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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Besides, I don't know that I like Anderson any better than Trent to tell you the truth. Now, if there is a possibility of acquiring a Kellen Winslow, Braylon Edwards or Joe Thomas ...


    You mean the Joe Thomas that made the pro bowl in his rookie year and followed it up with a sophmore season where he only gave up 2.5 sacks all year? Yeah, I am sure they are rushing to move him...


    Braylon? The king of dropping meaningful easy passes and not having his head in the game consistently? No thanks...the cost to get him would be absurd and he isnt worth it...


    Winslow...yes, bring him in...I think he could be had at a reasonable cost given the situation, and the reasonable cost offsets the risks involved with him (injuries, off the field stuff) given his immense talent.

  2. Talent ? If we have enough talent on this team, Edwards will hopefully be enough for us to win a few games.

    Daunte's body and head look to be too scrambled for him to make any respectable NFL return. In fact, I would be seriously pi$$ed if we got him.


    He's better than any other QB currently on the market with the only exception maybe being Garcia, but at least Daunte has upside as he has been pretty darn good at points in his career.


    Now let me address your talent statement...the position on offense we have lacked the most production from and talent is QB...Trent has only passed for more than 1 TD in a game 4 times in his 24 games...he has more games with ZERO Td's than games with more than 1. He has never thrown for more than 300 yards, has only passed for more than a measly 200 yards 9 times in 24 games and severely regressed last year. When we were 4-0, he had 2 subpar games (Oak and St. Louis) where other players bailed us out on D and Trent posted a QB rating in both games of 81. The wins cover up his struggles through most of the game and he gets way more credit for those wins than is deserved.


    All in all, he performed pretty weak in most games, and his so called great games would be considered average games at best for better QB's, not to mention they came against the worst pass D's in the league.


    We have enough talent at WR and RB for this to be a productive and explosive offense...we have not had a QB that can lead it to that to this point...


    THIS IS NOT SAYING TRENT WONT EVENTUALLY GET THERE, this is saying HE HASNT BEEN PLAYING ANY WHERE NEAR GOOD ENOUGH for us to be a productive and consistent offense in 2007 and 2008.


    Put in a CAPABLE QB and we have a pretty good offense. Now, that capable QB may end up being Trent, but that is going to require a significant improvement from him this year for that to happen. I hope he does, but there is NO denying that he and JP's sporadic and subpar play has been the biggest contributor to sub .500 seasons and an average offense at best.

  3. Ralphy boy wants to bolster the talent on the offense. By short term, I mean a 2 yr contract, at most. Josh Reed is meant to play in the slot, where I think he'll have his best year so far if we are able to move him there. Hardy will be coming off a major injury from which his rehab may extend into the first few weeks of the upcoming season, possibly on PUP, besides that, he needs some experience under his belt and work on his route running. I like Steve J, but he needs too much work to fill in as a viable #2 threat. I think this may be an area we address in FA. My wish list, in order:


    1.) Amani Toomer

    2.) Reggie Williams

    3.) Bryant Johnson

    4.) Michael Clayton


    Any thoughts?


    Reed is better than every WR on your list...I would take Steve Johnson over any of them too at this point. Toomer is solid, but how is he any better than Reed?


    Williams, Johnson and Clayton are terrible...as the #2 WR in a significantly better passing offense than we had, Bryant managed a mere 45 catches for 500 yards and 3 TD's in a contract year where he was playing to get paid like a #1 WR. 7 times he had 3 catches or less...12 times he had 60 yards or less...


    Reed, playing in 3 LESS games than Bryant, had 11 more catches, 100 more yards and far less drops...


    Neither Williams or Clayton even broke 40 catches...Heck Wililams had less than 400 yards too and lost his starting job...


    So, how on earth are any of these guys a fix? How are they better than Reed who was more productive in offenses where we had a less productive QB and played in fewer games?


    And thats not even addressing the fact that bringing one of these guys in would cut into Steve Johnsons development...

  4. As has been pointed out overandoverandover again, every team plays with injuries during the season. It's simply part of the game and every HC has got to be prepared for WHEN they happen, not IF. If you can't do that as a HC, you have no business being in that position. That's your job and your responsibility. Period. Otherwise, be an Assistant or Coordinator where the buck doesn't stop at your desk.


