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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. You have to factor in the guys up front who are supposed to be blocking for that QB supposedly allowing them to disect defenses and get the ball out without too much harrassment from the opposing team's front. That hasn't really happened. In another thread they're comparing TrINT to Derek, but all I'm saying is look at the guy's OL. Last year Cleveland was a top 5 OL. That's when DA put up MOST of those #'s.


    Last year the Cleveland O Line struggled, however, Dereks better stats did come when the O Line was playing much better, so you are right about the O Line.


    Like I said though, QB isnt the only factor, however, its been the biggest factor. Our O Line has played good enough for our QB's to produce better than they have. In fact, in 2007, Peters had a dominating year and our QB production was still terrible even though he was the one protecting his back.


    There are a lot of reasons we dont win, but QB has been the biggest factor by far...someone posted if DJ wasnt on the sidelines we win 9 games instead of 7...guess what, NE won 11 games and didnt make the playoffs, so winning 9 only gets us a lower draft pick...BETTER QB play wins us 5 more games and the division crown...(cle, Jets, Mia, NE and SF)...

  2. What does Matt Cassel's mother think about our QB situation? And which pilots are you working on right now?


    Question: If Matt Cassel receives the franchise tag, doesn't his mother get some credit for her son's success?


    And if you're handling cameras for a pilot that never gets the air, do you and Matt Cassel's mother get an IMDB credit?


    An even dumber response...but I would expect nothing else from you as your posts frequently mock others and offer no real intelligence to any conversation...


    I love how when someone provides you with actual facts and evidence you either dont reply anymore or reply with personal attacks that have no bearing to the topic becuase you have nothing intelligent to say...


    Your name says Billsvet but you post like you are 12 years old...

  3. Oh look, it's another Trent bash thread from Betadog.




    Nice insightful response...


    I find it amusing that when ever you present the delusional Trent is so great posters with actual facts and in game play, they either dont respond or come back with some lame post like this...


    Why is that? Maybe because you can't argue with the stats? QB is one of the few positions that stats tell the bulk of the story...


    Also, notice how you made it about Trent and I made it about COMBINED QB play, not just Trent even though the bulk of those stats are from Trent as he had 24 starts to JP's 8...

  4. The point is Buffalo needs a top notch experienced TE who can stretch the field, block, and give his QB a comfort zone. Just about every productive offense has a great receiving threat at tight end. Want to free up your receivers and backs give the defense a Heath Miller to worry about.


    Tight End is a major need, but giving up a 1st and a 3rd for Heath Miller is crazy talk...not to mention he is not even remotely available...then again, if some team was dumb enough to give up a first and a third Pitt may have to bite...


    Miller is good, but NOT Elite...A first and a third could probably land Boldin who would be a much better pick up...


    Again, this is silly, Miller isnt even remotely available... :)

  5. I would in a heart beat give up a #1 and possibly a 3 or 4 to get TE Heath Miller from Pittsburgh. Anybody agree? Who would you trade a pic for?


    What? A first and a third for Miller? Are you kidding? He is a good TE, but the day he fetches that much in trade is the day Rob Johnson comes out of retirement and leads the Bills to a SB title...


    Second, the other poster is right on...why not speculate on trading for Payton Manning because he is about as available as Miller...

  6. Ok, I am just so baffled by those who claim QB is not the problem and blame everything on DJ, Ralph, Peters, or DE...So I am going to spell it out for you right here in black and white...QB PRODUCTION...of should I say LACK of production has been the biggest factor to our losing seasons the last 2 years. Not saying, DE isnt a major need, or that DJ didnt make mistakes, but no other factor has held this club back as much as QB production...


    Seriously look at these stats. These are the combined stats of JP and Trent for the last 2 seasons where all the blame is being put on DJ...Once you see these stats, ask yourself "How can a coach win in the NFL with this little producton and insane amount of turnovers from his QB's, the most important position on the field?" Not to mention, this is with our staff being incredibly cautious with our QB's and limiting the risks they take, yet they still turn the ball over an embarrasing amount of times...



