only last 1 season in jacksonville?


    And Gruden will be back as an NFL head coach within 2 years. Most likely, he'll be coaching again in 2010.


    He didnt stay in Jax because Jack Del Rio needed a scape goat to save his job...and why are you debating his demand when it was clearly documented this offseason as several teams were tying to land him and Sean Payton took a quarter of a million dollars out of his own pocket to lure him? It isnt speculation, its what happened and yet you still argue against it...geezus...

  4. Eric Moulds dominated beyond the measure of statistics. He made his living with a whole bunch of no help. I'll probably get crushed for this but when he was in his peak years he did it better than Andre. Andre was great for longer though. As far as Edwards not hitting recievers in stride thats troubling for a guy whose second best attribute is accuracy. Behind poise and confidence of course.




    If Moulds played with Kelly, Lofton, and Beebe he would be in the Hall of Fame right now instead of sitting on the sidelines as a debateable entry. I think Reed deserves to be in the HOF personally and hope he rightfully gets in...but if I could go back to the 1990 and choose between Reed or Moulds, I would take Moulds and I think he out produces Reed in that offense and is an easier choice for the HOF...


    Dont get me wrong, I love Reed, but I think Moulds just had a few more intagibles and used his body and positioning as good as anyone not named Cris Carter...

  5. Well hang on there Columbo, how many of those incompletions were drops? how many were overthrows? how many were underthrows? I should think that those things contribute to who's a better receiver.


    If I wanted to make a concrete case for Lynch, I'd simply say that he caught more balls, had more yards, and scored more touchdowns, but there's other factors involved, right?


    Look, Jackson is good, and I'm glad the Bills have him, but a better player than Lynch, he's not.


    I find it interesting you mention drops in your argument, because Lynch had a lot of drops...in fact, he had critical easy short pass drops that killed drives...


    Truth is, there are things Lynch does better than Jackson like the way he can make something out of nothing with his power and shifty legs.


    But, there are things, and some critical, that Jackson does better than Lynch...one of those is recieving and another is his ability to hit the hole faster with more authority.


    So, until Lynch improves on that, I don't think you can argue he is much better than Jackson and he definitely isnt a top 5 back yet...top 10 yes, but not top 5. If Jackson started for our team he would be a top 10 back too, so to me, there isnt much of a drop off from Lynch to Jackson at this point as both run hard.


    That being said, Lynch showed noticeable improvement over the last part of the year in hitting the hole...if he continues to improve in that area he will have an argument of being a top 5 back.

  6. This is how many teams in how many years for GW? He will not be a HC in this league anytime soon, if ever. Gruden will resurface.


    Funny, when they broke the story about how Sean Payton gave a quarter of a million dollars of his OWN money to get Williams, they were talking about how respected he is in the league and about how if he can make any impact in NO he would once again become a hot HC candidate...


    Then again...I am sure your insight on his coaching abilities is greater than those across the NFL, including Sean Payton...so you are right, the guy being talked about as highly as Williams has no shot to get another HC job...


    By the way, I didnt say Gruden wont resurface...I said he wont have an easy time getting a job, especially a HC job, in the near future in the ranks of the NFL...

  7. I'll take someone who the players hate, but wins super bowls :wallbash:


    Why is that plural? He won 1 with a ready built team that could have won with many other coaches...thats like proclaiming you are a great gardener because you succesfully grew a Chia Pet then proceeded to kill everything else in your garden...


    Funny, NO ONE here has answered my question: Can you say that Tampa Bay won the SB that year BECUASE of Gruden and that no other available coach, including Dungy, would have been able to win THAT year with that TEAM?


    Unless you can say ONLY Gruden was capable of winning with that team, then your argument is dead and that completely devalues your only leg to stand on...his "right place at the right time" SB win...

  8. Would you be willing to show proof to your pure speculation that Jauron had no input into who was brought into that Bears team,or ya just wanna keep blowing hot air. The Bills don't have a GM!.....GOOD LORD HOW WILL THEY BE ABLE TO BRING IN ANYONE :lol:


    The OP brought Jauron into it:


    DJ has proven to me he sucks with those "calls" late in this season. I'd take Gruden over him any day,the guy actually has a brain!


    I'm about sick of Jauron and him being a players coach,I'll take someone who the players hate but wins super bowls :wallbash:


    DJ isnt as bad as the fans hate him...not my favorite either, but not as bad as he is made out to be IMO.


    Gruden is over rated IMO...


    And I bet those of you over stating the input DJ had on personnel decisions are the same ones posting that Buffalo cant get ahead because we dont have a true football GM...