    That being said, and to his credit, I don't recall Jauron excusing his 3rd consecutive 7-9 Bills season, complete with a 2-8 free fall, on injuries. And it's a foregone conclusion that 7 out of 8 years with a losing record is due to some factor other than injuries as well.


    Perhaps 8 seasons is just not quite enough time to judge Jauron's coaching ability, but 9 seasons would be right on the money.


    One thing's for sure.................


    We're all gonna find out.


    First off, the thing about every coach deals with injuries is a completely biased statement to make a point about not liking DJ. A coach can only do so much with the talent he has...for instance, if we formed a football team out of the posters on this board, we would go winless playing against High School teams even if Vince Lombardi himself was coaching us. When a coach loses critical starters and there are not competent reserves behind them, its going to be a tough up hill battle. No team in the league was as devastated by injuries as the Bills in 07 and we still won 7 games and were in the playoff hunt, not to mention we had an INEPT rookie QB who had more games with ZERO TD passes than games with TD passes...add in JP's struggles, and we have NO PRODUCTION from the QB spot, and a defense decimated by injuries that wasnt all that talented to begin with.


    Then in 08, we go out and shore up our D, just to see our best LB go down with injury before the season, lose our ONLY threat of a pass rush for most of the season with Schobel hurt, lose 2 productive corners, lose LB's despite already being thin, lose OL on an OL where we have terrible backups, lose our starting QB (who was struggling as it was) with JP stinking it up in his replacement, lose Reed which really derailed the offense...


    So, to dismiss the significane of the inuries is just a biased way to make a case against DJ...Truth is, in DJ's stay in Buffalo, the QB position has been incredibly inconsistent and mostly unproductive and turn over prone, yes even your beloved Trent...yet we still managed 7 win seasons both years.


    Honestly, (and I dont mean this in an insulting way) you posters who want to blow off the injury situation, rookie QB, and struggling QB play this year have probably never played football at a competitive level. Otherwise, you would not undermind the tremendous impact this has had on our team the last 2 years...

  5. why make a hole on the o line when it otherwise much better than anything weve had in years? Dockery may be overpaid in peoples eyes here but that was the going rate for a player of his caliber. If we wanted to sign him thats what we had to pay.


    Royal should be cut no argument there, good blocker but to many dumb plays


    kelsey is excellant against the run, i wish he was a better pash rusher but we really dont have anyone else that can play the position any better so were stuck with him until we get a better rusher


    I love how people like to accuse Ralph of not spending top dollar and doing whatever it takes to get a player, then when he does, people complain about it. Dockery was a top 5 FA the year we signed him and the 2nd best OL available that year. A year where we were coming off a horrendous season from our O Line. He was going to get that money wherever he went and was considered a rising star.


    It was a GREAT signing at the time we signed him...Period. How a player plays after is another story, however, he isnt been as bad as people say. People forget how well he played with Chris Samuels. Who else on our Line is as good as Samuels? This poster I am responding to is right, once we get some better play at C and consistency at other spots, his play will elevate again and cutting him would be a huge mistake. Having Peters there in training camp would also be huge, but who knows, he over values himself so much that I expect another hold out.

  6. if culpepper comes to buffalo, i'm never supporting the bills again.


    LMAO...promises, promises...


    I seem to remember people saying Warner was washed up too and would never find his form again. Daunte since his injury forced him out of Minny has played on 3 of the WORST, yes WORST teams in the NFL. Miami was terrible in his comeback year there, then he goes to a worse team and Oak, and just when you thought it couldnt get any worse, he winds up on the worst team in NFL history...Det.


    I would like to see what he could do again with some talent around him. If Trent was half as productive as Daunte was in Minn he would be a perennial pro bowl player...Daunte had a devastating injury and since has been forced to play with terrible teams that had no talent. Lets see what he can do with some talent around him...why not, he would be cheap too...

  7. A severe hit to our cap space AND a distracting quarterback controversy?!?!?! Where do we sign up?


    I'm just messin, but seriously we can get plenty of backup quarterbacks as good as Anderson without having to pay nearly as much. He was a one hit wonder.


    Ok, OP offers are absurd, I will give you that. But, D. Anderson is better than anything on the market IMO. Our pickings at QB are pretty poor. Our best prospects are in Det if they cut either Culpepper or Kitna, or even both. Outside of that, there isnt really anyone who can come in and PUSH Trent for the job. Trent needs competition, not just some journeyman backup, and D. Anderson brings that.