    Yards: 2834 = 177 yards per game

    TD's: 11

    INT's 14

    TD:INT ratio: .79:1

    Sacks: 26



    Yards: 3283 = 205 yards per game

    TD's: 13

    INT's: 15

    TD:INT ratio: .87:1

    Sacks: 38


    Summary, in 32 games our QB's have passed for only 24 TD's total (unbelievably pathetic), 29 INT's (awful), have a TD:INT ratio less than 1:1 at .83:1, average ONLY 191.16 yards per game (incredibly pathetic) and have been sacked 64 times (or twice a game, not terrible, but not very good).


    Also, during that span, Trent has 5 LOST fumbles and JP has 6 LOST fumbles for another 11 turnovers...so TD to turnover ratio plummets to .60:1 when you factor that in...(horrendous)


    How is DJ supposed to win when in the last 32 games his QB's passed pathetically for:

    1. ONLY 24 TD's

    2. ONLY 191 yards per game

    3. Turned the ball over 40 times with 29 INT's

    4. Have TD:INT ratio of a pathetic .83:1

    5. Have been sacked 64 times


    Seriously? How? I know someone is going to argue that the coaching scheme was too predicatable and simple...well what the h*ll do you expect them to do with the passing scheme when the QB's are performing so poorly? Make it more complicated? Everytime they start showing confidence in the QB's and expand, they let the staff down and regress...therefore the scheme stays simple...


    So, please expalin to me how that HORRIBLE production is less of a factor than our sack total or our coaching staff...


    The fact we won 7 games both years is a MIRACLE when you also factor in the massive injuries in 2007 and the critical losses of Crowell and Schobel this year as well as the injuries to other players...Even if we had no injuries, winning 7 games either year with this pathetic QB production is still a miracle.


    Now for you Trent supporters...read carefully...THIS IS NOT A DISCUSSION OF WHAT TRENT WILL BE ONE DAY, ITS A DISCUSSION OF WHAT OUR BIGGEST PROBLEM WAS IN 2007 AND 2008. Potential has ZERO relevance when analyzing actual play on the field as potential is based on something that HAS NOT HAPPENED YET...and this discussion is on what has already happened.

  7. `

    Jauron puts his stamp of approval on the offensive design and game plan. A game plan that was usually very predictable and too easy to defend. An offense that tipped its hand run/pass the vast majority of the time. An offense that used less of the field in the passing game. An offense that allowed the other team too often to jam the line of scrimmage and stifle the running game. When you make it that easy for the opposing defense, they get more sacks, picks and fumbles. They also stop you from scoring. The stats tell the story. Certainly the players have a large role in the teams performance. Certainly this whole thread is all opinion. Three questions I ask.


    1. Do we feel the schemes Jauron deploys puts pressure on the other team and makes it difficult for them to prepare to play the Bills?

    2. Do we feel Jauron gets the most from his player talent?

    3. Do we have any reason to think that Jauron with better talent can ever lead an NFL team to a playoff win?


    For me the answer is easily "no" to all three.


    Fair Questions...here is my response:


    1. Do you think Jauron is forced to scheme to the limitations of his QB's?

    2. Do you think the QB has shown Jauron and his staff enough to trust him to take chances?

    3. The answer to #3 is yes...with atrocious QB play, and it has been atrocious, just scroll up and see the stats...24 TD's and 40 turnovers from QB's alone in last 2 seasons...and ALL the critical injuries, he still managed to pull out 2 7 win seasons and was in playoff hunt deep into both seasons. With better QB play we win FIVE more games this year (Cle, SF, Jets, Mia, and NE) and that puts us in first place and in the playoffs. We were only blown out of one game and our inept passing attack blew 5 VERY winnable games for us...

  8. Get off your anti-Trent kick. You're making yourself out to be a broken record.


    Trent Edwards is a polar opposite from Jeff Garcia. There is no comparison.


    If you think the QB is the biggest problem with this franchise you're fooling yourself.


