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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I thought it was close but could possibly be over turned. I would have ruled it an incomplete pass as I thought his elbow was clearly moving forwad prior to the fumble...


    Of course thats just my opinnion...however, regardless of what side of the fence you are on this topic, it clearly states that there was enough to question meaning it CLEARLY should have been reviewed in greater detail by the officials. It was criminal that they didnt...

  2. So you want a journeyman in the position? Peters can and has played elite ball. The Bills need to pay him what is fair and let the guy do his job. We have way too many other needs to address. LT is not a problem deal with the positions that are.


    Peters is definitely better than Gandy...however, lets be honest about Peters...he only had ONE season where he played Elite ball in 5 seasons in the NFL, and it wasnt even his most recent year. He clearly regressed in 2008 and struggled after a great 2007 season. So the question becomes, which Peters are we getting? He wants to be paid at a level that will make him the highest paid lineman in the NFL...


    I am not sure he is worth that much...if he finds his 2007 form, then by all means...but the fact he wasnt able to follow up that performance very well in a year where he was playing to get a big contract makes me nervous to pay him what he wants.


    I would feel better about a fair raise or wait until 2009 before giving him a massive contract like he wants...

  3. Good question...


    You take the safety. With that much time on the clock, a go ahead TD now puts you up 3 instead of one. Either way you still need a TD, at least this way you cant lose on a last second FG if Pitt drives back down the field. This is especially true with a potent offense like AZ.


    Maybe, and its a BIG maybe, you consider it if you are an inept offense like Balt who has a good ST and the offense would need all the help it can get to get the ball in the endzone, but even then I think you still take the 2pts.

  4. I think a 1 & a 3 are realistic.


    I think Boldin is realistic, in terms of talent for talent, if he cant work out his contract scenario there in AZ, and it looks like its not gonna work out...Lynch fills their biggest offensive need, Boldin fills one of ours...


    Its a pipe dream I know, but I would at least inquire if Boldin is on the market...


    Maybe McGee for Boldin if we sign Greer back since that likely makes this McGee's last year in Buffalo, so might as well get something for him (ONLY if we resign Greer though)...I personally would rather do that...just seems like we are deep in areas AZ needs help and could be prime trading partners with AZ. Keeps Boldin out of their conference too...

  5. Commit yourself to a mental institution.


    Did you not see AZ stop Pittsburgh inside the 5 yard line 9 times in this game? (3 times on the first drive from the 1. 6 more times on the plays when Wilson ran into the holder).


    My desk needs to be refinished.




    No one on this planet would turn down a TD in hopes of getting a TD with less time on the clock...you take the points then go out and stop them...


    Did the OP even consider that the only true weapon AZ had against Pitt was spreading the field...they were not good in short yardage areas all game...hahahaha, that post was classic...

  6. In the end I made a whopping $1.76 going 2/4 on my bets.


    I had the Arizona money line (loss), Hightower to have more rushing yards than M. Moore (loss), Big Ben to throw a pick before Warner (win) and Steve Breaston to have more recieving yards than Nate Washington (win).


    I made $250 on AZ...took them plus the points...but my friends brother lost $2000 on Pitt...

  7. I think I would go with


    1. AJ

    2. Fitz

    3. Smith

    4. Boldin

    5. Marshall


    #5 was a toss up between Marshall and Calvin Johnson, but I gave the nod to Marshall because right now he's in a system that better showcases his talent. I picked AJ for #1 instead of Fitz because AJ led the league in receptions and yardage this season and appears to only be getting better as time goes on. Also, Fitz has Boldin to rely on across the field. AJ has Kevin Walter (a good player but a journeyman receiver) across the field, and Walter finished the season with 900 yards and 8 TDs. To me, that speaks volumes about AJ. As for Smith, he might be on the decline a little, but his 18.2 YPC is just ridiculous and he does it with that turd Delhomme tossing the ball.


    Yeah, I thought about Marshall at 5 too, tough call...the 5 spot gets tough...I think the top 4 are pretty clear in terms of which 4 WR's, but its hard to put them in order. You make a good case for AJ to be #1 too...Fitz had an amazing postseason for everyone to see, so its gonna be hard to over look him, but AJ is no joke.