    Trent has not shown anything that can make you say he is our indisputable QB of the future, so why not bring in someone for some competition. Sage, your posts show you actually think about the game, even if we don't agree on a topic your posts still are insightful and have logic behind your thoughts and reasoning on your stance...So, I would imagine even you would have to agree that Trent has not shown enough for anyone to say we are set at QB.


    What if we packaged a deal for both D. Anderson and Winslow? Say a trade of McGee and maybe a mid round pick (assuming and only assuming we brought Greer back)...

  8. david carr are you freaking serious,LOL. by the way kirwin and ryan were just talking about the free agent QB's and kirwin mentioned JP. ryan answered that from watching that cat i dont even think he can be a back up and kirwin said correct again.


    just like i have been saying i think we have seen the last of JP in the NFL. IMO and in theirs his only chance is as a vet minimum third string clip board holder.


    yesterday mike lombardi wrote about his top 10 free agent QB's and he did not include JP in that list either. JP's agent has his work cut out for him.


    When did I ever say "bring him in"? All I said was that 2 of the QB's that a lot of people on this board thought we might bring in were already off the market...I never said he was on my wish list...


    Personally, all the obtainable QB's look pretty sad...Garcia and Leftwhich are 2 of the better choices, and they still are terrible choices. The only decent option I can see is Detroit cutting Culpepper. We had interest in Culpepper before, so I think if they cut him then he could be worth looking at. Same with Jon Kitna.


    All in all, it looks pretty bleak out there barring any major surprises. So Trent, you better Cowboy the F*ck Up and step your game up for once or this team is sunk in 09.

  9. Seriously, you guys are arguing about the potential of a guy who has one season under his belt. And a QB on top of that.


    Anyone here who can make the claim that Cassel will be this or that is just blowing smoke because there is NO WHERE near enough to make any of those claims to greatness or mediocrity. The claims of mediocrity are even more absurd though given how well he played this year in his first game time experience since High School...


    Seriously, think about that for a moment...since HIGH SCHOOL...Do you think the competition is a little stiffer in the NFL than high school? Say what you want about the team he is on, but NE had injuries to its O Line, RB, and TE and the kid still stepped into the most high profile QB spot in the NFL on a previously undefeated team with the whole world watching and still produced an 11 win season and some pretty good stats. I would kill for a QB with his stats in Buffalo this year...


    The guy talking about how Brady behind the same line had so many fewer sacks than Cassel doesnt know much about Brady. Brady is considered one of the most mobile QB's in football...not in terms of scrambling, but in terms of moving around the pocket to avoid pressure. BRADY makes that O Line look good, in fact, Jaws said in an NFL piece 2 years ago that Brady was the most mobile QB in the NFL and showed a whole video segment to show his point. So, its not really fair to point out sack totals on a first year QB compared to one of the best, if not the best, QB in the pocket in the whole NFL.


    Cassel has some real potential...how far he will go is yet to be seen, but there is no denying there is considerable potential there, especially with the Poise he showed this year under the microscope. Didnt hurt that he got to learn from one of the best QB's to play the game ever...

  10. David Carr in NY and McCown in TB are already off the market be resigning with their respective clubs, and those were 2 QB's that many believed might wind up here...


    Honestly, I dont see much hope in the FA market for a QB. If Det takes a QB, maybe they will cut Culpepper and we can look at him. But outside of that, Garcia and Leftwich seem to be the most capable, but after them, no one really gives me much confidence.

  11. I respectfully disagree.


    Jabari Greer is a FA and likely won't be retained

    Terrence McGee and Ashton Youboty are in the final year of their respective deals

    Only Leodis McKelvin and Reggie Corner are under contract past the '09 season


    It's not outlandish at all for Buffalo to pick a cornerback early in the draft. You don't have to like it, but it certainly would make some sense.


    Ok, I see your point. I fully expect us to resign Greer or Extend McGee prior to the draft. One of those 2 will be here long term come draft night, so that's why drafting a corner to me seems like a reach to me.


    Honestly though, I dont think the OP put that much thought into it and it was designed to get a rise out of people, but your analysis makes sense and is a good follow up post.

  12. The jets will probably trade up for a qb in the first round. That isn't any great shakes for us as I suppose to get a good qb they will need a top five pick. JP isn't anyone's idea of a starting qb right now and he'll be lucky to catch on with pretty much any team in a back up role.