    Oh really now Billsvet...hmmm, lets just look at combined QB play in 2007 and 2008 for Buffalo between Trent and JP (mos of this is Trent)



    Yards: 2834 = 177 yards per game (a joke for an NFL team)

    TD's: 11

    INT's 14

    TD:INT ratio: .79:1

    Sacks: 26



    Yards: 3283 = 205 yards per game

    TD's: 13

    INT's: 15

    TD:INT ratio: .87:1

    Sacks: 38


    Summary, in 32 games our QB's have passed for only 24 TD's total (unbelievably pathetic), 29 INT's (awful), have a TD:INT ratio less than 1:1 at .83:1, average ONLY 191.16 yards per game (incredibly pathetic) and have been sacked 64 times (or twice a game, not terrible, but not very good).


    Also, during that span, Trent has 5 LOST fumbles and JP has 6 LOST fumbles for another 11 turnovers...so TD to turnover ratio plummets to .60:1 when you factor that in...(horrendous)


    But you are right Billsvet, thats top notch production and in NO WAY a problem on this team...come on now, even you have to admit that is atrocious!


    That is not the production of a winning team, that is the production of a 3 win team, and its a minor miracle that we amassed 7 wins both seasons...and that is not even factoring all the injuries we had on our D...


    Until that QB production changes we are doomed to be below .500. You CAN NOT WIN IN THIS LEAGUE WHEN YOU HAVE 40, YES 40 TURNOVERS FROM YOUR QB'S AND ONLY 24 PASSING TD'S IN 32 GAMES and average LESS THAN 200 YARDS PASSING OVER 2 WHOLE SEASONS!


    I mean come on...I know you are about as stubborn as they come with this Trent thing, but even you have to admit that it is atrocious and we will never win with that kind of production.\


    You were right about one thing though...Garcia is the polar opposite of Trent...He is a good QB and Trent is not, at least not up to this point he hasnt...

  9. Just an FYI: Here is the combined QB production in 2007, and 2008 for Buffalo QB's Trent and JP



    Yards: 2834 = 177 yards per game

    TD's: 11

    INT's 14

    TD:INT ratio: .79:1

    Sacks: 26



    Yards: 3283 = 205 yards per game

    TD's: 13

    INT's: 15

    TD:INT ratio: .87:1

    Sacks: 38


    Summary, in 32 games our QB's have passed for only 24 TD's total (unbelievably pathetic), 29 INT's (awful), have a TD:INT ratio less than 1:1 at .83:1, average ONLY 191.16 yards per game (incredibly pathetic) and have been sacked 64 times (or twice a game, not terrible, but not very good).


    Also, during that span, Trent has 5 LOST fumbles and JP has 6 LOST fumbles for another 11 turnovers...so TD to turnover ratio plummets to .60:1 when you factor that in...(horrendous)!


    But you are all right, DJ is out biggest problem...or DE is why we are not in the playoffs...LMAO! You can't be serious...


    I mean seriously, name one coach in this league that can win with that? In all honesty, with that kind of production from our QB spot the last 2 years (and that is not even mentioning the injuries to key players like Schobel, Crowell, Poz, Reed, etc during the same span) it is a MIRACLE we even won 7 games either season...


    But go ahead, put your blinders on and keep putting it all on DJ even though our QB's played at the combined level of a 3 win team...

  10. That makes sense. Even if his bonus is about $10 mil, which sounds about right, he will make over $14 mil, counting his bonus and salary, this year.


    Agreed...I mean I may be wrong and some team might over value him and offer him some insane contract with a huge bonus, but I just don't see a team giving him top 5 QB money after only 1 season, but I have seen way crazier things like Nate Clements becoming the highest paid defensive player of all time when he signed his contract...

  11. It's a one-year deal. Cassel could rework his contract for a 4-5 year deal worth far more than that, with probably $10-15 million in signing bonuses, and a big salary (but, not $14 mil per year big). Are you suggesting another team would trade a first round pick, or more, in order to get Cassel for ONE YEAR at $14 and have him be a FA at the end of the year? My understanding is, when you trade a franchise player, his contract is usually reworked into a longer deal.


    I think you misread my post Dean...I was agreeing with you and disagreeing with the other poster who said the $14 million being a starting point for his bonus. I don't forsee him getting something bigger thant the $14 mil in bonus...I would say something near $10 is more likely.