    I love S. Smith, and he is a tenacious blocker too. The only reason I moved him below Boldin was because Boldin can dominate from a physical stand point as well and Smith can be taken out of games a little easier because of his size...although it could be more on Delhomme than Smith like you said...but its a close race. Kind of like Fitz and AJ are 1a and 1b, with Boldin and Smith 2a and 2b...

  8. Some of you people spend more time on the draft than me, so would anybody mind explaining to me how this kid could possibly have lasted until the mid second round. Was it his height? 40 time? Was he a late bloomer? Character issues? I don't get it.


    I know that players slip under the radar every year. Bryce Paup was great imo. He was strong as an ox, had extremely long arms and he was agile, but he did play at Northerm Iowa, where I guess there is little exposure and was a 6th round pick.

    Woodley went to freaking Michigan, where everyone in the world could watch him every week. Imo, this kid is already one of the best players in the NFL. Talk about a "motor?" He is relentless, uses his hands well, and is as quick as a cat. Is he only suited for a 3/4? It doesn't seem possible.


    I freaking hate this dumbass cover-2!!!! :thumbdown:


    For the same reason players like Carlos Rogers and Mike Williams go in the top of the draft while players like Boldin fall to the second...the draft is no exact science by any means when your biggest evaluator is physical attributes in terms of projecting at the next level...


    Like other posters said, he was undesized coming out of college...thats a draft slot killer. Similar to Boldin...Boldin was a first round talent but they said he was too slow, so he slipped to the 2nd round where he went on to set the rookie record for debut game and rookie reciveing records for a season with 101 catches...


    Thats why it cracks me up when I see threads claiming there are no players worthy of the #11 pick...how can anyone make that claim? I mean does anyone really think that there will be no Pro Bowl players taken after the top 10 picks in the first round?

  9. Maybe.

    But it would probably make me fool enough to believe that Warner's shaky performance should even be mentioned in the same breath as Roethlisberger's fantastic outing.

    Or flat out stupid enough to suggest it out loud.


    Wow, your assesment of Warners play is as bad as you trying to say that Isaac Bruce didnt clearly outplay Bryant Johnson in SF this year in that other thread despite outproducing in all recieving categories by nearly 50%.


    Think about this for a second...Look at Kurt Warners stats...they were basically from ONLY 3 quarters...the Cards only had 5, yes just 5 snaps the ENTIRE 1st quarter...not 5 passes, 5 SNAPS because the Pitt O ate the clock up...this had nothing to do with Warner...


    The guy is one of the best of all time...yes, Ben stepped up in the end, not taking anything away from him, but Warner was tremendous yesterday and it only cements his first ballot HOF voting...

  10. He can't contribute anywhere else either. I'm not advocating giving up on him by any means but I've got some real hesitation about his NFL career. The injury is just another bad break for his development. His TDs were big timing wise but they didn't exactly standout as extraordinary. I guess I'm concerned because he had a great opportunity to show something and failed badly.


    I totally agreed with your first post and this one...I have the exact same concerns, I was just elaborating...

  11. It usually takes 2 to 3 years to develop a WR at the pro level, so I am not worried. Remember Eric Moulds was struggling his first few years.


    Actually, this is very over stated...they have shown several times that the Mythical 3rd year for a WR to suddenly come into his own is nothing more than a myth statistically...


    If Hardy doesnt show noticeable improvement in year 2, the odds of him ever becoming a good WR significantly drops big time.

  12. Don't get me wrong, I agree with you, Boldin is awesome. I was just making the case that Fitz is a step above him right now. As for the fumbles, he has fumbled 13 times in 6 seasons. Not a ridiculous number, but still a little high for a wideout, no?


    Yeah, thats not a ridiculous number, but it was honestly higher than I thought. So, yeah, you are right, its a little high but manageable. Probably has a lot to do with his hard running after the catch...he always fights for more yards.


    Man, could you imagine this guy here next year? One can only dream...


    So would you rank Boldin top 5 in the league? Just curious, what would be your top 5?


    I went with Fitz, AJ, Boldin, S. Smith, then Calvin...