    So which is it? The GM or the Coach that has the most impact on personell? Make up your mind becasue the posters on this board keep switching it around to make their points...and it gets old.


    Why do you think most Head Coaches in this league have generally done worse once they acheived a certain level of success that allowed them to take on being both a GM and HC in their next job? Because its TOO much to do...HC and assistant coaches have input but when it comes to scouting and drafting they rely heavily on the scouting department and the GM...


    But, of course you NOW want to ignore that fact and say because we are talking about DJ you want to exaggerate his impact in that department to now hold him accountable for poor draft decisions by Bears and Bills. Some coaches acheive that level of input and even seek out to get that level of power over personell, but it often back fires and rarely works...


    Holmgren even stepped down from his GM spot because he couldnt effectively do both...what happened next? The Seahawks made the Super Bowl...

  9. Here's your oppurtunity to retract this....this....idiotic passage. Seriously. B-)


    Hmmm, you mean the same Gregg Williams that was in so much demand that Sean Payton took money out of his own pocket to bring him to NO this next season?


    Hmmm...how many teams are trying to get Gruden in the NFL right now...um ZERO...not even as a coordinator


    So do you think its possible your estimation of Williams is a little low?


    Williams got a raw deal here and mark my words...he WILL be a HC in 2010 if he makes any impact on that NO defense in 2009. His time in Buffalo is looked at as a raw deal and a better coach than his time here showed...I actually think he can turn out to be a pretty good coach given the right opportunity...

  10. Talent ? The guy had 5 years in Chicago to bring in talent.


    That 13-3 team didn't win any playoff games which still leads me to believe that Jauron was simply lucky that season and didn't gain that result because of his coaching skills.They lost that game 33-19 AT Chicago.


    I'd bet Bill Belichick and Jauron could swap teams and Belichick would still beat the Bills every single time they played. The Bills are lacking talent alright, in the coaching staff. B-)


    1. This is a discussion on Gruden...


    2. DJ had NO personell input in Chi, so I love how you say he had 5 years to bring in talent when he wasnt THE GM...the fact that you just said that statement just shows it just wont be possible to have an intelligent conversation about this with you because you dont even understand what a HC does or doesnt do...


    3. And he didnt have much talent in Chi and his team did OVER acheive that 13-3 year (good trait for a coach too) which is why he won coach of the year...much like how when we were OVER achieving this year with a 5-1 start and he was again in the running for coach of the year...much like winning 7 games in 07 was a major over achievement after all the losses to personnel we took and having all those problems at QB and why he was mentioned in coach of the year honors most of the that year and it was considered to be one of the better coaching jobs in the league in 07.


    But enough about DJ...say what you want about him, that doesnt change the fact that Gruden is an over rated HC and will have a tough time finding work...

  11. C'mon, Alpha talent on the field has little to do with record. Everyone knows Belicheat could lead any NFL team to the superbowl (well besides that Browns team he failed with). What about Mike Holmgren? Now there is a total bum, did you see what he did in Seattle this year? Remember when Joe Gibbs called a timeout and essentially gave us a win? That guy's a hack! Andy Reid can't win the big game and his late game calls are always questioned. He belongs in the loser HOF next to Marv Levy. Remember when every other post after 2007 was about how Jauron should be considered for coach of the year? It was Jauron's leadership that got us through the injuries, remember? He also had us in contention for a deep playoff run this year at 5 and 1. I remember and so do most of you. It's really too bad that the guy can't even tie his shoes anymore. Ahh well, the Bills just ooze pure talent and maybe they can win despite him. :thumbdown:


    hahaha, nice post Pile B-)


    If we had any of those coaches here and they struggled these guys would be running them out of town too...

  12. I'd trade the entire Bills 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012 drafts for a Super Bowl title. And probably more, if pressed.


    So, you are saying TB ONLY, let me repeat, ONLY won because of GRUDEN and that there was NO, let me repeat, NO other coach on the open market capable of winning with that Super Bowl CALIBER team that year which was favored to win it all BEFORE Gruden took over...


    Unless you are prepared to say that there is NO WAY TB wins the SB that year with any other available coach on the market, including Dungy, then trading the biggest bounty in the history of football for him was about the dumbest thing ever no matter how you spin it...


    And the proof was in the pudding...it cripled their franchise and were not able to replace the talent he ran out of town because of all they gave up for him. Fact remains, they could have won the SB with another coach that would NOT have required them to mortgage their future, their team was that good...


    FYI: Anyone making that statement would be absurd...


    So go ahead keep spinning this...it doesnt change the fact he is not being considered for any NFL HC coaching jobs and may have to look at the college ranks if he wants to be a HC anytime soon...Most expect it to be hard for him to get another HC job in the near future because of his track record...