    Any team trading for him wont do so without a long term deal negotiatied first...again, we totally agree on this.


    Word out of the Cassel camp is they would like a 3 or 4 year deal so he can have a shot at 3 big contracts instead of 2 given his age of this first one...a popular stance ever since Fitz worked his contract situation to maximize the number of big contracts he can get over his career.

  12. Trent was in his "second" year as a starter- even if you have a good team, you still tend to struggle at that point. Even if you have the immortal Roscoe Parrish, who is Wes Welker, Deacon Jones and Eddie Munster all rolled into one


    Lets compare the first 24 games of D. Anderson's career vs. the first 24 games for Trent's career as thats all he has, and D. Anderson has only 31 games total, but rather than look his totals since he has more games, lets compare the first 24 to Trents first 24...


    Number of games passing for MORE than 200 yards:

    Trent: 9 times

    Derek: 13 times


    Number of 300yrd + games:

    Trent: 0

    Derek: 3


    Number of MULTI TD (more than 1) games:

    Trent: 3 (out of 24 games, just 3)

    Derek: 13


    Games with ZERO passing TD's:

    Trent: 11 (almost HALF of his games he has ZERO passing TD's)

    Derek: 5


    Total TD's during this span:

    Trent: 18

    Derek: 37


    Total INT's during this span:

    Trent: Only 18

    Derek: 33


    TD:INT Ratio:

    Trent: 1:1

    Derek 1.12:1


    Passing yards during this span:

    Trent: 4,329 (Only 180.38 per game)

    Derek: 5,123 (213.46 per game)


    Number of times sacked:

    Trent: 35

    Derek: 30


    So with an indepth analysis of the two QB's who have had similar paths, Derek grossly outperforms Trent in almost every category. The only category Trent has better than Derek in is INT's, but even with that, Derek still has a better TD to INT ratio. This is also grossly affected by Derek's more daring approach to push the ball down field while Trent tends to dump off safe underneath routes more often.


    So, how exactly is Trent superior and how is a guy who averages just 180 yards per game, and has thrown for less than 200 yards in a game in almost 50% of his starts as a Buffalo Bill somehow our savior and answer at QB? You want to really get sick to your stomach, compare the first 24 starts of Cutler, Rivers, and some other young QB's in the league, and you will see Trent is near the bottom every time.


    He has NOT been very good to this point...he may be good TOMORROW, but he wasnt very good YESTERDAY and actually got worse as the season went on. So I for one would welcome a QB like Derek who has statistically outperformed Trent in just about every way, even less sacks, who could ultimately push Trent for the starting gig...

  13. I would say yes, however he would want a signing bonus upfront that would probably match the $14+ million at least.


    And what do you base this on?


    His contract is that big by default of the franchise designation...has no impact or relevance on any long term deal being negotiated. The contract is a reflection of what the top 5 paid QB's are making, not what he is worth...


    Cassel isnt going to pass up a lucrative long term deal and a starting position to keep this one year deal. His value wont be as high next year if he Brady comes back and Cassel rides the pine all year or if Brady doesnt make it back and he comes out and doesnt show further improvement.

  14. Boldin ? haha! this guy is not the answer. you are telling me to trade for this guy? he is mad all the time whether its the front office or the sidelines. he wants more money when hes under contract for two more years!!!! hes not close to fitzys status. trust me ya dont want him. this guy must be on the same thing these baseball players are on. mood swings? roido!


    Huh? You must be kidding...


    Boldin is a top 5 WR and plays his tail off. He is mad at the FO over broken promises, and you would be too. He was mad for not being on the field on the most important drive in Cardinals history because the staff was worried his injury would limit him when he felt fine...and you would be too.


    Boldin has been a class act for most of his career and sacrifices himself for the team. Did he hold out like Peters? No, he played through the year and honored his contract despite the broken promise from the front office to redo it. He even came back after a horrendous injury almost ended his career in under 2 weeks and played with screws in his face...he even kept going over the middle and kept his production way up.

