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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Yes and Beebee wasn’t a WR1 either
  2. Worthy should be no where near our board for a trade up, or even at 28. Do people realize he is 6'1 but only weighs 164 pounds? What is going to happen to him when its snowing in Buffalo in the post season? He cant block, he isn't physical, and his frame is going to have a hard time holding up to 17 game seasons. There are literally guys who are big, with WR1 traits all running low 4.4 or sub 4.4 forty times...we need one of them, not a skinny guy who might get blown off his routes by the wind in Buffalo lol. Nothing against Worhty, he makes a lot of sense for a team like Dallas. But if we trade up for someone, it better be a top end WR1 type prospect. Worthy doesn't have the frame for that kind of volume and work on all 3 levels of the defense. He is better suited for a dome team like Dallas opposite a legit WR1 IMHO.
  3. You have guys on your list not available. And you have guys on your list that the Bills should have absolutely no interest in what so ever. Pass on this one for me.
  4. Thats not fully accurate though because you only present one side of the equation. Yes they can do "things" if there is a player they want to sign, but often those "things" are at the expense of filling other holes, or even creating more holes by losing other players or pushing something down the line the eventually means losing other players. That is IMO the biggest disconnect I think some have with the "cap isn't real" mentality...they see a team go get someone they want while in cap hell and don't pay attention to the 6 guys the team just lost as well to do that. The cap is very real, it will impact the team without question. It can be massaged to for short term flexibility, but at some point the bill comes due, so it is not without risk or impact. Lucky for us, we do have a GM who is very cap smart in how he structures contracts and manages that cap.
  5. All these cold responses I think are missing the point. I expected all of these moves, I felt they all needed to happen, so no surprise here from me and no disagreement with any of the moves. But that that still doesn't mean its not sad to see the door close on their careers here, especially given how important they were to the team and locker room. So I don't know...maybe save the harsh "good" to see them go comments for another thread. Cuz I think the sentiment here is that while its the right move, its a bit of a bummer these guys time in Buffalo is done overall as they were huge parts of the team and community for long periods of time. Talking about several fan favorites too. I don't really see the point to celebrate or mock their departure...myself, I find myself just appreciating their time here and wishing them well where ever they go or do next.
  6. But the cap isn't real people...don't worry lol Ok that being said, this was widely expected due to cap and injury reasons, sad to see happen, he was an all time fave I am sure for many of us. Wish him luck in his comeback from this injury still, thanks for everything Tre!
  7. Wow, didn't expect this after the Bates trade. I had expected it before the Bates trade just because his contract was one of the most obvious to cut. This is supposed to be a great draft for OL too, not sure what the C depth looks like, haven't had time to dive too much into it as I have spent what little I have had on the WR's. So wonder if they are going to look at drafting a C as well somewhere in this draft.
  8. No. No. No. Sutton is gonna cost too much and Jeudy is a trash can. People need to let go of this pre-draft hype on Jeudy, he did not pan out and he is not ever going to be the player people thought he was because he just isn't that good. I mean has anyone watched him play? Wanting Jeudy is like wanting more of the worst parts of Gabe Davis. Lack of concentration, lazy routes, dropped passes, struggles to get open. Calling it now: Bills will not trade for Sutton or Jeudy - because Beane isn't bad at his job. This is one of the best drafts I can think of in terms of top end talent and depth at the WR position. This is the year to be stacked with picks and looking for WR's, and Beane is gonna pounce there. We likely add some value vet guys in FA too, but he isn't giving up picks in a WR rich draft for costly vets or retreads.
  9. I was pretty confident he would be back once the higher than expected cap numbers came out. Couldn't see them getting rid of Douglas after what we paid to get him and also knowing that several secondary players were gone or likely to be gone in Hyde, Poyer, and Tre...2 of which are now officially gone (at least for now) and Tre still is a cap casualty candidate and still has question marks about what he will be like if he does stick after a 2nd serious leg injury. So stoked to see it looks like Douglas is here again at least this year given he was easily our best secondary player once he arrived.
