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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. really? he seemed to to accept it very well with tennessee.


    having said that, I don't want him.


    He was actually a distraction on the sidelines, often sulking and being completely checked out during the games. Rather than trying to learn from Kerry he pouted and had his character question because of it.


    I think he would be a problem here...

  2. Disagree from the WR standpoint:


    Hardy unproven and hurt - we have no idea what we have here

    Justin Jenkins is a st'er only

    Parrish - please - he has had five years in the league and done nothing as a WR (anther St'er only)



    This means half our depth at WR is unproven or special teams only. Add to this Reed is not getting any younger. Johnson may (and I know many in this board are in man love with the dude) but still only may be an answer. Even if he is, if he, Evans or Reed gets hurt (a likely scenario that one will during the course of a season) what are we left with?


    WR is definately a need on this team.


    Personally, for what it is worth I think Parrish should be traded to free up a roster spot and Hardy is likey to be on IR this upcoming season.


    You make a good case, and have a good point actually. A WR for depth would be good given your case here, but I just dont want to see some bumb like a Bryant, Porter, Williams, etc come in and hold up Johnsons development. Johnson should be no lower than the #3 guy this year...hopefully he can even step up and become our #2, but he should be at the least be our #3.


    Of course, if we can get a top caliber WR like Boldin or TJ, then by all means, that would be sick...

  3. Unless the Bills get another WR that can pull the double coverage off of Evans, we are never going to find out if Edwards can throw past 15-20 yards.


    That being said, I think a legitimate pass-catching TE would be a big plus for the offense.


    What about the other WR's standing running wide open that Trent doesnt see because he checks down as his read progression is still pretty poor?


    Our WR's seem worse because Trent has yet to develop enough to utilize them...so unless we bring in a Boldin, TJ, etc type player, our WR core is fine...Tight End is a bigger need, especially given Trents comfort in looking in the shorter zones...


    Let me know when Manning can play consistently well in the Post Season and then you can make a case for him. I know he has a SB, but so does Trent Dilfer. Overall he has not very good in the post seasons. There was an interesting article about it on ESPN.com recently about why Warner is better than Manning and it was in direct reflection of Warners high level of play in the postseason in both AZ and St Louis while Manning tends to fizzle out.


    Manning is great, and top 3 QB in our league (one can argue who is 1, 2, and 3 between him, Warner, Brees, and Brady right now) but he won't start knocking some of the other top people off that All Time list until he can start finding his groove more in the post season. This is the very reason why Brady has to be considered the best QB in football and in my opinnion, one of the best of all time, maybe even top 5.


    While Manning is clearly a great quarterback, I wouldnt be able to say he is ahead of those other guys and put him in top 5...I definitley would put him top 20, but until he starts playing better in post season, I would be reluctant to move him much higher...but top 20 all time is still pretty darn good and I would take him in a heartbeat.


    Farve though is not top 10 all time IMO, and I am not sure he is even top 20, plus I would definitely put Manning ahead of Farve. He was fun to watch, but he was as dangerous to your own team as he was to his opponents team the last half of his career.

  5. Looks like the Browns are thinking of CUTTING Anderson if they cant trade him. Read an article on cnnsi.com just now that speculated on the Jets interest in Anderson once he is CUT by Browns...


    We must give him a serious look or even make him our prime target as a backup if he is cut and we can sign him to a more appropriate deal. I just dont see anyone else out there who would be a better option. He could push Trent for the job or possibly give us some insurance if Trent doesnt progress this year.

  6. no, Alpo is JP's stepmother's friends son


    Another typical post by you...FYI, you mispelled your name...should be a "t" not an "x"...its cool, typo's happen...


    Like theBug (who works really hard to live up to his name), that was real original *coughing sarcastically*


    Judging by the lame substance of most of your posts (or should I say mocks), I guess it would be unreasonable for me to expect you to come up with something any more intelligent, original, or interesting than this lame post you use constantly...


    My apologies for grossly over estimating your abilities...shame on me...