    Top 5 pick? Both QB's will not be gone in the top 5...

  13. Whether Whitner was worthy of a top 10 pick has no bearing on this topic either. We're never getting that pick back and the fact that it doesn't seem possible to discuss Whitner without it coming up is very frustrating. The more interesting question to me is how does Whitner stack up against other starting safeties in the league? Is he going to be worth the cost to extend his contract in a year or so? What would it take to replace him if the Bills decide to go that route? None of those questions have anything at all to do with his draft position or who the Bills could've taken instead.


    Great Post and why I posted a few back that said his biggest knock was his draft slot. If he was drafted 15 slots later, 90% of these conversations wouldnt happen, at least not to this degree.


    His stats get knocked A LOT, but the way he is used he isnt going to be putting up INT's. His play is also greatly affected by our play up front and lack of pressure. Safeties benefit greatly from QB pressure and the ability to take away the underneath route. Whitner is not being used as a ball hawk in our system because of the weaknesses we have up front.

  14. A lot of people say "you take the best player available no matter what"



    If you take the best possible player avail, and the best player avail is a CB......then you take a CB, by that logic. I don't agree with it though. i believe you should factor need in there as well, but talent should be more important.


    So if NE franchises Cassel and Sanchez is there when they pick, should they take him as he would likely be the best player available at that spot in the draft?


    We are deep at CB, we dont need a CB. Not to mention, speculating that a player is the "best player available" is all in the eye of the beholder...


    The only possible scenario I can see us taking a CB in round 1 is IF and only IF, we trade McGee before the draft because of his upcoming free agency in 2010. I still seriously doubt they do select a CB in round 1 with Youboty and Corner looking promising and having Leodis and Greer (they would have obviously resigned him if they traded McGee).

  15. I can't help but think that Whitners biggest knock is that we took him over Ngata. If Ngata is gone or if we had traded down 10 slots and grabbed Whitner, I seriously doubt there is this much criticism and talk about him.


    He is a young up and coming safety, who is a vocal leader and about the only guy on D trying to give us some swagger. He is considered to be a tough nosed SS and one of the better young safeties in the game. Does he have to improve some parts of his game, sure...but he is a pretty good safety as is.


    Honestly, he will become more effective once we shore up the front 7 with a health LB core and an actual pass rush (something that makes players like Troy and Reed so dangerous) and we solidify the FS spot.


    If we offered him in trade, we would be getting a lot of calls.

  16. Just saw the Yahoo mock draft showing both Stafford and Sanchez going in the top 10...interesting, it just furthers my point with this thread...it actually this helps us two ways if these QB's are both graded top 10 come draft time...one it helps push blue chips down the board if both do go in top 10 and also increases the demand for our spot at 11 if one does land with us giving us a realistic trade down scenario for once if neither Orakpo, Brown, or Raji are not there for us at 11.


    As a result of both going in top 10, Brown is there for us. KC and SF are both threats to take Brown...but in this scenario, they both go QB and Brown slides to us. I am not sold both go QB though as Thigpen and Hill showed growth, and may feel they have more pressing needs like DE and DT.

  17. C'mon Senator. You're usually spot on but:


    The primary receiver was knocked down almost immediately upon the snap.


    JP then had two choices, quickly throw the ball away or eat it. He chose door number 3 which was to hold the ball carelessly and allow for the worst possible case scenario.


    If you're going to apportion blame, Peters gets maybe 5%. The rest is on JP. It was a quick developing rollout and JP yet again, held onto the ball way too long.


    Agreed :w00t:

  18. OK, let's give you that one, for a moment. So, on the basis of ONE play, with an injured shoulder, Whitner had poor technique and got badly injured by a helmet to the shoulder. That's your evidence for the sweeping statement that he is soft in the box? Are you freaking serious? Have you never seen great LBs get blown up by backs, occasionally? Have you never seen an outstanding player make a mistake in technique, or be out of position? To conclude that Whitner is soft in the box and/or gets blown up there, you'd better come with a body of evidence. That's what i call a fluke play.


    I totally agree with you on this Dean...


    Whitner is actually considered one of the better hitting safeties in the league. One play doesnt erase that. Ray Lewis has been run over, does that make him weak in the box. It happens...just like in basketball where even the best shot blockers get caught out of position and dunked on...it happens.


    Your other post about INT's was also good...

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