  10. One of my favorites...this was no surprise though from a cap perspective. He didn't find the market he was looking for last offseason, wondering if he comes back again if the market is dry and plays another season on a cheaper deal. We need to draft safeties this year and get younger, but would be nice to have someone like Poyer here a season to help groom them. If he has officially played his last game though, then thanks for everything you gave Poyer, you were a true dawg out there week in and week out giving everything you got.
  11. Yeah same, it was his work with Palmer that took me from not very interested early in the offseason to wanting him on draft night.
  12. After he left Wyoming, he immediately went to work with Palmer and between that time and draft time his draft stock sky rocketed to where he was even getting first overall consideration. And it was because of the remarkable improvements he was showing in short windows and wowing during workouts and the combine. There really was not a period of Josh's career after stepping off the Wyoming field the last time where he wasn't showing significant improvement in short windows. So, I get what you are saying, but I would still argue that Josh began his ascent when he first started his work with Palmer and that ascent continued at every stage of his career since. Gotcha, and that is fair...the OL was scary bad his rookie year.
  13. That doesn't really make sense. Had Evans left, TB could have taken a WR. Had Higgins left, Cincy could have drafted his replacement. Etc etc. All of these WR's were gonna be on someones roster leaving another team still needing a WR. So, its not creating a new WR needy team as there was always going to be the same WR needy team whether it was the team losing the WR or the team trying to sign the WR, only 1 team gets him leaving the other still needing a WR.
  14. It is easy to say "how bad Josh was" before Morse got here...doesn't mean the correlation is that Morse getting here was the biggest catalyst to Josh's development when Morse joined Buffalo. Josh was an ascending QB the moment he last stepped off Wyoming's football field. Nothing against Morse, but some of you are heaping way too much credit onto Morse for Josh Allens development. Its kind of crazy how many people get "credit" for Josh Allens development. It is talked about as if Josh never would have developed without "X" person and just glosses over Allens insane talent level combined with his commitment, drive, and competitiveness. All anyone needs to do is watch his first road game as a double digit underdog vs Minnesota to see that what Josh Allen has become was inevitable, he was going to get there one way or another. Im not saying nobody had a role in his development, but its weird to me that Mahomes, Burrow, Rodgers, etc never get that same statement of how they developed because of so and so, people just accept their talent level as to why they are so good. With Allen, its never about how talented he is, its alwasy talked about it being because of Daboll, or because he has Diggs, etc etc.
  15. Ill be honest...You lost me on the first line referring to him being "pretty solid". That alone told me this post was going off the rails. He is much better than "solid", he is a top 10 LT which do not grow on trees and get paid a ton of money because they are hard to find. Then you really sunk this ship bringing up VanDemark who would clearly be a drop off from Dion right now. Finally, you reveal the truth of this bizarre thread to take help away from Josh by admitting this stems over you being upset over an IG post by Mahomes that leaves you salty as if Dion's comments were the reason we lost. I mean was it Dion's comments that talked McD for going for a Fake Punt? Was it Dion's comments that had Bernard and Milano out making the LB spot easy pickings all game for the KC offense? Did Dion's comments cause Bass to miss the FG? What about the Diggs bomb he dropped, was that because of something Dion said? No disrespect dude...but people need to stop overreacting to every little thing these guys say. They say much worse to each others faces all game long. We lost by 3 because we beat ourselves again...its not like KC came in fueled on vengeance over a Dion comment and curb stomped us...our own mistakes sunk us like bad decisions, dropped passes, missed FG's, etc. So NO...we should not trade Dion because you don't like his comments.
  16. Yeah, I agree that LT and Edge can be guys to make a decent sized move for too...but generally, when you are pick 28 and need to move into say the top 10, I still think that is only for a QB given the cost to make such a big move.
  17. Looking around the league, it is REALLY hard to find a team that makes a lot of sense from the stand point of being an NFL starter. From a team need perspective, Steelers are the only one I can look at and Wilson likely makes that team better on the field, and that is more about how bad the Steeler QB's are than it is about how good Wilson is today. With the defense and run game, Wilson doesn't have to carry the offense kind of like the early days in Seattle when they went to back to back SB's winning one. However, from a culture stand point, Steelers feel like a bad fit and I have a hard time seeing Pittsburgh being interested. So I don't know where he goes and gets a chance to start other than to say keep the seat warm for a rookie. And you got to imagine teams are going to be concerned after the Broncos said they would rather have an $85M dead cap hit than see him QB another game for them. I mean, thats a pretty huge statement and from a team that has Sean Payton as an offensive HC.