  7. Go back in history if you will and let me know how teams play in Denver one December rolls around, let alone any other time in that air. Your posts would indicate that you know enough about football to realize that it sucks to play in Denver, especially when the bad weather starts.


    Their teams have historically been built for that climate, unlike the Dick Levy Bills.


    Um, first issue I have is you are talking about history in Denver, not the 2008 Broncos...


    Second issue I have is that we play in pretty crappy weather in Buffalo, so if anyone should be prepared its us considering how our winters are and how the winters are in many of our divisional games...


    Denver does have the altitude problem, but I wouldnt say weather gives Den an edge over us as we play in the same weather and should be fully prepared for it.

  8. I live in CA and have no connection to the flight or people who lost their lives, but I have experienced sudden loss in my life and understand what a tragedy this is for those it has touched. All my prayers go out to those who lost their life in this terrible tragedy and my heavy heart goes out to the families who lost someone today. My deepest condolonces...


    Much love from CA...

  9. Well, since you seem to want to make the debate about symantics and not about Edwards lousy play, let's look at it, shall we? Edwards didn't play against Miami or the Jets, so it would appear that the "stretch" for his season would include all the games I mentioned, wouldn't it? Since, you know, he played in all or parts of 14 games, and those would be the last 7 in which he played. Unless, of course, you want to count the games he didn't play among his not-so-poor performances too. That, at least, would lend some credence to your side of the debate.


    Yes, I included the SF game, so I suppose I should have said "every game against a NFL-caliber team down the stretch". I find it positively laughable that you're going to point to a game against one of the worst 3 teams in football as the indicator that Edwards is the long-term answer at QB. If you want to include that game and the Denver game, then go for it. That makes 2 out of the last 7 (or "stretch" games, as they would very appropriately be called) in which he played well enough for the team to win. That's not good enough.


    But again, you want to boil it down to your assumption that I simply don't want to give Trent a fair shake. That's just dumb. Really dumb. I am a Bills fan, why wouldn't I want the guy to be good? I do. I'd love for him to play winning football, especially against teams that don't suck. At some point, you have to look around the league and ask yourself how much of a "fair shake" you need to give the guy. I see Joe Flacco winning games with Baltimore. How about Matt Ryan? It didn't take Ben Roethlisberger long to start winning, did it? Philip Rivers went to the playoffs in his first year as a starter (2nd in the league). Even Tarvaris Jackson got his team to the playoffs this year. But Edwards beats up on some awful teams, gets manhandled by every opponent with a top 16 defense, and somehow we're supposed to believe that he's the guy.


    Sorry folks, I'm not buying it.




    Also, to add to your post...in how many of these so called "good" games by Trent did he pass for more than 1TD? Hmmm...just one, KC and it was for 2 which is also the only time he did that this year and only the 3rd time in his career he had more than 1.


    How many of these good games had him throw for 300 yards? Um, ZERO...Good games for Trent are very modest games for good QB's...the history of terrible QB play in Buffalo seems like it has blinded people to take average games against way below average Defenses and some how prop them up to be outstanding games.


    Its sad when his best games would be considered off days in comparison to other good QB's considering the competition he was playing against...and yet this is the only thread people hold on to in order make the outlandish claim that he is somehow already playing good ball, has that "IT" about him, and hillariously draws comparison for his poise to legends like Montanna and Brady. The very poise that escaped him anytime even modest pressure was brought...

  10. Dude, Losman is a losing QB. Edwards isn't great but he puts the team in better position to win. Please explain how both TE and Kelly Holcomb can step in for Losman and deal at least .500 records with the same team while JP was well below .500???


    TE isn't great but he is a better QB than JP. Just accept it. :(


    Uh, when did I say JP was any good? JP blows, and this thread was dedicated to the combined performance of both QB's and even stated JP played even worse than Trent this year...