  15. I know he had a down year, and I know he’s not getting any younger (is anybody?), but how would TSW Nation feel about Torry Holt as the answer to Buffalo’s No. 2 WR situation?


    He’s likely to be released as part of St. Louis’ get-younger movement, but still has significant value as a possession receiver. Plus, I believe having a viable No. 1 threat opposite him (please allow the “Evans sucks” argument to be debunked in another thread) would at least give Holt more opportunity to make plays against one-on-one coverage. It also wouldn’t hurt to give the quarterback another veteran presence in the passing game.


    What say you, TSW?




    I like it. There are only a few scnearios I can see that make sense for bringing in a #2 and those are if they are a player the caliber of TJ, Boldin, or Holt. Outside of those 3, I dont see an available WR that would be worth bringing. Reed is as good or even better than most available (not better than these 3 I listed here) and bringing in someone that isnt a significant upgrade would be a bad move as it stunts the growth of our younger guys like Johnson who move further down the depth chart.


    Holt has a lot left in the tank and could be very productive for at least another few years. I would love this pick up if it happened. TJ, is a lock to either go to Philly or stay in Cincy. We could get Boldin (assuming Philly gets TJ, otherwise Philly goes hard after Boldin), but its going to cost a lot. So Holt, would be a nice addition that would likely be a reasonable price.

  16. And that "year" wasn't even. Look at the game logs, he completely faded down the stretch after the hot start to 2007. I really don't understand how people who don't like Edwards think they will be happy with Anderson. Overall career stats look pretty similar to me and Edwards has at least moved in the right direction while Anderson has gotten worse. Maybe we ought to just stick with the guy whose already on the team, huh?


    The problem here is that Trent got worse, not better, as you like to see it in your post. So bringing someone in who could push him for the starting spot might help elevate Trents game.

  17. Jerry Porter got released today from Jacksonville - he's down to his last chance, if we want to give it to him.






    What is with the posters on this board trying to bring in players who played WORSE than Reed last year (and in years pasts) to replace Reed?


    Bryant, R. Williams, Clayton, and now Porter? None of these guys amassed 50 catches last year...3 didnt even get 40...reed had 56 in 13 games playing in an inept passing game where our QB (both Trent and JP) struggled to find open WR's and provide and consistent vertical threat.


    Yet, you want to bring them in to replace a MORE productive guy who KNOWS the system and bump our young guys like Johnson out of the rotation so they don't get the much needed experience to develop.


    This time next year you same posters will be BLASTING the FO for bringing in these unproductive bumbs...

  18. Give him Adrian Peterson's Line and you will see 1500 yards a season.


    Give Jackson AP's line and you will also see 1500 yards...


    In fact, any of these backs would run for 1500+ yards in Minny:





    F. Jackson



    C. Johnson


    S. Jackson




    C. Taylor (as he did already before they took AP)





    So I ask you, whats your point? All of those backs are very capable of a 1500+ yard season behind the Minny line...and I am sure there are others too...

  19. Your just trying to justify your silly trade for Boldin. I'm sure you now hate reading anyting good about Marshawn.


    Way to be a buzzkill on Marshawn's Probowl game


    And just for your info...my comment was directed at yet another poster looking at his stats (as he didnt even watch the game) and looked at a 6 carry for 48 yard production in an EXHIBITION game as "production he has never seen out of Lynch before" and then going as far as to analyzing why..."coaching, blocking, play calling, or more motivated"...


    I mean seriously?


    It was an Exhibition Game...and to say he has never seen production like that out of him is just ridiculous...even questioning his motivation when he has been the most determined player on our team every Sunday he has suited up for us? Absurd...


    Come on...first off, it was only 48 yards (19 of which came on one carry)...second, he has had way better games for us than this...so to act like a 6 carry, 48 yard game is "production that we have never seen from Lynch" is just an insult to Lynch and how hard he plays every week.


    So, my post wasnt knocking Lynch, it was supporting Lynch...the other guy was the one acting all shocked...that was the buzz kill on Lynch...