  18. While I do agree with you about moving up once we get into the 20's, I wouldn't say "any" of them though. I think the players Beane would go up are a lot less some of the players being mentioned. For example Legette and Worthy. I just don't see either being the kind of WR that Beane would move up for in this draft. I think there are 5 WR's that Beane would make a move up to get in this draft, and the kind of move up is probably within the 20's still so it is not too costly. Harrison, Nabers, Odunze, Thomas, and Mitchell. I highly doubt any of the big 3 get close enough to where Beane would pull the trigger and move up. Unless something kind of crazy happens and Worthy somehow leap frogs one of the big 3 after his crazy 40 time and it surprisingly pushes one of them down to striking distance for Beane who would probably pay a little more to go up and get one of them. So I think that leaves really Thomas and Mitchell as the kind of WR I think Beane would pull the trigger to go get in a small trade up. I don't think he would do it for Worthy, just do not think he is a good fit here or what Beane is looking for as his frame is just too small despite being 6'1". Maybe he would for McConkey, depends who you ask though as where people grade him seems to vary some from person to person. I am one that is very high on McConkey, before the combine I had him as the 5th WR on my board. Now I have him and Mitchell kind of tied for 5th. I think he has the highest floor while still possessing one of the highest ceilings, and his game and style would help Josh a lot IMHO. There is a chance that all 5 of the big 3 with Thomas and Mitchell are gone before we pick, which then makes me think Beane stays put at 28 and either takes next WR or another position if someone they love gets pushed down thanks to the QB and WR runs, or maybe even makes a small trade back to pickup an extra 3rd or something in this draft. BUT: I do expect Beane to be aggressive on getting a guy he covets, so my way too early prediction is we make a small trade up to get either Thomas or Mitchell...or in an extremely surprising case of Worthy going before all the big 3 are gone, going up and getting one of the big 3 if they get near that 20th pick range.
  19. I say there is no way to answer this question because there is no answer that will be true after the draft because you do not know yet what kind of players the rookies will be in the NFL, nor how long it will take to reach their potential or prove to not be the right guy. Sane with FA's, no way to know who well they fit in and gel here until we see them on the field too.
  20. I hear ya...but lets look at what you are saying: Hyde & Poyer: Factually, they were very important to this defense and the style we played for many years. So I don't know it was incorrect to say we needed them, especially with nothing resembling starting material behind them to elevate if we moved one. So can't fault anyone who might have said we need them in years past. This year of course is different as they are now at the tail end of their careers and not quite as impactful and good during their prime runs here. Milano being out might have been the biggest reason we lost to KC. Because not only was Milano out, so was Bernard. Going into the game I specifically stated the thing I am afraid of the most is that KC is going to abuse and attack the massive hole at LB with both Milano and Bernard out. And that is exactly what they did in a game we lost by 3. Had we not been missing our LB's, that game very much might have looked different. Milano is maybe the closest thing left on our defense right now to an All Pro, and I would go as far as say he is our best defensive player this next year (assuming he is fully back from his injury). Can't see any reason to trade him and with him and Bernard, suddenly LB is our strength instead of our absolute weakest spot next time we face KC. But I don't disagree with you on your overall point, in fact, I think guys like Poyer and Tre are questionable to be here for that very reason. I just don't think Milano fits the description of someone we need to trade this year, especially with the heavy transition we are likely to see elsewhere on the defense. With Hyde gone, and question marks around Tre, Poyer, and even Douglas...There is a chance we can be looking at 3 new starters in our secondary, possibly 4. So as far as Douglas goes, I am in the camp to keep him. He was our best cornerback the moment he stepped on the field, and I would rather cut both Poyer and Tre to keep Douglas personally even though Tre and Poyer are two of my faves. Douglas just has to more to offer this defense right now and he was the best secondary player on the team once he got here. Within our own division we face the Miami air attack, Jets could be dangerous air attack if Rodgers is even 75% the player he was, and if NE has a ton of cap room to get back in the mix still. Then you still have KC and CIncy to contend with, plus who knows what impact Harbaugh has on Charges and Herbert this year. Point is, in the AFC where the gauntlet of top QB's are, completely depleting your entire secondary on a defense that depends a lot on its secondary is going to really put even more pressure on Allen and this offense. So, that is why I would want to keep Douglas even if it means getting rid of two team and fan favorites like Poyer and Tre to make the cap room necessary to justify keeping Douglas. But also, don't forget the cap is higher now, and with that bonus, I see even less reason to cut or trade Douglas.