  13. I'm rooting for the kid but I didn't see much from him this year. He looked like he didn't even have the tools let alone understanding. Again, I hope I'm wrong but we will see.


    Yeah, picking one number like TD's to compare is silly. Holmes had a rookie season where he was 5x more productive...not really comparable...


    What was concerning about Hardy was his lack of development in the fundamentals and lack of focus he seemed to have out there. He looked lost in both games and practice. I hope he does start to get it, but he didnt really show much to indicate it is going to be soon...


    Personally, I think this injury puts him back to the point Steve Johnson comes in and does will which move him ahead of him for good and Hardy will be gone following the 2011 season if that is the case. Its going to open up the door for Steve who seems ready to take the next step. But who knows, we will see...

  14. No, no way. Fitz is faster, he makes better cuts, has better hands, jumps higher, doesn't fumble (something Boldin does quite a bit),is a better red zone threat, and is two inches taller to boot. Nothing against Boldin, but I think Fitz makes him better and not the other way around.


    Top 3 WR's in football in order:


    1. Fitz

    2. AJ

    3. Boldin


    Yes, Fitz has an edge on Boldin, but Boldin is also ELITE. He is as strong and tough as any WR in football, spectacular after the catch (even better than Fitz at that by a little), a beast in blocking, a beast in the red zone, has no fear, and has great hands. Boldin cuts as good as any WR in football, including Fitz and his hands are just as good as Fitz's...and he doesnt fumble as much as you make it seem in your post. Boldin produced big time before Fitz got there, while Fitz developed, and even once he developed. Its not like he burst on the scene once Fitz got there. Both are Elite and both make each other better and both can dominate a game.


    S. Smith wont ever be able to crack top 3 again as he is too small to dominante like these 3 as those 3 above are both explosive and physical.


    I would put S. Smith at #4 and then you can argue about #5, but I think Calvin Johnson is making a pretty convincing argument for that final top 5 spot. Calvin likely moves into top 3 once he gets a QB that help showcase his talent more.

  15. No. I wouldn't even sign him for vet min. The fact that he only wanted a one year deal last year so he could be a FA this year shows he's a selfish player and his sub par season means that he just can't get it done when a lot is on the line.


    No, thanks. :wallbash:


    thank you...my point exactly...he put up better numbers as a #3 WR than a #2 WR...


    Its also interesting that Breston as the #3 WR in AZ and a rookie managed to top 1000 yards and put a better season than Bryant ever did in the same offense...

  16. Exactly. Maybe Bruce had better stats because defenses paid more attention to Johnson. Stats don't tell the whole story.


    LMAO...I hope this was sarcastic...but in case it wasn't, Bruce was the one facing double teams...Bryant couldnt even get open...


    So I am guessing you were being funny or you have no idea and were just throwing something out there...

  17. I dont mean this in a insulting way...but I am going to guess you haven't played competitive football. Most people who haven't been down on that field rely too heavily on statistics to determine a players value and performance. The truth is, there is so much more that makes up a player, his value, and overall performance than what shows up in a stat sheet. :wallbash:


    I dont take offense to that question and its a fair one, in fact, I have made the same comment. And, honestly, I did play competitive football and started for 4 years in the Pac 10 for a ranked school and have stated it in the past on other posts. I have even stated exactly what you just said, including today, on other threads that stats dont tell the whole story as to a players performance...


    However, in this case, it does by far...This guy never got open, was barely noticed on the field in most games and didnt make his team better even when facing single coverage. I live in LA and have several friends who are big 49ers fans, so the game was on every week when I was at the bar watching Bills games...trust me, this guy did squat on the field and was grossly over shadowed by Bruce even though he was playing for a big contract...


    I assure you he was outplayed...in fact, 49er fans dont want him back...