    The only thing I have ever said was that JP's 2006 is better than any body of work Trent has put up thus far, but JP was still getting hammered that off season. Now that Trent has also had subpar performances, the same people who hammered JP are propping up Trent as if he is Brady or Montanna even though his on field performance has yet to show this...


    I am glad to see JP leave, not a right fit for him. Maybe he puts it together on another team, but its clear it wont happen here.

  11. It's ok JP, I'm sure you will catch on with another team.


    hmmm, considering I knocked JP in the same post...but ok...I love how this is how most people defend Trent...a stomp my feet and mock others and ignore his on field performance...


    Nice come back *sarcastic*


    Real Original *more sarcastic*


    Hope you didnt hurt yourself trying to think of that comeback, you know the one thats been used over and over again...

  12. Trent Edwards is one of 10 quarterbacks to have a winning record as a rookie (5-4).This thread is getting pretty long. I'm going to start a new one with this info.


    No offense, but I am so sick of this stat about his wins...A lot of those wins were INSPITE of TE, not because of TE...The guy has only 3 games, yes just a measly 3 games with MORE than 1 TD pass...he isnt going out and "winning" games for us. He also has passed for less than a measly 200 yards in 11 of his 23 full games...thats just about 50%...he has more games with ZERO TD's than he does with more than 1...and when your D is middle of the pack, you wont win many games if you cant put points up. Thankfully, our D and ST puts up some occassional points, or we would have only won 4 games this year...


    So much of the credit for the 4-0 start is unfairly given to him as if he was the catalyst. He played ok in the first two games and they looked promising, but the truth about the next is that he stunk it up against the Rams and Raiders until they went prevent in 4th quarter giving huge cushions to the WR's. In fact, even after his so called heroic 4th quarters in those games, his QB rating was still just 81 in both games because his first 3 qtrs had been so bad against bottom feeder teams. And in both those wins, he was bailed out by Greer, Mitchell, and also Lynch made some incredible play to extend the key drive on yet another check down by Trent 10 yards short of the first down...


    We should have never of had to come back on those teams, but his poor play through the bulk of those games had us behind and other people bailed us out, not just Trent. Sure, Trent did take part in those wins, and he made a couple of key passes, not taking that away from him, but we were playing from behind because he wasnt playing well. Just like JP stunk it up in SF game...We also almost won INSPITE of one the worst games I have ever seen by a QB when we played CLE...if we win that game, I am sure TE gets heroic praise too when if Lindell makes that kick even though we would have won that game INSPITE of Trent, not because of Trent...


    In no way, was he overly dominating or impressive in the better part of those games...I love how he gets so much credit in some of these wins, and avoids responsibility when we lose...

  13. Sometimes I feel like me and the rest of the city of Buffalo are watching 2 different QB's



    A few things...


    While Trent has played well, he has rarely been the most productive part of our offense


    I hate these end of the game drives that I guess makes him a "winner"...The results in those games are only because the defense plays prevent and all TE does is toss it to the check down. Its not hard to throw underneath when db are playing way off the WR.


    TE's struggles down the line- game tape. His inability to find recievers down the field means that defenses dont need to respect it. Take away the underneath and he doesnt go over top. IE Marshawns production when JP was behind center(thank the lord hes gone), cant crowd the line


    Trents Poise- where when what. blitz and hes done for, scared, nervous, blind...


    Trent is a winner... not in this post, but I have read it and heard it here a ton...what makes him a winner, is it his outstanding record as an NFL starter, or his stellar college career





    I am not saying TE is to blame, but in no way does he make anything better...the only improvement is he is not JP

    coaching is a huge issue, however its not like TE and Co. are operating at a really high level either




  14. Using your stats: we are looking at 191 ypg passing, 12 TD's, 14.5 INT's and 32 sacks as a basic average?


    Compare that to QB "X" who compiled 206 ypg, 17 TD's, 15 INT's and 46 sacks. The sacks would nearly offset the ypg difference and INT's are virtually identical. Trent has a QB rating five points higher while not having as many TD's.


    Great argument except this mythical QB just won the Super Bowl.


