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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I'll wait to see who they get in FA.


    But, I know there will be a poll like this every week, until the draft.


    :w00t: :w00t: :wallbash:



    LOL, you are probably right...but um, its February, so what else is there to talk about on this board?


    Its better than the "down with Ralph" or "Im gonna throw a tanturm until DJ is fired" or "I am no longer a Bills fan, but I am going to keep posting on here daily anyway and telling how how much I am not a fan anymore" threads...

  2. Sure, but teams have only so much ammo to make the move. Does his body of work warrant (even with a great combine) someone taking a chance that he is a franchise QB? I guess everyone has an opinion on that, hopefully someone in the 17-20 slots pays up for the chance.


    I assume the Bills will be fielding calls whoevers available at their spot.


    True, good point. My only thinking is that the weak QB class behind him, Cassels play with no college starts, the pro system he played in that produced Palmer and Cassel I think all really going to play in his favor. It helps that several teams have big quesiton marks at QB. Just seems to be the perfect year for his stock to soar...of course all this goes out the window if he doesnt have a strong combine or pro day, but I think the kid can play and has a big showing before the draft.

  3. However, Leinart is the counter argument. I think the incredible advantage that NE has in coaching helped Cassel. Would he have had the same success with the Bills and their staff. I would like to think so but have serious doubts. But Sanchez is a lot brighter than Leinart and his sucess will probably hinge, in part , to the team that chooses him. LIONS ---> C YA Mark

    Absolutely to his advantage is that he is in an offense that makes him pro-ready, as you stated.


    I live in LA, and one of the things you hear people say here is his great work ethic...something you dont hear people saying about Leinart...


    LMAO about LIONS ----> C YA MARK comment... :w00t:


    I wonder if Mark is going "Please not the Lions" of if he is licking his chops at Calvin Johnson and thinking "Well I can't lose any more games than they lost this year, so only way to go is up"

  4. No thanks for a QB that has started about 11 games and that is his football experience at QB? He will likely end up going late 1st round as that is a HUGE concern for many teams. If you want him to sit for 2-3 years and learn then maybe.....but what a waste of a 1st round pick that would be. There will be plenty of available players there for the Bills.


    He started 16 games, not 11 and is coming from a system who's last 3 QB's before him were 2 heisman winners (one of which has had pretty good success in the NFL and the other is still an unknown) and Cassel who had ZERO starts and came out and had a very productive year in his first games since High School. Thats a Pro System there at USC and that will help his stock. Make no mistake, Cassels development and success with no college starts will help counter the concerns of him starting just 16 games...


    This is the perfect year for him to come out.

  5. I think in that scenario we could be offered a trade down, but with the teams that are after us (Den, Was, NO, Hou and SD) we would probably get the trade down value for the 15th slot instead of the 11th. Then the trade partner (say the Jets) would make the same offer to the Broncos and on down the line until they their got their player or upped the trade offer right before a team that needed a qb would pick.


    We need to have someone fall to us that Den, Was and/or NO covet, we don't, and someone in the 15-20 range really wants. Possibly CB Malcolm Jenkins if Hou, SD or NYJ were involved? Does Philly with an extra 1st rounder need a db?


    Of course some will say we won't pass on the db......


    I see your point...However, I think we will have some leverage though which will come from there being several teams potentially looking to grab the QB once you get to slot #17. So, they will run the risk of someone trading up ahead of them, so trying to find a trading partner below us poses risk to them. For instance, NY is talking to say Houston at 15, TB may be talking to someone ahead of that slot like us or Den to move up and get the same player.

  6. I'd first like to know what Matt Cassel's mother thinks about this. Surely she would have a more inside perspective on this. :D


    I'm not sure Sanchez is as coveted as you make him out to be. He has 16 career college starts and while his numbers are good, that's not exactly the thing a team likes when using a first rounder on a QB. Rose Bowl or not, I think NFL teams know that using a top pick should be on someone with a longer track record in the college game.


    Also not sure if Pete Carroll's strong recommendation to remain in school might hurt him. That situation is either PC being a college coach and wanting to keep his QB, or a situation where he didn't think Sanchez was ready.


    That is why I prefaced this with a big combine from Sanchez. I am not putting his stock this high at this current moment, but I fully do expect a big combine from him and that will catapult him up those draft boards...add in the Success Cassel had coming out of the same system with ZERO starts at USC, this is the perfect year for him to make a sharp rise in the boards which is most likely why he decided to come out now...