  20. Your just trying to justify your silly trade for Boldin. I'm sure you now hate reading anyting good about Marshawn.


    Way to be a buzzkill on Marshawn's Probowl game


    What? I like Marshawn a lot...I swear, it's like you never even read that post and just make up whatever story about it you want. I said many times I like him and think he is a very good back. My thread on trading for Boldin was based on the fact that to get Elite talent like Boldin we are going to have to give back high value. Considering what Roy Williams went for and what was offered to Cincy (2 #1's for Ocho Cinco...they said no), it becomes clear that acquiring Boldin, who is way better than either of those players, will take a lot.


    Lynch is great, but we have a very capable RB behind him who could step into his starting spot and be nearly as productive as Lynch, and quite possibly even more productive overall when you factor in Jackson catches passes better. If you actually read or paid any attention to what you were reading, you would see we don't have a differing opinnion on Lynch, we had a differing opinnion on how capable Jackson is and if our running game could be productive with Jackson.


    The talent level of Jackson, and the ease to find productive RB's (in comparisson to WR's) makes Lynch a commodity we could afford to lose if we were getting back Elite talent at a position of need. Boldin is ELITE and would be the perfect compliment to Evans and fit perfect into our passing game. He would instantly become the best player on this team...


    I don't want to trade Lynch, however, if we could get Boldin, then yes, I say do it all day long.


    Boldin is a MAJOR upgrade over Reed and even an upgrade over Evans becuase he is more physical.


    The dropoff from Lynch to Jackson is minor. Jackson runs nearly as hard as Lynch and is actually better at hitting the whole (Lynch's only real negative) and is better in the passing game. Lynch is a top 10 back in this league, no doubt, but if Jackson was starting he would be a top 10 back too.


    So if we can get a MAJOR upgrade at a skill position and only face a small drop off at another, then why wouldnt we do it.

  21. Yeah, I'd be game for anything involving us acquiring Winslow. Minor personality issues aside (really, all he ever did was say some stupid stuff in college) he might very well be the most talented TE in the game. Offensively speaking, he's one of those great WR/TE hybrids in the passing game and he can also block. As far as Anderson is concerned, he has shown promise but his 28 INTs in about 1.5 seasons as a starter is pretty scary. On top of that, his career completion percentage is just 54%. Right now, I'd put Trent a level above him.


    And no, I'm not opposed to Trent having a little competition and Anderson could provide that. I'm definitely not 100% sold on Trent, but from what I've heard Jauron and the rest of the team are sold on him. That's really all that counts.


    In summation, I'd rather see a veteran backup than Anderson, but if Winslow is involved we should sign on the dotted line ASAP.


    Yeah, D. Anderson has question marks too...I just dont see much else out there that could push him for a starting spot, and I think Trent needs that too. I wouldnt advocate a big trade to get him, but if we can package a deal with him and Winslow, I would say get er done asap.


    What do you think of bringing in either Culpepper or Kitna? Det will cut one, if not both, for sure this offseason...I dont see many better options over either of those two, and both could actually push Trent for the job...

  22. I did not watch the pro bowl. I did see that Marshawn led all rushers with 48 yards on six carries. I do not recall this kind of statistical production from him ever. So what was the difference? Coaching? Play calling? Better blocking? or was he just more motivated? I can not think of anything else that it could possibly be. I know most of you will call it coaching/play calling. Others would blame poor line play. I do not think any one would blame Marshawn of holding back during the season and then showing out at the pro bowl. He always runs hard.


    Personnaly I think it is a mixture of all the above (of course!!!). Mostly though I blame the offensive line. More specifically the center position. It is hard to run when the center is being pushed back on a regular basis. I wanted Alex Mack really really bad because of this. The eleventh pick is much too high, so trade down or trade up in the second (into the first round if necessary). Fortunately we can wait and see because there is another center that is as dominant or more, Unger? I think his name is. So after we draft our first pick the second one of these guys are taking, no matter what else we have planned trade up to get the other. I hope we can wait and one will fall to us, but do not take that chance. Go get the other a dominant force at center would make our offense be much much better.


    LMAO...he had 48 yards...geezus...I mean he had 50 yards on a single carry against SF...reading too much into a 48 yard performance in an exhibition game...

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