    The difference you are ignoring here as well as the poster who brought up Collins is that Pitt and Tenn have ELITE, dominating defenses coupled with a powerful running attack that can keep the score close where a few plays from the QB can pull out a win. Ben isnt asked to win games...he is there to balance the run game out and make plays when needed so his D and run game can run the clock out.


    The only way you can win in this league with such little production from your QB is with a dominating defense...we dont have that either...so we are not going to get very far unless Trent either takes a big leap forward or our D suddenly becomes a top 3 D....


    And the idea of comparing Big Ben to Trent as if they are similar is just crazy...there isnt a team in the league that would even consider Trent over Ben...

  15. awww


    sounds like someone's little feelings got hurt :w00t:


    get upset, and pout, then call some one infantile names.


    ok junior, I think mommy needs to use the computer, it's time to clean your room.


    Please, youre the king of obnoxious and insultive...actually, its a tie between you and senator...you two can figure out which of you is the Queen and which is the King...


    Thats like Courtney Love ragging on Amy Whinehouse for substance abuse...or Rob Johnson coaching JP on how not to take a sack...

  16. Excellent post.


    While i wont take away that you need good QB play (note, i said good QB play, not necessarily a good QB) to win a Super Bowl, it is much mroe important to build a team before searching for the elusive "franchise QB." Some QBs are simply that damn good out of college. Most aren't. So build a solid team and then go QB chasing.


    Ok, if QB is so hard to fill, and we can all agree it usally takes 2 to 3 years for a QB to really progress, how does builiding a team first, then developing a QB make sense? Unless your only goal is to be a mediocre team during that stretch and be a mild thought to maybe make the playoffs (sound familiar), you are going to need a QB. You dont want your team peaking in other areas and then go and try and fill the hardest position on the field to fill...


    In todays Free Agency and salary cap era, a teams window of opportunity is generally 3 to 4 years...so if we spend 2 or 3 seasons building up a team and then finally go out and try to find the QB and develop him, then by the time we finally develop a QB over a few seasons, the window is likely closed...

  17. You are combative, argumentative and you believe that you have to prove your point that your right every single time and if people don't agree with you, then you pout and argue some more.


    I think your popularity rating in here is just as impressive as G.W Bush


    Oh please...its a topic discussion thread, so because I DISCUSS the topic you want to label it as combative...sorry I dont just resort to the style of you "Magot", "The Janitor", and "Jillspet" and start slandering peeps on here and then move on to the next thread and do it all over again...


    Many times on here I have said great post to those who thought differently, I dont care if its right or wrong, just enjoy talking football...its the other posters who start the insults and combative approach...and guess what, it only happens when someone dare question the performance of the beloved Trent Edwards...its like blasphemy on here.


    I only get annoyed with jackoff posts like your usual...


    Funny, how my threads usually keep going and are generally full of football discussion with a few select trolls here and there...

  18. Dick Vermeil came in and turned the organization inside out.Bill Parcells came to town, new ownership, and they got Bill Belichick to come back.Mike Holmgren and Ron Wolf came to town. Holmgren taught Favre how to be a QB and to play in the WCO.Are you serious? The only reason Miami won last year was Pennington?! :w00t: So, football is an individual sport where success is defined simply by who is under center. Good. Drew Brees is a great QB, and how's that working out for ya?


    Yes, having a good QB is a good thing. But there are numerous counterexamples of teams that did very well with less than exceptional QBing and teams that failed in spite of great QBing (like Marino and Kelly), so your correlation has vanished before you started say nothing of your previously disproven causality.


    LMAO...ok, so Farve would have stunk without Holmgren...and Vermiel is why the rams won...lol...


    geezus...this is just getting hysterically bizarre...


    Is that you Joaquin Phoenix?

  19. It might not be an individual sport, but the QB position is a hell of alot more important then you & a few other posters on this board would like to have everybody believe. BTW, Dree Brees did lead the Saints to their only appearance in the NFC championship game a few years back.