    USC has produced 3 notable QB's in recent years...Palmer, Leinart, and Cassel. 2 have had noticeable success coming out of that pro system, and Leinart still is an unknown but viewed as young QB with potential.

  7. How many CIN games did you watch last season? :D


    If you are a normal human being who doesn't live in Cincinnati and so can hardly avoid them if you care to watch tv games, my guess is that your answer approaches zero.


    I am not going to pretend to be an expert on Cincy...so let's assume you are right and Cincy doesnt take Raji (I still think they must go D with their pick though). If Raji is so highly regarded now, his stock will only elevate after the combine...do you really see the best DT lasting to #11, especially with the next best one not rated nearly as high as him?


    There are several teams above us that have a big need at DT...


    So, even if Cincy passes on him for OL, I still dont think he falls to us, so not much changes in terms of this scenario I presented...

  8. That so-called #2 WR of yours has better statistics through his first 5 seasons than Andre Reed had through his first 5 seasons:


    Player GP REC YDS AVG Long TDS

    Reed 74 317 4,408 13.8 72 31

    Evans 80 296 4,744 16.0 87T 32


    And I'm quite certain you're not careless enough to say that Andre Reed wasn't a number 1 WR...so take your misplaced comment to the Land of Facts-Don't-Matter.


    Also not mentioned is look who is been throwing to Evans and who was throwing to Reed during those spans...

  9. I don't think it's necessarily a darkhorse player, but a darkhorse team. The Lions could shake up everything and take an OT at the #1 selection if one of them stands out at the combine. Both Stafford and Sanchez could then fall because I don't think that KC goes for a QB with their pick. I think they stick with Thigpen for this upcoming season. He played VERY WELL down the stretch for them. That has to count for something. That would leave Chicago with the #18, Tampa Bay with the #19, and Detroit with the #20 pick that they'd almost certainly use as trade bait to move up with some one to get the QB they want. I wouldn't make a trade with the Jets unless they give up their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd just because they're in our division.


    This is quite possible and why I listed Det at 20 as possibly a team who could look to move up to our spot to grab a QB. With no obvious threat from teams 2-16 taking a QB, Det might could very well go a different direction at #1 and look to grab one at 20 or move up a few slots ahead of the other teams who could be looking for a QB. Another reason our spot at 11 could become a hot spot...

  10. Sanchez is VERY ovarrated


    At this point he could be...but with no other quarterback a serious threat currently to over take him as the 2nd best QB in the draft (which is why I think he chose to come out this year) and strong combine (which I think he is fully capable of and likely has), I think his stock rises considerably come draft day.

  11. In past years, I might have agreed, but lately it seems that if a top QB slides out of the top 5, he's going to keep dropping for quite a while. It happened to both Brady Quinn and Aaron Rodgers. Maybe someone would consider trading for the right to select him, but I think its just as likely that they'd sit back and see if that trend continued this year.


    Good point, and I thought about that, but here is why I see it as different this year. Look at the draft slots just below us:


    17 - Jets

    18 - Chi

    19 - TB

    20 - Det (if they dont take Stafford #1)


    and also

    22 - Minn

    30 - Tenn


    There is a run of 4 teams in a row potentially hunting for QB help with 2 more just below them. At this point in the offseason, there seems to be a decent drop off from Sanchez and the next best QB...that I think tempts teams to move up over each other and get him...

  12. I think he could be a candidate for comeback player of the year next year. I wouldn't right him off so fast. He has always had a good work ethic and is young enough to still put together some nice seasons. With our D healthy again, Stroud settled in and healthy, I think he could surprise some peeps...

  13. On a similar vein, we need to hope Sanchez goes in the top-10. In all likelihood, these guys are projected top-10 picks: Stafford, Curry, Crabtree, 3 of the OTs, Brown, Raji, Orakpo, and possibly Jenkins. If Sanchez goes in the top-10, it would likely push one of the big 4 on defense down to #11.


    This is true...one of the teams below us I noted could trade into the top 10 to get him, which could push one of the other players down to us...good point and another way Sanchez could have a significant impact on our slot.

  14. Don't be surprised if they pick up Crabtree, Huszmanzada will be gone and Chad Johnson is on the decline and they need to feed their #1 player Carson Palmer with a stud...