  18. I love how you argue that Gruden isn't responsible for building the Raiders, its the GM who brought in all the players, but then give Dungy credit for bringing in Freeney, sanders, wayne, addai, etc. Last time i checked indy had a decent guy as their GM, no? The problem is that you are holding different coaches to different standards, and you are contradicting yourself with each post. You are biased against gruden and are doing nothing more than attacking him. (of course, logic isn't a strong suit of any jauron defender)


    As for gruden's finish, i've never stated that he shouldn't have been fired. I even said in my post that its easy to argue that gruden needed to be fired. His time in Tampa had about run out and that team needed some fresh blood. I know, i've followed Tampa closely down here. But that doesn't change the fact that he was a good coach and that it was a smart move for Tampa to get him. They won a super bowl, and Gruden played a big part in that. Hell, he knew oakland's offense inside and out, because he designed it, and thats a big reason why TB won. (Which brings another interesting note; if gruden did nothing to build the raiders, why did they keep his exact system in place after he left? couldn't be because it was a good one, could it?)


    As for Tampa, you can fault Gruden for not bringing in or developing enough WRs, but an interesting fact is that he was starting to develop a nice little offense for himself. Then Simms got his spleen ruptured and was never the same, and Cadillac Williams blew out his patellar tendon. That was 2 big pieces of a potential future offense in Tampa just gone. I'm not saying thwy would have been the next manning-addai, but you dont know. All i know is that they looked pretty good together in the 2005 season.


    And while we are on the topic of throwing seasons out (which is bogus), throw out the Colts super bowl run, and tony dungy is a career 5-10 in the playoffs. Thats awfully schottenheimer like.


    Finally, please elaborate on how rich gannon got so good on oakland, since gruden did nothing to help oakland.


    All I said about Dungy in Indy was in response to you saying he inherited someone elses team...I didnt make the claim he built it, I am saying that team was no where near as good when he took it over as when he got it...plain and simple...as in it doesnt compare to Gruden taking over TB.


    Ok, so now you are making injury excuse for Gruden...Simms was never playing very well by the way...so if you are going to make the injury excuse for him then you better afford DJ the same courtesy, and even more...


    Gruden tanked the season with his starters in tact...DJ started 5-1 and lost key players on a team that isnt very deep at talent, including our only pass rush, 2 corners playing very well (including our starter), LB's, Reed, our OL and of course our QB...thats more than losing a RB (which he replaced just fine in TB and the running game was MORE productive after Cadillac went down. Cadillac only had a strong first half of a rookie year and has struggled ever since).


    Rich Gannon was started putting it together before he came to KC and then had a lot more talent at WR in two HOF's that were still productive and an incredible running game which included a RB that was much like Brian Westbrook in Garner. Not that hard to figure out...solid QB goes to more talented team with an aggressive offense...its not the first time something like that has happened in this league...


    Bottom line...Gruden in Oakland had FAR less input on personell than he did in TB...so he gets less credit there and more blame in TB because he MISMANAGED his players terribly in TB.


    Geezus...I cant believe someone is still arguing in defense of Gruden this long and this hard when there is a laundry list of evidence to state quite the contrary, including by people in the NFL and players who know a heck of a lot more about football than any of us on this board...


    Im done with it...go buy a Chucky doll, it will make you feel better because thats about all Gruden is good for...selling dolls.

  19. Complete and utter nonsense




    Issac Bruce: 61rec, 835yds, 7tds, 13.7ypc


    Bryant Johnson: 45rec, 546yds, 3 tds, 12.1ypc


    Hmm...Bryant was signed to be a possible #1 target but got outplayed by the old vet badly in all categories including YPC (what supposed to be one of Bryants stong points). AND he was on a 1 year deal to position himself for a big deal this year...so even with that motivation he did squat...


    But you are right, Bruce outplaying Bryant is total nonsense...lmao...genius


    His only with more than 50 yards were 56, 56, 60, and 78...thats a meesly 4 times in a whole season he went over 50 yards in a pass happy offense as the #2 WR...


    He had 6 games with 2 catches or less, including 3 with zero...he played all 16 games...


    Your evaluation of talent is total nonsense...

  20. If he doesn't get resigned do you think the Bills will consider him....again. His stats weren't terrible considering the QB situation in San Francisco. 45 rec 546 yards 3 TD's.


    He was grossly outplayed by a sr. citizen in Bruce...