    Exactly...funny thing was if JP had QB'd most of those games instead of Trent, they would all be trying to hang JP and blaming the QB as everyone did, even though JP's 2006 season is better than anything Trent has done thus far...

  20. So, by this theory Daunte Culpepper is the guy that held the Lions back to 0-16 but was also the guy that was good enough to lead the Vikings to a #1 seed in the salary cap era. Trent Dilfer was the guy that held the Bucs back but led the Ravens to a Super Bowl victory. Brett Favre won a Super Bowl in Green Bay but also held them back in seasons they stunk as he held back the Jets. Jeff Garcia has been to 4 Pro Bowls and led the 49ers to the playoffs as well as Tampa but held back 5 teams including the 49ers and Tampa. Rex Grossman dragged the Bears to a Super Bowl and has also held the Bears back ever since. Neal O'Donnell led the Steelers and held back the Jets. Bledsoe led the Patriots and held back 3 teams including the Patriots. Kurt Warner led the Rams and Cardinals to the Super Bowl but held the New York Giants back. I can go on...


    Football is a team game. The modern game is about coaching as much as it is about players. In the old NFL, teams lined up 11 on 11 and the better team prevailed. If you had Jim Brown, you had a guy that was physically dominant, you gave him the ball, he ran over everyone, and you won games and championships. Now, talent is much more evenly distributed and evolved. (If you don't believe it look at all the worst-to-firsts, late season runs, and teams that nobody predicts doing very well over the last few years -- indeed, the Bills are the anomaly in that they are one of the few dysfunctional organizations that seems to find a way to blow it each and every year.) Modern football is about match-ups, exploiting weaknesses, game planning, systems, play calling, sets, formations, packages, clock management, proper technique, keeping the team focused. And, guess what? The QB doesn't do any of that. That's why you see guys like Grossman, Johnson, Delhomme, Gannon, Dilfer, Collins, Chandler, McNair, Bledsoe, O'Donnell, and Humphries "drag their teams" all the way to the Super Bowl in the salary cap era. It's why winning teams and franchises that stay in the hunt invest in and pay for good front offices and coaches.


    This post doesnt even make sense...


    First off...St Louis and AZ were doormats in this league until um, who? Kurt Warner...


    Patriots were a doormat in this league until um, who? Bledsoe


    Green Bay had been a long time door mat to barely average team in the mordern era until um who? Farve


    Cowboys were one of the worst teams in the league until who? Aikman


    Miami has been terrible since the lost of who? Marino


    Indy struggled with relevancy until who? Manning


    Seattle was an inrrelevant doormat for years until who? Hasselbeck


    49ers were doormats until they got who? Joe Montanna


    What did Miami do last year? Squeeked out 1 win...what happened this year? They brought in Pennington and won the division behind his solid play that saw him win comeback player of the year...we have more talent at WR than him, a lot more...


    How did Denver do after Elway retired? What about Buffalo, how have we done since Kelly left?


    We can go on and on about teams who were bottom feeders in the league until they developed a productive QB. The lengths people will go to validate Trents lack of production is astounding...even trying to down play the one position that touches the ball EVERY single snap when in the game.


    I mean come on, the way you down play the significance of a QB is mind boggling. Sure teams like the Ravens won a SB with Dilfer, but it wasnt because of Dilfer, they won in spite of Dilfer with one of the greatest D's of all time allowing the Ravens to pass a low amount of times and pound the ball with Jamal Lewis. Same goes for the Bucs who won with an slightly above average QB in Johnson and a sufficating D that dominated the SB and the NFL that year.


    Look at the last 20 years of SB winners...tell me how many of those teams didnt have good QB's that year. You will NOT win in the NFL with kind of production we have had...there is no denying that no matter how much you want to. Doesnt mean Trent doesnt make a big leap, this thread had NOTHING to do with what he may become...just what plagued us to a back to back 7-9 record, and it wasnt about just Trent, it was about the overall QB play from him and JP...

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