    Personally for Buffalo I'd like to see Brown available, but he probably won't be there, Raji would be my next choice then Orapko, my feeling is one of them will be there. If not, trading down would be ideal, but I wouldnt be surprised if we went Pettigrew.


    No way Crabtree makes it to them past Seattle...Seattle either takes him or someone trades into their spot to get him...

  15. They re-signed '06 #4 DT Domato Peko to big bucks last season, and '08 #3 Pat Sims did well in limited action.


    Their OL starters dropped like flies - hard to think they won't look that way. '06 #2 G/T Whitworth had a bad injury, as well as franchise player G/T Stacey Andrews - and LT Levi Jones is essentially shot (chronic knee injury), after a couple of years playing a half a season - maybe. And he turned into a whiner. He bought a 1.5 million dollar Bugatti Veyron, and complained about how he was under-appreciated and under-compensated...


    I doubt that CIN is in the DT derby.


    But if Curry was available at #6...


    Fair points...but as far as Peko goes, we have big bucks invested in a way better player in Stroud, yet people still see us taking Raji...so I dont think Peko factors in as much as you think.


    Their Defense is atrocious, especially Run D, and has been for a long time. They play in a heavily weighted running division and Lewis is a defensive minded coach and the D is a bigger issue than the offense will be, especially with Palmer back. Seeing how explosive Denver and NO offesne was and then still missing playoffs I think is a clear indiactor as why they go D instead of O with this pick. They have the makings of a good offense again with Palmer back, but their D has little hope to improve unless they bring in some real talent. I dont see them making any big FA signings either with all the turmoil that team has had the last few years...players will go elsewhere...


    They have coveted a big time DT (point being why they overpaid for Peko) and Sims playing well in limited action by no means will be comparable to a Raji coming out of college. Taking Raji is the best hope they have of adding a big time playmaker this year...

  16. I think there is a real potential dark horse scenario. First let me say, I firmly believe Orakpo and Brown will be gone by 11. I also see no way Raji makes it past Cinci as they coveted badly Sedrick Ellis last year and missed out on him...their DT situation is no better this year and I just dont see how they can pass on the best DT in the draft when its a real big need for them and a defensive minded coach.


    So, with top 2 DE's gone and no Raji...what do the Bills do? Top LB? Pettigrew? Reach for a lower rated DE or Center?


    Well, I think there is a dark horse player that could possibly heavily influence our draft slot. I think Sanchez is going to have a real good combine driving him up the draft boards as a top 10 player. If he does, it is quite possible he will fall to us at #11 if Stafford is taken first because of team needs, much like Quinn fell and Aaron Rodgers fell after the top QB went off the board. If he does, it will open up 2 possibilities worth considering...(remember this is assuming a strong combine by Sanchez, but I fully expect that):


    1. For all you trade down enthusiasts...having Sanchez fall to 11 also gives us the most hope for a trade down. For a team to trade up, there has to be a player other teams covet enough to give up value to get. Sanchez could be that player this year ASSUMING he has a stong combine as I expect. With Orakpo, Brown and Raji off the board, then trading down to get some extra picks and still grab say Pettigrew, other DE, Center, Etc. really works out for us.


    There are quite a few teams BELOW us looking for some answers at QB this offseason...Teams below us that could look to move into our spot to grab Sanchez are Jets (17), Chi (18), TB (19), Det (20), Minn (22), or Tenn (30). The depth of their interest in this scenario will rely heavily on the comination of Sanchez's combine performance and what those teams do in Free Agency.


    To be honest, I just can't see any other scenario playing out that will have someone there at 11 that another team is going to covet enough to trade up and get at #11 that we wouldn't take ourselves.


    2. In this scenario, could the Bills consider Sanchez as our pick at 11? I know, its blasphemy to suggest to the Trent lovers here, and I am sure I will get blasted for even mentioning it...but if Sanchez moves up the draft boards like Cutler did, he could be someone they see who could come in and push Trent for the job. I am just not too sure the FO and staff are as sold on Trent as the posters of this board are, especially with the durability issue. The game where his mysterious injury kept him out so JP could come in makes me wonder...add in the fact that we have only a 3rd pick invested in Trent, and you have the makings for a surprise dark horse pick...


    Please note that I am NOT, let me repeat NOT, currently suggesting that the Bills should take Sanchez or even that they will take him...I am just simply speculating it as an option if the draft plays out this way.