  13. I feel like some of you guys undervalue him. I can only think of Peterson as being better than him.


    Please don't pull out stats. I know that "numbers don't lie," but they also don't tell the whole story. Please dont attempt to tell me Lynch would have the same stats if he was on the steelers, pats, etc.


    Where do you guys put him? I have him as 2nd best.


    Lynch will never be an ELITE back until he learns to consistently hit the hole hard and fast. When he does, he truly is a beast. When he dances too much, which he has a tendency to do, he gets no where. The problem with Lynch is this...often when he makes all these crazy moves and power runs to get back to the line of scrimmage or gain a modest yard or two, it looks impressive but really was a result of hesitation and not hitting the hole hard. So what ended up being a 2 yard gain could have been a better gain if he just would have powered right up through the hole.


    Right now, he is a pretty good RB, but wont be a great back until he can do that consistently. I will say this though, he was doing a much better job the last half of the season at this, so I think this next year he will really improve if he can build on that. He definitely has the potential and heart to get there...


    He also has the T.O. syndrome catching the ball...where he starts to look up field to run after the catch before seeing the ball all the way into his hands, and that causes him to drop too many passes. He needs to gain more focus on seeing the ball all the way to his hands and then he become more of a threat in the passing game.

  14. Hmmm...I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that the Bears had HALF the talent TB and Oakland had...and the current Bills arent much better...


    By the way, you can only coach the talent you have...DJ has never had personnel power at any HC job and has had to deal with marginal talent that others have brought in. Gruden took over an immensly talented team and eventually got the personell power and TB has done squat since.


    Do I love DJ, no...but Gruden is a cancer and over rated and TB fans are happy to see him gone and so are his players...

  15. Tampa won the super bowl, over Oakland, in case you forgot. Since that super bowl, Oakland hasn't won more than 5 games in any season. And what they did with the picks is relevant. If they turned them into a consistent contender, it would be a fleecing. but oakland did nothing with those picks. And i guarantee you anyone here on the board would gladly trade our '09 and 2010 1st round picks for a Super Bowl title. So who got fleeced?


    TB did NOT get the SB because of Gruden...geezus, I just love how people like to over estimate. For anyone to say that means you are implying that TB was NOT capable of winning the SB that year with any other coach other than Gruden.


    FACT: TB was a big SB favorite before Gruden took over.


    FACT: There are a lot of coaches that could have won the SB that year coaching TB.


    FACT: Dungy is a SB winning coach and there is NO reason to suggest he wouldnt have been able to also win if he stayed in TB that year. Does it mean he would have...no...but he definitiely would have had a legitimate shot.


    FACT: TB was immensely talented, especially on defense.


    You either are in love with Chucky dolls or dont know much about football if you think TB won BECAUSE of Gruden and that he is responsible for bringing them a trophy.


    He did not build that team in Oakland, and he won with Dungys team in TB then ruined it and the franchise over the next 7 years...


    If I take over a company that is top of its class and the company initially does well because it was already at that point...do I deserve the credit? And then when I take that company and run it into the ground, lose the trust of my employees because I am constatntly full of crap and breaking their trust, cant hire new good employees...etc etc...do i still get the label of a great CEO because my first year there the company did well based on what was built before I got there?


    Answer is...HELL NO, I would be fired and out on my azz just like Gruden. And FYI: There is plenty of talk about how its going to be difficult for Gruden to get a job again in the NFL in the near future as a HC. If he was such a savior, that wouldnt be the case!

  16. I'm sure Al Davis was laughing all the way to the bank after Gruden spanked his ass in the super bowl. How did those extra 1st rounders turn out for oakland? they use them to build a really strong team?


    Gruden didnt get Al a SB in Oak, so whats your point? He got a fleecing of draft picks for a guy who his players didnt like or trust (yes, he had that problem in Oakland too)...


    What Oakland did with those draft picks is irrelevant...they got incredible value for an over rated coach...

  17. Some quick thoughts about Kelsay without playing the defender role too much...


    1. There is more to being a DE than just getting sacks: Run containment, backing off into coverage, occupying blockers, etc. Depending on the scheme and the assigned role, a quality DE could register just a couple of sacks per year and STILL be doing his job.


    2. The coaching staff seems pretty happy with Kelsay, which implies that he is playing the role envisioned for him reasonably well.