  21. If we based it solely on stats from college, we would have drafted Josh Rosen instead of Josh Allen. There is context, and I trust Beane and his team to do the work to understand the nuances of each. Personally, I think Mitchell is a true WR1 prospect, although I think Thomas still ranks ahead of him. Before the combine, I actually like McConkey slightly more than Mitchell. But post combine, I am much more torn on who I would take if both were on the board at 28 and leaning Mitchell now. But I do love McConkey as I think he has the highest floor of the bunch that will be there while still having the same high ceiling. Im actually quite terrified that KC is going to end up with McConkey personally who I think would be a beast in that offense.
  22. Can we trade this thread instead? lol. No thanks, this defense needs Milano.
  23. The score doesn't make any sense. They have no idea who the scouts, Beane, or Brady were there to see. I would be more interested in seeing when they met with specific players one on one and how much time they got with said player. Roman Wilson for example is not someone I think they Bills have over scouted to the degree his report suggests. He isn't very physical, is fast, but not "special" fast, isn't great with YAC, has durability concerns, and is a mediocre route runner. But yet he is supposedly the guy the Bills staff has scouted the most just because someone from our staff watched the National Champions play? This is a very flawed system.
  24. All good, everyone has their own boards and opinions, and thats all they are right now, mine included and none are right or wrong currently. Personally, I had him more around WR10 to 12 range coming in, and still do because I do not see him as a WR1 in the NFL with his very skinny frame. His playing weight was 164 pounds...so what do you mean based on what? He weighed in at 165 at the combine. He is 6'1" and only weighs 165 pounds, he is a stick figure. I don't get the Flowers comparison at all TBH other than both are fast. Flowers is much shorter but weighs more than Worthy, they have totally different frames. And if I am being honest about Flowers, he hasn't shown he is a WR1 either. He had 850 yards and only 1 game with 100 yards on a team desperate for WR help. Despite all his speed, he averaged just 11.1 ypc because they used him small because he is small. Flowers had a fine rookie year, don't get me wrong, not dumping on him, but with the riches at WR in this draft, he just isn't the barometer I am looking for with so many guys who have all 3 of size, speed, and talent at all 3 levels who are clear WR1 type prospects. If Diggs was 28, then fine, someone like Worthy might come in and be complimentary piece to a WR1. But in a draft this rich with guys who are clear WR1 candidates, I just can't see elevating Worthy over many of them in the first. A team like Dallas with Lamb who plays indoors at home would make a ton of sense for Worthy, but for a team that needs an heir WR1 to Diggs and already lacks size at WR, he just doesn't seem like the right choice for us specifically. I just struggle to see the fit here where WR's are asked to block a lot, bad weather negates speed often here in Buffalo, especially late in season and post season where the games mean the most. Now if we took a WR like Thomas or Mitchell for example and landed Worthy in a trade up say in the 2nd, then great. End of day, my 2 cents is that I don't personally want to come out of this draft with our heir to the WR1 throne weighing under 170 pounds despite being over 6 feet tall because I think he will be too easily taken out of bad weather games, offers very little in terms of blocking when we need to run the ball (again like bad weather post season games), I don't think has the strength to be a consistent WR at all 3 levels of the defense, and I don't trust his skinny frame to hold up to the punishment of an NFL season as a featured WR1.
  25. Struggles off the line, struggles in short area acceleration, struggles to use his speed outside of long straight strides, struggles to gain separation outside of where he can use his stride. Sounds like a slightly faster clone of Gabe.
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