    I fully expect Orakpo, Brown, and Raji to be gone when we pick at 11, so if they are gone and Sanchez has a great combine, we could be sitting in a very interesting spot at 11.

  17. My feeling is that they go DE, Im goin with Michael Johnson. I think the other DE's might be gone when they pick.


    I don't think they go Johnson, but I totally agree with you that the fans here who think Orakpo, Raji and Brown will be there at 11 are going to be dissapointed.


    I just don't see any way either of those guys make it to us at 11. I think there is more value in other picks at 11 over Johnson...DE is clearly a need, but I am not sold on Johnson being the answer, especially at #11. I think Raji is surely gone too...I just don't see how Cinci doesnt take him. They were hot for Sedrick Ellis last year and missed out on him, they are just as bad at DT this year, so I can't forsee them passing on him.


    So, I think that we will look hard at Pettigrew or the best LB available.

  18. What is wrong with this team is the question...ok...For me this is not even a remotely complicated question and it can be summed up in one single word...quarterback...


    Before all the Trent lovers jump up and down and stomp their feet screaming he only has 24 games under his belt, let me say...who cares, it is irrelevant to the question at hand. Potential is not a factor in analyzing results...results are based on ACTUAL play on the field...if you want to speculate about the future, then thats a seperate topic question.


    The question is directed to our 2 consecutive 7-9 seasons (go any further back and it doesnt matter as those are different teams with quite a bit different personnel). Trent may be good tomorrow, but he wasn't good enough yesterday. When talking about whether QB is problem for the future, you can reference he is still developing as reason why to be hopeful. However, if you are going to make an analysis of our 7-9 seasons, the overall combined play of Trent and JP has been clearly subpar and a monster impact on why we have been below .500 both years.


    Sure, there are other factors...some coaching errors, injuries, last second losses, etc. But most of that can be linked directly to the overall play at QB...the fabled coaching mistakes commonly said on here this year (passing in 4th qtr against SF, rollout by Losman against Jets) become irrelevant if we had competent QB play during those games. We should have been up 21 on SF, but Losman couldnt get it done...against the Jets, the rollout should have been thrown away when the FB was taken out...again QB play.


    Trent in Cle was not good, yet we still could have won if Lindell makes the kick. So, if we have a QB who played even average that night, we are not kicking last minute long FG's...Trent played terrible against the better teams on our schedule and he struggled in 2 of his 4 wins to start the season where he had a 81 QB rating or less twice and never once threw for more than 1 TD, and all were against bottom feeders in the league.


    Again, Trent MAY be the QB of the future, and may become a really good QB in this league, but he has not played at that level consistently in 2007 and 2008 for us to be a winning franchise. When he has been hurt, JP has played pretty poor too...So unless you have DOMINANT defense like a Balt, Pitt, or Tenn then you will struggle mightily to over come poor production at QB.


    The direct result of weak play at QB for us is simple...struggle to a win over poor teams, but we lose against better teams...that is our persona right now...we need Trent to really take a step forward this year...if he does, we have a legit shot at the playoffs with this team as is. If not, we are looking at another year on the outside debating who to pick with the 11th or 12th pick in the draft in 2010...


    Again, this isnt meant to be a debate on whether he will or will not develop, if he is our QB of the future to build on...its just an analysis of how the play in 2007 and 2008 affected our record. Truth is, all the people in love with Trents potential lose sight of the fact that he is not there yet and this franchise struggles until he gets there.

  19. Arizona



    Kansas City


    NY Jets


    St. Louis



    On your above teams:


    Minn, Jets, St. Louis and Tenn will have zero interest and I am not sure why you think they would. They dont need a RB on the downside of his career. Minn is stacked at RB, Jets are solid at RB, St. Louis has the 2nd or 3rd best back in the league, TENN is stacked at RB.


    Cincy might, but they actually like Benson who is younger and ran well to end the season. AZ needs RB help, so I could see them looking at him. KC wont be interested...they are rebuilding and dont need an aging RB because they already have one. They will go with their promising young guys in this rebuilding stage...Seattle I could see having interest, but I doubt LT would have much interest in them...Indy might be a good fit for both sides...


    I think the most likely destination is San Diego...he wants to stay and will take the pay cut to stay. I really doubt he goes any where else. Outside of that, I would think Denver would be the most likely fit as they have big questions at RB going into next year, have an up and coming team (especially on offense) and he would get to play SD twice a year.

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