    3. I think Kelsay hit free agency at exactly the right time, when salaries for DEs were going through the roof. The year before the Packers had just signed Aaron Kampman to a huge contract that seemed somewhat unwarranted at the time based on past performance. However, Kampman responded with a career year. I believe that the Bills overpaid for Kelsay's services largely because they were convinced that he was on the cusp of a breakout season. If nothing else, signing him long-term prevented a team like the Patriots from picking him up. We know that BB would find a way to best utilize Kelsay's talents.


    4. Like Donte Whitner, it is hard to gauge how much Kelsay's individual production on the field has been hurt by his own versatility, which was further diluted by the rash of injuries that the team has experienced the past two seasons.


    Kelsay gets hammered for a lack of sacks which is the most overrated statistic in football. A DE's job is not solely to sack the QB...the DE's who ONLY go after QB usually do so because they are not very good at much else. Julius Peppers isnt exactly known for his play against the run and dissapears a lot in games, which is why his main focus is to get at the QB. Kelsay isnt going to be that kind of DE.


    You put Kelsay on a team like Balt or Pitt, he will be a real solid player because the focus will be off getting sacks and he can fit better into the defense.


    Bottom line is he is not as bad as Bills fans think, but he also isnt the type of player we need to anchor our pass rush. He is a good compliment to a unit that wont have to depend on him for sack production, Buffalo just isnt that type of unit right now...


    But Buffalo doesnt have any kind of pass rush coming from other areas, and that is what makes Kelsay a bad fit currently. If we can get some pressure from other areas, he would actually be a nice compliment on our D.

  18. While it is fair to point out that Gruden won the SB with Dungy's players it should also be pointed out that they faced the Raiders, Gruden's old team. So if you want to take credit away for him leading the Bucs you must give him credit for putting together the Raiders.


    I wouldn't be surprised to see him back eventually, but a bit different in his personal approach.


    He didnt assemble the Raiders...why does everyone say this? Gruden had little to do with the building of that organization and his players werent very fond of him either and many were happy to see him go. Al Davis was laughing all the way to the bank on that fleecing they got from TB.


    He never got any real personnel power until he got to TB where he took that power and ran the organization into the ground by running the key players out of town, poor FA periods, and bad drafts.

  19. But...but... he yells a lot so he must be a great coach! We should hire him!




    Yeah, it cracks me up that this guy is regarded as such a great coach yet in 7 seasons in TB he only had back to back winning seasons once and a losing record if you remove the SB year he won with Dungy's team. Nobody trusts him at all...not his fellow coaches nor his players. But because he scowls like Chucky on the sideline people wet themselves thinking about him as our next coach...


    Seriously, I would take Gregg Williams back before I would want Gruden. This guy has few friends in the NFL and he is about the equivalent of a sleezy used car salesman...

  20. Only 3 teams were willing to offer a 3rd rounder


    AND Buffalo was one of the teams


    Look, he is going to go somewhere, I think that possibility is real.


    If we are going to talk about trades, We know Buffalo had some interest in Tony Gonzalas.


    The rumors started by the KC press that he didn't want to come to Buffalo are nothing more then that, RUMORS


    Perhaps some draft day maneuvering by both teams with draft picks and or players.


    Until Tony Gonzalas is traded, Buffalo is still in the game.



    DIE HARD 1967


    1. He wasnt interested in leaving the Chiefs to come to us.


    2. He was HIGHLY productive and critical in Tyler Thigpens growth throughout the year. He will be a valuable asset in developing either Thigpen further this year or another young QB, and that gives him great value to the Chiefs.


    3. Miami went from a 1 win team to division champion in one year...with the emergence of KC's passing game, still having a running game, they might harbor new hope and expectations next year. The front office already said that they had expected a playoff push from this team last year. So, if thats the case, they wont trade the most vital part of the teams success...


    So in conclusion, he didnt want to come here when we were leading the division and 3rd in the power rankings, so why would he want to come here now after we tanked the rest of the season? More importantly, I dont think the Chiefs are interested in trading him anymore and will keep him.

  21. Michael Clayton of the Bucs is available. If you want downfield blocking, this guy is the BEST in the NFL at that. He's been plaged by injuries, but was healthy last year and started to show flashes of his rookie year play.


    LMAO...ever heard of Hines Ward or Steve Smith? These guys are the best at that and will take your head off...there isnt anything Clayton does thats close to saying hes the best in the NFL at it...

  22. McGee is talented, loyal, and doesn't demand a huge contract. He's a keeper.


    What do you mean here? He won't get huge contract offers in 2010 or he will and wont take them to stay with the Bills?


    Neither statement has any merit...why you ask...


    1. He will get a BIG contract offer in FA


    2. It wont be the Bills offering it


    3. He will take the money and it may even be from a better team

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