    Where does he play here? Evans is #1, Reed is better than him, so Reed still is #2...so the best he could be would be a #3 here, but then that takes valuable playing time from Johnson and Hardy needed to develop them...so signing him actually to me would be a bad thing...


    Unless we get someone that is an upgrade over Reed like a TJ or Boldin, then bringing someone would be a mistake as it will stall the development of our young guys who look promising, well at least Johnson looks promising as Hardy has the injury to deal with...

  21. No one here has claimed that Gruden was the only reason that TB went to the SB that year. But, Gruden played a large role in getting the team over the hump. For some reason, your myopic view on this is extremely black and white. Your OPINION that either gruden did everything or did nothing is incorrect. There are shades of gray in between, but you're having a difficult time grasping this simple concept.


    Actually, several have said they won because of Gruden...


    Yes, TB was a SB favorite that season, along with a few other teams in the NFC. Gruden took over a good team. However, Oakland was a SB favorite in the AFC, so what is your point?


    My point is, you are giving WAY too much credit to Gruden when TB was clearly capable of winning that year and many coaches would have had a legitimate shot at the SB. That makes the fleecing of picks and money oakland got a major heist.


    This in an unprovable fact. Its impossible to say who or what coach would have won/lost games with Tampa. Parcells had the handshake deal to coach the Buccs before he backed out of it, forcing Tampa into a corner. Any coach was going to take over a team with a load of talent, but that doesn;t mean any coach can win with a team. Example: Wade Phillips in Dallas.


    Dallas does not have the overall talent TB had that year...that defense was one of the best in history...nothing on Dallas on either side of the ball can make that claim. Plus, Dallas makes the playoffs if Romo doesnt get hurt...then who knows, maybe Dallas is in SB...all speculation...


    Yes, there is reason to believe that Dungy couldn't get it done. He hadn't gotten it done previously. His teams always struggled offensively, and Dungy just couldn't get the Buccs over the hump in the playoffs. And what does Dungy winning the SB have anything to do with his time in Tampa? As good of a coach as Dungy is, Indy was loaded with talent and had the best QB in the game. Why do you trash gruden for "winning with someone else's players" and then praise Dungy for doing the exact same thing in Indy?


    That team was still coming into its own and was improving each year. So, to say Dungy was the reason is speculation as he clearly showed he can win the big one. And FYI: He took over a team with a QB in Manning who was never any good in post season games to that point, had a bad defense and was not a SB caliber team at that point. He didnt win with someone elses players...after his arrival they got Freeny, Bob Sanders, Wayne, Clark, etc...


    How can you say that he didn't build the oakland team? Prior to Gruden, oakland was 8-8, 7-9, and 4-12. With Gruden, the Raiders went 8-8, 8-8, 12-4, and 10-6..................... So how does Gruden get no credit for building the Raiders? And if he doesnt, they who does?


    I said Gruden did not have the personell power in Oakland and that is a well known fact. The players brough in around Gruden were not because he "built" it because he was not the GM and was a known fact he had little input in this area. In fact, Davis didnt fully trust Gruden in this area...I am not saying he had ZERO, but he gets way too much credit for "building" that team. He didnt get that kind of power until about half way through is tenure with TB and made constant blunders with it, including managing his QB's worse than Buffalo handled JP and Flutie...


    All in all, with an aging defense, Gruden had 4 winning seasons, made the playoffs 3 times, and won the division 3 times. Not too shabby for 7 years work.


    Throw out the SB run...not his doing, that team makes a late playoff run no matter who is coaching it...after that he has 3 winning seasons in 6, two of which are only 9 win seasons! In fact, he didnt even have a winning season with that SB CALIBER team the following year after winning it! He only had back to back winning seasons once and both were 9-7...if DJ had gone 9-7 the last 2 years you would still be yelling for him to be fired because 9-7 would have still seen us miss the playoffs this year...so quit hyping those 9-7 seasons as if they were anything special and considering he plays in a weaker division...


    By they way, I love how you all hound DJ and scream for his firing for his finish this year after a hot start...TB was 9-3 and lost out to miss the playoffs including a lowly loss to one of the worst teams in the NFL in Oakland this year to end his season and reign as coach...


    There I answered your questions...

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